Commissioners Meeting
Thursday May 21, 2020
The Board of Commissioners met at 9:02 am on Thursday, May 21, 2020. In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley in the office, Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser (by phone). Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes. The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call. We had 5 residents call into the meeting.
At 9:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.
1. Agenda
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0. Add signature item Bond signature to agenda.
Jay Buckley states that the BOC will respond to Mike Smith from last week meeting.
Jay Buckley states the new truck 5500 Dodge came in 5/20/2020 and has been brought to Albany Service Center for outfitting.
Jay Buckley thanks Kelly Robitaille and DPW for perfect timing of putting down the calcium chloride to keep the dust down and cleaning out the culverts.
Jay Buckley reads the revised letter of 4 Grachen Drive to the public.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter for 4 Grachen Drive as corrected. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-1. Adam Leiser abstains because he was not part of the discussion.
Discussion of 49 Eidelweiss Drive letter- Jay Buckley spoke with Mr. Drew’s brother that was at the property over the weekend. Brother will pass on that the BOC would like to speak with homeowner. Adam Leiser asks the office to see if the water bill was paid on the property.
Discussion of the Burgdorf Culvert- BOC would like written confirmation from DES before starting the project.
Discussion on the Department of Labor Report- Kathy Koziell the backup alarms were a requirement not a recommendation. Must be done on all trucks and to make sure the new truck is done. Kathy Koziell spoke with Ian Hayes for the DPW2 building for his part of report.
Discussion on the Loons- There are 2 eggs now in our natural nest.
2. Administration
Discussion of how to handle the 91A requests, NHRS and getting the video on to the website.
Kathy Koziell will put up minutes as draft documents onto the website.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to change the draft minutes of 3/24/2020, incorrect reimbursement was stated as 76% when it is actually 24%. Jay Buckley seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes of Friday May 15,2020 signing of the Dawson Contract. Jay Buckley seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Jay Buckley will send them in as amended.
Discussion on the signed loan documents- Jay Buckley asks what the interest rate is. Adam Leiser states it is an estimate and thinks it will be around 2%.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve and sign bond agreement. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Dinah Reiss asks if the loan can be paid in 2 payments. Dinah has set up separate account # and will call Greg Im with the information.
Jay Buckley asks about the office staffing. Kathy Koziell states she put an ad in the Conway Daily Sun for May 21, 22 & 23 for the position and would like reimbursement for the ad.
Dinah questions the training of a new person and to take that into consideration.
Jay Buckley discusses webinar he listened to and brings up reimbursement for fees due to COVID-19. Kathy Koziell asks that maybe Rhonda Rosand fees could be covered. Adam Leiser disagrees because the water bill fees was already in processes. Adam Leiser asks about budget sheet and CRF funds. Kathy Koziell states she will update budget sheet.
Discussion of Mike Smith request- Jay Buckley states that the BOC will verify with Kelly Robitaille of the matter and then address Mike Smiths request. Jay Buckley states that Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser were seen together at Kathy Koziell’s home after non-meeting. Adam Leiser stated he was visiting with Kevin Flynn catching up with him and was there prior to Kathy Koziell arriving home. Kathy Koziell states when she got home Adam Leiser was there and she asked him to leave. Kathy Koziell stated she felt uneasy that Adam Leiser was there. Adam Leiser stated he left when Kathy Koziell asked him to. Adam Leiser stated he would like to know when he will be notified about this matter.
Jay Buckley opens meeting up to the public.
Ralph Lutjen would like the draft meeting minutes and the hand written are fine with him. Ralph Lutjen asks about the Audit. Ralph questions Mike Smith’s claim and the issue of Adam Leiser’s character. At this time Ralph Lutjen would like to amend his statement from last meeting of being a liar to a pathetic liar. Discussion ensues of unsuitable behavior of a commissioner.
Dinah Reiss would like the Audio of meetings posted to the web site and it help with the transparency the BOC. Jay Buckley will look into the matter. Kathy Koziell also states she will try to put in on the web site but will have to figure it out she is trying her best with the web site.
Discussion of the email from a homeowner about trees removed by Eversource.
3. Accounts Payable
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Manifest of 6 checks for a total of $53,829.04. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Adam Leiser asks about the difference of regular routine from non-routine of maintenance of the Districts vehicles and where in the budget is it coming from. Jay Buckley asks Kelly Robitaille to verify maintenance of the vehicles.
Dinah Reiss questions the DrummondWoodsum bill.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve payroll of $6,198.05. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Pass 3-0.
4. Signature Items
Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign Thank you letters. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 2-1. Adam Leiser defers.
5. Commissioners Reports
Discussion on 10 Barden Place-Jay Buckley states he talked to Ian Hayes about the water hook up at 10 Barden Place, Ian brought up that the waterline is not completely all the way through and questions when putting in water hook up should he try to find and connect the dead ends. Ian does not know the length of waterline for the connection, he mentioned the freezing lines. Jay Buckley states he remembers that the waterline froze before and that the District was liable and had to put people up in a motel. Adam Leiser states he thinks this could be part of the reimbursement as part of the alternatives to the project. Kathy Koziell states she does not think is part of the project. Jay Buckley asks if he can ask Ian Hayes for the footage and cost.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate up to $1000. For Ian Hayes to find out the length of the waterline on Barden Place. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Kathy Koziell asks where the $1000. will come from? Kathy states there is $37K in budget line or the CRF fund. Jay Buckley will draft a letter to Ian Hayes for Ian to go thru the office to meet the 1st Thursday of every month.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign 10 Barden Place Water Hook Up. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Dinah Reiss asks if the costs of the water hoop ups are being process to the correct accounts.
Jay Buckley mentions that 22 Interlaken is complete.
Jay Buckley asks about the water shut offs for non-payment of bills should the District put a lien on property. This was tabled until next week. Adam Leiser suggests turn offs should be changed until spring.
Discussion on Como PRV- Jay Buckley states that Ian Hayes has fixed it, it was part of his list. Kathy Koziell drafted email to Ian Hayes asking if the water flushing is today or on May 28th.
Discussion on Letter to the 19 residents up at Reinach project area. Jay Buckley to draft letter, Kathy Koziell agrees. Adam Leiser states he thinks the letter should have a plan to be proactive. Kathy Koziell asks who the 19 customers are? Adam Leiser states he thinks Jay Buckley can find out who the 19 homeowners are.
Kathy Koziell makes a motion to call Chris Albert to discuss 9 Reinach Place and the 19 curb-stop valves. Adam Leiser seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Kathy Koziell makes a motion to call the property owner at 9 Reinach Place to find out about access. Adam Leiser seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Discussion on management report for the Audit- Jay Buckley question journal entries and he has not gotten any response back from Tamar Roberts. Kathy Koziell has reviewed report and there is more information in it than last year. Kathy Koziell asks about the unassigned amounts.
Dinah Reiss states the new truck loan is being held up because there is no Audit. Kathy Koziell will reach out to Tamar Roberts to see if we can get a draft of the Audit for the bank. Dinah Reiss gave a tentative date for June on the truck loan.
Discussion of Boat Auction- Jay Buckley states it will be held Sat. May 30th.
Discussion on 1 Aspen Drive-Adam Leiser states he thinks the BOC owe the homeowner a visit with the DPW. Jay Buckley will call the homeowner, Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser agree to set up a date.
Discussion on Canoe/Kayak Rack Repairs-Kathy Koziell states that she still does not have a price from the contractor.
Discussion on the Transfer Station coupons-Jay Buckley states at Tuesdays Madison Board of Selectman meeting coupons have been suspended. Kathy Koziell states she thinks this will impact Eidelweiss and should be posted on the website, email blast and bulletin boards.
Dinah Reiss states to the BOC get the Audit done.
6. Correspondence
Mark Graffam email regarding how meetings are being held. Jay Buckley reached out to NHMA and read email response from NHMA.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to forward email from NHMA to Mark Graffam. Adam Leiser seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Alistair Hewitt email-Jay Buckley reads email regarding Little Loop project. Jay Buckley states he would like to wait for Kelly Robitaille to respond. Kathy Koziell agrees.
Doug Prescott email- Jay Buckley reads email, Jay would like to wait for Kelly who is taking a few days off. Send Mr. Prescott an email to let him know.
Robert Nelson email Driveway permit
Mike Smith email about sending office information on LLPC.
Sharon Rocharz email on the kayak portal- Kathy Koziell will check with Andrew Hardtveldt.
Michael Wronski email regarding opening of beaches- Jay Buckley states beaches are not closed waiting on the 6/2/2020 Madison Selectmen’s meeting to go from there.
Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:20 am. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna MacKinnon