2021-12-02 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting

DECEMBER 2ND, 2021-Draft

In attendance were commissioners, Mike Smith, (MS) and Jay Buckley (JB). Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille, (KR) Doug Prescott, (DP) John Conolly, Carol from Madison TV was the videographer. Ian Hayes, (Water Operator) Cathy Conway and Josh Davis from Horizons Engineering appeared at 9:30 am for a monthly status update.

The meeting was call to order by Chairman Jay Buckley at 9:01am.

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to approve the agenda, 2ND MS; MOTION PASSED

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to call commissioner Kathy Koziell who is traveling out of state to participate in the meeting by phone. NO 2nd by MS.     MOTION FAILED

When asked by chairperson JB as to why he would not allow Kathy Koziell to participate in our weekly meeting MS refused to provide an answer.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 11/18/21, MS 2nd’s.

MS claims that a lot of changes are needed. JB states he went through the entire video to accurately capture and correct the minutes. JB asks MS to review the video, find the discrepancies, and record the times. MS refused to do that or to provide any detail. MOTION FAILED


KR reports that he has 3 driveway applications for review.
MOTION: MS makes a motion to approve the driveway application for #12 Klausen Drive, JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: MS makes a motion to approve the driveway application for #9 Blinden Drive, JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

KR discusses a driveway application for #70 Appenval Way. Owner wants driveway entrance to come from Thusis Drive class VI. KR points out that there is a steep access to lot from Appenval. KR states that a road culvert will be required beneath Thusis if access is from Thusis. MS states that people who own corner lots can choose what street they are registered on. E-911 requires that driveway access be from the legal street residence of record. JB/KR discuss having a dual driveway or circular to comply with E-911 and suffice the property owners desire for access of Thusis Drive. DM is told to contact the property owner to have the issue resolved with E-911 through town hall. This property owner also has a water hook-up application in with $8k check. DM states she wants have applicant hold off on application and check until spring as no installation will be done till then. JB states that the $8K is used to evaluate a water main and pressure and that should be done now in case it is denied a hook-up. Also; the cost of the hook-up application currently is $8K and could go higher as was discussed at the August 14th public hearing on the water system ordinance. The voters will decide on ordinance changes. MOTION: JB makes a motion to process the water application for #70 Appenval Way. MS does not 2nd. MS states that the driveway application always comes first. JB asks MS to provide that evidence in writing. MS says “NO.” MOTION FAILED

John Conolly is present to discuss his driveway access to his lot located at #5 Bristenstock. This is a corner lot and has presence on Reinach Place. Mr. Conolly would prefer having access from Reinach Place as it is less steep. KR agrees that this would also be better for the District. JB and KR reviewed the site. JB spoke with Madison town hall over the issue of E-911 and how to possibly renumber this address for E-911. In this instance with this lot, it is possible to give this property a new address of either 1 or 3 Reinach Place as those addresses do not exist due to a previous lot merger next to this property.
MOTION: MS makes a motion to accept the driveway application for the property owned by Mr. John Conolly and that is be changed to Reinach Place. JB2nds. MOTION PASSED.
MOTION: MS makes a motion to sign out of session once Mr. Conolly receives a number from the town of Madison on Reinach Place. JB 2nds, PASSED.

Ian Hayes (water Operator) joins the meeting at 9:38am. MS speaks to Ian on the repair status of curb stop valves and asks why no work has been done on that issue. Ian explains that he has spent time with Horizons Engineering on the Asset Management Project and that when scheduling time to work with KR, that both parties have often had other priorities. JB discusses understanding first the scope of the work by identifying those valves that are damaged, prioritizing the list and then obtaining a cost before just jumping into an unknown.

Ian provides some cost estimates with using the DPW to excavate these valves. MOTION: JB makes a motion to spend up to $5,000 for Ian and Kelly to repair known damaged CSV’s weather permitting. MS 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

Cathy Furtek-Conway and Josh Davis from Horizons Engineering are in to discuss the status of the Asset Management Project.

JB discusses activity to date. Cathy discusses the priority of spending time/money on GPS surveying of every asset that we have. Cathy describes that the priority is the Hydro-model for the District.

Discussion ensues and MS tries to find other monies to get the CSV’s that have been re-identified by volunteers done this season. It is noted that there is already snow on the ground and that the valves are being covered. As more snow falls it will be harder to find costing even more money/time. Only 70 additional valves remain to be GPS’d but there still remains approximately 350 CSV’s that would still need to be surveyed. Ian, Cathy and JB try to explain to MS that obtaining an additional 70 out of 350 surveyed CSV’s makes no sense at this point in the project. Much time is spent explaining the project so that MS is up to speed.

The priority will be to have Horizons Engineering focus on getting the Hydro Map completed with the critical infrastructure items on the map. JB explains that we have sufficient data on the CSV data sheets and they will be linked to the map until accurate GPS surveying can be done.

It is agreed that we will refocus away from GPS-ing the CSV’s and focus on the infrastructure and Hydro-model. Critical Gate Valves, Pump Houses, etc.

Cathy explains that the plan should be to create a new priority (Master Plan) for what needs to be done next so that taxpayers can anticipate a well-balanced plan of improvements with a stable water fee to fund these improvements in order to achieve the desired level of service.
MS continued to ask that the 70 out of ~350 CSV’s get GPS’d. The idea did not get much support from those in the room.
JB recommends a meeting with the public in the Jan-Feb time frame for AM updates and education.

JB asks Cathy if the VDOE Can delay payments until 2022 calendar year. Cathy states “Yes.” DM states this will be cleaner for our bookkeeping.
There is one invoice that has been received from Horizons as they bill monthly. DM advises that the $20k was never pulled/requested form the CRF for the water system back in the spring when the commissioners approved to do so and hopes that the trustees can release the monies this month. Ian reports that there are some 2021 expenses due soon for Pumps and equipment. DM asks Ian to submit all remaining water connection costs before years end.

Question as to turning off water to 24 Huttwil Drive. The septic system is confirmed as being replaced. Ian still feels there is a risk. Water bill is 2 years overdue. Certified mail keeps coming back as undeliverable. JB states that he will take a bill to the homeowner so that they can pay the bill before having their water turned off.

DM shows a list of homes in Eidelweiss that are not on the water billing list and are not part of the list of 18 well owners in the District. These homes may never had been charged for water.
Ian/JB to investigate list of homes.

Ian is OK with work done on Reinach Tank/Pump house project. Says that wiring should be “cleaned up” in Pump Station and should be addressed by the engineer.
JB reports transfer switch for generator and grass seed are not yet done.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to approve $26,297.71 for the operating budget. MS 2nds, MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to approve $4877.80 for the payroll budget. MS 2nds, MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to approve $4994.95 from the Water Project Budget for the purchase of road gravel to restore roads to their original condition. MS 2nds, MOTION PASSED.
Much discussion on where money should come from. MS feels it should come from retainage.
DM to get total bill for gravel and labor from DPW.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to transfer $8000 from Operating budget to Water Line Ext CRF. MS 2nds, MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to reimburse Doug Prescott for $45 for his paid application to the NH DES Asset Management workshop in December. MS 2nds. MOTION PASSED.


DM brings up correspondence from Habitat for Humanity asking the VODE to accept a $4000 line of credit/passbook instead of a BOND for their driveway application.
MS states they should secure a bond like everyone else. JB states they have the cash that will be held by the bank in the VDOE name. It is the same thing and has been done with the VDOE before.
MS refuses to accept request and cannot remember when they did it before. JB asks DM to pull records for 5 Burgdorf (Habitat property) to see how it was handled before. If done before, JB has no problem with doing it this way.

DM has application to transfer $20,000 from Water System CRF for

MOTION: JB makes a motion to transfer $20,000 from the Water System CRF in accordance with the Feb 25, 2021 minutes. MS 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to amend a previous motion made on November 18th to create a new fund named; “WATER FUND” to rename it “WATER ASSESSMENT FUND”. MS 2nds. MOTION PASSED.


JB apologizes to Dorothy Wondolowski for the tone he used in addressing her in the previous week’s meeting. JB wants this apology to be recorded in these minutes.

JB states that the driveway grate has been installed at #47 Eidelweiss Drive and he should inspect it for “Driveway for Operation” permit. Kelly to inspect and issue Permit for operation.

MOTION: MS makes a motion to ask Paula Doyle to vet the candidates for the Administrator position. JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: MS makes a motion to send Doug Prescott a thank you letter for clearing debris from the dam but not to do it again. JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED.
MS questions the operating budget draw down amount and how that gets calculated. DM explains. DM states that there is approximately $101,774.89 under spent.

JB states that claims were made by people in the audience and MS that the operating budget was overspent. JB explains that the Kathy Koziell had the answers, but MS does not want her to participate in the meetings electronically.
MS claims that KK and JB are “acting as a team throughout this whole thing.” MS defends his choice in not calling Kathy Koziell to participate in the meetings.

MS states that he is ending the meeting and gathers his articles and begins to walk out.
DM asks how to respond to a homeowner on Reinach Place as to possible land sales in the future. DM is told the VDOE is not in the real estate business.
MS starts to walk out and JB asks for a motion to adjourn. MS refuses to make the motion and leaves the building.
JB thanks folks for watching and attending and ends the meeting as there is no longer a quorum.

Respectfully submitted,

Jay Buckley