2021-06-24 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday June 24th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:30 am on Thursday June 24th 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM), Dinah Reiss (DR), Kelly Robitialle (KR), Doug Prescott at 10am for scheduled appearance. The meeting was recorded by Madison TV                              

At 8:38am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order.  JB makes a motion to go into non-public RSA-91-A:3 a (employee review)  passes 3-0

Exit non-public at 9:00am.  No motions made

9:00 am Commissioners enter a non-meeting with the District’s Attorney

9:30am Public Meeting reconvened, JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

DPW Report from KR

Re-graded several roads, replaced culvert on Bergdorf, filling potholes today. Kelly will have Bryant paving quote on other paved roads and shim Eidelweiss Drive as pricing will be better once they are in the District.

$5K for paving on Eidelweiss encumbered from 2020 Warrant. Possibly overlay on Geneva, bottom of St Moritz, overlay on Klausen.  Rocks are still on Class VI road at the Adelboden/Bristenstock intersection.

MS makes a motion to have Kelly speak to property owner about date for removal. If not removed within 1 week the District will have them removed and charge the property owner. KK 2nds discussion on the date, KK amends to give them until 7/30/2021, JB seconds the amendment, passes 2-1-0, Amended motion passes 2-1-0

Culvert at Eidelweiss end of Bern to be replace next week.

Admin report

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 6/3/2021, 6/17/2021, 6/17/2021 non-public.  KK 2nds, MS passes 6/17/2021 only up to point at which he leaves.

JB makes a motion to pay Paula Doyle for taking the minutes on 6/17 at $20/hr for up to 3 hrs. KK 2nds, passes 2-1

DM askes about meetings in July. Staying with Thursdays, 7/1-7/8-7/15-7/22-7/29.  KK will post to website.

JB invoice to Contract 1 within quoted price, and invoice to Contract 6 $742 over the quoted price for the O&M manual.  DM to reach out to J&B to see if O&M has been completed.

Discussion about the delay in getting the Upper Lakeview PRV pit designed, need to be approved by DES, put out to bid and scheduled for completion.

MS makes a motion to request an extension until 3/31/22 for the completion the Upper Lakeview PRV. KK 2nds, discussion on 3/31/22 date as there could possibly still be snow on the ground, motioned amended to 7/1/2022. amendment passes 3-0, amended motion passes 3-0

KK makes a motion that July 1st 2021 is that last day that District correspondence be sent to personal emails. JB 2nds, passes 2-1-0

Scheduled appearance by Doug Prescott, Discussion on having Doug become Deputy Treasurer. KK outlines basic job responsibilities and the need to have someone available if Treasurer cannot fulfill duties. Doug askes about compensation, whether District was bonded, which banks we used. Dinah discusses having Deputy Treasurer receive Treasurer compensation if Deputy is brought into service. Doug askes about background check and drug test.

JB makes a motion to approve the manifest in the amount of $76,712.22, KK 2nds passes 3-0

 Review of 6/7/21 drawdown, discussion on dust control and Rock House Mountain assistance.

MS makes a motion to place ad in paper for full-time administrator. No 2nd

JB makes a motion for Paula Doyle activate the Indeed job posting and review for qualified applicants thru 7/15/2021. Change wording “salary negotiable based on experience”. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

MS askes about the audit, still scheduled for end of June

JB discusses the Eidelweiss property Lot 49 that was removed from Eidelweiss and merged with adjacent lot in Madison. RSA states that property cannot be moved from one District to another without a W/A to change District boundary. JB makes a motion to allow him to present this to the Madison planning board, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB discusses Wright & Pierce on-call agreement which is un-necessary. The asset management project ( $20K grant + $20KCRF) to go out to bid.

Brad Jones email regarding Upper Lakeview PRV pit, sent to Dubois and King (Nick Skeggell ) for design.

Discussion on locks on the Reinach Pump House

Email asking about the VDOE position on Short Term Rentals – DM to respond that we have no position and all zoning matters and enforcement are handled by Madison

MS leaves meeting at 10:30

Discussion on fence erected on the Porridge Shore/Pondview Dr. boundary.  JB states that fence is very close to the recent surveyed plan by White Mtn Survey although some areas due to trees are on District property. No decision on whether or not to accept fence as is. Tabled until next week

John Cancelarich asks about water levels and Dam Management plan.  JB sates that there will be a public hearing on 8/14 to address the Dam/Water levels. John C. says that drought conditions should be considered the new normal. John asks that proposed changes be posted prior to the hearing. Discussion on having the Dam OMR and the District policy be consistent.  OMR last updated in 2016.

Discussion on Speed limit signs vs the ordinance. 25MPH on Eidelweiss and 20MPH elsewhere.  DM to check the ordinance.

DR asks if property owner on corner of Adelboden and Bristenstock has filed a Waiver as they are on a Class VI road. This should be required by the town of Madison – not positive as no building permit was required.

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:20, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner

"If not removed within one week" was added to minutes as an amendment on July 1st 2021