Author Archives: Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday July 16, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, July 16, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone) and Paula Doyle (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had Dinah Reiss, treasurer, Chris Albert, engineer & 4 residents call into the meeting.                            

At 9:00 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly updates that the roads held up with the massive rain storms and there were no major wash outs.

Discussion on the culvert repair on Sawyze Road.

Discussion of paving at Bristenstock and Aspen Drive after Reinach Project.  Will be meeting with Bryant Paving to receive an estimate to give Chris Albert to be use as part of the contingency monies.  Jay Buckley states that if money is not available it would possibly be a warrant article for next year.  Kelly Robitaille states he would be disappointed due to his saving the District monies on this project.

Discussion of Rock House Mountain spreading of Calcium Chloride.

Discussion of the camper parked at Huttwil parking lot.  Kathy Koziell made up a note to be put on the camper that they have until 7/23/2020 to remove it.  Jay Buckley will reach out to the Madison Police.

Discussion of the picnic table at Presidential View-Kelly Robitaille stated it was never the DPW responsibility.  John Rocharz from the EPOA would like to replace it with a donation from the EPOA.  District will buy it then get reimbursement from the EPOA.  John Rocharz agrees to that.  Jay Buckley will respond back to homeowner that wanted to repair the old picnic table.

John Rocharz asks that the water be turned on at the entrance if Eidelweiss.  Jay Buckley states that Ian Hayes will be called to turn the water on.

Discussion on EPOA having a BBQ at the beach.  Jay Buckley states that they have to follow the NH state guidelines.

Kathy Koziell asks Kelly Robitaille about the DPW garage doors.  Kelly states they will be here today or tomorrow.

3. Administration Report

Discussion of Madison Police Detail last Saturday night after complaints from July 4th weekend.

Discussion of the water levels of the ponds.  They are back to correct levels.

Discussion of Admin job posting.  Paula Doyle states that is not cost effective.

Indeed, is free and will post job opening.  Jay Buckley will check into the unemployment office to post the job posting. 

Discussion of the Kayak Portal.

Discussion that Madison tax check was received.

Discussion of The Neighbor Energy contract.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to go ahead and reach out with The Neighbor Energy to for new lower rate.  Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of the Outhouses- Kathy Koziell discusses the toilet seats.

Discussion of security of the office.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to spend up $500.00 to purchase a security system for the office and garage.  Payment will come from Buildings & Grounds line item.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.

4. Signature Items

Discussion of 28 Bern Drive Letter.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter to 28 Bern Drive property owner.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of 116 Eidelweiss Letter.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter to the property owner of 116 Eidelweiss Drive.  Kathy Koziell seconds. 

Discussion of wording of the letter to 116 Eidelweiss Dr.

Paula Doyle makes a motion to amend to revise the letter to 116 Eidelweiss Drive stating to install the new culvert when weather permits.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion on the Letter to Shawn’s Tree. Jay Buckley reads the letter.

Jay Buckley makes an amendment to the letter to Shawn’s Tree Removal letter.

Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the amended Letter to Shawn’s Tree Removal.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Payroll

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approved Payroll of 7/14/2020 for $5269.01.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of the Manifest.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Manifest of 7/15/2020 of 5 checks for $2870.01.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of the Bond questioning the date.

Discussion of the letter for new waterline service to property owners. 

Paula Doyle states the letter needs to be more direct that this will be done at the homeowner’s expense and it is between the homeowner and the contractor.

Jay Buckley approves the New Waterline Service Letter as amended.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Greg Im’s email that just came into the office.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to schedule a BOC meeting for Tuesday July 21, 2020.

Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of water leak on Aspen Drive.  It has been fixed.

Discussion of liens of outstanding water bills.

Discussion of Water Usage Spreadsheet.

5. Engineer Report

10:30am Chris Albert calls into the meeting.

Discussion of the Salins & Bristenstock culverts sizes.  Chris Albert designed for 36” price was high but with all things he is comfortable. Will be checking with Rick Skarinka to see if it can go through eligibility.  Kelly Robitaille asks if increase in diameter is critical.  The District already has on hand 24” pre cast material and 40’ of pipe.  Chris will revise with 24” and get back to the BOC.

Discussion of the work change order.

Discussion of Bryant’s paving estimate.  Kelly Robitaille will fill in Chris Albert on it.

Discussion of the calculation on waterflow.

Charis Albert will be up Friday and Tuesday for the pour.

Discussion about the Retainage.

Discussion of Approval of 7/9/2020 minutes.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to amend the minutes of 7/9/2020 to include the letter from Mr. Taylor.

Paula Doyle does not feel need in detail is necessary just discuss.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Pass 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the amended minutes of 7/9/2020.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

6.  Correspondence

Discussion of Letter form Terri Cancelarich.

Discussion of Mark Graffam email.

Discussion of DRA.

Discussion of Sally Hassey email.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to go into Non-Public at 11:08 am.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

At 11:42 am exit Non-Public

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to seal the Non-Public Meeting Minutes.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley make a motion to seal the Non-Public Minutes.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:29 am.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday July 9, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:04 am on Thursday, July 9, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell and Paula Doyle (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had Chris Albert, engineer & 2 residents call into the meeting.                            

At 9:04 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley amended the agenda manifest amounts of $285,723.00 and $7,317.29.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the amended agenda.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

2. Engineer Report

Discussion of Reinach Project status. Chris Albert calls into the meeting.  Chris Albert discusses the updated spreadsheet of the project that he sent into the office.  He sent in the second pay requisition from Dawson.  Discussion of the PRV pit at Upper Lakeview- Chris Albert met with Ian Hayes regarding PRV pit will send in report next week for BOC to review.

Discussion on paving-Chris Albert & Kelly Robitaille will meet next Friday.  Chris Albert discusses culvert at Bristenstock & Salins states he is checking on size for replacement and Aspen culvert was also discussed.  Chris Albert states DN Tank is shooting for first week in August for completion.  Jay Buckley asks Chris Albert if the BOC should have been at the meeting at Summit.  Chris Albert states no he was just in the district for his weekly visit.

3. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille states the roads are in good condition after the storms.  DPW fixed the broken ladder at Boulder Beach.  Kelly Robitaille askes if can go ahead with Upper Lakeview culvert project.  Jay Buckley states the office received t

Mr. Taylor signed agreement letter and that Kelly can go ahead with project.  Discussion of Calcium Chloride for Rock House.  Kelly Robitaille states he used about 720 gallons and that they would like it done 2 more times.  Kelly Robitaille wants to refill Calcium Chloride Tank with the great deal with Rock House but will be over budget line item, but he needs the BOC approval.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille purchase Calcium Chloride with the appropriation of $2,500. coming from what is left in the dust control line item and the remaining coming from the gravel line item.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion on the Thusis Culvert- Kelly Robitaille states the DPW did an exploratory dig.  Kelly stated that the old steel buts up to plastic not connected.  He recommends remove and replace with correct fix.  Kelly Robitaille states that no approval is needed from anyone even the homeowner.  Paula Doyle questions if there was a warrant article for Thusis.  Kelly Robitaille stated that materials were bought last year but they are oversized and cannot be used on this project but will be used somewhere else in the district.  Jay Buckley states the money were never expended to this year.  Kelly Robitaille figures it would cost around $600. and is ready to go.  Jay Buckley asks Kathy Koziell and Paula Doyle if the BOC should let the homeowner know about the changes.  Kathy Koziell states they should let the homeowner know.  Kelly has told the homeowner how the project was going to go it was existing drainage 30 years old and it need to be replaced.  Jay Buckley will draft a letter to the homeowner.

Discussion of One Little Loop homeowner about driveway drainage issue-Kelly Robitaille stated a request for fill was requested by homeowner but the fill that would have been given to the homeowner was reclaimed fill from the district and the homeowner made note about how 4 Little Loop was taken care of.  Kelly Robitaille stated the BOC will have straighten this out with the homeowner.  Kathy Koziell knows the property and Paula Doyle will go by and check it out.  Kathy Koziell asks Kelly if a driveway culvert purchased by the homeowner would work.  Kelly Robitaille states a culvert would not work and fix the problem.  Paula Doyle asks how long the people owned the property and to tell the homeowner to come in front of the BOC regarding the fill.

Kelly Robitaille that the stumps on Little Loop will have to be removed due to plowing in the winter which would ruin the blades if they got hit.  BOC agrees with Kelly Robitaille to remove the stumps.  Jay Buckley will reach out to the logger to question why the stumps were left that way.  Jay Buckley will draft a letter to Shawn’s Tree Service.

Jay Buckley will draft a letter to homeowner from Barden Place at Bern Drive about raking debris into the cleaned-out culvert ditch in order to have the drainage flow properly.

Driveway permits:

Discussion of driveway permits approval for construction for 9 Reinach Place and 34 Interlaken Circle.  9 Reinach Place is a class VI road and needs to have recorded Notice of Restriction with the Registry of Deeds Carrol County in Ossippee. Was filled out by homeowner and sent to Registry of Deeds by the office.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve and sign Driveway Permit for Construction for 9 Reinach Place.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve and sign Driveway Permit for Construction for 34 Interlaken Circle.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Beach Raking- Paula Doyle asks about the beach raking and would like the DPW to do it.  Jay Buckley does not feel the need.  Kathy Koziell feels once a year or a spring clean up should be done.  Dinah Reiss asks if the Outhouse cleaner can do it.  Jay Buckley says no because trash pick up has to be done right.

4. Administration Report

Discussion about phone call from a resident regarding the Huttwil parking lot with the camper and car that has been there awhile.

Discussion of all the phone calls into the office about the trash that was left around the district from the weekend.  Kathy Koziell questions the non-resident trash situation. Jay Buckley states they can dispose of trash @ $5.00 a bag.  Kathy Koziell will send out an email blast.

Discussion of waiving the water bill late fee.  The BOC all agree not to waive the late fee was already waived from May to July homeowners know when the water bill is due yearly.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the commissioner meeting minutes of May 14, 21 & 28th 2020.

Ralph Lutjen asks for amendment for May 21 minutes from his statement from pathetic to pathological.  Paula Doyle states going forward to follow the 91A regulations.  Ralph Lutjen asks if the minutes can be done backwards until caught up.  The BOC takes that under advisement.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the commissioner meeting minutes of May 14, 21 & 28th 2020 with amendment to May 21st minutes.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 2-1 Paula Doyle abstains.

5.  Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the two manifests.  First manifest from the water project of 5 checks for $285,723.00.  Second manifest from the operating budget of 11 checks for $7317.29.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

6. Commissioners Reports

Kathy Koziell states she will work with Donna MacKinnon on putting liens on overdue water bill customers.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter to Robert Nelson regarding 21 Upper Lakeview.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of past Holiday weekend- Jay Buckley states that Kelly Robitaille stated there was damage to the ladder at Boulder Beach at a cost of $286.00 and that the DPW collected at least 20 bags of discarded trash through out the district.  An email came into the office from Adam Leiser requesting the board to pay for a detail for fireworks.  Jay Buckley stated he thinks this should be a warrant article for a paid detail for next years annual meeting.  Kathy Koziell asks if the EPOA could pay for detail.  Dinah Reiss says no it has to be done by the BOC.  Paula Doyle states people should call the homeowner, the real estate company, or the police when there is a problem.  Jay Buckley this should be put on the list of ordinances for the homeowners to approve at a public hearing.

Kathy Koziell states she updated the spreadsheet for the water project.  She will add a running balance for CRF funds- need to show that they were billed.

Jay Buckley discusses playing phone tag with Michelle Clark from the DRA, he will reach out again.

7.  Correspondence

Ralph Lutjen sent an email that he would like to take care of the garden.  BOC agree for Ralph Lutjen to take care of the garden.

John Rocharz took care of the playground and fixed the fence.

Andy Elliot can go ahead with his irrigation system.

Dinah Reiss states for next Thursday’s meeting she will have signature cards for Paula Doyle to sign.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to go into Non-Public at 10:50 am.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

At 11:42 am exit Non-Public

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to seal the Non-Public Meeting Minutes.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Paula Doyle makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:43 am.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday May 28, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:03 am on Thursday, May 28, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley in the office, Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had 6 residents call into the meeting.                            

At 9:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Kathy Koziell calls Point of order to change to correct date on the agenda.  Motion Passed 3-0.  

2. Highway Department

Kelly Robitaille reports that the DPW has been doing culvert cleaning, ditch work and treating the roads with Calcium Chloride. A 4” board was moved for correct water levels at the Dam but was as cautious as possible for the Loons.  Kelly Robitaille states that the Water Project truck route is not being follow by the trucks going to the project site.  Trucks are going on Appenval Kelly asks who he should contact.  Jay Buckley states that the previous vote taken on not to contact anyone Kelly can not contact anyone.  Kathy Koziell thinks Kelly Robitaille can contact Chris Albert for something like this.  Adam Leiser states that Chris Albert is the manager on the project.  Kelly Robitaille states he thinks Chris Albert is only on site twice a month.  Jay Buckley mentions there has been two water outages and that he had to notify the sheriff for road closures due to the project.  Kelly Robitaille stated he has been stopped by homeowners asking where to park because of the road closures.  Jay Buckley is concerned about letting the homeowners know about water outages and will speak with Ian Hayes.  Kathy Koziell asked the water outages were planned.  Jay Buckley states one was, and one was not.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion for Ian Hayes to contact Kathy Koziell if Donna MacKinnon is not in the office.  Adam Leiser seconds. 

Adam Leiser states he thinks an email should go out on any water outages to let the public know.

Jay Buckley states that there were not supposed to be any road closures as stated at the pre-construction meeting and that he is concerned going forward.  Adam Leiser, Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley go back and forward as to whether Ian Hayes should phone or email when a water outage occur.  Kathy Koziell amends motion.

Kathy Koziell amends motion to notify Ian Hayes that he needs to confirm contact regarding water outage either by email or phone.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Adam Leiser will write up something to put on the website.

Kelly Robitaille states he thinks the contractor should contact Chris Albert regarding road closures.  Chris Albert should have known that the roads were going to be closed so that we can let the public know.  Also, to put up a truck route for the project.  Kelly Robitaille wants to have someone contact Chris Albert to take care of road signage.  Jay Buckley states he is concerned about the District roads being ruined.  Jay Buckley also asks what happens to the culverts at Salins & Bristenstock, will it be removed and who will be on site on site to see if they are properly put back.  Kathy Koziell would like to have a conference call with Chris Albert to voice the BOC concerns. 

Discussion ensues about who is responsible for dust control of the roads. Adam Leiser states people should expect issues with such a big project that is being done in the District.

The BOC schedule a commissioner meeting for Monday June 1st, 2020 at 9:00 am for a conference call with Chris Albert regarding the boards concerns of road closures and dust control.

Kelly Robitaille states there should be project manager on site.  In the past there was a clerk of the works on site that would solve any problems.

Donna MacKinnon leaves the meeting at this point.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday May 21, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:02 am on Thursday, May 21, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley in the office, Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had 5 residents call into the meeting.                            

At 9:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.  Add signature item Bond signature to agenda.

Jay Buckley states that the BOC will respond to Mike Smith from last week meeting.

Jay Buckley states the new truck 5500 Dodge came in 5/20/2020 and has been brought to Albany Service Center for outfitting.

Jay Buckley thanks Kelly Robitaille and DPW for perfect timing of putting down the calcium chloride to keep the dust down and cleaning out the culverts.

Jay Buckley reads the revised letter of 4 Grachen Drive to the public.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter for 4 Grachen Drive as corrected.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-1.  Adam Leiser abstains because he was not part of the discussion.

Discussion of 49 Eidelweiss Drive letter- Jay Buckley spoke with Mr. Drew’s brother that was at the property over the weekend.  Brother will pass on that the BOC would like to speak with homeowner.  Adam Leiser asks the office to see if the water bill was paid on the property.

Discussion of the Burgdorf Culvert- BOC would like written confirmation from DES before starting the project.

Discussion on the Department of Labor Report- Kathy Koziell the backup alarms were a requirement not a recommendation.  Must be done on all trucks and to make sure the new truck is done.  Kathy Koziell spoke with Ian Hayes for the DPW2 building for his part of report.

Discussion on the Loons- There are 2 eggs now in our natural nest.

2. Administration

Discussion of how to handle the 91A requests, NHRS and getting the video on to the website.

Kathy Koziell will put up minutes as draft documents onto the website.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to change the draft minutes of 3/24/2020, incorrect reimbursement was stated as 76% when it is actually 24%.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes of Friday May 15,2020 signing of the Dawson Contract.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley will send them in as amended.

Discussion on the signed loan documents- Jay Buckley asks what the interest rate is.  Adam Leiser states it is an estimate and thinks it will be around 2%.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve and sign bond agreement.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Dinah Reiss asks if the loan can be paid in 2 payments.  Dinah has set up separate account # and will call Greg Im with the information.

Jay Buckley asks about the office staffing.  Kathy Koziell states she put an ad in the Conway Daily Sun for May 21, 22 & 23 for the position and would like reimbursement for the ad.

Dinah questions the training of a new person and to take that into consideration.

Jay Buckley discusses webinar he listened to and brings up reimbursement for fees due to COVID-19.  Kathy Koziell asks that maybe Rhonda Rosand fees could be covered.  Adam Leiser disagrees because the water bill fees was already in processes.  Adam Leiser asks about budget sheet and CRF funds.  Kathy Koziell states she will update budget sheet.

Discussion of Mike Smith request- Jay Buckley states that the BOC will verify with Kelly Robitaille of the matter and then address Mike Smiths request.  Jay Buckley states that Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser were seen together at Kathy Koziell’s home after non-meeting.  Adam Leiser stated he was visiting with Kevin Flynn catching up with him and was there prior to Kathy Koziell arriving home.  Kathy Koziell states when she got home Adam Leiser was there and she asked him to leave.  Kathy Koziell stated she felt uneasy that Adam Leiser was there.  Adam Leiser stated he left when Kathy Koziell asked him to.  Adam Leiser stated he would like to know when he will be notified about this matter.

Jay Buckley opens meeting up to the public.

Ralph Lutjen would like the draft meeting minutes and the hand written are fine with him.  Ralph Lutjen asks about the Audit.  Ralph questions Mike Smith’s claim and the issue of Adam Leiser’s character.  At this time Ralph Lutjen would like to amend his statement from last meeting of being a liar to a pathetic liar.  Discussion ensues of unsuitable behavior of a commissioner.

Dinah Reiss would like the Audio of meetings posted to the web site and it help with the transparency the BOC.  Jay Buckley will look into the matter.  Kathy Koziell also states she will try to put in on the web site but will have to figure it out she is trying her best with the web site.

Discussion of the email from a homeowner about trees removed by Eversource.

3.  Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Manifest of 6 checks for a total of $53,829.04.    Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Adam Leiser asks about the difference of regular routine from non-routine of maintenance of the Districts vehicles and where in the budget is it coming from.  Jay Buckley asks Kelly Robitaille to verify maintenance of the vehicles.

Dinah Reiss questions the DrummondWoodsum bill.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve payroll of $6,198.05.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Pass 3-0.

4. Signature Items

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign Thank you letters.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-1.  Adam Leiser defers.

5. Commissioners Reports

Discussion on 10 Barden Place-Jay Buckley states he talked to Ian Hayes about the water hook up at 10 Barden Place, Ian brought up that the waterline is not completely all the way through and questions when putting in water hook up should he try to find and connect the dead ends.  Ian does not know the length of waterline for the connection, he mentioned the freezing lines.  Jay Buckley states he remembers that the waterline froze before and that the District was liable and had to put people up in a motel.  Adam Leiser states he thinks this could be part of the reimbursement as part of the alternatives to the project.  Kathy Koziell states she does not think is part of the project.  Jay Buckley asks if he can ask Ian Hayes for the footage and cost.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate up to $1000. For Ian Hayes to find out the length of the waterline on Barden Place.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Kathy Koziell asks where the $1000. will come from? Kathy states there is $37K in budget line or the CRF fund.  Jay Buckley will draft a letter to Ian Hayes for Ian to go thru the office to meet the 1st Thursday of every month.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign 10 Barden Place Water Hook Up.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Dinah Reiss asks if the costs of the water hoop ups are being process to the correct accounts.

Jay Buckley mentions that 22 Interlaken is complete.

Jay Buckley asks about the water shut offs for non-payment of bills should the District put a lien on property.  This was tabled until next week. Adam Leiser suggests turn offs should be changed until spring.

Discussion on Como PRV- Jay Buckley states that Ian Hayes has fixed it, it was part of his list.  Kathy Koziell drafted email to Ian Hayes asking if the water flushing is today or on May 28th.

Discussion on Letter to the 19 residents up at Reinach project area.  Jay Buckley to draft letter, Kathy Koziell agrees.  Adam Leiser states he thinks the letter should have a plan to be proactive.  Kathy Koziell asks who the 19 customers are?  Adam Leiser states he thinks Jay Buckley can find out who the 19 homeowners are.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to call Chris Albert to discuss 9 Reinach Place and the 19 curb-stop valves.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to call the property owner at 9 Reinach Place to find out about access.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion on management report for the Audit- Jay Buckley question journal entries and he has not gotten any response back from Tamar Roberts.  Kathy Koziell has reviewed report and there is more information in it than last year.  Kathy Koziell asks about the unassigned amounts.

Dinah Reiss states the new truck loan is being held up because there is no Audit.  Kathy Koziell will reach out to Tamar Roberts to see if we can get a draft of the Audit for the bank.  Dinah Reiss gave a tentative date for June on the truck loan.

Discussion of Boat Auction- Jay Buckley states it will be held Sat. May 30th.

Discussion on 1 Aspen Drive-Adam Leiser states he thinks the BOC owe the homeowner a visit with the DPW.  Jay Buckley will call the homeowner, Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser agree to set up a date.

Discussion on Canoe/Kayak Rack Repairs-Kathy Koziell states that she still does not have a price from the contractor.

Discussion on the Transfer Station coupons-Jay Buckley states at Tuesdays Madison Board of Selectman meeting coupons have been suspended.  Kathy Koziell states she thinks this will impact Eidelweiss and should be posted on the website, email blast and bulletin boards.

Dinah Reiss states to the BOC get the Audit done.

6. Correspondence

Mark Graffam email regarding how meetings are being held. Jay Buckley reached out to NHMA and read email response from NHMA.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to forward email from NHMA to Mark Graffam.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Alistair Hewitt email-Jay Buckley reads email regarding Little Loop project.  Jay Buckley states he would like to wait for Kelly Robitaille to respond. Kathy Koziell agrees.

Doug Prescott email- Jay Buckley reads email, Jay would like to wait for Kelly who is taking a few days off.  Send Mr. Prescott an email to let him know.

Robert Nelson email Driveway permit

Mike Smith email about sending office information on LLPC.

Sharon Rocharz email on the kayak portal- Kathy Koziell will check with Andrew Hardtveldt.

Michael Wronski email regarding opening of beaches- Jay Buckley states beaches are not closed waiting on the 6/2/2020 Madison Selectmen’s meeting to go from there.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:20 am.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday May 14th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:04 am on Thursday, May 14th, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had 7 residents call into the meeting.                            

At 9:03 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 2-1. Adam Leiser abstains.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly reports that the new truck is coming tomorrow around 1:00pm.  Kelly Robitaille states that the dealership needs an official letter stating that whoever signs for the delivery of the new truck that they are official signing agent for the district.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to allow Jay Buckley to create a letter to sign for the new truck as the authorized signing agent.  Jay Buckley seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion purchase of the new truck- Dinah Reiss states she needs the Audit for the bank for the loan.  Kelly Robitaille states he has to get the new truck in order to outfit the truck.  Kelly Robitaille received an estimate from Albany Service Center of $44,705K.  Albany Service Center needs a deposit of 50% of the estimate.  Adam Leiser would like a clause to put in the Albany Service Center estimate for a finish date.  Jay Buckley asks if the 550 is going to be sold or traded in.  Kelly Robitaille that he has someone interested in buying the 550.  Kathy Koziell thinks the district should sell the 550 and Adam Leiser agrees.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to appropriate a deposit of $22,500k for outfitting the new truck for Albany Service Center.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion that the DPW will be trucking the gravel in the next few days in order to take advantage of the savings from Coleman.  Kelly states he is waiting for a response from DES.  Jay Buckley thanks Kelly Robitaille getting the Outhouses cleaned and pumped out.  Adam Leiser has a suggestion for a warrant article every year for the Outhouses.  Jay Buckley states how the Outhouses were done in the past.

Adam Leiser makes a motion for a warrant article for $4K to clean out the Outhouses.

Kelly Robitaille states the Outhouses come under Parks & Rec budget line item.  He wanted to take over the Outhouses but was shut down.  Kathy Koziell wants to table discussion about the Outhouses.

Discussion on the speed bumps-Kelly Robitaille under the impression that the trucking will ruin the speed bumps.

Discussion of the beaches and parking-Kathy Koziell states to monitor and can always make adjustment as needed.  Jay Buckley agrees with Kathy Koziell and to wait for the Governor’s release.  Kathy Koziell the enforcement of policy will put a burden on the police.  Kathy Koziell would like to see how Memorial Day weekend goes and go from there.

Discussion of 18 Little Shore- Doug Prescott wants a 6-month extension of his driveway permit which is set to expire on May 23rd.  He states his bond has to be renewed and he will renew it if given the extension.  Doug Prescott wants to modify design and to pave driveway with the DPW approval.  Kelly wants to meet with Doug Prescott and questions if new permit has to be filed for new design.  Jay Buckley and Adam Leiser agree with Kelly Robitaille.  Doug Prescott states the design is not major.  Jay Buckley wants to make sure the bond is extended to cover the district.  Adam Leiser wants clarification.  Jay Buckley asks Doug Prescott to meet with Kelly Robitaille for a walk through for clarification.  Kelly Robitaille will call Doug Prescott later to arrange a meeting.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to extend 18 Little Shore driveway construction permit to 11/14/2020 and for a letter to go out to Doug Prescott for bond company.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of 4 Grachen Drive-Jay Buckley states a letter will go out to the homeowner.

Discussion of 49 Eidelweiss Drive- Kathy Koziell states we are waiting for the certified letter to come back and if not signed for the post office will send it back to the district.  Adam Leiser states he will try to find out homeowners’ information from white pages and resend the letter.

Discussion on the Department of Labor report-Kathy Koziell asks Kelly Robitaille if the back-up alarm have been installed on the trucks.  Kelly Robitaille believes it was a recommendation.  Kathy Koziell will draft a letter back to the Department of Labor.

Discussion of Speed Bumps-Adam Leiser stated that the EPOA offered to buy a speed bump and he would like to gently remind the EPOA of that matter.  Dinah Reis stated she will speak to the EPOA. Kelly Robitaille stated that he would suggest putting the third speed bump at the curve of Little Shore Drive.  Kelly Robitaille will get the cost of the speed bump.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to put a third speed bump at the curve of Little Shore Drive.  Kathy Koziell seconds the motion.  Motion passed 3-0.

3. Administration

Kathy Koziell wants to put an ad in the newspaper for the part-time administrative position.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate up to $100 for posting the part-time administrative position in the Conway Daily Sun.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion on the late fee for the water bills – Jay Buckley and Kathy Koziell thinks that the late fees should waiver until May 1, 2020 due to COVID-19.  Adam Leiser disagreed. 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to send out the water bills on 6/1/2020 with a new due date of 7/1/2020 for the late fee. Jay Buckley seconds the motion.  Motion passed 2-1.  Adam Leiser abstains due to homeowners are aware of the May 1, 2020 late fee.  

Discussion of the profit and loss statement – Kathy Koziell will update the profit and loss statement and send it into the office.

Discussion on kayak racks – Adam Leiser asked about the kayak racks being repaired.  Kathy Koziell stated she met with a contractor and the contractor will get back to her. 

Jay Buckley opens up the meeting to the public.  Ralph Lutjen asked the status of the audit.  Jay Buckley asked Kathy Koziell about the journal entries for the bills that came in-in 2020.  Kathy Koziell stated the journal entries are OK per Tamar Roberts and she is waiting for the management report.  Kathy Koziell thinks there is a $300 difference.  Jay Buckley will send the management report to Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell for approval and then the management report will be sent to Tamar Roberts. 

Ralph Lutjen questions Mike Smith’s claim regarding Little Loop and what is the boards response.  Jay Buckley explained that the BOC is sending Mike Smith’s claim to the village districts attorney.  Ralph Lutjen stated Adam Leiser’s repeat of lying about the situation and then asks for Adam Leiser’s resignation. 

Jay Buckley explained that Kathy Koziell and himself will have a non-meeting in order to meet with the village districts attorney.

Adam Leiser stated his claim and is working on his error.  Adam Leiser stated he did not lie.  Adam Leiser stated he would like Ralph Lutjen to rescind his acquisition.  Kathy Koziell stated that she reached out to attorney Chris Boldt by herself to schedule a meeting.  Kathy Koziell would like administration to send an email to attorney Chris Boldt for Tuesday, 5/19/2020 for the non-meeting. 

Larry Leonard asked why the public cannot repair the kayak racks as a volunteer project.  Jay Buckley asked Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser their opinion of the volunteer project.  Kathy Koziell stated she would like to hear back from the contractor first and then see if it could be a volunteer project.   

4.  Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Manifest of ***** checks for a total of $24,204.58.  Jay Buckley questions the Ian Hayes Simply Water bill regarding the fulfilling of his contract.  Kathy Koziell will read Ian Hayes’ contract to confirm he is fulfilling his contracted duties. Jay Buckley stated he will draft a letter to Ian Hayes if there is an issue and the BOC will hold the check if the letter has to go out to Ian Hayes.  Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Manifest of $24,204.58 or if they have not heard back from Ian Hayes for $22, 359.58.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Jay Buckley makes a motion to redo Simply Water check for $1,845.00.  Adam Leiser seconds the motion. Kathy Koziell makes a motion to amend Simply Water check and give Ian Hayes ten days to do his work orders.  Jay Buckley seconds.   Motion passed 3-0.

5. Commissioners Reports

Mark Graffam stated that according to the Attorney General the BOC meeting are being held illegally and has an issue of the meeting minutes not being posted on time.  Adam Leiser agrees with Mark Graffam about the minutes. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion for him to take the commissioner minutes.  No second.

Dinah Reiss stated she needs the 2019 audit to send to the bank for the truck loan application.  Dinah Reiss also stated she needs the final numbers to fill in the application for the truck.  Jay Buckley stated he will reach out to Tamar Roberts today. 

Dinah Reiss questions the 85K monies.  Kathy Koziell explained it to Dinah Reiss.

Dinah Reiss asked if Reinach Tank project can be put on the website.  Kathy Koziell stated she has put it up on the website and Adam Leiser has not access to the website to the website. 

Discussion on Adam Leiser’s email regarding the restrictions to the engineers and contractors of the Reinach Tank project. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion as was stated in his email dated May 13, 2020 that all Commissioners are restricted from having any access to the engineer and any contractor for the Reinach Tank project without prior authorization from the BOC. Kathy Koziell seconds.  Jay Buckley votes no and questions who should be speaking to the engineer and contractors.  Adam Leiser calls to vote on the issue.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-1. 

Discussion on 10 Barden Place water hookup – Jay Buckley did a drive by and site is ready to go.  Jay Buckley explained his discussion with Ian Hayes this morning to give applicant approval for water hook up.  Ian Hayes feels from data logging there will be sufficient pressure when connection the two lines together.  Kathy Koziell thinks there is enough money for connecting the two lines together.

Jay Buckley makes the motion to approve the water hook up for 10 Barden Place.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3–0.

Adam Leiser questions Nick Seaggall’s involvement of Fluid Engineering.  Adam Leiser stated it should have gone through Jones & Beach. Adam Leiser questioned the water line extension CRF and to keep track for reimbursement from the state.  Adam Leiser questions the Water Tight Tank money for reimbursement from the state. 

Discussion on 9 Reinach Place it is a class VI road.  There is no waterline in front of property and will have to be put in.  Jay Buckley reads email from homeowner of 9 Reinach Place.  Adam Leiser states this should sent to the Water Committee and Ian (should not go out to the engineer).  Tell the homeowner to contact Dawson to extend waterline, the village is not responsible for extending waterline.  Adam Leiser states Reinach Place should become a class V road next year.  Kelly Robitaille asks who is paying for the upgrade and wants it done right.  Jay Buckley would like to send ordinance to homeowner.  Kathy Koziell would like Jay Buckley to draft a letter to the home owner summarizing how it impacts them.  The draft would be talked about at next meeting.

Discussion on the 19 homeowners about replacing waterlines. Certified letters should go out to the homeowners.

Adam Leiser make a motion to spend up to $130. For Ian to give us the 19 homes currently connected to the Reinach pressure zone.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Jay Buckley votes no.  Motion Passed 2-1.

BOC will review Jay Buckley’s draft letter for discussion at next week’s meeting.

6. Signature Item

Jay Buckley makes motion to sign out of session the thank you letters.

Kathy Koziell and Adam Leiser want to see the letters first.

Discussion on 1 Aspen Drive-Jay Buckley states that he drove by it and it is groundwater table and is high.  Kelly Robitaille states it is a seasonal puddle and that he can put fill in it.  Adam Leiser states he would like to tell the homeowner that the issue is a groundwater problem.  Jay Buckley asks Adam Leiser to draft a letter to the homeowner.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the DN Tank notice to proceed.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to have Ian Hayes raise the curb stop valve at Andrew Hardtveldt house on Blinden.  Motion became null and void because it has been done.

Discussion of Mark Lucy email- Jay Buckley will respond to the email.

Discussion of the Boat Auction- Jay Buckley will hold the boat auction on May 30th, it should be posted on the web site and bulletin boards.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to post Boat Auction on the bulletin boards, web site and an email blast.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Kelly Robitaille brings up the issue with the pipeline extension and curb stops.  Kelly states there was a study done in the past and now would be a great time to bring the study up to spec. Kelly Robitaille wants to talk Chris Albert.

Discussion about excavators driving up Appenval & Aspen- Jay Buckley took pictures of machines driving on the roads and will send them along.  The metal track on the machines will ruin District roads.  Adam Leiser will draft a letter to Chris Albert regarding issue.

Adam Leiser asks Jay Buckley about his comment on the DrummondWoodsum bill.  Adam Leiser would like to let everyone know that he spent hours on getting the bond and filling out the paper work so it was all done properly, and the BOC knew.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:26 pm.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday May 7th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:04 am on Thursday, May 7th, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had 7 residents call into the meeting.                            

At 9:04 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 3-0

Kathy want to discuss the Chocorua and Summit Pump House projects.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly reports that DPW was sweeping and will be laying down calcium chloride top keep the dust down. Discussion on the garage doors, Kelly will reach out to vendor for and invoice in order to send them a deposit. Discussion on Outhouses – Kelly states that 2 have been cleaned and 2 will be done by tomorrow. A big job and he will inspect Eidelweiss and Thusis outhouses. Kathy thanks Kelly. Discussion on ponding issue at Konstanz and Grison.

Kelly will sketch something to forward to property owner. Kelly states that there is a gravel sale at Coleman’s the $7.00/ton now $5.00 for a limited time. His gravel budget is $13K and can save $4160 by buying it now.  Kelly states we should expend the gravel budget now to get the most savings.  Kelly asks to get more gravel or savings.  Kathy Koziell wants to split the savings.  Jay Buckley wants to spend now for full savings.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to authorize to expend up to 10K on gravel DOT spec 3/4” mix.  To be paid from the budget gravel line item.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of the new truck- Kelly Robitaille negotiates truck price with Lee Auto for $47,177.00.  It was a $10K discount that can be put towards outfitting the truck once it is purchased.  Kelly asks for the process of moving forward for purchasing new truck. Jay Buckley asks Dinah Reiss.  Dinah Reiss states that she needs a couple of days for the documents to be signed for the full amount of truck warrant article of $108K.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to go ahead to process the loan that was approved at the annual meeting.  It will be a 5-year loan with 2 yearly payments at 2.2% for $108K.  The documents are to be signed out of session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion that if a deposit is required to hold the truck, up to $500.00 from the Village’s debit card can be used to secure the truck.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of the Burgdorf Culvert warrant.  Kelly Robitaille wants to start in order to take advantage of gravel deal.  Kathy Koziell wants to know absolutely that Kelly Robitaille has the authority to do the project without DES shutting down the project.  Kelly Robitaille will get DES information for the scope of work and exiting culvert for repair and replace.  Will make sure it is either in writing or email.

Discussion of 4 Grachen Dr ponding of driveway issue.  Kelly Robitaille states 2 culverts are needed for driveway. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to pay for the culverts and the DPW will install them.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to respond the residents request for the culverts to be purchased by the homeowner at 4 Grachen Dr and the DPW will install them on the north driveway a $250.00 per culvert quote will be given to the homeowner.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion on 31 Upper Lakeview Dr- Jay Buckley will draft a letter to homeowner to open up discussion to meet with the homeowner on site to review what the drainage fix will entail.  Kelly Robitaille just wants to install a culvert. Jay Buckley wants the meeting with the BOC and Kelly to answer any questions.

Discussion on 49 Eidelweiss Dr – Kathy Koziell stated that they are waiting for the second attempt letter to come back from the post office.

Discussion on 27 Diessbach – discussion of driveway permit.

Discussion on small Burgdorf ponding – Kelly Robitaille stated it is one on the spring ponding issues that he would like to correct when the Burgdorf project is being done.

Discussion on Thusis culvert – Kelly Robitaille will wait to do both projects until August 2020 when the excavator will be in the village.  Kelly Robitaille questions to lose beach area or property of homeowner.  Kelly Robitaille requested a picture of drawings of the property.  Kelly Robitaille stated homeowner should be part of the project.  Jay Buckley questions the property line with the drainage easement. 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to let the homeowner know plan is to complete this project by the end of this summer once the plan is finalized and to meet with the homeowner.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Kelly Robitaille lets the BOC know that he will be taking time-off when he can.

Discussion on 4 – 6 Little Loop – Mike Smith seeks reimbursement from Adam Leiser due to RSA 432 abuse of power.  Mike Smith stated the job of the BOC is to protect the village and questioned why the project was done.  Jay Buckley questioned if this a legal matter.  Kathy Koziell stated the scope of the project was part of the plan to correct the drainage problem.  Mike Smith asked was part of the culvert done or not done.  Mike Smith asked what was done was that submitted to the state.  Mike Smith stated that only the drainage of the road and not Adam Leiser’s driveway was part of the project.  Mike Smith then stated he will go ahead and pursue this matter and also let the Conway Daily Sun know.  Jay Buckley moves the meeting along and will go into non-public at the end of the meeting.  Mike Smith asks about the audit.  Kathy Koziell stated the journal entries have been made.  Kathy Koziell stated Tamar Roberts needs to fill out the MS 535 for the DRA.  Jay Buckley is writing the management report for the audit.  Kathy Koziell stated within the week it should be finalized.  Mike Smith stated the Little Loop project that was approved for $20k was overspent.  Kathy Koziell stated that only $15K has been spent on the Little Loop project.  Kelly Robitaille stated he is two weeks out for the project to begin and stated labor and equipment will be done by the DPW.  Mike Smith stated the money has to be charged somewhere.  Jay Buckley stated he will look into it.  Mike Smith requested an email after.

3. Administration

Donna MacKinnon thanked Jay Buckley for hiring Catherine Deyoe. Donna MacKinnon stated Catherine will be working with her on Tuesdays for training.

Discussion on water bills – Kathy Koziell brings up the outstanding water bills and suggested to put a lien on the overdue properties.

Kathy Koziell questions the posting of the part-time administrative assistant position. 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to place an add in the Conway Daily Sun for the part-time person and to use the same add as posted prior.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Dinah Reis asked about uploading the audio of the commissioner’s meetings to the website. Jay Buckley stated he will look into it.

Discussion on the water levels and the loons – Jane Gunn questions the water levels.  Kelly Robitaille stated he took out a 10-inch board due to the water fluctuation.  Jane asked who makes the discussion of taking out the boards.  Kelly Robitaille stated that he makes the discussion and the approximate level should be 4-inches below the cement, the fire chief was good with it.  Jane Gunn was disappointed the loons were not taken into consideration.  Jay Buckley stated at that the meeting on January 25, 2020 it was discussed the loon nest versus the fire suppression for the water levels.  Jay Buckley asked the office to forward Jane Gunn the fire chief’s email. 

Paula Doyle questioned the hiring of a new part-time employee.  Paula Doyle stated this time around there should be a discussion of the skills required to do the job. 

4. Signature Items

Discussion of the thank you letters. 

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter out of session.  Kathy Koziell seconds the motion.  Motion passed 2-0.

5.  Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Manifest of ***** checks for a total of $886.34.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve payroll of $6,069.39.  Kathy Koziell seconds the motion.  Motion passed 2-0.

6. Commissioners Reports

Discussion of beaches – Kathy Koziell questions the opening or closing of the beaches.  Jay Buckley stated he was on the call for the Madison Selectmen’s meeting, Madison closed the beaches.  Jay Buckley wants the District to mirror what the town of Madison is doing.  Kathy Koziell wants the beaches open but closed to non-resident parking.  Kathy Koziell will put an email blast out to the residents and on the website. 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion that the outhouses, playgrounds and racks will be closed to the public and no rafts or picnic tables will be allowed due to the COVID-19 protocol and signage will be put on the bulletin board, outhouses, playground and kayak racks.  Jay Buckley seconds the motion.  Motion passed 2-0

Kelly Robitaille questions the speed bumps.  Jay Buckley stated to hold off until the governors meeting on 6/2/2020. 

7. Signature Item

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign SW Cole agreement for the drilling of the probes only one signature is required.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Kathy Koziell lets Jay Buckley sign the document.

Discussion on Rienach project - Kathy Koziell states the Rienach jobsite is a closed site to the public and the BOC due to safety and COVID-19 protocols.  Road closures start after 5 Rienach. 

Jay Buckley sent Chris Albert questions regarding updating existing water line systems.  Jay Buckley stated it is not mandatory for homeowners to update their water lines.  Jay Buckley stated the construction will begin 5/11/2020.  Jay Buckley will draft a letter to go out to the public. 

Discussion of 10 Barden Place – Jay Buckley stated we have not heard back from Fluet Engineering. 

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve 10 Barden Place water hook-up approval letter out of session after the Fluet Engineering report comes in.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Dinah asked about the Interlaken water hook-up and to make sure the money comes out of the water extension account and that it goes into the operating budget account when Ian Hayes invoice comes in. Jay Buckley mentions Ian Hayes is filling out his work orders for him to get paid. 

Kathy Koziell stated they are going forward Chocorua pump house. 

Jay Buckley opens the meeting to the public.  No discussion.

Jay Buckley brings up Adam Leiser’s email. 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to go into non-public for legal advice RSA 91-A:3,II(e).  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

12:20 PM, Kathy Koziell makes a motion to seal the non-public minutes and send an email to the Districts Attorney.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 12;20 PM. Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday April 30, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:02 am on Thursday, April 30, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone) and Adam Leiser (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had 4 residents call into the meeting.                            

At 9:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.

Adam Leiser would like to make an amendment to the agenda.

Adam Leiser makes a motion for him to sign any and all construction contracts and related documents for the Water Tank project. Jay Buckley seconds the motion for discussion.

Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley agree for Adam Leiser to sign only the documents related to the Dawson contract.  Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley agree to amend the motion for the Dawson contract to be signed by Adam Leiser.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to accept the amended motion for Adam Leiser to sign the amended Dawson contract sent in by Chris Albert. Kathy Koziell seconds the motion. Motion passed 3-0.

Dinah Reiss asked if there is a retainage amount for the water project. Dinah Reiss stated in the past the Village has had a one-year retainage amount for the protection of the Village.  Jay Buckley stated there is a performance bond with Dawson contractors.  Kathy Koziell stated she thinks it is a two percent bond.  Dinah Reiss stated she thinks this is being done sloppy and hopes the Village will be protected.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to attend the pre-construction meeting on Monday. 

Jay Buckley stated he would also like to listen in on the meeting and that it would then need to be posted as a BOC meeting. Adam Leiser stated he would now like to opt out of the meeting, so the project is not being micro managed.  Jay Buckley questions closing of the roads and coordination with the DPW for maintaining the District roads. Jay Buckley would like to understand the process and the schedule of the project.  Jay Buckley brings up what the voters had discussed at the annual meeting. Jay Buckley stated he wants to listen to the voters’ concerns and that the BOC is working for best interest of the Village.  Kathy Koziell respects Jay Buckley’s concerns and that Jay Buckley can listen in with the stipulation he asks limited questions.  Kathy Koziell stated Jay Buckley will then be able to summarize the meeting for the BOC.  Adam Leiser would like Chris Albert to approve the summary that Jay Buckley gives to the BOC. Jay Buckley agrees to it.  Kathy Koziell also stated Kelly Robitaille will be listening in on Monday’s meeting. 

Adam Leiser leaves the meeting at 9:21 AM.

2. Highway Department Report

Discussion on garage doors - Kelly Robitaille would like to go ahead with ordering the garage doors through Elite Door of New England.  Elite Door of New England would like a $3000 deposit to start the project. Kelly Robitaille stated the project has already been approved. The $3000 will be coming out of the building and grounds line item budget. 

Kelly Robitaille stated the ditching and grading of the road is going smoothly.  Tony Eldridge will be taking next week off.  The DPW will be cleaning the culverts next week. Kelly Robitaille stated he will be using his manpower as he sees fit for the DPW.

Discussion of the Dam – Kelly Robitaille stated he put in an 8-inch board in the dam, water was 8-inches below and he would like it to be at 4-inches. This is not any different from last year. The water should be between 4 and 6 inches below the top of the concrete.  Kelly Robitaille stated he has the same battle every year and concerns with the Loons.  Kelly Robitaille tells people to call the office if they have any concerns.

Discussions of the outhouses – Kelly Robitaille stated he has found somebody to look at the septic.  They will rake, fill with water, and pump out the septic.  There are four tanks and three are bad. The fourth is full of cans and bottles. The four tanks are holding liquid now and looks like not of them are leaking.  Kelly Robitaille got an estimate of $3000 to remove, clean, and pump the tanks out. Kelly Robitaille believes the port-a-potties would cost over $4000 yearly and the septic would be about $1000 yearly.  Jay Buckley to wait a week and Kelly Robitaille stated he thinks this should be done now because he is not sure if the person will be available if it is put on hold.  Kathy Koziell agrees with Kelly Robitaille. 

Jay Buckley makes a motion to appropriate up to $3000 for the four septic tanks to be cleaned, flushed, and pumped out. Kathy Koziell seconds the motion. Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion of the opening of the beaches – Kathy Koziell asked Jay Buckley what the town of Madison is doing.  Jay Buckley stated he thinks the beaches are closed and they will be having a meeting in May.  Jay Buckley want to follow suit with the town of Madison. 

Discussion of Kayak racks – Kathy Koziell has someone that can repair the racks.  Kelly Robitaille stated that the DPW has never had anything to do with the kayak racks and would like to keep it that way.  Kathy Koziell stated she will look into getting materials and a donation from the EPOA to repair the kayak racks.  Kathy Koziell stated she will do that today and get an estimate on labor and materials and get back to the BOC as soon as possible.

Discussion of New Truck- Kelly Robitaille is waiting to hear back from salesperson.

Discussion of speed bumps- Kelly states that we have usable ones.  Kelly is asked where he would put another one if we could get another one.  He would put it at Little Shore.

3. Administration

Discussion on water bills- Donna MacKinnon states that the bills are coming in.  There is a fee for processing QuickBooks payments that is being charged to the District. The water bills were switched to have the homeowners call into the office to pay their bills so that the processing fees can be added to the bill.  Dinah Reiss questions if the water usage account should be changed to a checking account and also stated that the BOC had the email from Rhonda Rosand from New Business what the fees were going to be for processing the online water bills.  Dinah Reiss questioned when the documents will be on the website.  Kathy Koziell will be putting them on the website.

Discussion on Kristin Johnson’s resignation email.  Jay Buckley would like to put a letter out to Kristin Johnson.

Discussion on the updated budget Kathy Koziell is working on cleaning up the accounts and will start posting it to the website on a monthly basis.

Discussion on the Dam Management Plan – make people aware of the plan.

Discussion on drainage – concerns from over the winter, 4 Grachen Dr., 31 Upper Lakeview Dr., 47-49 Eidelweiss Dr., and 27 Diessbach Dr.  Large culvert on Burgdorf Rd. Kathy Koziell would like classification of stream for the repair and replace of culvert.  Kelly Robitaille stated Chris Albert is the engineer and should sign off on it. 

Lost office conference call at 10:00 am and Jay Buckley calls in on cell phone.

Discussion on employee handbook.  Jay Buckley asked administration to send it out via email to the BOC so they can send in their comments.

Discussion on final audit. Jay Buckley stated he emailed questions to Tamar Roberts for the over and under expended amounts. Articles 5 and 6 was discussed, 85K was advanced on loan borrowed from the bank to pay Just Electric and EEI.  Jay Buckley will finalize numbers and get them out to the people.  Kathy Koziell thought there were missing article from 2018. 

Discussion on going forward after next week for basin project of Little Loop.  Kelly Robitaille had no survey for the trees on Little Loop.

Dinah Reiss can forward the amount in the unassigned funds. Dinah Reiss thinks the district should look into a new auditor and Tamar Roberts fees are going up, maybe a change is needed.

Discussion on newsletter Kathy Koziell has drafted and has included the funding of the Tank Project and Valley Pride Day.  Kathy Koziell wants BOC to review the draft to be put on the website.   Kathy Koziell has reached out to Isabel Pais to help with the website and is waiting to hear back.  Kathy Koziell has concerns about the kayak portal, Andrew Harteveldt would like to try out the portal.  Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley will get bac to Andrew Harteveldt.

Jay Buckley open up the meeting for public comment.

Ralph Lujten questions the website, he would like to know when it will be updated and stated the website has not been handled appropriately.  Kathy Koziell stated she will be updating and posting as soon as possible.   

4. Signature Items

Signature for Driveway permit 8 Middle Shore Drive

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign driveway permit for construction for 8 Middle Shore Drive. Kathy Koziell seconds the motion.  Motion passes 2-0.

5.  Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Manifest of 4 checks for a total of $4,053.29.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  

6. Commissioners Reports

Jay Buckley asks BOC if thank you letters should be sent to Patti Alventi, Paula Doyle, John Cancelarich, Terry Cancelarich, Erin LaPlante, and Andrew Harteveldt. 

Jay Buckley makes a motion to draft thank you letters. Kathy Koziell seconds the motion. Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion on water system. Jay Buckley mentions seasonal water turn-ons. Jay Buckley questions Ian Hayes contract.  Kathy Koziell thinks Ian Hayes contract consists of a monthly meeting and logs.  Kathy Koziell thinks it is in Ian Hayes’ contract for the first Thursday meeting of the month.  Kathy Koziell will check with Ian Hayes.  Como PRV water is coming online.

Dinah Reiss stated the new water project account should be opened.

Discussion water usage was up for the month of March.

Jay Buckley questions Adam Leiser’s email wanting to amend 11/14/2019 meeting minutes.  Kathy Koziell thinks there was confusion of the meeting with Rick Skarinka, Chris Albert, and Adam Leiser regarding the grant funding.  Jay Buckley states he can send in his amendment into the office.

Discussion of water hookups.  Donna MacKinnon needs clarification of procedure for sending out to the engineer.  Jay Buckley questions what does Fluet own/does not own. Kathy Koziell wants Jay Buckley to check with Chris Albert prior to sending out to Fluet engineering.  Jay Buckley states that Chris Albert has been asked and has not gotten back to the office and the homeowner has been waiting for the hookup.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to send water hookup for 10 Barden Place off to Fluet engineering.

Kathy Koziell seconds it.  Motion passes 2-0.

Jay Buckley opens the meeting up for public comment.  No discussion.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:06 am. Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon
