2019 Documents


Commissioners Meeting             

May 16, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Thursday, May 16, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley.  Also present was resident Paula Doyle.    The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                            

At 8:07 pm Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.       

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.   

2. Highway Department Report 

3. Water

4. Administration

Payroll report is reviewed and discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $5787.33.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Discussion ensues on water hook ups.  Current process for handling receipt of a water hook-up application is outlined as sending the information to the engineers for calculation of water pressure at the lot and checking for degradation to any other connection.  Adam Leiser outlines declining application for 7 Biasca Place without sending to engineers.  The Reinach pressure zone is planned to be built in 2020 and should rectify any pressure issues in this zone.  Jay Buckley discusses placing a data logger on a house near this lot for a pressure check for the region.  Sending a letter to the applicant questioning the time frame for building a house is discussed as an option.  If the applicant is ok to wait until next year, the pressure zone should be installed and available for this lot.  Discussion on also checking on degradation for the other users that is done with the lot hook up engineering.  Discussion on updating the Ordinance to state engineering will be done at Commissioners discretion going forward.  Contact will be made with property owner on timing for intended building.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to send email to applicant asking for date in which water would be desired as available at the house.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Discussion on updates to the water ordinance for proposal on June 1.  Placing a specific date for each spring and each fall for valve turns that would cost $50 per house with all other valve turns at $100 per house is discussed.  First Saturday in November for shut off and first Saturday in May for turn on are outlined as dates to be recommended.  Nancy Cole cautions that work on Saturday is at a higher rate to the Water Operator.  Statement of allowing the maximum number of residents to take advantage of this service is outlined as reason to propose Saturday. 

Adam Leiser discusses increases water hook up in 2021 to $12,000 with ability to pay the current $8,000 charge in advance if chosen by the applicant.  Nancy Cole outlines that once the hook up is received and approved, the VDOE must install the curb stop valve.  Discussion ensues on what constitutes a water user and the hook up requirements in the Water Ordinance.   

Schedule for upcoming meetings is reviewed.  First meeting of the month is 8pm; second meeting will be at 9am.  All Saturday meetings will be at 9 am.  Schedule will be posted. 

Discussion on letter to Dubois & King regarding the recent bill is held.  Adam Leiser reads the proposed letter to Dubois & King.  Discussion ensues on work being requested by the prior Board and due to Dubois & King.  Adam discusses sending letter and waiting for a response.  Paula Doyle states that an alternative approach may be better.  The letter will be altered prior to being sent.  Discussion continues.  Letter is amended verbally and will be updated.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign and mail letter as updated.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Adam Leiser amends to include signing letter out of session.  Kathy Koziell seconds amendment.  Motion passed 3-0.       

5.  Accounts Payable

The check to Dubois & King just discussed will continue to be held. 

6.  Minutes

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve 5/14/19.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Jay Buckley discusses invitation to Kelly Robitaille to join the info board; will be updated to include reason for invitation is to allow DPW firsthand review of postings.  Jay Buckley updates discussion on Muddy Beach in section 4 to state that one creates humidity as and the other removes it.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

7. Commissioners Reports

Kathy Koziell discusses the May newsletter.  Newsletter is reviewed.  Questions on the new process for obtaining fire permits is reviewed.  This will not be included at this time until additional information can be obtained.  Additional review of the newsletter is done. 

Adam Leiser thanks Jay Buckley for coordinating the work at Huttwil lot; the roof over the mailbox, bus stop and bulletin board were replaced. Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow Kathy Koziell to give final approval of the newsletter for posting.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.   

Kathy Koziell states she will assist with updating the filing cabinets in the office. 

Kathy Koziell has delivered a set of plans to Bob Nelson of RWN for the Little Loop project to develop an estimate.  Jay Buckley states that discussion with Kelly Robitaille could be held on drainage in this area prior to taking action on this project.  Jay Buckley makes a motion to allow him to discuss Little Loop drainage with Kelly Robitaille.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0-1 with Adam Leiser abstaining as his property is directly involved with this proposed project.   

Electrician Chip Johnson will be in next week to review some electrical needs at DPW, DPW II and the lodge exterior.       

Adam Leiser makes a motion to invite Isabel Pais to join the Communications Committee.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Establishing the Environmental Committee is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to appoint Larry Leonard, Paula Doyle, John Cancelarich, Patti Aliventi, Marianne Jackson and Mary Alice Lapoint as the Environmental Committee.  Adam Leiser will be the Commissioner representative.  Committee will be officially established Saturday, May 18.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Adam Leiser states he has spoken with John Cooley of the NH Loon Preservation Committee.  Mr. Cooley will meet with Adam and concerned residents tomorrow at 11 am to review pond levels.    

No response has been received on the audit.  The Town of Madison site has been checked; they have the 2017 audit posted. 

Time clock will be looked for in the DPW garage. 

Kelly Robitaille highway road work report will be updated and distributed to the Board. 

The dam management plan will be emailed to John Cooley of the LPC tomorrow morning

The EPOA meeting Memorial Day weekend is discussed.  Commissioners presentation for meeting is outlined. Adam Leiser will outline initial presentation.

Kathy Koziell will draft an email to be sent to the EPOA requesting members sign up for VDOE alerts and newsletters.    

Adam Leiser makes a motion to send thank you letters to all persons involved in mailbox roof project.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  Jay Buckley will write the letter. 

Administrative job description will be sent to the Board of Commissioners for review and discussion.  The employee handbook will be reviewed for needed updates.  Adam Leiser outlines an error where a reference is clearly incorrect.  Other errors also exist in this document.  Importance of accuracy in the employee handbook is outlined and discussed.      

8. Signature Items  

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter to Bill Copeland out of session.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Purchase orders were approved Tuesday, but documentation was not signed at that time.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the Purchase Orders.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment    

12.  Other Business   

Discussion on construction occurring at 26 Diessbach Drive is held.  Discussion on notification from Madison for building permits issued by the Town of Madison for properties in Eidelweiss is held.  Establishing a process for obtaining building permits is discussed. 

Jay Buckley discusses the houses at 22, 24 and 26 Middle Shore that all have the existing driveway culvert exposed.  The property files will be pulled to check on original installation.    

At 10:23 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



  1. Call to order 8:00 pm  
  • Approval of the agenda                                             

     Review of Actions, Projects and Issues List    

  • Administration:  CM051419, payroll, water hook up application
  • Accounts payable: $2,220.00 – 1 check
  • Signature Items: Copeland response, PO 301 Impact Wrench $330, PO 302 Trimmer, Bristle Broom, Pole Saw $725, PO 303 brushes for broom $475, PO 304 Blades $270
  • Commissioners Reports
  • Correspondence:
  • Scheduled Appearances:
  • Public Comment:

10. Other:  

            Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3, II (d) property; (a) employment matters



Commissioners Meeting             

May 14, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, May 14, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), Treasurer Dinah Reiss, John Cancelarich, Larry Leonard, Mike Dolan, Paula Doyle, and Commissioner appointee Jay Buckley.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                            

At 9:04 am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.       

Adam Leiser announces that Jay Buckley has been appointed to the Board of Commissioners. 

Clerk Nancy Cole swears in Jay Buckley.  Congratulations Jay. 

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Kelly Robitaille outlines that a free lawn mower may be available.  Kathy Koziell will donate a lawn mower to the District.  Discussion ensues on mowing VDOE properties. 

The hot water is not working at DPW garage.  The plumber will be notified today. 

Electric issues at DPW II are outlined.  An outside light has been pulled from the building.  Chip Johnson will be notified.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate up to $200 for replacing light by electrician.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  Discussion on lights in the bathroom downstairs at the lodge.  Electrician will be asked to look at this as well.  Outside light at Lodge will also be looked at.  Outside lights at the DPW garage should also be looked at.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to increase the allocation by $500 to $700 total. Jay Buckley seconds.  Discussion on budget items is held.  Motion passed 3-0.    

Adam requests Jay Buckley look at the DPW bathroom.   

Kelly outlines a road issue on Reinach Place.  A resident cleared trees from a lot and the trees were left at the side of the road.  The Madison Police have been notified.  Adam Leiser discuses obtaining a copy of the police report.  Forestry Department has also been notified.  Police report will be requested. 

The road grader is in need of repair.  A steering issue is occurring.  Kelly Robitaille discusses having repair done by a local mechanic or by Chadwick Ba-Ross.  Repair is involved, Chadwick Ba-Ross may be needed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion Chadwick Ba-Ross up to $2,000 for repair.  KK seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  Kelly discusses cost of repair and need to diagnose exact problem.  Adam increases to $2,500.  KK seconds.  Discussion on use of capital reserve funds for this repair is held.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Purchase order requests are reviewed with Kelly Robitaille; all requests verbally approved. 

