Author Archives: VdoeAdmin

Included in this newsletter

  1. Upcoming events.
  2. Featured Topic (Challenges)
  3. Breaking news and current events
  4. Water Bill Reminder
  5. Tax Bill Reminder
  6. Website updates
  7. How to contact the District of Eidelweiss District office and the Commissioners.
  8. Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes.

Upcoming events

  • The Commissioners will not meet Tuesday, January 1, 2019
  • Jan 18, 2019 7:00 pm First Public Hearing on 2019 Budget
  • Jan 24, 2019 1:00 pm Asset Management meeting at the Eidelweiss Office
  • Jan 25, 2019 7:00 pm Second Public Hearing on 2019 Budget
  • Feb 23, 2019 VDOE Annual Meeting Voting 5pm to 7pm; deliberative session 7 pm.
  • Every Tue. 8:00 amCommissioners meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.

Challenges for VDOE

The year ends with continuing challenges that need to be resolved. The water system has the major issue of the Reinach tank replacement. Many other capital asset projects are required to insure system integrity. Our roads have constant needs for maintenance and repair. The website has substantial information about the Commissioners’ plans for warrant articles for 2019.

2018 overview

  • Significant progress has been made in 2018 in improving the Village. Several of the projects completed in 2018 are listed as follows:
  • 1,100 tons of gravel applied to Village roads with most gravel roads being addressed
    • Jungfrau=170 tons with replacement of two culverts
    • Klausen=65 tons
    • Eidelweiss Drive= 121 tons with the addition of a catch basin
    • West Bergamo=71 tons
    • Saint Moritz=60 tons
  • Ditching on 11 roads, over 40 roads graded, raked and rolled
  • Inspected and maintained all 196 culverts bringing the flow rate for all culverts to 80% to 100%
  • Second booster pump installed at Muddy Beach
  • Two 30,000 Reinach tanks were inspected
  • Developed plans, specifications and bid document for the Reinach cast in place concrete tank
  • The Summit Tank was inspected and lined
  • Installation of security panels in pump houses-two remain to be installed
  • All but three curb stop valves have been identified and plotted
  • Asset Management process has worked to identify current and long-term capital needs

2019 Warrant Articles for the Water System

  • The Commissioners will prepare a Reinach Tank Replacement warrant article for a concrete tank with a 90,000-gallon capacity to replace two steel tanks with a 60,000 capacity. The steel tanks were determined to need replacement and not suitable for relining. The warrant article will use an engineering cost estimate of $653,400. The December 4, 2018 bid opening resulted in one bid that was rejected by the Commissioners due to its high price. A survey of the potential bidders indicated that the lack of certainty of funding resulted in no interest in bidding.
  • One warrant article will address the use of funds available in the existing bank loan. The Commissioners will request alternative projects to be covered under the loan. These projects are based on priority and risks to the system operation. The DPW electrical system needs substantial upgrades to avoid possible failure which would shut down the entire system and other improvements to meet code. Other projects include Summit pump house electrical update and the Chocorua pump house electrical update.
  • One warrant article will request funding the Upper Lakeview pressure reducing valve from water fees. Other warrant articles cover additions to capital reserves. These reserves are essential in being able to replace or reline tanks or to repair or replace water lines in the future. Muddy Beach tank replacement warrant article will request funding from the Water Tank Capital reserve.
  • Unfortunately, the major expenditure involved with the Reinach Tank Replacement will result in higher than recent water fees for the foreseeable future. A forecast is being prepared.
  • 2018 water budget versus actual expenditures were tight. Most expenses were in line with budget except for repairs and heating costs.

2019 Warrant Articles for the Highway

  • The Commissioners will recommend several warrant articles. All of which are to be funded, all or in part, by taxes. Replacement of the Ford F550 will be funded by a bank loan in the amount of $85,615. Gravel road repairs above the usual maintenance involve a cost of $7,275. Asphalt road shim cost for four roads cost is at $21,750. The replacement the inoperable York rack with a front runner rake will involve a cost $4.180. The Thusis project was modified as a result of a revised engineering design that relocated all drainage on to Village property. All work on this project is to be done by the DPW. The cost of the project is $3,425 with $2,010 coming from the balance in an existing warrant article and $1,415 from taxes. Grandval Way and Konstanz Road need an engineering evaluation to determine the scope of requirements to correct drainage, road surface conditions and removal of obstructions. This project cost is $25,000. The DPW garage needs operating floor drains to remove water from the floor. Drain and storage tank compliant with DES requirements cost to be determined by a bid.
  • 2018 was a difficult year with a large number of ice storms in the early part of the year and above normal number of snow and ice storms in the end of the year.

Upcoming News Letter Focus Topic:

  • 2018 Expenditures and additional information on the 2019 proposed Budgets and Warrant Articles

Breaking News and Current Events:

  • Please keep in mind that it is a violation of NH Law to plow or push snow onto the roads. Driveway plow operators who push snow onto or across the roads narrow the travel surface and create extra work for the DPW.  Property owners are responsible to insure proper snow removal at their property.


Public Notice for the 2019 Annual Meeting

The following offices will be open to candidates at the Annual Meeting of the Village District of Eidelweiss on Saturday, February 23, 2019 at the Madison Elementary School

Commissioner                                 3 yr term

Commissioner                                  2 yr term

Treasurer                                           2 yr term

Clerk                                                   2 yr term

Anyone wishing to file for office may file with the Clerk between January 9thand January 18th.

Final date for submission of petitioned articles is January 18th.

A Public Hearing for a bond for water system improvements in the amount of $653,400 will be held January 18that 7:00 pm downstairs at the Madison Town Hall

A Public Hearing for a bond for purchase of a new truck in the amount of $85,615 will be held January 18that 7:00 pm downstairs at the Madison Town Hall

Public Hearings on the Budget will be held downstairs at the Madison Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. on January 18thand January 25th(if needed).

The Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, February 23rdat the Madison Elementary School.

Voting will be from 5 - 7 p.m. The deliberative session will begin at 7 p.m.

Rumors and corrections

There is a consistent rumor that the budgets are too high, spending is out of control and cuts should be made

  • In 2002, the VDOE approved a budget for Highway & Streets/Salaries of $100,600.  This includes the line items of Full-Time Salary, Part-Time Salary, Overtime and On-call stipend.  For 2018, this category was approved on the budget in the amount of $100,460; a $140 reduction in available funds for salaries.
  • Since 2002, health insurance costs have tripled.  In 2002, the VDOE approved a budget of $26,000 for Medical Insurance.  The proposed budget for 2019 is $57, 635.  Given that medical insurance rates experienced multiple years with a greater than 10% increase, current rates can be close to triple the rates of 2002 while the increase in the line item is not triple the 2002 value.

Water Bill Reminder: 

Any property with an outstanding water bill has been posted for service disconnection.

Tax Bill Reminder:

The second tax payment was due December 6, 2018. Please be aware that all 2018 tax increases for the County, School, Town and District are included with the second tax payment of the year.

Website updates

If you have photos of the district and would like to share them so that they may be included on the site, please send them to  We will review and select the best photos for use with the site.

How to contact the District office:

  • The VDOE has an official website and sends out emails with emergency notifications. Be sure to visit the website at and enroll.
  • The VDOE has a “see something / say something” policy. Anyone who sees something suspicious or unusual should report it for the benefit of the VDOE community to the Madison Police at 603-367-8334 (non-emergency line).
  • Office hours and guidelines have been added to the website to make it more convenient to schedule appointments with the District administrator. Click Here for Office Hours.

The office can always be contacted via email with questions, concerns and suggestions. Messages will be forwarded from the office to the commissioners. The email address is

Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes:

Included in this newsletter

  1. Upcoming events.
  2. Featured Topic (Challenges)
  3. Breaking news and current events
  4. Water Ordinance Public Hearing
  5. Water Bill Reminder
  6. Tax Bill Reminder
  7. Website updates
  8. How to contact the District of Eidelweiss District office and the Commissioners.
  9. Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes.

Upcoming events

  • Dec 4 10:00 am            Reinach Tank Project Bid Opening at District Office
  • Dec 11 8:00 am            Public Hearing on Water Ordinance and Driveway Ordinance
  • Dec 11 1:00 pm            Asset Management meeting at Eidelweiss Office.
  • Jan 18, 2019 7:00 pm First Public Hearing on 2019 Budget
  • Jan 25, 2019 7:00 pm Second Public Hearing on 2019 Budget
  • Feb 23, 2019 VDOE Annual Meeting Voting 5pm to 7pm; deliberative session 7 pm.
  • Every Tue. 8:00 am.   Commissioners meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.

Challenges for VDOE

November activities were focused on normal ongoing activities, the Reinach tank project, organizing the 2019 budget and evaluation of prospective warrant articles. Review of capital requirements is ongoing. The long-term planning is helpful in understanding future needs.

Water System

  • A Reinach tank pre-bid meeting took place on November 6, 2018. Five potential bidders were in attendance. Three potential bidders went to the site.
  • The pre-bid meeting resulted in the issuance of an addendum. The addendum extended the due date for bids to December 4, 2018. This change was requested by several prospective bidders to give them more time for bid preparation. The addendum addressed the issue of potential damage to asphalt road surfaces by indicating that the Village would address the wear and tear issues.
  • A second addendum will be issued to address SCADA requirements.
  • An evaluation of the bids will result in establishing the targeted cost of the Reinach tank project.
  • The priorities for the water system have been reviewed. The recommendations of the water system operator have been taken into consideration for projects that could be funded by the remaining balance of the existing loan.
  • Our engineer is providing a drawing of Rigi and Upper Lakeview PRV designs.

Upcoming News Letter Focus Topic:

  • The 2019 proposed Budgets and Warrant Articles

Breaking News and Current Events:


  • All equipment has been fitted out for winter use.
  • It had been an unusual November in that we have experienced four snow storms. The 2018 winter storm seasons, to date, have resulted in unusually high work and as a result high costs have been incurred.
  • Three problematic roads have been shimmed. One reduces the incidents of repair of the plow.
  • The specifications for the replacement of the Ford F550 are complete and bids have been requested.
  • A review of gravel needs is underway. Several major road improvements are being considered.

Ordinance updates

  • The Village District of Eidelweiss Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 8:00 am at the office, 1680 Conway Road, Madison for proposed updates to the Water Ordinance; amending the dates between which a charge is incurred by the property owner for a seasonal shut off and the Driveway Ordinance; increasing the fine for altering a driveway without a permit.

Rumors and corrections

There is a rumor that the District Commissioners have violated RSA 91-A by not allowing public comments at Commissioner meetings. 

RSA 91-A grants the public access to all public meetings and allows for the public to record all public meetings.  RSA 91-A does not grant the public the right to speak at public meetings.

There is a rumor that the District Commissioners stopped public comments at Commissioners meetings because they do not want to hear from the taxpayers.  

The Commissioners are interested in addressing all questions or comments regarding ongoing and planned projects.  Please email the office with any questions or comments on any ongoing District activities. Email allows the Board the opportunity to review and formulate proper responses.

Water Bill Reminder: 

Any property with an outstanding water bill will have service disconnected December 17.

Tax Bill Reminder:

The second tax payment is due December 6, 2018. Please be aware that all 2018 tax increases for the County, School, Town and District are included with the second tax payment of the year.

Website updates

If you have photos of the district and would like to share them so that they may be included on the site, please send them to  We will review and select the best photos for use with the site.

 How to contact the District office:

  • The VDOE has an official website and sends out emails with emergency notifications. Be sure to visit the website at and enroll.
  • The VDOE has a “see something / say something” policy. Anyone who sees something suspicious or unusual should report it for the benefit of the VDOE community to the Madison Police at 603-367-8334 (non-emergency line).
  • Office hours and guidelines have been added to the website to make it more convenient to schedule appointments with the District administrator. Click Here for Office Hours.

The office can always be contacted via email with questions, concerns and suggestions. Messages will be forwarded from the office to the commissioners. The email address is

Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes:

Included in this newsletter

  1. Upcoming events.
  2. Featured Topic (Challenges)
  3. Breaking news and current events
  4. Water Bill Reminder
  5. Tax Bill Reminder
  6. Website updates
  7. How to contact the District of Eidelweiss District office and the Commissioners.
  8. Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes.

Upcoming events

  • Nov 13 1:00 pm Asset Management meeting at Eidelweiss Office.
  • Every Tue. 8:00 amCommissioners meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.

Challenges for VDOE

The Village faces many challenges that will involve major projects and will be costly. This is the first of several memos covering challenges. This memo highlights information received and progress of work on the replacement tank for Reinach to be proposed on the 2019 Warrant.

Water System

  • The Reinach Tank bid document was completed and sent out to bidders on Oct 24, 2018. The bid document terms were prepared in the format meeting the State loan requirements. A meeting is scheduled with the bidders on November 6, 2018 to answer any questions and respond to any bidder suggestions for modification of conditions. The bid due date is November 20, 2018.
  • The State loan program filing is set for April 2019 with funding available in Late September or early October of 2019. This creates an issue of questionable ability to start and complete the Reinach project in 2019. The project may need to be performed in 2020.
  • A bank loan alternative is being investigated. Initial contact with bank indicates a willingness to match the State loan term of 20 years. The bank loan has the advantage of having the funds available in early 2019 and therefore permitting a 2019 project completion.
  • The State loan has an interest rate advantage of being about 1.8% lower than the banks. However, the State loan has conditions that could add to the cost of the project. The bid document asks the bidders to state to this added cost. We have created the option of going to the bank loan.
  • The cast in place concrete design has been determined to be less costly than replacing two and adding one new steel tank to get to 90,000-gallon capacity as required by State requirements.
  • There are many water projects that need to be addressed. Priorities are being evaluated. The Commissioners will make recommendations for warrant articles and for the consideration of projects that could be covered under the existing loan balance of $140,000.

Upcoming News Letter Focus Topic:

  • Topic: Continued challenges for VDOE

Breaking News and Current Events:


  • All equipment is ready for winter use.
  • Recently all culverts have been cleaned. About five culverts need additional work to completely remove all material. All culverts are operational.
  • Asphalt has been applied in areas that were in high need of repair.
  • Jungfrau culvert installations and road repair has been completed.
  • Due to January-April snow and ice conditions the budget is tight.
  • A new design for the Thusis project has been completed eliminating any need to become involved in drainage issues on private property.
  • The Commissioners are preparing warrant articles including a warrant article for a new truck to replace the Ford 550.

The 2019 Annual Meeting has been set for February 23, 2019.  The Public Hearings on the budget will be held January 18 and January 25, 2019.

Rumors and corrections

There is a rumor that the District can save funds now by replacing one 30,000-gallon tank and not moving forward with the proposed 90,000-gallon replacement for the Reinach water storage.

The storage calculation done by the engineers which resulted in the 90,000-gallon storage tank replacement is a calculation required under NH DES regulations when a water system will be updating storage tanks.  This calculation is a storage capacity requirement that is calculated with the largest producing well for the system out of service.  In our case, that is the DPW well, which renders the rumored cost saving option mute.   Rick Skarinka of NH DES was very clear when he addressed the District stating that a storage capacity deficiency is considered a major deficiency by NH DES and the State could mandate the system to install proper storage.

Water Bill Reminder: 

This is a friendly reminder that the water bill was due on 5/1. Certified notice for shut off is being sent for all properties with an overdue bill.

Tax Bill Reminder:

Taxes were due in the town of Madison on July 5, 2018.  The second tax payment bills will be mailed early November.  Please be aware that all 2018 tax increases for the County, School, Town and District will be included with the second tax payment of the year.

Website updates

If you have photos of the district and would like to share them so that they may be included on the site, please send them to  We will review and select the best photos for use with the site.

How to contact the District office:

  • The VDOE has an official website and sends out emails with emergency notifications. Be sure to visit the website at and enroll.
  • The VDOE has a “see something / say something” policy. Anyone who sees something suspicious or unusual should report it for the benefit of the VDOE community to the Madison Police at 603-367-8334 (non-emergency line).
  • Office hours and guidelines have been added to the website to make it more convenient to schedule appointments with the District administrator. Click Here for Office Hours.

The office can always be contacted via email with questions, concerns and suggestions. Messages will be forwarded from the office to the commissioners. The email address is

Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes:

Included in this newsletter

  1. Upcoming events.
  2. Featured Topic (Challenges)
  3. Breaking news and current events
  4. Water Bill Reminder
  5. Tax Bill Reminder
  6. Website updates
  7. How to contact the District of Eidelweiss District office and the Commissioners.
  8. Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes.

Upcoming events

  • Oct 12 8:00 am         Commissioners meeting at Eidelweiss Office
  • Oct 16 1:00 pm         Asset Management meeting at Eidelweiss Office.
  • Every Tue. 8:00 am  Commissioners meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.

The Commissioners will not meet 10/2 or 10/9. 

Challenges for VDOE

The Village faces many challenges that will involve major projects and will be costly. This is the first of several memos covering challenges. This memo highlights the information received and discussed with Rick Skarinka of NH DES on Sept 8.

September 8th meeting

  • On September 8, 2018 we had a meeting with the State DES, represented by Rick Skarinka to discuss water system needs. The meeting was attended by over 30 people.
  • First on the agenda was pressure reducing valves. Property owners described their problems with high water pressure. Household prv failure was described. Since the funding that included prvs was voted down at the 2018 annual meeting the VDOE could not currently address several prvs that are causing problems. Due to its priority prvs will be included in the 2019 warrant articles.
  • The Reinach Tank replacement was a major item of discussion. Mr. Skarinka indicated that the replacement of the tanks was a critical issue. If the voters turn down the funding, the State would mandate its replacement. Such action would be undesirable due to the resulting high cost of the State involvement. Many comments and questions were posed by the attendees.
  • A cost analysis was provided that covered the engineering estimate of $512,000 for the construction of a 90,000-gallon concrete tank and related improvements, the proposed schedule and cost of prvs, the proposed schedule and cost of replacing the 5,000-gallon tanks, and recommended capital fund additions.
  • Skarinka recommended that the property owners and the Commissioners work together to get the required actions done.

Upcoming News Letter Focus Topic:

  • Status of 2018 Warrant Articles

Breaking News and Current Events:

Reinach Tank

  • The engineers have started design work on the new Reinach tank. This work includes preparation of bid specifications. The current timing is October 15, 2018 for the completion of the design and bid package. This puts the estimated bids to be received by the end of November. The State revolving loan has a low interest rate and has terms that could extend to 20 years. This loan is currently being researched.


  • Two major culverts were placed on Jungfrau. This will help in keeping the gravel on the road and thereby reducing costs.
  • A specification is being prepared for a truck to replace the 550.
  • We are going to rent equipment to recover sand. The recovery will produce significant cost savings.
  • Asphalt repair work will be done on Aspen, Chocorua View, Klausen and Old Town Road.
  • Many projects are under way. These include limbing of trees and branches, and culvert cleaning.

Water Bill Reminder: 

This is a friendly reminder that the water bill was due on 5/1. Certified notice for shut off is being sent for all properties with an overdue bill.

Tax Bill Reminder:

Taxes were due in the town of Madison on July 5, 2018.  The second tax payment will be due at year end; generally early December.  Please be aware that all 2018 tax increases for the County, School, Town and District will be included with the second tax payment of the year.

Website updates

If you have photos of the district and would like to share them so that they may be included on the site, please send them to  We will review and select the best photos for use with the site.

How to contact the District office:

  • The VDOE has an official website and sends out emails with emergency notifications. Be sure to visit the website at and enroll.
  • The VDOE has a “see something / say something” policy. Anyone who sees something suspicious or unusual should report it for the benefit of the VDOE community to the Madison Police at 603-367-8334 (non-emergency line).
  • Office hours and guidelines have been added to the website to make it more convenient to schedule appointments with the District administrator. Click Here for Office Hours.

The office can always be contacted via email with questions, concerns and suggestions. Messages will be forwarded from the office to the commissioners. The email address is

Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes:

Included in this newsletter

  1. Upcoming events.
  2. Featured Topic (Challenges)
  3. Breaking news and current events
  4. Water Bill Reminder
  5. Tax Bill Reminder
  6. Website updates
  7. How to contact the District of Eidelweiss District office and the Commissioners.
  8. Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes.

Upcoming events

  • Sept 6 5:00 pm     Asset Management Meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.
  • Sept 6 8:00 am     Commissioners meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.
  • Sept 8 10:00 am    Commissioners Meeting with Engineer Nick Sceggell, Water Operator IanHayes and Rick Skarinka of NH DES Drinking and Groundwater Bureau at the Lodge.
  • Sept 22 9:00 am       EPOA Board Meeting at Lodge
  • Sept 22 5:00 pm       EPOA Italian Shared Dinner at the Lodge
  • Sept 22 all Day         Hazardous Waste Disposal – CONWAY TRANSFER STATION
  • Every Tue. 8:00 am  Commissioners meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office. *

*The Commissioners will not meet Tuesday Sept 4.

Challenges for VDOE

The Village faces many challenges that will involve major projects and will be costly. This is the first of several memos covering challenges. This memo describes immediate water system needs. There are many other requirements that need to be addressed and will be described in subsequent memos.

  • As a result of tank inspections of the Reinach tanks it was determined that the tanks needed to be replaced. As a result we need to determine the best course of action for replacement of the Reinach Tanks.  In addition, the State DES has required that we creation of the Reinach pressure zone. This project was described in the 2005 Water System Master Plan. There are two primary options; replacing the tanks with three new steel 30,000-gallon tanks or to install a new 90,000-gallon concrete tank.  Cost analysis is being completed for both options by our engineer.
  • A meeting will be held on September 8, 2018 at 10 AM at the lodge with the State DES to plan the path forward on the Reinach tank replacement and other matters.
  • The Summit 30,000 gallon tank has been inspected and relined. The Reinach tank issue will affect the scheduling of other tank work.
  • As a result of the tank replacement, the planned tank inspection and lining warrant article will need to be reviewed and amended with the consideration of additional funding requirements.
  • A cost analysis has been completed evaluating tank replacement as opposed to relining. Although there are some modest cost increases, it appears to be economical over the long term.
  • A substantial amount of work is ahead of us to prepare designs, obtain State approval of the project, prepare a bid package, evaluate bids, prepare warrant articles, and to arrange financing.

Upcoming News Letter Focus Topic:

  • Status of 2018 Warrant Articles

Breaking News and Current Events:

  • The Reinach water system tank planning is ongoing with input from the districts engineers. A working meeting with DES is being scheduled to take place on Saturday, September 8 at 10 am at the Lodge. A notice will be sent out through the VDOE email list to provide the location and timing for the meeting.
  • The district is looking into an upgrade to the accounting system.  The software being reviewed is made for municipal governments and fully compliant with current regulations.  Many of the current manual processes are included in the proposed system which will benefit both record keeping and workflow.

Water Bill Reminder: 

This is a friendly reminder that the water bill was due on 5/1. A late payment penalty was assessed to any property owners who have not paid this bill.  The second late payment penalty was added to all accounts with a balance due August 1. Any account not paid in full by September 15 will be subject to shut off.

Tax Bill Reminder:

Taxes were due in the town of Madison on July 5, 2018.  The second tax payment will be due at year end; generally early December.  Please be aware that all 2018 tax increases for the County, School, Town and District will be included with the second tax payment of the year.

Website updates

If you have photos of the district and would like to share them so that they may be included on the site, please send them to  We will review and select the best photos for use with the site.

How to contact the District office:

  • The VDOE has an official website and sends out emails with emergency notifications. Be sure to visit the website at and enroll.
  • The VDOE has a “see something / say something” policy. Anyone who sees something suspicious or unusual should report it for the benefit of the VDOE community to the Madison Police at 603-367-8334 (non-emergency line).
  • Office hours and guidelines have been added to the website to make it more convenient to schedule appointments with the District administrator.Click Here for Office Hours.

The office can always be contacted via email with questions, concerns and suggestions. Messages will be forwarded from the office to the commissioners. The email address is

Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes:

Included in this newsletter

  1. Upcoming events.
  2. Featured Topic (Strategic planning)
  3. Breaking news and current events
  4. Water Bill Reminder
  5. Tax Bill Reminder
  6. Website updates
  7. How to contact the District of Eidelweiss District office and the Commissioners.
  8. Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes.

Upcoming events

  • Aug 04 - Aug 12      Madison Old Home Week   Full schedules available throughout Town
  • Aug 05 2:00 pm      EPOA scavenger hunt; begin at Eidelweiss Beach
  • Aug 11 3:00 pm      EPOA Family games at Eidelweiss Beach
  • Aug 15 1:00 pm      Asset Management Committee at the Eidelweiss office
  • Aug 18 9:00 am      EPOA meeting at the Lodge.
  • Aug 18 5:00 pm      EPOA Pig Roast at the Lodge
  • Aug 19 2:00 pm      EPOA Family Fun at Eidelweiss Beach
  • Aug 25 6:00 pm      EPOA Family games at the Lodge
  • Sept 22 all Day       Hazardous Waste Disposal – CONWAY TRANSFER STATION
  • Every Tue. 8:00 amCommissioners meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.

Strategic Planning for VDOE

Many improvements within the District have occurred in the last 5-10 years.  With the addition of a dedicated Asset Management Team, extensive planning efforts are being completed for the long-term benefit of the VDOE.  With a capital improvement plan that has been carefully developed, the Commissioners are able to make focused decisions for actions.

The Water System has undergone tremendous improvements including upgrades to the SCADA system, well rehabilitation at Muddy Beach as well as booster pump replacements with variable frequency drives, pump house upgrades to Oak Station and Jungfrau station, tank inspections for the 30,000-gallon storage tanks and lining of the 30,000-gallon tank at Summit station, Planning is underway for replacement of the Reinach tanks, which were not candidates for lining.  Planning is also be done with a full cost analysis for replacement of the 5,000-gallon tanks within the system.

The equipment being used by the DPW is in good shape and included in the strategic planning based on anticipated useful life.  The F-550 is scheduled for replacement in 2019.  Specifications and pricing are being developed for proposal of a replacement for this truck.

Regular road maintenance, including ditching and culvert work, has been focused on for the last three years.  The VDOE now has a full culvert inventory of all road culverts including GPS coordinates.  Snow plow operations have benefited from the addition of brine as a tool to fight ice and the ponds will benefit long term from reduction of road salt.

The DPW crew has been completing courses and maintaining certifications through the UNH Technology Transfer Center Road Scholar program.  The reduced turnover in staff of the last 5 years has been beneficial as the crew gains additional skills to keep the roads in great condition.

Upcoming News Letter Focus Topic:

  • Tank replacement and the Reinach pressure zone

Breaking News and Current Events:

  • Commissioner Ron Sandstrom has returned to the private sector to focus on his businesses. His position will be filled at the next annual meeting.
  • The Reinach water system tank planning is ongoing with input from the districts engineers. A working meeting with DES is being scheduled to take place.  When the schedule is ready, a notice will be sent out through the VDOE email list to provide the location and timing for the meeting.
  • Meetings took place with Conway Water District with a review of their accounting software and practices along with a look into how they handle flex time. The district is looking into an upgrade to the accounting system.  The software being reviewed is made for municipal governments and fully compliant with current regulations.  Many of the current manual processes are included in the proposed system which will benefit both record keeping and workflow.

Water Bill Reminder: 

This is a friendly reminder that the water bill was due on 5/1. A late payment penalty was assessed to any property owners who have not paid this bill. Any property owners who haven’t paid by August 1st will be assessed an additional $100 late fee.

Tax Bill Reminder:

Taxes were due in the town of Madison on July 5, 2018.

Website updates

If you have photos of the district and would like to share them so that they may be included on the site, please send them to  We will review and select the best photos for use with the site.

How to contact the District Office:

  • The VDOE has an official website and sends out emails with emergency notifications. Be sure to visit the website at and enroll.
  • The VDOE has a “see something / say something” policy. Anyone who sees something suspicious or unusual should report it for the benefit of the VDOE community to the Madison Police at 603-367-8334 (non-emergency line).
  • Office hours and guidelines have been added to the website to make it more convenient to schedule appointments with the District administrator. Click Here for Office Hours.

The office can always be contacted via email with questions, concerns and suggestions. Messages will be forwarded from the office to the commissioners. The email address is

Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes:

Please take a few moments to review the minutes from these hard-working groups.