Author Archives: Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Wednesday June 22, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Wednesday June 22, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Dinah Reiss, Kathy Koziell & Kevin Flynn.

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:00am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Minutes of 6/14/22, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the 6/14/22 sealed Non-Public Minutes,

Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the 6/14/22 sealed Non-Public Minutes, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Account manifest of $19,593.62, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $10,098.30, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on Klausen paving, paving company estimates they will be able to do it at the end of July.

Discussion on 108 Eidelweiss Drive email. No apparent damage or issues can be seen. A berm was added to the edge of the property by the property owner.

Mike Smith makes a motion to take no action at this time and send an email stating that at this time no action will be taken by the VDOE, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen states that it should also be noted in the email that there are no issues with the road, drainage, or culverts, they are all working properly.

Discussion on 5 Grandval Way. The DPW and Simply Water dug for the new waterline hook up on 6/21/22. They discovered that the septic is possibly too close to the waterline and that the waterline is not deep enough. These problems need to be corrected. Kelly Robitaille mentioned that the plot plan with the septic design should be part of the water application and not the driveway application. He also states that the homeowner may need to redo the entire waterline if it is less than 10’ from the septic tank. There was no inspection done for the waterline installed by the homeowner.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion that the waterline need to be inspected, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to contact DES to have better communication between towns, No 2nd.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to give Ian Hayes permission that if there is less than 10’ between the waterline and septic he has the right to deny the waterline, No 2nd.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to add to the water ordinance that a certified plot plan with septic showing waterlines be added to the application, Mike Smith 2nds and adds that it needs to be a stamped engineer plot plan, Ralph Lutjen 2nds amendment, Passes 3-0 with amendment.

Donna Mackinnon asks if we should be requesting a full-size plot plan.

Mike Smith makes a motion that the drawing submitted must be D size, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen states that the Madison Fire Department never responded to our multiple letters. Ralph Lutjen asks about getting the line at the dam extended. Kelly Robitaille states he cannot find anyone to dive and do the work, but he could possibly find someone to redo the entire line.


Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve $2,250 for the audit actuary, Jay Buckley 2nds for discussion. Ralph Lutjen mentions how the adverse opinion doesn’t look good on the audit and that this is just to determine the potential amount of money that the District might have to pay in the future, passes 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the GASB 75 Report Actuarial Valuation, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0.

Review of the 2022 CCR Report

Discussion on Dam EAP

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to use the original Dam EAP and to not modify it, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Review dates to set up RFP interviews with Horizons and CMA Engineers.

Mike Smith mentions that Wayne Luoma is coming this week to get the water running in the Lodge. He recommends not replacing the water tank as the new owners will probably do so, he is also going to check the heaters. His rate is $105 per hour.

Discussion on Reinach Tank project. Dawson requested payment for the remaining retainage. Commissioners are going to get the seeding done before sending the remaining retainage.

Discussion on Jones and Beach email. No contract amendment proposal is needed, going to send out the check for them next week.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the transfer of $10,000 from the Water Assessment Fund to the Water Line Extension CRF, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letters to the 3 contractors mentioned last week, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Jay Buckley discusses the AMP Grant. The $20,000 was awarded to the District and will be dispersed on July 1st.

Discussion on beaver dam.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send another letter to the property owners regarding access to the beaver dam to remove it. If no response by July 1st, then it will be removed, Jay Buckley 2nds for discussion. Ralph Lutjen is talking with Steve Doyon later today to discuss the matter. Mike Smith withdraws motion.

Dead Loon was found on Middle Pea over the weekend. Loon was taken to be studied to determine cause of death.

Kelly Robitaille states that the beavers appear to be gone and the dam is eroding away. The issue may resolve itself.

Discussion on parking ordinance. Ralph Lutjen is communicating with the chief of police to see if what he has proposed is enforceable. Jay Buckley asks if another hearing is needed, Ralph mentions he is not changing the entirety of the ordinance. Office is to check with NHMA to see if a public hearing is needed.

Ralph Lutjen is going to set up a meeting with the Highway and Roads Committee.

Discussion on insurance policies. Ralph Lutjen is going to review different plan options and compare plans with what Madison offers. The new plan options should be out by October 1st.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have Ralph Lutjen champion the insurance, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Asset Management. Going to have a meeting sometime next week and fill out the application for the leak detection grant. Horizons will be coming in to calibrate the hydro model. Ralph Lutjen questions if the GIS Mapping will be provided? Jay Buckley is going to check on the mapping and updating future maps. Ralph Lutjen suggests the water board review specifics as to recommendations.

Review of the July meeting schedule

Discussion on the mailbox letter. The issue was shot down twice at annual meetings. We will not pay for mailbox reimbursement. The VDOE needs to start funding for the mailboxes to be installed to fix the issue.

Discussion on Maudsley email. Bills paid in 2022 from 2021 will be credited back to the 2021 budget with a journal entry. The auditors are aware of this and are the ones who do this for us. It has been this way for many years.

Discussion on 15 Chocorua View Drive email on water bill late fee. Ralph Lutjen states we will waive the late fee if she can substantiate the phone payment. If not, you need to pay the late fee.


Ralph Lutjen makes a motion at 10:29am to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (d).  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (d) and return to public meeting at 10:50am.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Public Meeting

Discussion on an office shredder

Mike Smith makes a motion to spend up to $500 on an office shredder, funds to be taken from the Office Equipment CRF, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 10:54am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.

Eidelweiss Public Hearings


There were approximately 55 people who attended the public hearings.
43 people signed in on the sign-in sheet. Commissioners, Ralph Lutjen, Michael Smith, and Jay Buckley were present.
The meeting was called to order by chairman Ralph Lutjen at 9:08am.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to open the public hearing on the Beach Ordinance, MS seconds, PASSED 3-0.
Ralph Lutjen reads the ordinance that was presented by Nick Borelli and Paul McKenna.
Nick Borelli is asked to explain the changes and reasoning. Nick explains that the beaches are overcrowded during the summer months and how parking of vehicles is limited forcing many vehicles to park in the streets near the beaches. This street parking can block of emergency vehicles from getting through Nick states. Rich Gordon of Rock House Mountain Association states that many members of his association in Conway have deeded beach rights to Eidelweiss beaches.

Kim Hare mentions that it may work if each household had 1 or 2 beach passes and that any guest could use them to park at the beaches. She states that having to always accompany a guest/family member at the beach just won’t work. Ken Koop states that having to accompany family/guest members is not sensible and that guests should have accommodations to go to the beaches.
Kevin Flynn reads letter from Paul McKenna (who could not be at the meeting)

Denise Brown asked why we can’t regulate our beaches like Madison regulates the beach at the foot of Silver Lake. Barry Conolly from Rock House Mountain was in opposition to the proposal. Dinah Sharon was in opposition to the prohibitions of guests/family using the beaches.
Paula Doyle spoke and said this proposal is really targeted against short term renters from using the beaches. The audience broke out into applause for her statement. Paula stated that STR’s have become a divisive issue in the District and people should volunteer to come together and work on solutions and not to try to pit one side against the other.
Chris Fogarty was in favor of one pass per property that can be used by anyone using that property.
Kathy Koziell states that this proposal wording comes directly from the Madison restrictions to the use of the beach at the foot of Silver Lake.

Phil Barlow, states his opposition to the proposal and says that cars dropping beach goers off at the beaches will likely cause more traffic and safety issues that current policy.
Meade Stalberg states that a parking pass may help but only if it can be used by all including STR’s.
Renee Herendeen asks for a show of hands as to who is opposed to this beach ordinance proposal; approximately 50 hands were raised (The vast majority in the room).
Bill Braird states he is a retired full time fire fighter and reports that he has spoken to 4 members of the Madison Fire Department and that never has there been an issue with emergency vehicles getting passed the beach areas due to overparking conditions. The new proposal will likely cause more safety issues. Gail DeAlmo was in favor of passes for family members, guests, and owners. Multiple passes.
John Herendeen asks how this would be enforced if people can’t be ID’d on the beaches. John states this is an “embarrassment”.
The audience wanted to know how a final decision would be made and how they would find out about the decision.
MOTION RL makes a motion to end the public hearing on Beach Ordinance. MS seconds. Motion PASSED 3-0

MOTION JB makes a motion to open the public hearing on the Highway and Parking Ordinance. MS 2nds. PASSED 3-0

RL reads the proposed changes. Ralph talked about the congestion at the Huttwil parking lot. Steve Hare points out that the proposal conflicts with the current section 4 re: section for trailers.
Ken Koop states this proposal is overdoing it. Kathy Koziell asks if there is really a congestion problem and states the most vehicles that she has seen there in the lot is approximately 8 vehicles during a snowstorm. She states the lot has a far greater capacity than 8 vehicles. Kathy states that better signage would alleviate some of the concerns by requiring that all vehicles parked there MUST be registered. Kathy suggests a seasonal pass for ski mobile trailers and boat trailers. Other sate that is a great idea enabling the District to know who’s vehicles are there.
Larry Leonard stated the Great Northern promised all property owners that the parking lot was for them and the vehicles that they could not fit onto their lost due to terrain or lack of space on the lot.
John Connolly states that the lot should be available to all vehicles as long as they are registered.
Greyson Merrill stated that he drives a commercial vehicle which he sometimes parks at the Huttwil lot. He warned people that many of their neighbors drive commercial vehicles to deliver goods and services to their homes and stores. Banning such vehicles will only make it less convenient for those neighbors who rely on commercial vehicles for deliveries and services. Jennifer Merrill states that restricting contractors/commercial vehicles does not solve the appearance problem, but rather it’s the reputation of the commissioners that has the bad appearance.

Bill Braird states that he sees no problem at the Huttwil parking lot and does not support the proposal to change the ordinance, He claims that the hilly terrain and narrow streets would be a worse and unsafe place to park overflow vehicles.

MOTION RL makes a motion to close the public hearing on Highway and Parking Ordinance, MS 2nds. PASSED 3-0.

MOTION JB makes a motion to open the public hearing on the Driveway Ordinance, 2nd by MS. PASSED 3-0
Discussion on proposed changes to restrict the design and construction of septic systems that may be beneath driveways from being too close to the water mains in our roads.
Very little discussion.

MOTION MS makes a motion to open the public hearing on the Water System Ordinance, RL 2nds PASSED 3-0

RL reads the changes; Water connection fee goes from $8,000 to $10,000. Restrictions on proximity of Septic System to Road/Water Main. Little discussion on the matter. JB mentions that a resident pointed out that the current proposal does not address that some of our water comes from a source outside the District boundary and is pumped into the District and that resident proposed that we include in the language that “water shall not be distributed outside of the District”
RL makes a motion to close the public hearing on proposed changes to the Water System Ordinance, MS 2nds. PASSED 3-0.
MOTION to adjourn by MS, 2nd by RL. PASSED 3-0 at 10:44

Respectfully submitted,

Jay Buckley


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday April 19th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Tuesday April 19th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Doug Prescott & Larry Sodano.  

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:00 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda, Mike Smith 2nds, Jay Buckley makes an amendment to add a non-public at the end of the meeting, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the minutes of 4/12/22, Mike Smith 2nds with an amendment on pg. 4 the spelling of Lodge, Jay Buckley makes an amendment on pg. 2 changing a motion vote. Mike Smith makes amendment to approve changes, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the payroll of $9,515.75 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $14,244.37 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


Week overview: Had to cancel dig with Ian Hayes due to the weather, DPW is still working on brush cutting, Snow came and the DPW was ready for it

Jay Buckley questions if Kelly Robitaille is attending the brine information session and why he hasn’t been using brine. Kelly Robitaille responds that brine is not cost effective for the VDOE. It has some pros, but it costs 95 cents a gallon. Jay Buckley asks if we could borrow from Madison and then give back at the end? Kelly Robitaille states there is only 3 miles of asphalt in the VDOE so it’s not worth it. Kelly Robitaille goes through his brine qualifications and how between the 3 DPW workers there is over 50 years’ experience with brine, and it just doesn’t work for the VDOE. Jay Buckley mentions that the ponds have increased salinity over the years. Kelly Robitaille responds that brine is just a liquid form of salt, brine has a time and place, but it is not here.


Acknowledgment of VDOE property inventory at the Lodge.

Review of monthly cash flow and operating account budget & profit vs. actual. Going to wait until the water account QuickBooks report to discuss in full. Going to transfer money from the water account to the operating account $42,000 and some.

Discussion on Dam EAP, Draft is finalized. Mike Smith has a concern where it says Kelly Robitaille is to leave the site if he has no cell service.

Jay Buckley brings up 46 Bern Drive. There was a water break over the weekend and the neighbor called Jay. The office answering service says call 911 if emergency or leave a message. Old recording from Ron Sandstrom had options if it was water related or road related.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to modify the phone answering message to say if road emergency dial 1 for 911, if a water emergency dial 2 for 911, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on sale of the Lodge. 5/2/22 realtor is meeting at the Lodge for a walk through (Jay Buckley, Alexis Wagoner & Donna MacKinnon will be there) Appraiser will reach out closer to June to set up an appointment.

Jay Buckley is meeting with the selectman today 4/19/2022 to unmerge the Lodge and Cabana lots.

Discussion on Reinach project. Review of letter from Dawson. Ralph Lutjen questions what the date is the transfer switch will be delivered and installed. Around the tank was grubbed but not seeded. If they do these items, the retainage will be returned to them. Office is to follow up.

Discussion on 2020 audit. Going to omit management discussion and analysis. Auditor is coming on 5/4/22 to the office to start the 2021 audit.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the water level measurement process, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on water level measurement process

Discussion on letter to 2 Clemens Place

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign the letter to 2 Clemens Place, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on letter to RockHouse Mountain

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign letter to RockHouse Mountain, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith goes back to the Dam EAP section 2-1 #4, suggests it be taken out

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve Dam EAP with table 2-1 item #4 taken out, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve fill request for 10 Barden Nick Cage, no 2nd Kelly Robitaille is going to talk to him about how much fill and when.

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Jay Buckley discussion on draft RFP, going to table until next week. Mike Smith mentions that he spoke with Dinah Reiss, and she suggested adding DuBois & King to the list as they have done a lot with the District.

Mike Smith makes a motion to add DuBois & King to the RFP send out list, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith wants Kelly Robitaille to get pricing on a fiberglass dock. Kelly Robitaille suggests not getting another fiberglass dock since they can’t just fix it, the wooden docks can be easily fixed. They have also secured the wooden docks to reduce the risk of it flipping.

Mike Smith makes a motion to get pricing for a wooden and fiberglass dock, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on bridge

Mike Smith makes a motion to get boards replaced and bridge painted, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Office to contact a person to work on the bridge. Jay Buckley mentions the bridge is beginning to sag.

Mike Smith makes a motion to get the bridge repaired and painted up to safe working standards, Jay Buckley 2nds passes 3-0

Discussion on kayak racks needing to be repaired/replaced.

Mike Smith makes a motion to repair kayak racks that are in rough shape, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the office send an email blast that the kayak racks will be open on May 15th, Jay Buckley 2nds passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the office reach back out to the welder to get a time frame for the bathrooms, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to get cleaning done to the outhouses after the toilets are fixed, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Office to get pricing for cleaning

Mike Smith discusses the EPOA going into the Lodge without prior notice/permission or someone accompanying them. Mike Smith mentions how the EPOA doesn’t pay a water bill. Further discussion on this.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to allow water hook-up to exist at 1 Eidelweiss Drive without water bill payment, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on getting records out of the Lodge.

Kelly Robitaille discusses the EPOA requesting access to the DPW garage years ago, Ralph Lutjen elaborates on the EPOA history.

Discussion on the AMP Draft, Ralph Lutjen states the draft is inadequate and that the current master plan is still valid just needs some updates.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have the public hearing on May 7th be cancelled, Mike Smith 2nds for discussion

Discussion on May 7th public hearing meeting. Larry Sodano mentions that the May 7th meeting is a requirement for the grant program. Jay Buckley adds that the figures in the draft are if there are unlimited funds, Larry Sodano adds to that comment that it states this is what is needed but it will be dictated by the budget. Ralph Lutjen states the document does not have a realistic approach and there so no plan or discussion on leak detection. Doug Prescott speaks up to say that this is a 1st draft from a template and has a lot of work to be done to it. Larry Sodano mentions that there was a prior asset management grant that did not go well, and this is the states way of giving the VDOE a 2nd chance.

Ralph Lutjen amends his original motion to have the meeting on May 7th, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on CAD Data files.

Discussion on how much of the asset management money has been spend. Around $5,000 has been spent out of the account.

Jay Buckley mentions that we are waiting on Nick Sceggell to send final design for the new PRV Pit at the intersection of Upper Lakeview Drive and Rigi Drive. We have $25,000 to spend on the project. He should have it to us by the end of this week.

Public Appearance

Doug Prescott discusses the old equipment in the Lodge and ways to dispose of it.

Discussion on moving the EPOA equipment out of the Lodge. Doug Prescott presents 2 options to the Board of Commissioners. Option 1 is in the smaller garage bay and option 2 is in the center of the Cabana room.

Discussion on the VDOE records storage and disposal of the items in the Lodge.

Doug Prescott questions if he can ask the EPOA Board if they can use the 7’ x 11’ room in the cabana? Doug Prescott is going to bring both options to the EPOA Board this weekend and give the Board of Commissioners an answer next week.

Kelly Robitaille asks if they EPOA is still planning on putting an additional speed bump between Little Shore and Oak Ridge.

Discussion on moving the May 14th public hearing to the Madison Library.


Jay Buckley makes a motion at 11:16 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (a).  Ralph Lutjen seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (a) and return to public meeting at 11:21 AM.  Ralph Lutjen seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 11:22am, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.