2020-12-03 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Thursday December 3rd, 2020

Revised Friday, December 11th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, December 3rd, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone), Paula Doyle (by phone), Treasurer Dinah Reiss (by phone), Engineer Chris Albert (by phone), Engineer Brad Jones (by phone), Water Operator Ian Hayes (by phone), Septic Designer Mark McConkey (by phone), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (by phone), and Administrator Lynne Baker taking minutes. The meeting was held at the Office of the Village District of Eidelweiss. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

1. Call to Order:

At 9:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.  

2. Agenda:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

3. Administration:

Reinach Tank Status Report – Brad Jones, of Jones & Beach Engineering, Chris Albert of CSA Engineering

DPW Report: Kelly Robitaille

Floor was turned over to Chris Albert, of CSA Engineering, and Brad Jones, of Jones & Beach Engineering, and Ian Hayes of Simply Water.

Discussion of Reinach Tank Project Status and Water System.
Brad Jones stated that Chris Albert had done another walk-through of the project and created a new punch-list of items to be addressed.

Kelly Robitaille inquired as to the paving status of Bristenstock, and the cut where the bleeder is washing dirt down into the culvert as the road was not done.

Ian Hayes stated that is not related to the water project.

Chris Albert stated he spoke with Jake Dawson about the lack of gravel on the low sections of Reinach.

Jay Buckley inquired as to the flooding of the old pumphouse.

Kelly stated there is a need to re-direct the water as the swale is full of debris and the culvert is not usable.

Ian Hayes replied that he will do some pumphouse work over the winter. He also stated that the best fix would be reverting to the old configuration as a temporary solution.

Donna MacKinnon inquired of Brad Jones as to the status of the Bryant Paving invoice as relating to the 3rd Disbursement.

Brad stated he would send it to the office today.

Brad stated that he would ask Jake Dawson to send an email to the VDOE formally requesting the Winter Shut Down to have in writing and sent to Rick Skarinka, per Rick’s request.

Discussion of Invoice for Contract #1:

Jay Buckley inquired as to the allocations for contract coordination and contract supervision.

Kathy Koziell inquired if there are any more charges forthcoming from Jones & Beach.

Discussion of Contract #2:

Jay Buckley inquired as to a possible duplicate charge.

Discussion of Contract #6:

Jay Buckley inquired about the contract administration and inspection.

Brad Jones stated he reviewed the contract and that all charges are time based and that the estimate was based on inspection and the pace of the job.

Chris Albert conveyed the possibility of balancing the contracts with a change order and that he will work with Jones & Beach on that.

Discussion of Upper Lakeview PRV Pit:

Kathy Koziell inquired if upper Lakeview was part of the original contract.

Chris Albert reiterated that installing 2 PRV pits was the better solution allowing for more future hookups.

Brad Jones left the meeting at 9:45 am.

Discussion of Asset Management Grant for 2021:

Jay Buckley clarified that the grant is for water line mapping

Ian Hayes stated this would help find the older mains as well, i.e., where the dead ends and loop lines are located.

Chris Albert stated an Asset Management Plan was critical as it is the beginning of an infrastructure implementation plan to help with acquiring loans, government funding, etc.

Jay Buckley stated there had been an Asset Management Plan done in 2015. It was a $15,000.00 grant for the curb stop shut off valves, but the mapping was not done due to time constraints.

Ian Hayes stated that 400+ Curb Stop Valves were located with that 2015 grant.

Chris recommended the software created by Wright & Pierce as highly detailed mapping.

Jay Buckley stated that Emerald Lake and Rock House Mountain had used Wright & Pierce.

Jay Buckley made a motion to submit the grant application to NH DES as written in the amount of $20,000.00 for Asset Management. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Chris Albert left the meeting at 10:00 am.

Mark McConkey, septic designer, joined the meeting at 10:05 am.

Discussion of Setback Requirements for 39 Interlaken Circle and 54 Huttwil Drive.

Mark McConkey wished to know the VDOE’s thoughts before filing for variances.

Jay Buckley and Paula Doyle stated the need to keep the ponds pristine.

Kathy Koziell stated there had been a homeowner who had a special septic designed and installed to increase the setback and allow for protection of the wetlands.

Paula Doyle inquired as to the next Town of Madison Zoning Board Meeting (which is in 2021 and suggested the item be tabled until then.

Kathy Koziell conveyed that all the BOC can do is voice concerns, not make zoning decisions.

Jay Buckley thanked Mark McConkey for being the first septic designer to contact the BOC.

Discussion of 7 Biasca Place:

Kelly Robitaille stated there is an issue with the placement of the driveway. It is not in the position that was approved for the Driveway Permit

Kathy Koziell stated she would draft a letter to the homeowner.

Kathy Koziell left the meeting at 10:32 am.

Discussion of Leak at 34 Interlaken Circle:

Jay Buckley stated there is a 1” service line in the woods that has been there for years.

Ian Hayes confirmed he did not know that existed.

Kelly Robitaille stated that if Simply Water was not going to dig, they need to fill the sink home as gravel is not helping. The driveway already had issues and the digging only exacerbated the situation.

Ian relayed that he would address the issue and ensure it is not a break.

Kelly confirmed he will accompany Ian to address this today.

Discussion of Samples for Granite State Analytical:

Ian Hayes confirmed they will use broad samples i.e., Little Shore Drive, Interlaken Circle, Huttwil Drive, Upper Lakeview Drive, etc.

Discussion of Road Project:

Kelly Robitaille stated there are ongoing issues with the road project after settling has occurred. The DPW is willing to address those issues and charge the Water System for DPW time and gravel to remedy the situation.

Ian Hayes confirmed he is fine with that option.

Kelly stated he would like to inspect each project before it is considered complete.

Paula Doyle inquired if there is any other alternative or repair costs available as there are a few road crossings to be done.

Ian Hayes replied that the time and materials involved with hiring Dawson to do the repairs is not cost effective.

Discussion of Leftover Water Cash and Tasks for 2020:

Jay Buckley inquired if there were any large fiscal funds remaining.

Ian Hayes stated he would like any remaining money to be allocated to the DPW.

Ian conveyed he will be addressing service calls and bleeders during the month of December.

Ian Hayes left the meeting at 10:45 am.

Discussion of Driveway Permit Application for 17 East Bergamo Road:

Jay Buckley made a Motion to allow the 15” by 20’ culvert to the road and approve the Driveway Permit for Construction for 17 East Bergamo Road. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion of 7 Biasca Place:

Kelly Robitaille stated to protect the road the water must be re-routed.

Jay Buckley replied that the homeowner’s original Driveway Permit was approved, but the   homeowner must now re-apply to address the drainage.

Discussion of 16 Huttwil Drive:

Kelly Robitaille reported that there are trees on the side of the road that must be removed for plowing.

Discussion of DPW Activities:

Kelly Robitaille reported that the new DPW truck will be picked up on Friday and there will then be a full fleet of trucks for the winter, until the old one is sold.

Kelly stated that the DPW was all set for sand and salt, and was addressing issues as to potholes, drainage.

Kelly Robitaille left the meeting at 11:04 am.

Administrators Report: Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker

Discussion of changing meetings to a Zoom format due to increasing Covd-19 concerns.

Donna MacKinnon stated she had contacted Noreen from Madison TV, who suggested going to a Zoom meeting format as the BOC had decided not to have meetings at the Madison Town Hall for now.
Donna stated Noreen told her there was a 40-minute limit on Zoom meetings.

The BOC decided to table this for later as there are still issues with cameras on the laptop, desktop, tablets, and phones.

Discussion of Payroll:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the payroll of December 4th, 2020 in the amount of $5,717.97. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion of Andrew Harteveldt:

Donna MacKinnon reported there had been a notice regarding a limit on the encryption certificate for the kayak portal, and the office sent the communication to Andrew Harteveldt.

Donna stated she discovered that Andrew had his own Callcentric account and that is why the email seemed to be coming through him. He had simply forwarded them to the VDOE in case the VDOE was unaware of them.

4. Tabled Items

Policy and Ordinance Changes, Dam Management Policy, Jurji Czernow’s Snowmobile Access Request.

5.  Accounts Payable

Discussion of Manifest:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the manifest of 11 checks in the amount of $3,707.77. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

6. Signature Items

Discussion of Plodzik and Sanderson Official Contract:

Lynne Baker reported that Plodzik and Sanderson had provided a hard copy original of the contract previously signed and emailed to them.

Lynne stated that the original copy required 2 signatures.

Paula Doyle requested Lynne contact Plodzik and Sanderson to determine the difference between a management and guarantor signature to ensure the first copy was correct to sign the original.

7. Commissioners Report:

Paula Doyle

Discussion of Employee Health Plan Changes:

Paula Doyle conveyed that the VDOE would need something in writing from Nancy Cole regarding her choice of plan for 2021.

Lynne Baker presented Kelly Robitaille with the HealthTrust forms required for any change in plan for 2021.

Jay Buckley

Discussion on selling the old F-550 truck:

Jay Buckley inquired as to gathering information from Kelly on the F-550 truck and make a draft to approve for advertising for bids in the local paper with a minimum bid amount.

Discussion of 47 Eidelweiss Drive:

Jay Buckley provided pictures and proof that the temporary gravel fix had been completed and requested the office send an email stating this.

Discussion of Abandoned Vehicle on Bristenstock Drive:

Jay Buckley stated the need for an abandoned vehicle on Bristenstock Drive to be removed as it is leading oil and other fluid and could contaminate the ponds.

Kathy Koziell

Discussion of the Budget and Reinach Spreadsheet, Google Nest, Badger Meters, and the Portal Encryption Certificate:

Jay Buckley stated all topics above had been previously covered.

8. Correspondence

Discussion with Mark McConkey via phone

Jay Buckley stated Mark’s email had been covered.

9. Public Appearances – None

10. Public Comment – None

Jay Buckley made a motion to enter Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II(a). Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II(a) and return to Public Meeting. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley made a Motion to Adjourn the Public Meeting at 11:50 am. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator