2016 Annual Meeting

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2016 Annual Meeting Minutes

of the

Village District of Eidelweiss

The 2016 Village District of Eidelweiss Annual meeting was opened at 7pm by moderator Robert Ingram.

The Moderator led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Approximately 42 people were in attendance at the beginning of the meeting with approximately 10 non registered voters present.

The Moderator asked for a moment of silence to reflect on neighbors who have passed away during the past year.

Commissioner Ron Sandstrom spoke of the commissioner’s goals and to keep the tax rate steady.

Point of Order:

Jay Buckley makes a motion to allow non registered voters, Eidelweiss residents to speak at this meeting. Seconded by Larry Leonard.


Article 01.

To choose all necessary officer for the coming year; One Commissioner (three year term), Moderator (two year term), Treasurer (one year term), Clerk (one year term). Vote by ballot.                           RESULTS:


Michael Smith 43 votes

Ralph Lutjen 10 votes

Jay Buckley 8 votes


Mark Graffam 43 votes

James Lyons 8 votes


Dinah Reiss 54 votes


Nancy Cole 55 votes

Michael Smith 3 votes


Article 02: Oak Ridge Road Reconstruction
To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $243,750.00 (gross budget) for the Reconstruction of Oak Ridge Road, and to authorize the issuance of not more than $213,750.00 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the municipal officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon; to appropriate $30,000 from the Unassigned Fund Balance and to further raise and appropriate $17,000.00 for the first years payment. Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.     Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 2-1. (2/3 ballot vote required)


Motion to move to the floor by Michael Smith, Second by Jay Buckley.

Presentation was given. Many questions from the audience on the total costs, construction details and need for engineering oversight during construction.

AMMENDMENT to article 02:

MOTION: by Jay Buckley, second by Larry Leonard to modify the Article 02: Oak Ridge Road Reconstruction To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $175,000.00 (gross budget) for the Reconstruction of Oak Ridge Road, and to authorize the issuance of not more than $145,500.00 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the municipal officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon; to appropriate $30,000 from the Unassigned Fund Balance and to further raise and appropriate $17,000.00 for the first years payment. Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation. Recommendations required (2/3 ballot vote required)

After much discussion and agreement from the commissioners to look into lowering the actual final expenditure for this project; Jay Buckley volunteered a motion to withdraw his original amendment. Larry Leonard seconded. Amendment withdrawn.

Original article back on the floor.

Moderator opens polls at 7:54 pm. Polls closed at 8:56 pm.  

Article 02 PASSED   20 votes to 10 votes

Article 03: Create Medical Insurance Expendable Trust Fund

To see if the District will vote to establish a Medical Insurance Expendable Trust Fund per RSA 31:19-a, for the payment of health insurance premiums for the benefit of full time District Employees and to raise and appropriate $35,000.00 to put in the fund, with this amount to come from the Unassigned Fund Balance; further to name the Board of Commissioners as agents to expend from said fund. Recommendations Required. (Majority vote required)


Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to amend the amount in article 03 from $35,000.00 to $20,000.00.

Seconded by Stan Wondolowski.

Amendment passed.

Article 03 as amended PASSED


Article 04: Operating Budget

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $431,727.00 for general municipal operations. This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles addressed separately. (Majority vote required)

Motion moved to the floor by Ron Sandstrom, seconded by Michael Smith.


Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to amend article 04 seconded by Michael Smith to raise the Retirement line under Employee Benefits by $7,000 and further to reduce the Medical Insurance line under Employee Benefits by $35,000 for a new total budget of $403,727.

Amendment PASSED

Article 03 as amended PASSED


Article 05: Water Budget

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of $157,468 for general operation of the water system. Funds for this appropriation will be raised by water usage fees. (Majority vote required)

Moved to the floor by Ron Sandstrom, seconded by Michael Smith.


Ron Sandstrom makes a motion; seconded by Michael Smith to reduce the SRF from $11,949 to $1 for a total budget of $145,469. This is to reflect the lack of expenditure on this project during 2015.

Amendment PASSED

Article 05 as amended PASSED


Article 06: Engineering, Design and permitting

To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,500.00 for the purpose of Engineering, design and permitting of a permanent repair for Grison and Burgdorf Roads. Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation. (Majority vote required)

Motion by Michael Smith; seconded by Ron Sandstrom to move to the floor.

Larry Leonard presents arguments that the current repair is substantial and will last significantly longer than the previous rebuild in 2012. Michael Smith points out that $38,000 has been spent on the last two repairs in 2012 and 2015.

Motion by Jay Buckley, seconded by Larry Leonard for a secret ballot.

Motion FAILS

Article 06 PASSED

POINT OF ORDER: Michael Smith makes a motion to NOT TO RECONSIDER article 06,; seconded by Ron Sandstrom.



Article 07: Pavement Preservation

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000 for the purpose of Pavement Preservation. Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation. (Majority vote required)

Motion to move to the floor by Michael Smith; Seconded by Ron Sandstrom


Article 07 PASSED


Article 08: Extended Warranty Purchase Terra Star
To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 for the purpose of purchasing an Extended Warranty for the Terra Star. Funds for this appropriation will be $2,201.00 from encumbered funds of 2015 and $5,799.00 from the Unassigned Fund Balance.   Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0. (Majority vote required)


Motion to move to the floor made by Michael Smith; seconded by Ron Sandstrom


Article 08 PASSED

Article 09: Beach Testing:

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the purpose of testing of water samples for the 5 VDOE Beaches. Funds for this appropriation will be from the Unassigned Fund Balance. (Majority vote required)

Motion to move to the floor made by Michael Smith; seconded by Larry Leonard.


Article 09 PASSED

Article 10: Water Extension Fund

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 for making and repairing connections to the water system, extending or repairing water lines and making general improvements to the water system and authorize the withdrawal of $50,000.00 from the Water Line Extension Fund created for that purpose. Recommendations Required. (Majority vote required)

Motion to move to the floor by Ron Sandstrom; seconded by Mike Smith.


Article 10 passed

POINT OF ORDER: Motion to move article 15 to the floor made by Michael Smith; seconded by Ron Sandstrom.


Article 15: Increase term limit for Treasurer

To see if the District will vote to increase the Term Limit for the Treasurer to a term of three (3) years as allowed per RSA 41:26-b. (Majority vote required)

It is noted that the phrase “Term Limit” shown in the handouts would limit a person to 3 years and never to be able to hold that position again. Jay Buckley points out that the wording on the actual Ballot is correctly printed and attorney Dan Crean agrees that is what we are voting on.

Jim Lyons expresses a concern that the three year commitment will deter potential candidates from signing up for a 3 year terms. Discussion ensues.

Article 15 PASSED; 21 YES Votes; 6 NO Votes

POINT OF ORDER: Motion to move article 16 to the floor made by Michael Smith; seconded by Ron Sandstrom.

Article 16: Increase term limit for Clerk
To see if the District will vote to Increase the Term Limit for the Clerk to three (3) years as allowed in RSA 41:16-b. Recommended by the Board of Commissioners 3-0. (Majority vote required)


Article 16 PASSED 12 YES Votes; 7 NO Votes

Article 11: Asset management grant

To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 for the purpose of Asset Management. Funds for this appropriation will be from the Unassigned Fund Balance. (Majority vote required)

Motion to move to the floor by Michael Smith seconded by Ron Sandstrom

Larry Sodano makes a presentation on the Asset Management Committees progress.

Article 11 PASSED

Article 12: Establish Equipment Repair Capital Expense Fund

To see if the District will vote to establish a Equipment Repair Capital Expense Capital Reserve Fund under the provisions of RSA 35:1 for Heavy Equipment Repairs and to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000 to be placed in this fund. Funds for this appropriation will be raised as follows: $5,000 from taxation and $5,000 from the Unassigned Fund Balance. Further, to name the Board of commissioners as agents to expend from said fund. Recommendations Required (Majority Vote Required)

Motion to move to the floor by Jay Buckley, seconded by Larry Leonard.

Article 12 PASSED


Article 13: Road Construction CRF deposit

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,500.00 to be added to the Road Construction CRF previously established. Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation. Recommendations Required. (Majority vote required.)

Motion to move to the floor by Jay Buckley; seconded by Ron Sandstrom.

Article 13 PASSED


Article 14: Highway Equipment CRF deposit

To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,500.00 to be added to the Highway Equipment CRF previously established. Funds for this appropriation will be raised by taxation. Recommendations Required. (Majority vote required.)

Motion to move to the floor by Jay Buckley; seconded by Larry Leonard.

Article 14 PASSED


New Business: The commissioners reported that they have recently signed papers to complete the purchase lot D3 on Middle Shore Drive with funds from the Land Acquisition CRF, for the purpose of eventually establishing a silt retention pond there.

Article 17: Other Business
To act upon any other business that may legally come before said meeting.


Motion to adjourn made by Ralph Lutjen; seconded by Dinah Reiss.




Respectfully Submitted,


James (Jay) Buckley

VDOE Clerk



Article 2 - reconstruction of Oak Ridge Road passed by a vote of 20-10.  ($243,750)

Article 3 - establishing a Medical Trust Fund for employee health insurance passed at the amended amount of $20,000.

Article 4 - General Government/Highway Operations budget passed at the amended amount of $403,727.

Article 5 - Water Budget passed at the amended amount of $145,469.

Article 6 - engineering, design and permitting for Grison and Burgdorf road culverts passed. ($15,500)

Article 7 - pavement preservation passed.  ($10,000)

Article 8 - extended warranty purchase for the 2015 Terra Star passed. ($8,000)

Article 9 - beach testing for summer months passed.  ($1,000)

Article 10 - allowing $50,000 to be expended from the Water Extension Fund passed.

Article 11 - Asset Management allocation passed.  ($5,000)

Article 12 - establish equipment repair Capital Reserve Fund passed. ($10,000)

Article 13 - deposit to Road Construction Capital Reserve Fund passed.  ($7,500)

Article 14 - deposit to Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund passed.  ($7,500)

Article 15 - term change to 3 years for Treasurer passed.

Article 16 - term change to 3 years for Clerk passed.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting will be posted when received from the Clerk.

The Village District of Eidelweiss Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the Madison Elementary School. Voting will be open from 5 pm to no earlier than 7 pm. The Deliberative session, for action on remaining Warrant Articles , will begin at 7 pm. The Warrant and budgets are available on the website.

Please be aware that the State of NH has updated the regulations on voter identification. Under the new regulations, all persons who wish to obtain a ballot must show proper ID. Please have your license/ID ready when approaching the Supervisors of the Checklist to sign in and receive your ballot. Full wording of the regulation is attached for your review.

Materials for the annual meeting can be found at

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The Village District of Eidelweiss Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the Madison Elementary School.  Voting will be open from 5 pm to no earlier than 7 pm.  The Deliberative session, for action on remaining Warrant Articles , will begin at 7 pm.   The Warrant and budgets are available on the website.

Please be aware that the State of NH has updated the regulations on voter identification.  Under the new regulations, all persons who wish to obtain a ballot must show proper ID.  Please have your license/ID ready when approaching the Supervisors of the Checklist to sign in and receive your ballot.  Full wording of the regulation is attached for your review.

Materials for the annual meeting can be found at

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Election results from the 2016 Annual Meeting;

Commissioner:  Mike Smith, 3 year term ending 2019

Moderator:  Mark Graffam, 2 year term ending 2018

Clerk*:  Nancy Cole, 1 year term ending 2017

Treasurer*:  Dinah Reiss, 1 year term ending 2017

Articles to increase the term for the Treasurer and Clerk from one year to three years passed at the annual meeting.  In 2017, these positions will be elected for a three year term.



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What the commissioners want for the 2016 Warrant.

  • Keep the Tax Rate flat at 4.66
  • Re-establish savings for capital reserve funds
  • Create new reserve funds
    • Self fund large equipment warrantees
    • Reduce operating budget by thirty five thousand and move cash into medical trust fund.
  • Finish Oak Ridge Lower Section
  • Establish a paved road yearly maintenance program.