Discussion on use of the Town of Madison’s chipper is held.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that when borrowing this equipment, all limbs should be in one area.  Adam questions determining when this will be done.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that planning this now and trying to state which week this will be done would be difficult.   

A blower/vacuum system for leaves has been recommended by Kelly Robitaille.  Recommendation is reviewed and discussed.  Kelly Robitaille outlines ability to remove the leaves as crucial to keeping the ditches and culverts cleaned.  Cost would be $6,500 from MB Tractor.  Adam Leiser discusses a complaint from a resident that leaves were blown onto his property.  This equipment would rectify that scenario.  This equipment comes with a three-year motor warranty.  Additional information will be obtained on this with a target to approve at the next meeting.  Kathy Koziell outlines that she has had a discussion with the resident who complained and all is okay.  Additional communication will not be needed regarding this complaint. 

Jay Buckley discussed anchoring of picnic tables at Geneva Beach.  One table was flipped over into the pond. 

Adam Leiser discusses information noticed in the DPW garage that was requested under 91-A to the DPW.  Adam states that he was surprised to notice this.  Kelly Robitaille responds that he is allowed to have information pertaining to what is being said within the District.  The DPW does try to keep on top of all current matters.  Kelly Robitaille outlines improvements made in the last few years and states he feels as if he needs to defend himself.  Jay Buckley discusses that the DPW should not feel as if they need to defend themselves.  Kelly Robitaille is invited to the Info-Board chat site moderated by Jay Buckley.  Kelly Robitaille declines.  Adam Leiser questions any information that is not DPW related.  Paula Doyle outlines the culture of the VDOE to place blame and point fingers at persons.  Social Media allows persons to criticize more openly.  Paula adds that the DPW should not feel they need to defend anything.  Paula questions changing the culture so that employees can feel comfortable and safe when a mistake is made.  Being accountable without fear of repercussion is needed.  Kelly thanks Paula, adding that he has been doing this for over 5 years effectively.  Adam outlines that the Board be the persons who take the pressure.  Social media sites are outlined.  Larry Leonard highlights the improvements to the District roads in the last few years.  Mike Dolan adds that the DPW is doing a great job.

Discussion on pond levels is held.  Larry Leonard states that a board should be put into the dam.  Adam highlights having this dictated by the Loon Society is needed so that VDOE can regulate this matter effectively.  Establishing a policy is outlined.  Checking to see if the loons have begun to build their nest is discussed so that the level can be set for the nest.  John Cancelarich discusses the level of Big Pea Porridge Pond.  Additional discussion on June 1 at the Commissioners meeting held after the public hearing is planned with John Cooley of the Loon Preservation Society.  John Cancelarich discusses protecting property rights of people.  One board will be put into the dam by the DPW today.  Discussion on information from DES every year to work the dam in compliance with the Loon Society recommendations.  John Cancelarich is asked to join the Environmental Committee.      

Planning the spring work, including 30 Saint Moritz area, is discussed.  This will be done by June 30th.  Kelly Robitaille agrees to June 30 deadline.  The repair at 44 Oak Ridge culvert will also be done by June 30th

Discussion on ditching needed at Thusis.  Kelly Robitaille outlines this will be done this spring when the road is done.  Adam highlights having four residents review roads for additional eyes on the District roads.  Discussion on replacing the stakes at the culverts is held.  These will be marked again this spring.  Discussion on Burgdorf Road is held.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that the high culvert on Burgdorf was improperly installed.  Culvert will be replaced to the lower section on the road.  When this work is done, the residents will be notified.  Kelly requests sealing off and closing the road properly on Burgdorf at the failed large culvert.  Use of jersey barriers with reflective markers is recommended.  The hole will be filled with rip-rap stone so that it won’t move.  Jay Buckley states that a possible repair may be done.  Adam Leiser outlines need for permanent solution.  Having road engineer review will be done.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate up to $700 for safety on Burgdorf.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  Kelly Robitaille suggests that closing of the road be discussed with the voters, and not just a Board decision. 

Kelly Robitaille is asked when he can repair the canoe racks.  Up to $500 in materials would be needed.  These need to be done before Memorial Day weekend.  Adam outlines allowing up to $1,000 if necessary.  Kathy Koziell outlines repairing to safe and usable level.  Adam highlights getting the racks done is to be a priority.  Discussion on the racks continues.  Racks will be looked at for additional repairs this fall.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve up to $700 for repair of the racks.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion place information regarding canoe and kayak rack repairs on the front page of the website.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

3. Water

4. Administration

Two persons for the environmental committee have stated interest.  John Cancelarich will also join

Motion log is reviewed. 

Discussion on updating policy for lodge use is held.  Kathy Koziell discusses a need to require event insurance either through the property owner’s homeowner’s insurance or the Primex TULIP program for all private lodge use.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to include event insurance through the Primex TULIP as an option for event coverage for lodge use.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0

The audit is discussed.  Email was down, so no update is available.  Audit will be posted on the website once received. 

Discussion on making CRF deposits is held.  Treasurer Dinah Reiss recommends making the $42,000 deposit in August when the initial tax check is received.  Discussion continues on making deposits to capital reserve funds and cash flow.  Review of requirements for deposits will be completed. 

Seasonal turn on and turn offs for residents are discussed.  Adam Leiser outlines that all curb stop valve turns should be billed to the resident.  Discussion on updating the water ordinance is held.  Paula Doyle highlights that the residents who have their valves turned should be notified directly of this pending change.   

Water usage and pump house electricity report are reviewed.  Jay Buckley discusses the set up at Muddy Beach.  Installation of the dehumidifier is discussed.  A ventilation fan may be needed.  This will be discussed again.     

5.  Accounts Payable

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve 15 checks for a total of $12,898.04.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Treasurer Dinah Reiss will obtain the necessary bank signature cards to add Commissioner Buckley to the account.    

6.  Minutes

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes of 5/02/19.  Kathy Koziell seconds.    Motion passed 2-0-1 with Jay Buckley abstaining. 

 7. Commissioners Reports

Kathy Koziell outlines that a seminar is available on June 8th regarding telecommunications facilities on government properties.  This will be looked into.    

Jay Buckley thanks the volunteers for the Valley Pride Clean-Up.

Jay Buckley thanks the volunteers who worked on replacing the shingles on the roofs of the bus stop building, the mailboxes and bulletin Board on Huttwil.  Jay Buckley makes a motion to apply for a building permit.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

8. Signature Items  

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the title for the Terra Star.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Letter to the Foley’s regarding the status of the water at the house on Grison is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Response to David Maudsley is reviewed.  Email is negative on both Jay Buckley’s comment on the water system and the new Commissioners level of knowledge regarding the water system.  Response is read aloud.  Response highlights that evaluating the water system based solely on the number of gallons the system can produce only tells part of the story.  Discussion continues on the water system’s capacity and delivery.  Kathy Koziell states she agrees with response.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter to David Maudsley.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0-1 with Jay Buckley abstaining as he has not seen the correspondence.  Paula Doyle discusses information from residents that cannot be vetted and difficulties in dealing with matters raised by those residents.  Adam outlines that the lack of ability to respond to all persons who may have received the information from David Maudsley is being frustrating to him.  Dinah Reiss cautions Jay that statements which provoke persons should be avoided by a Commissioner. 

9. Correspondence

Check for Coleman Tower site has been received. 

NH DES has accepted the first quarter water usage. 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to accept the Green Mountain Conservation Group invitation for water testing.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.   

Mark Graffam has sent a possible fix to the overflow culvert on Burgdorf. 

Mailchimp email alert list is up to 325 participants.

The third-party electric agreement saved VDOE $195 in April.

NH Municipal Association has sent two Legislative Bulletins.

NH Municipal Association has sent the bi-weekly News Link.

10. Scheduled Appearances

Continued discussion with John Cancelarich on water levels on Big Pea.  The culvert at Big Loop is discussed.  Information will be shared regarding pond level management. 

11.  Public Comment    

Discussion onbeach raking process for the summer is discussed.  Discussion on obtaining rakes.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve up to $95 for purchase of two beach rakes.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  

Discussion on scheduling of future commissioner meetings is held.  First and third Thursday of the month and then fourth Saturday.  Next meeting is Thursday, May 23 at 8 pm. 

Garland will be contacted for port-o-potties at the beaches. 

12.  Other Business   

At 11:34 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole
