2021-05-20 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday May 20, 2021-Ammended

The Board of Commissioners met by phone at 9:00 am on Thursday May 20, 2021.

In attendance for the full public meeting were Commissioners Jay Buckley (JB), Kathy Koziell (KK) and Paula Doyle (PD), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM), Kelly Robitaille (KR) and Treasurer Dinah Reiss (DR).  In attendance for part of the meeting were Brad Jones, Peter Knudsen, Paul Kuleszka, and Adam Leiser.  The public meeting was recorded (audio).                              

At 9:00 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order


JB makes a motion at 9:00 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (l).  KK seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

JB makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (l) and return to Public meeting at 9:26 AM.  KK seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

During the non-public meeting, the following motion was made and approved.

JB made a motion to require the property owner at 9 Reinach Place to replace the 1” water main that was installed with a 4” water main from the pump house to the proximity of the existing curb stop valve and further, to have both the new water main and the service line from the curb stop valve to his home inspected by Ian Hayes with a Commissioner present.

PD seconded the motion.  Motion passed 2-1.

Office notified Dinah Reiss that public meeting was starting and she joined the meeting.

JB made a motion to approve the agenda.  KK seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

PD read back the motion that was made and passed (2-1) in the non-public meeting. 

JB made a motion to require the property owner at 9 Reinach Place to replace the 1” water main that was installed with a 4” water main from the pumphouse to the proximity of the existing curb stop valve and to have both the new water main and the service line from the curb stop valve to his home inspected by Ian Hayes with a Commissioner present.


DPW-KR discussed driveway permits.  16 Grison was already approved in past but work was delayed due to covid so applicant updated bond coverage and requested that the application be renewed or extended for 1 year with the same conditions as stated on the original application.

JB made a motion to extend the driveway application for 16 Grison for 1 year.  KK seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

KR also discussed a possible driveway application for 6 Upper Lakeview that has an existing driveway but wants to move it to a new location.  DM to notify property owner that they will need to fill out a new application and pay fee.

-DM states that she found a 2004 Driveway Procedure for applications and wants to post it on the website.  KK will confirm that it conforms with the current ordinance for meeting next Thursday.

-JB states that he sent a note to Madison Code Enforcement officer asking him to make sure that new homes have completed our driveway application process and received a certificate of completion before he issues a certificate of occupancy.

-KR asked about the current dam level and asked if he should put in a board now that water is lower.  There was concern expressed that the loons may have built a nest and raising the water level by putting a board in dam may swamp the nest which is against the law.  PD to follow-up with someone at the Loon Preservation Committee to confirm.

-Peter Knudsen (PK) has joined the meeting and JB calls for public comment from him at this time.  PK owns the property at 9 Reinach Place and wants clarification on when he can get water turned on.  He states that Dawson Excavation who is his contractor and the district’s contractor told him that everything is ready to go.  JB states that PK’s property will be running off the new pressurized zone and that controls will be finished between 5/24 and 5/26 and we are hoping to go live by the end of next week.  However, JB states that PK will need to have Dawson replace the water main from the pump house to the proximity of the curb stop valve with a 4” main and that he will need to have the new main and the service line to his home inspected.  PK states that Dawson told him they ran the main 14’ past the curb stop property line.  PK is going to contact Dawson and determine when they can come in and open up the road to locate the lines, replace as required and have inspection. Office to be notified to arrange for Ian Hayes and a Commissioner to be present.

JB recognized Brad Jones (BJ) who has joined the meeting.  BJ asks if he is needed for anything at the meeting or if there are any questions.  He states that they are working on the manual and hope to have it by next week.  KK asks about the timeline for Upper Lakeview.  BJ states that he needs to understand more about it on his end because his understanding is that Chris Albert was going to contract with another firm to do a study on it.  JB states that Dubois & King which has our hydraulic modeling will be looking at it.  BJ will touch base with Chris to follow-up.

BJ left the meeting.

-DM states that the person she contacted about cleaning the outhouses is not available

JB makes a motion to post the position on the bulletin boards and website.  KK seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.

-DM states that Noreen Downs at Madison TV has confirmed that they are all set to videotape the annual meeting.

-Discussion on setup of gym for Friday afternoon.  Activity scheduled until 5PM so meeting scheduled for 5PM at Madison School gym.  DM to post meeting notice and notify Bob Ingram with time.   KK asked about having KR attend the annual meeting as discussed at meeting earlier in week.    KR asked to attend and he confirms he will be able to attend on Saturday.


JB makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest for $6,500.40.  KK seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.

JB makes a motion to approve a special manifest for 3 checks totaling $825.00 for the checklist personnel who will be handling the annual voting.  KK seconded the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.


-JB asks DM if she has contacted the EPOA with decisions on road signs made at an earlier meeting  DM has not gotten to it yet.

-KK reports that she spoke to Nick Sceggell at Dubois & King about the results of the hydraulic testing for water pressure.  29 Oak Ridge and 8 Grandval Way were determined to have enough pressure.  19 East Bergamo is marginal and Nick has requested updated information on the new tank elevation which may impact the results.  DM to forward Nick’s email to Ian Hayes and ask him to contact Nick to follow up with additional information required.  JB states that we will need to understand impacts on pressure throughout system once the new tank is online.  JB to draft language and provide to DM so that she can reach out and inform owner at 19 East Bergamo as to status.

JB makes a motion to approve the water hookup applications for 8 Grandval Way and 29 Oak Ridge.  KK seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.

JB states the psi for the applications – 77 psi at 8 Grandval and 53 psi at 29 Oak Ridge.

-PD states that she has not yet received bids for new beach signs.


-Andrew Harteveldt has informed the office that the hardware is fine at the office but there is an issue with Callcentric that has been causing the phone problems and is suggesting a change. 

-JB reports on the technology meeting last Friday with Ron Sandstrom and Andrew Harteveldt.  Andrew will be providing a sample technology policy and a plan will be put together.   JB stated that they also agreed that we need a user policy that includes 2 factor authentication.

KK asks if the purpose wasn’t  was to evaluate the hardware.  JB stated that they had difficulty even getting on the equipment that suggested that it should probably be updated as has been discussed before. JB is also going to look at some other town policies and that a plan would be put together.

-Discussion on 10 Porridge Shore and email from homeowner Paul Kuleszka asking for a call.  Agreement to call now.  Paul Kuleszka at 10 Porridge Shore joins the meeting via phone.  He states that his plow guy moved a rock last year and that he did some work to fix up driveway last year but that the culvert was not replaced.  He spoke to previous owner about the issue but doesn’t know what is going on with the property above/behind them.  KR states that district offered last year to take the rock out and replace the culvert and that can still be done although bigger problem requires that he should run a ditch down the left side of his driveway.  KR states that the district will install the culvert if the property owner pays for it.   The property owner agrees that he would like to do this and asks when it can be done.  KR states probably in a couple weeks. 

JB makes a motion to install a new 15” HDPE culvert at 10 Porridge Shore with the homeowner to pay for the culvert and the district to install it.  KK seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.

Paul Kuleszka also asks about getting fill which he has done in the past.  DM to send him application .  Paul K. leaves the meeting.

KR reports that he has been informed that pavement work will be done on Aspen on Tuesday morning.

Discussion on doing a walk through for the Reinach Project.  KR suggests that this will be a repeat of prior walk through and that it might be better for Dawson to do the outstanding work previously identified and then to do the walk through at the end.  JB agrees that this makes sense and will communicate this request.

DR is recognized for public comment.  She asks about the asset management project and if a firm has been selected.  JB states that we don’t have final confirmation on the grant yet and that we have only been approved for final consideration and are about 90% sure we will get it but not completely certain.  DR thought that we can’t do Upper Lakeview PRV project without asset management information and therefore how can all of this be done this year.  KK states that we don’t actually need all of the asset management information to move ahead with the PRV project.   DR suggests to JB that he might remember that in the original master plan there was a solution to the upper lakeview PRV and it might be useful.

-JB states that the annual meeting will be held this Saturday with voting from 8-10 am and the meeting starting at 11 am.

-Adam Leiser (AL) has joined the meeting and is recognized for public comment.  JB states that it is 10:45 AM and that the meeting is scheduled to end at 11 AM so he has 15 minutes.  AL objects that his time is limited and accuses the Commissioners of being like an old board and restricting his public comment.   AL asks how much of the $295,000 grant has been spent so far.  KK responds that approximately $200,000 $250,000 has been received.  AL asks if the plan is to use the full grant.  KK responds yes.

-AL asks how many hours were used to fill his 38 91-A requests made in October. JB states he put in about 8 hours on it.  PD and DM state that they believe it was about 30 hours.  AL states that the only reason he made these requests is because the board refused to tell him why he was being billed for gravel on his driveway.   AL states that in his 91A requests he obtained a voicemail from the property owner at 49 Eidelweiss Driveway and they were very angry.  He asks the Commissioners why they were angry.  The Commissioners state that they are not sure what he is referring to.  PD states that it seems that AL probably has a theory as to why they were mad so why doesn’t he state it instead of asking the board.    AL asks the board to tell the public what the policy is for the district for billing property owners for work.  The commissioners state that there is no process for doing work on private property because the district doesn’t work on private property.  AL states that property owners are billed for culverts.  After much back and forth, PD states that work is done and then a bill is sent.   Discussion back and forth between AL and Commissioners.  AL states that commissioners should tell the public about how the 5 days are calculated for filling 91-A requests.  PD states that the process is straightforward with count starting 1 day after the request is received and that the office can only receive and fill requests when it is open.  JB states that the meeting needs to end as announced earlier.  AL objects to his time being cut off and accuses the Commissioners of trying to hide something. 

At 11:05 AM, JB makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.   PD seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Doyle, Commissioner