2020-11-25 Commissioners Meeting

2020-11-25 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Amended Friday, December 11. 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Wednesday, November 25th, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone), Paula Doyle (by phone), Treasurer Dinah Reiss (by phone), Engineer Chris Albert, Engineer Brad Jones (by phone), Administrator Donna MacKinnon, and Administrator Lynne Baker taking minutes. The meeting was held at the Madison Town Hall and was filmed by Carol Dandeneau for Madison TV. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

1. Call to Order:

At 9:05 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.  

2. Agenda:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

3. Administration:

Reinach Tank Status Report – Brad Jones, of Jones & Beach Engineering, Chris Albert of CSA Engineering

DPW Report - Kelly Robitaille was not available to attend.

Floor was then turned over to Chris Albert, of CSA Engineering, and Brad Jones, of Jones & Beach Engineering.

Discussion of DN Water Tank and Winter Shut Down:

Brad Jones confirmed he received a response letter from DN Tanks stating that the tank could be left full for the winter had spoken with Rick Skarinka of DES, who agreed.

Brad conveyed that Rick had suggested Jake Dawson, of Dawson Excavating, issue a letter to all involved, requesting a winter shut down date, and if approved, that would be the official contractor stop date for the season.

Brad will reach out to Jake regarding Rick’s request.

Discussion of Final Seasonal Walkthrough:

Chris Albert indicated his attending the meeting this week was also to complete a second walkthrough to ensure all unfinished items had been addressed before a winter shut down.

Kathy Koziell inquired if all debris had been cleaned up around the rear of the pump house.

Chris stated this had been done and would be confirmed on the upcoming walkthrough.

Discussion of Reinach Drawings, Maps and Surveyor Report:

Chris Albert stressed the need to acquire the drawings from Dawson Excavating that show the location of valves, ties, etc., around Reinach loop.

Chris notified the BOC that the map from the surveyor was done, but the ties, etc., need to be put on the map for ease of location.

Chris indicated the Reinach loop is ready for a 2” water main.

Kathy Koziell questioned the use of resources for only “potential” water hook ups.

Chris replied that the lots are attractive and quite saleable, and quoted the adage “if you build it, they will come”, hence the value of the Reinach Loop extension.

Jay Buckley made a motion to ask Jake Dawson, of Dawson Excavating, to replace the 1” main from the curb stop with a 2”. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Brad Jones stated he would contact Dawson to address the error and unauthorized installation.

Discussion of Outstanding Bryant Paving Invoices:

Chris Albert agreed to work with Page, of Jones & Beach, to assist getting outstanding invoices, up to the date of Winter Shut Down, signed and sent to Rick Skarinka at the DES.

Chris stated that according to Jake Dawson, of Dawson Excavating, no additional work that had been completed in 2020, would be billed until 2021.

Chris agreed to get the amount of work to be billed for work done in 2020 to be forthcoming.

Discussion of Overcharge on Last Bryant Paving Invoice:

Jay Buckley communicated to Brad Jones the BOC concern with the additional (approximate) $2,000.00 charge from Jones & Beach, that differed from the agreed upon amount.

Brad Jones reported that the contract was reviewed and as the project is ongoing and suggested a possible contract amendment.

Chris Albert stated he provided the numbers for the original contract and requested Brad Jones look at the contracts and determine what has been spent, and what has been billed.

Kathy Koziell stated the original allocation for engineering project management had not yet been consumed, that there was $21,000.00 remaining.

Brad Jones agreed to address the contract concerns.

Discussion of the Pressure Zone on Upper Lakeview Drive:

Chris Albert indicated that replacing the PRV pit may not be the best value solution, and come spring, replacing 2 PRV pits could be an option depending on cost. Chris mentioned that Rick Skarinka, of the DES, would like to see the maps of the hydraulics.

Chris indicated he would work with Ian Hayes, of Simply Water, to find a solution come spring, even though the current maps are outdated.

Discussion of Luis Adorno and Grant Information:

Jay Buckley requested looking at the grant information recently sent from Luis Adorno of the DES.

Chris Albert offered his assistance with any technical writing required for the grant, as his expense.

Jay Buckley stated the grant opportunity will be addressed at next week’s meeting.

Chris Albert and Brad Jones left the meeting at 9:50 am.

Administrators Report: Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker

Discussion of Final Notice Letter for Past Due Water Usage Invoices over $1,000.00:

Donna MacKinnon presented a draft letter to be sent with the final bills going out on December 1st, 2020, stating if not paid within 30 days, the VDOE has the option to shut off their water.

Kathy Koziell stated the letter should include the statement “without further notice” regarding the VDOE option to shut off a resident’s water.

Paula Doyle offered to purchase a “FINAL NOTICE” stamp.

Kathy Koziell suggested the letter be put on colored paper as well.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the content of the final notice letter, with the addition of “without further notice”, to be sent with the final notice bills on December 1st, 2020. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley requested Donna MacKinnon reach out to the NHMA on how to follow up after final notice and determine the cost of recording a lien if necessary.

Discussion of Capital Reserve Fund:

Donna MacKinnon conveyed items that needed attention.

Discussion of Change to the Water Ordinance Hook Up Fee Refunds:

Kathy Koziell stated the ordinance should clarify that of the $8,000.00, water hook up fee, only part is refundable.

Discussion of Transfer to Water Capital Reserve Account:

Dinah Reiss inquired about a proposed transfer and requested the BOC sign a memo allowing her to do the transfer.

Kathy Koziell made a motion to transfer $25,000.00, from the Water Usage Account to the Water Capital Reserve Account. Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Loan Payments:

Dinah Reiss stated she estimated the payment for the Line of Credit Loan as follows:

$175,000.00 principal, over 12 years, at 2.75%, would be approximately $17,000.00.

Dinah conveyed that half of this would be paid in August out of the water project budget.

Kathy Koziell stated that the truck loan would be $11,500.00 twice per year.

Discussion of DOT Water and Wastewater Rate Survey:

Lynne Baker relayed the request from UNH to participate in a survey of the rates in NH.

The BOC decided to take the survey to provide an idea of what the current rates are.

Lynne Baker agreed to do the survey on behalf of the VDOE.

Discussion of Minutes of October 29th, 2020, and November 19th, 2020.

Jay Buckley stated he had sent some requested changes he would like made to the minutes of October 29th, 2020 to the BOC for their approval.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the amended minutes of October 29th, 2020. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the minutes of November 19th, 2020, with a change to the spelling of Ralph Lutjen. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of New Motion and Action Log Approval:

Jay Buckley stated this would be addressed at next week’s meeting.

Discussion of Enrolling in Google Cloud Plan for Nest Security Videos.

Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker will continue to monitor videos. No need to enroll in a plan.

4. Tabled Items:

Policy and Ordinance Changes, Dam Management Policy, Jurij Czernow’s Snowmobile Access Request

5. Accounts Payable:

No Manifest

6. Signature Items:

Signed or amended as motions warranted.

7. Commissioners Reports:

Paula Doyle:

Discussion of Letters to Roberts & Greene:

Paula Doyle drafted a letter to Tamar Roberts, of Roberts & Greene PLLC, informing her of the BOC decision to hire Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, for audit services for 2020-2023.

Paula requested the letter provided by Plodzik and Sanderson, be sent to Roberts & Green, PLLC as prior auditor, to authorize them to provide Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, access to prior audit records as intended auditor.

Paula provided the Commissioners with a copy of the agreement for services from Plodzik and Sanderson, PA.

Paula conveyed concern over the services page in the agreement as to additional charges possibly incurred.

Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, stated they would inform the BOC of any significant increase in unexpected service costs, and will bill the VDOE monthly.

Kathy Koziell suggested informing Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, that they are to have no contact with any homeowners in the District, due to past incidents.

Jay Buckley made a motion to sign and hold the letters to both Tamar Roberts, and to Roberts and Greene, PLLC, until the agreement with Plodzik and Sanderson, PA was signed. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to sign the agreement with Plodzik and Sanderson, PA, out of session. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley:

Discussion of RFQ Letter to Prospective Surveyors:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve and sign the letter he drafted to be sent to at least 3 surveyors requesting quotes for determining the lot lines for possible sale of the Lodge. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of time spent on 91A requests:

Jay Buckley inquired as to how much time was being spent on each 91A request.

Donna MacKinnon requested Jay’s assistance to help locate documents from years ago.

Discussion of Hiring a Part-time Plow Driver:

Jay Buckley inquired as to the need to have back-up for plowing this winter, in the event a DPW employee becomes ill due to Covid-19 and needs to quarantine.

Kathy Koziell stated that had been tried in the past to no avail.

Donna MacKinnon suggested the BOC speak with Kelly Robitaille as he may already have a backup plan in place.

Discussion of 13 East Bergamo Road:

Jay Buckley reported that no decision was made at the last Town of Madison Zoning Board meeting as to the setback variance request for 13 East Bergamo Road.

Jay stated that the ZBA warned the homeowner since they had not applied for a driveway, or leach field variance previously, any member of the public could appeal either request now. The Madison ZBA will hear on this at the next meeting, and will address 3 setback variance requests: driveway, leach field, and home. 

Jay Buckley made a motion to contact Mark McConkey and invite him to attend the BOC meeting of December 3rd, 2020 and discuss his plan for the property. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Pumping the Outhouses:

Donna MacKinnon suggested contacting Kelly Robitaille to inquire if he had a set schedule.

Jay Buckley made a motion to revert to having the BOC meetings at the VDOE office due to recent Covid-19 concerns, instead of at the Madison Town Hall, until further notice. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Drinking Water Emergency Plan:

Paula Doyle requested the office try to locate an electronic version of the plan from back in 2009 as that is the most recent one available.

Discussion of HealthTrust Employee Plan Offerings:

Jay Buckley made a motion to offer the HealthTrust Family Plan to full time employees at no cost to them as the VDOE will pay 100% of the plan premium. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of expanding Health Plan Offerings:

Jay Buckley stated that possibly adding more coverage for deductibles and adding dental coverage to the plan would be addressed next year.

8. Correspondence:

Discussion of Letter from Philip Barlow requesting waiver:

Philip Barlow was requesting a waiver from submitting a water hook up application this year as he only wanted to determine if there is water available at 21 Upper Lakeview Drive.

Jay Buckley stated to determine the presence of a water line, the pavement must be dug up and the VDOE will not do any more digging until the spring.

Kathy Koziell stated if a water hook-up application were submitted this year, along with the $8,000.00 fee, they would be first on the list come spring. If it were determined water was not available, the entire $8,000.00 fee would be returned. If they wait until next year to apply, only a portion of the fee would be returned.

9. Public Appearances:


10. Public Comment:


Jay Buckley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:54 pm. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator