2021-11-18 Commissioner Meeting


Commissioners Meeting

NOVEMBER 18TH, 2021-Draft

In attendance were commissioners, Mike Smith, and Jay Buckley. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille, Gloria Aspinall (who left the meeting early after dropping off a letter to be read), Dorothy Wondolowski, Dinah Reiss, and Ralph Lutjen. Carol from Madison TV was the videographer.

The meeting was call to order by Chairman Jay Buckley at 9:00am.

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to approve the agenda, 2ND MS; MOTION PASSED

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to call commissioner Kathy Koziell who is traveling out of state to participate in the meeting by phone. NO 2nd by MS. MOTION FAILED

Chairman JB asks DM to text KK and inform her that she is not being allowed to participate due to a lack of a 2nd to the MOTION and not to wait by the phone for the commissioners to call.

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to approve the minutes of the 11/10/2021 commissioners meeting. MS 2nd but abstains from voting as he was absent from that entire meeting. MOTION FAILED

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to approve the minutes of the Non-Public commissioners meeting of 11/10/2021. MS 2nd but abstains from voting as he was absent from the entire meeting. MOTION FAILED MS states that the minutes can be held off until KK returns to a meeting in person.


Kelly states that the DPW crew is out cleaning ditches with the leaf blower. The trucks are being outfitted for winter with plows and sanders. 8 Eidelweiss Driveway entrance at Bern Drive is being finalized by DPW.

While KR is present JB reads a letter from Gloria Aspinall regarding the DAM operations.

Discussion ensues as to debris that has been photographed around DAM/Spillway. Large cut logs, branches and leaves are visible. DPW reports they tried to move one large log with backhoe but were unsuccessful.

MS states that the new policy pushed through one month earlier by JB and KK has failed. MS states that the water is the highest he has seen it other than one time when it crept up on Eidelweiss Drive. MS wants to have fall draw down and pull a board today.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to remove a board. NO 2nd ; MOTION FAILED.

JB reminds the audience of the Fish & Game regulation regarding draw down of water bodies must be done prior to October 15th.
MS states we own the DAM, and we can do whatever we want. MS states he wants to lower the water in the spring to accommodate the Loons. JB informs everyone that a fall draw down was discussed but the water level was just above the red line (4-inches below to top of the concrete) indicating the lowest level for proper operation of the dry hydrants.

KR is asked to comment on the process of removing the boards at the DAM. DW wants to emphasize that there is a safety issue when removing boards from the DAM. JB interjects stating that KR has the floor and can address that aspect. KR states that it is unlikely that anyone would be swept away during the process, but it can be difficult, and an operator is likely to get wet.

Another email is read from Shauna Kondrat regarding the buildup of a Beaver Dam at the foot of Big Pea Porridge Pond.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to have KR seek a beaver trapper to remove the beavers from the pond as the previously used trapper is no longer available. JB 2nd. MOTION PASSED.

MS discusses the two vehicles left in the Huttwil Parking lot.
MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to remove contact the owners of the vehicles to have them moved out of the lot for winter plowing. JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED. It is mentioned that one of the vehicles is owned by a former commissioner.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to have the vehicles towed at owners’ expense after 24 hours of notifying the owners if they are not moved. MOTION 2nd by JB. MOTION PASSED.

MS states that he wants to change the parking policy.


DM explains that she had a meeting with Treasurer Dinah Reiss, consultant Catherine Deyoe, and Scott Egan to go over the new process of separating the water budget from the operating budget. The 85%-15% split of expenses (ops-water) will be tabulated and expensed at the end of each month.

DM reports that corrections were made to MS434 and uploaded to the DRA portal.

DR brings up the need to change the name of the “water usage fund,” to “WATER FUND.”

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to rename the water usage fund to “Water Fund” for clarification of our bookkeeping and auditing. MS 2nd. MOTION PASSED

DR makes a statement that the District has overspent its operating budget but has underspent the Water Budget.
Discussion ensues with no clear answer as KK would have been able to provide full clarity but was prohibited from participating in the meeting as MS would not second the MOTION made by JB to include her.

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to hire Tricky Tree for $2500 to clear the trees that surround the LODGE at the top Oak Hill. MS 2nd. MOTION FAILED due to perceived lack of funds.

JB discusses the status of the Reinach project. The Punch list items are still open. Deliverables from Jones and Beach Engineering are not yet received.

MOTION: MS asks JB to sit with J&B Eng. To hash out what is still missing from contract and then to engage with Dawson Excavation to finish punch list items. NO SECOND. MOTION FAILED
JB has repeatedly asked for missing work items and is now calling on the BOC to decide how to fulfill contract requirements. MS claims he has not been a part of this project and knows little about it.

JB calls on Ralph Lutjen for input.
RL states to review the contract and if breached then engage legal counsel to help resolve.
JB discussed an email from Dubois & King on the status of the Upper Lakeview/Rigi Pressure Zone design solution. It is delayed due to staffing issues.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to have the office contact D&K an email asking for status and a date for completion of the new design. JB 2nd. MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to release Non-Public minutes involving employment negotiations with the most recent candidate. JB 2nd. MOTION PASSED.


Dorothy Wondolowski reads a letter with her concerns regarding the proliferation of fire pits in Madison.

Ralph Lutjen asks for clarification on the perceived over expenditure of the operating budget with the Bond expenditures related to the Reinach project.
JB explains that KK has all the details but she was not allowed to participate.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to have the office reach out to KK for clarification on Reinach Bond issues. JB2nd. MOTION PASSED.

MS discusses not hiring the full time Administrator until the Employee Handbook mistakes are corrected. JB objects stating that Donna has her hands full and needs help now.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to go into non-public under 91A: II, B to discuss employee hiring. JB 2nd. MOTION PASSED.
MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to adjourn at 11:10am MS 2nd. MOTION PASSED.


Jay Buckley, Commissioner