2022-01-28 Public Budget Hearing


Budget 2022 and Public Hearing Water Ordinance and Driveway

Friday January 28, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 7:00 pm on Friday January 28, 2022. In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley & Mike Smith, Kathy Koziell by phone. Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, Administrators Alexis Wagoner and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes. There were nine people in attendance. The meeting was filmed by Madison TV.                 

At 7:01 pm Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.

Jay Buckley goes over the rules for the meeting.

Jay Buckley introduces Alexis Wagoner the new Administrator to everyone.

Jay Buckley apologizes to Dorothy Wondolowski for his previous behavior at a BOC meeting.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to open the #1 Public Hearing for the Driveway Ordinance Mike Smith seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley states that the Commissioners would like to update the Driveway Ordinance. Jay Buckley reads the new changes to be made. The District would like to add to section 4 of the Driveway Ordinance to add the wording No driveway permit shall create a new access to any road or property outside of the Eidelweiss Residential District except for those District properties abutting NH State Route 113 (Conway Road) to create access to that road.

The second change would be in section under notes, #6 would be added. 6. Driveway can be designed on top of septic systems in accordance with NH DES design criteria but in no case would a septic system be allowed to be closer than 25 feet from the boundary edge of the Districts road.

Discussion of the Driveway Ordinance changes. Larry Leonard asks what the problem is with the old Ordinance. Jay Buckley explains the reason is due to the Eben Farm Road 105-acre property. Kathy Koziell states that (we should submit this to the attorney to determine if) legally the District can do that. Doug Prescott questions the wording of #6, he feels that it is not clear and after no case the wording should be a septic system included. Jay Buckley asks if there any more questions or comments, there is none.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to close #1 Public Hearing of the Driveway Ordinance. Mike Smith seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to open #2 Public Hearing of the Water Ordinance. Mike Smith seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley states that the Commissioners would like to update the Water Ordinance. Jay Buckley reads the new changes to be made. In section 3.1.3 to change the rate from $8,000. to $10,000. In section the wording to be added Extension of water lines to the furthest boundary line of the subject property if other buildable lots exist beyond the subject property. In section the addition of the last sentence, No Connection will be made to the VDOE water system to accommodate or connect to any other water system outside of the District’s boundary. In section the month of October is changed to November and the month of August is changed to October. In section 3.3.2 the addition wording added after Commissioners and shall be no closer than 25 feet from any component of the septic system. Waiver to this requirement may be obtained if the entire service line is sleeved with a CTS 200psi pipe or equivalent. Donna MacKinnon also points out the change in section 3.2.3 the changed of cost of $50. to $65.

Discussion of the current Water Ordinance and raising the hookup fees from $8,000.00 to $10,000.00. Mike Smith states that in the past the voters voted on changes to Water hook-up fee change, and this should also be brought in front of the voters at the Annual Meeting. The fees have not been changed since 2007. Robert Navitsky asks when the changes will go into effect. BOC states if application has already been processed the old price is still in effect. Doug Prescott questions the requirements for lines being sleeved. Jay Buckley explains. Mike Smith states at some point in time the VDOE will require that all service lines will be required to be sleeved. Jay Buckley states that the minimum 25 feet is required due to not knowing where the District’s water lines are.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to close #2 Public Hearing of the Water Ordinance. Mike Smith seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to open the Budget Hearing. Mike Smith seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley states that they will be going thru the budgets by each section and at the end of each subtotal of the section they will take questions. Jay Buckley states there are the Operating Budget & the Water Budget and will go thru the Operating Budget first then the Water Budget.

Discussion of the Proposed Operating Budget

Discussion of Executive salaries-no change in budget.

Discussion of Administration-Proposed is higher due to the new Full Time Administrator position. Larry Leonard questions the salary items and was again told it is due to the new position. Larry Leonard also questions the jump in the proposed Audit. Donna MacKinnon explains that this is due to the DRA changing the comingling of the operating account with the water account. They are requiring the District to separate the accounts going forward. The district had to open the new Water Assessment Fund Account which has been established starting January 1, 2022.

Discussion of the Legal

Discussion of Employee Benefits- They are fixed rates.

Discussion of Gen Gov Bldgs.-was dropped a little

Discussion of Insurance- They are fixed rates.

Discussion of Bonds Principle & Interest-Kathy Koziell the Reinach Tank Loan which some of the funds $59,142.00 was encumbered from 2019 and was paid in 2021 and will be a Journal entry of the 2021 Audit as require to do so.

Discussion of Region Association, Misc./Training/Checklist-Kathy Koziell states the DAM reclassification has raised the amount.

Discussion of HWY& Streets Employee Salaries-Larry Leonard questions the raise amount of Overtime. Kathy Koziell states it is higher due to the salaries of the employees.

Discussion of Equip & Maintenance

Discussion of Roads- Dinah Reiss why the Asphalt budget was overspent by $3,000. Kelly Robitaille states that the BOC approved the $3,000 in order to paving of Geneva. Mike Smith explains the $17,000 is projected for paving of Lugano from the estimate that Kelly Robitaille got for $15,000 and the $3,000 for repair if needed throughout the District. Jay Buckley states projects are usually done in the fall and the projects can changed due to the conditions of the District’s roads.

Discussion of Street Lighting

Discussion of Parks & Recreation-was increased due to repairing of the kayak racks foot bridge, and the raft at Boulder Beach.

Discussion of the TAN Loan-The $400. Is the cost of processing the TAN Loan. Dinah Reiss states the need of the Loan due to the restricting of the new Water Assessment Fund Account.

Discussion of Assessment Management

Discussion of the Water Budget

Discussion of Executive salaries-no change in budget. Amounts are split 85% for OP Budget & 15% for Water Budget

Discussion of Administration-Proposed is higher due to the new Full Time Administrator position. Amounts are split 85% for OP Budget & 15% for Water Budget.

Discussion of the Legal

Discussion of Employee Benefits- The new difference is for new Full Time Administrator. They are fixed rates.

Discussion of Gen Gov Bldgs.- Amounts are split 85% for OP Budget & 15% for Water Budget

Discussion again takes place for the Audit by Stan Wondolowski he does not understand why it has risen so high. Again, it was explained that the DRA is requiring the District to break the Operating & Water into two separate accounts.

Discussion of Bonds

Discussion of Region Association, Misc./Training/Checklist

Discussion of HWY& Streets Employee Salaries-DPW employees doing projects with the Water Operator to save the District money.

Discussion of Equip & Maintenance- DPW employees doing projects with the Water Operator to save the District money.

Discussion of Roads- DPW employees doing projects with the Water Operator to save the District money.

Discussion of Assessment Management-Dinah Reiss asks about Grants that are available to the District. Jay Buckley states that the District has applied for a $50,000 no match but there has been no response back yet from DES and asks Doug Prescott to explain that he is looking into other grants for the District,

Discussion of Water Services-Discussion of the SCADA increase there use to be a contract with Electrical Installations Inc and will be discussing that with the Water Operator at next Thursday meeting. Discussion of the Reinach Tank Project ensues.

Warrant Articles

Article 1-Voting for Officers Commissioner Ralph Lutjen & Doug Prescott Moderator Bob Ingram

Article 2-Operating & Highway Budget $711,680 raised by taxation

Article 3-Water System Budget $188,381 raised by water fees

Article 4-Paving of Klausen Drive-$50,000 raised by taxation. Estimate came into Kelly Robitaille for $44,000 but $50,000 will go further down the road it would be for 1 ½ inch overlay which is recommended by Kelly Robitaille.

Article 5-Tank Pumping Maintenance CRF $2,500 to be raised by taxation. This article will then be fully funded so when it is time to pumped out DPW tank the money is there when it is needed.

Article 6-Replenish Equipment Repair CRF $30,000-$5,000 will be raised by taxes and $25,000 will come from the Unassigned Fund. Mike Smith explains that the Unassigned Funds does not affect the tax rate.

Article 7-Replenish Highway Equipment CRF $25,000 Funded from the Unassigned Fund

Article 8-Road Construction CRF $40,000 Funded from the Unassigned Fund

Article 9-Expansion of Resident Mailbox Facility-$15,000 Funded from the Unassigned Fund

Article 10-Sale of the Lodge Funds to be deposited into the Unassigned Fund. Mike Smith feels the District should have put money into article for the sale of the lodge for exterminating and cleaning of the Lodge for the selling. Kathy Koziell feel that they can take money out of the Building and Grounds line item. Mike Smith is in favor of the sale and to clean up the Lodge to make it presentable for the sale. Cathy Bardzilowski asked about an appraisal of the Lodge. Jay Buckley states there is no appraisal due to that there are no comparisons of a Lodge in the Valley, and it is accessed for $369,000. Mike Smith states there would have to an easement given to the new owners for parking at VDOE property.

Article 11-Improvements to Lodge $150,000 raised by taxation. Mike Smith states if the voters do not approve the sale of the Lodge the Lodge will have to be upgraded for it to be used. The roof & windows have to be replaced. The Lodge will have to be brought up to code for Handicap a bathroom upstairs and total rebuild for downstairs, with adding insulation and heating for use in the winter. Also, possible septic system. Stan Wondolowski states it could be sold by Auction.

Article 12-Office/Meeting Building CRF $1.00 to be raised by taxation. This is for the money of the sale of the Lodge could be put into next year.

Article 13-Increase the number of Commissioners- To go from 3 to 5 Commissioners Jay Buckley states that this would help getting things done. Two of the Commissioner can work together because it does not meet the quorum requirement. Mike Smith does not think this is possible talking between two Commissioners is not legal. Kathy Koziell has reached out to NHMA and has not received a response back from them. Doug Prescott’s interpretation of the RSA feels this is okay to do.

Dinah Reiss asks why the Warrants are not showing the BOC recommendations of the Articles. Kathy Koziell states she can put them on.

Article 14-Energy Agreement- To have the voters enter into a 45-month Contract with Neighborhood Energy.

Petitioned Warrant Articles

Article 15-Water Master Plan $20,000 coming from Water CRF. Mike Smith states the District has outgrown the Master Plan from 2005 and feels it needs to be updated.

Article 16-Map114 Lot 49 $5,000 to be raised by taxation. Mike Smith states this article is to protect the District for any water hook ups that can be used to supply water hookups to properties outside of the Eidelweiss District referencing Eben Farm Road properties.

Article 17-Water Hook-up Fee- To see if the voters will vote to raise the Water Ordinance Hook-up fee to $10,000. Mike Smith wants the voters not the BOC set the fee rate as it has always been done in the past. Rate has not been changed since 2007.

Article 18-Beaches $3,000 raised by taxation. Mike Smith wants the voters to approve that the BOC direct the DPW to clean the beaches Monday, Wednesday & Fridays. Additionally, to have monthly beach water testing done. Discussion ensues with the mention of Kevin Ackert cleaned Little Pea Beach in the past and was thanked. Dorothy Wondolowski explains the history of cleaning of the beaches. Cathy Bardzilowski states that the beaches were not cleaned, and something has to be done. Stan Wondolowski stated in the past there used to be parking passes for the beach areas.

Article 19-Separation Agreement $1,500 to come from the Unassigned Fund. Mike Smith would like the District to vote to have the Commissioners void clauses 4 & 5 from the Separation Agreement with Nancy Cole. Discussion ensued.

Article 20-Parking- Mike Smith wants the voters to vote to change the Parking Ordinance discussion ensues.

Article 21-DAM Study $5,000 to come from the Unassigned Fund-Mike Smith would like the District to create a study of the DAM for the Three ponds and develop a working level for the environment. Mike Smith mentions the NH house bill that is in process.

Article 22- Health Care Account-$9,000 raised by taxation. Ralph Lutjen would like the District to raise the amount so the employee deductible will be fully covered. Kathy Koziell states that Ralph Lutjen was not at the meeting to explain his petitioned article.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to close the Budget Hearing. Mike Smith seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon
