2019 Documents

Village District of Eidelweiss

Communications Committee Meeting

May 6, 2019  -  5:00 PM


The Communications Committee met on Monday May 6, 2019 at 5 PM at the District Office.  Present are committee members Michael Dolan (MD),  Kathy Koziell (KK) and Paula Doyle (PD).  The meeting was videotaped by Madison TV. 

At 5:05 PM, Chairman PD calls the meeting to order and makes motion to approve agenda.   KK seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

PD makes motion to approve minutes from 4/23/19 meeting.  KK seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

Update from Commissioner KK on Board of Commissioners meetings & activities: 

-Board discussed recommendation from committee at last meeting to hold a public meeting on June 1 following the public hearing on beach and parking ordinances.  The BOC decided that because they will be giving a public update on activities to the public at the EPOA board meeting the week prior (Saturday 5/25), that another update the following week would not be necessary. 

-The BOC also voted to add financial reports to the website including the budget, cash flow and capital reserve fund balances. 

-The board is working on recommended updates to the beach and parking ordinances to be proposed at the June 1 hearing and will need to communicate these proposals prior to the hearing.  PD inquired about status on beach signage.  KK informed that the signage will be finalized following the hearing.

May Newsletter is discussed with following topics:

-New Commissioner appointed – Jay Buckley swearing in at 6/14 meeting.

-Mailbox Roof project complete – 12 volunteers, all materials donated. New Lights – lower wattage will save money.

-Water Committee Status – PD to get update from Chairman Larry Leonard.

-Opening/Use of Lodge – include info on new insurance option – TULIP (KK to clarify options).

-Info for summer rentals – should we include again?  TBD based on amount of content in newsletter.

-EPOA Annual Meeting – include info that BOC will present update.

-Water levels in ponds – TBD based on inquiry from a resident.

-Rack registration status – continues – provide any additional info.

-Road Damage – info and status on Bergdorf Dr.

-Beach Raking – contact Michael Dolan who will be coordinating volunteers.

-Link to audit that should be online.

-Gardening cleanup at entrance – thanks to Kathy and Amy.

-On Call System at office discontinued.  911 instead.  Savings.

-Environmental Committee – if we have info to update.

-Warrant Article Status - $42K return to reserve fund status.  York Rake purchased.

- Discussion on including information about Home Assessments per a discussion with someone at Madison Town Hall who told KK that 25% of homes in Madison would be assessed this year.  Decided not to include.

-Discussion on input from resident that content in newsletters is “fluff” and not addressing important issues.  Committee does not agree.  This correspondence was discussed in the BOC meeting.  BOC will be publishing financial reports on the website. 

Timing on May newsletter discussed – will circulate draft to committee via email with goal to submit draft to BOC for review at their 5/14 meeting.   Get out to public prior to Memorial Day Weekend.

No Public Comment or Scheduled Appearances.

Next Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday June 4 at 5PM at the office.

5:41 PM:  PD makes motion to adjourn.  KK seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

Respectfully submitted - Paula Doyle (Chairman)


Commissioners Meeting             

May 2, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Thursday, May 2, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were Treasurer Dinah Reiss, resident Larry Leonard, Donna McKinnon, Theresa Hill, Mark Graffam and Jay Buckley.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                            

At 8:03 pm Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.       

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.    Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Adam Leiser discusses meeting with Kelly Robitaille this morning at Burgdorf Drive.  The road has been closed due to a sinkhole at the culvert.  The road is not safe for travel by car or pedestrian traffic.  Larry Leonard discusses the repair done a few years back.  Larry Leonard states that the culvert was not cleaned and that this is a factor in the current failure.  Adam Leiser discusses finding a permanent fix to this solution.  The letter from DES and the file that was created by the engineers will be pulled for review.  Discussion continues on cleaning culverts and obtaining documentation for the work completed.  Jay Buckley outlines an email that was sent outlining the need to clean these culverts in May of 2018.  Creating the log of culvert cleaning is needed going forward.  Kelly Robitaille has recommended placing jersey barriers on both sides of the road for protection of all persons.  Kathy Koziell makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille look into pricing of jersey barriers.  Kathy Koziell withdraws the motion. 

Drainage is discussed.  Adam Leiser outlines having 4 volunteers who check roads in areas.  Dinah, Jay, Kathy and Adam volunteer.  Each volunteer will be emailed their roads. 

The next meeting will be May 14th at 9:00 am in the office. 

Speed bumps were installed today. 

3. Water

Siding will not be done at the Muddy Beach pump house this year. 

Reinach tank replacement project is being worked on. 

4. Administration

The motion log is reviewed and discussed. 

A follow up will be done with DES regarding 23 Huttwil septic system failure. 

Discussion is held on review of the Asset Management section on the DES website. 

Larry Leonard discusses obtaining information and creating an inventory list of all assets within the VDOE water system.  Getting all information in one location that is accessible is discussed.  Updating the information and obtaining access is outlined as necessary.  Jay Buckley questions repair of curb stop valves within the District and a listing of options. 

Jay Buckley discusses backing up documentation within the office. 

Discussion ensues on changing pump houses to propane.  This will be removed from the motion log and not be pursued. 

Discussion on work orders for highway work is held.  This will be done going forward. 

Discussion on the upcoming Public Hearing for the Beach Ordinance scheduled June 1 is held.  Updating information for the public hearing regarding service dogs is discussed. 

Larry Leonard outlines water committee status updates.  General discussion continues on water system reviews, projects and engineers.

Larry Leonard outlines an extrapolated list of motions reviewed at last Commissioners meeting.  Clarification is made that this review included some information that was not motions made at the water committee meeting. 

Discussion on remaining action list items is held. 

Placing a header on the Eidelweiss culvert at Thusis is outlined as something that should be done by Mark Graffam.   

Review of the quotes for the electrical items on the 2019 Warrant for the water system is recommended by Mark Graffam.  Discussion on these articles and the funding by the 2018 loan proceeds is held.  Each of these projects will be reviewed prior to being done. 

Adam Leiser addresses making the deposits to the capital reserve funds authorized at the 2019 Annual Meeting.  These deposits will not be made until the end of the year to improve cash flow at year end.  Dinah Reiss outlines making the deposits in August.  Paying the obligations in August is recommended by Dinah.  Mark Graffam outlines that the water system trust fund is due this money and states that the money should be replaced as soon as possible.  Guidance by the DRA will be sought on the timing of making the trust fund deposits.  An email will be sent tomorrow to the DRA. 

Dinah Reiss reviews the April cash flow report.  Page two of report shows the balances of the Capital Reserve funds.  Placing the cash flow report on the website is discussed.  Adding the budget to the website is discussed.  Kathy Koziell makes a motion place budget, cash flow and CRF balance sheets on the website.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Budgets are reviewed and discussed.  Discussion on the recent QuickBooks upgrade being assigned to the Equipment and Maintenance line item; this item shows at 314% expended due to this.   

The Management Discussion and Analysis is reviewed and discussed.  Questions remain on past finances; the Board has added a line to the document stating they were not involved with the 2018 financials.  Staying within the approved budget is outlined and discussed. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the MD& A as presented for the audit.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Discussion on beach rafts is held.  Replacing rafts going forward is discussed. 

Discussion on the TULIP policy through the VDOE insurance company that would have residents purchase event insurance.  Looking into cleaning the lodge and adding a cleaning fee for use of the lodge is outlined.  This will be looked into.    

5.  Accounts Payable

Check manifest of 11 checks in the amount of $17,272.84 is presented.  Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to hold the check for Dubois & King.   Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve 10 checks in the amount of $15,052.84.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

6.  Minutes

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes of 4/25/19.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

7. Commissioners Reports

Kathy Koziell discusses the answering service.  The service has not been meeting expectations.  Kathy Koziell discusses calling other local town offices last weekend to see what they do.  Many lines simply rang with no answer.  Some did use an answering machine, but not one option to get to an answering service was located.  Kathy Koziell makes a motion to cancel Always On Call and update answering machine message to reflect calling 911 in an emergency.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

8. Signature Items  

Letter to Ken Coop regarding changing of the valve in the Upper Lakeview Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) is reviewed.  Initial correspondence from Mr. Coop is read.  Sending by email versus USPS is discussed.  Email will be used for this response.  Response is read.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Letter to Norm Garside placing siding of Muddy Beach on permanent hold is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign PO 298 in the amount of $2,000 for Calcium Chloride.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign PO 299 in the amount of $5,000 for gravel.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign PO 300 in the amount of $3,000 for Sodium Hydroxide.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Eversource tree cutting on VDOE lots is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the four cards from Eversource.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

9. Correspondence

Dan Gaudette email regarding speeding on Eidelweiss Drive is read aloud.  Adding an additional speed bump on Eidelweiss Drive at the playground is outlined as an option. 

Adam Leiser discusses a conversation with Mr. Gaudette regarding this.  Adding additional speed bumps will be looked into.  Cost will be obtained. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to have VDOE accept invitation from EPOA for Commissioners to speak at the EPOA Annual meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to request the EPOA be asked what topics they want the Commissioners to talk about.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Email regarding sound quality of Madison TV meetings at the lodge is discussed.  This meeting will be checked for sound quality to determine if action is necessary. 

Email regarding tamper resistant nuts and bolts is reviewed.  This will not be pursued. 

Photos of drainage around the District have been received.  Lack of words with the photos is outlined.  

Email received from resident Mr. Corcoran regarding possible savings on accounts is discussed.  Inviting Mr Corcoran to a Commissioners meeting will be done.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to send an email inviting Mr. Corcoran to a Commissioners meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The email from Ralph Lutjen mentioned last meeting is read aloud.  Adam Leiser states that the email is disgraceful outlining reasons why he feels this way.

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment    

Jay Buckley questions allowing making the wood chips that are behind DPW II available.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to move the wood chips to the taxpayer sand pile location and announce the wood chips are available to anyone interested.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Jay Buckley thanks Kathy Koziell and Kevin Flynn for handling the VLAP spring run-off testing. 

Roof project at Huttwil mailboxes is planned for Sunday, May 5. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to place vinyl siding on Muddy Beach pump house when the project is done.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  

Dinah Reiss thanks Kathy Koziell and Amy Thompson for cleaning up the front entrance area. 

12.  Other Business   

The Communication Committee meeting will be Monday, May 6 at 5 pm. 

24 Diessbach will remain on agenda weekly until resolved. 

Mark Graffam has copied the office in on an email which he questions Jay Buckley’s statements regarding the water system.  Clarification of the comment regarding collapse of the system is requested by Mark Graffam in the email.  Jay Buckley states he has not yet responded to Mr. Graffam’s email.  Jay states that pressure zones within the District have some fluctuations during peak usage.  Jay states that degradation of service is more realistic than ‘collapse’.  Dinah Reiss comments that the statement was inflammatory and unnecessary.  Jay Buckley apologizes; he did not mean collapse.  Adam discusses small water mains as an issue for the water system.  Caution on limiting generalities in public session is made.     

Adam Leiser states the Board needs a third Commissioner.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to appoint Jay Buckley as the third Commissioner.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

At 10:49 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to enter Non-Public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (d) property.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion by roll call vote Adam Leiser yea, Kathy Koziell yea and the motion passed 2-0.    

At 11:15 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to exit Non-Public session.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to seal the minutes of the Non-Public session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

At 10:16 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole, Administrator

Board of Commissioners

                          Village District of Eidelweiss

                                    1680 Conway Rd Box 1027

                            Madison, New Hampshire 03849



  1. Call to order 8:00 pm  
  • Approval of the agenda                                             

     Review of Actions, Projects and Issues List    

  • Administration:  CM042519, MD & A, budgets, April cash flow, motion log, beach rafts, TULIP program for lodge use info to residents, Burgdorf Drive closed, meeting schedule  
  • Accounts payable: $17,272.84 – 11 checks
  • Signature Items: Coop PRV concern, Garside no MB siding, PO 298 $2,000 CaCl, PO 299 $5,000 gravel, PO 300 $3,000 NaOH, Eversource tree cut notices
  • Commissioners Reports
  • Correspondence:  Buckley – Burgdorf, Dorney – culvert cost 4 Barden, Coop Upper Lakeview PRV concerns, Gaudette – speed bumps, EPOA meet invite, Graffam – lodge sound quality, Graffam tamper resistant nuts/bolts, Graffam – drainage photos, Trust Fund check received, NHMA Legislative bulletin
  • Scheduled Appearances:
  • Public Comment:

10. Other:   Water funding, Beach signs, 24 Diessbach, Graffam email to Buckley


View all commissioner meeting minutes and agendas (posted 10 hrs prior)  Click Here

The 2019 Water Consumer Confidence Report has been posted to the VDOE website.  You can view by clicking here.


The new Commissioners saved the taxpayers $1242/yr. by including the payroll feature to the QuickBooks accounting software upgrade. This eliminated the need for PAYCHEX which had been processing our payroll.

Board of Commissioners Meeting:
May 2nd 8:00 PM at The Lodge
Communications & Water Committees Meeting

Please check the VDOE website for next scheduled meetings

EPOA Annual Meeting:

May 25th 9:00AM at The Lodge, Commissioners will present an overview of the District finances and status of projects.

Public Hearing:

Saturday June 1st 10:00 AM at The Lodge.  The Public Hearing will review the impact of the beach and parking ordinance changes. All residents are encouraged to attend—questions and comments are welcome.

Ongoing - View all upcoming meetings – VDOE Website.

April 30:  Dog Licenses are due through the Town of Madison.
May 1:  Water Bills Due, Rate for 2019 is $485. Bills were mailed in early April.  Please send your payment to the VDOE Office at 1680 Conway Road, #1027, Madison NH 03849.
May 4:  Valley Pride Day 9am-2pm, Eidelweiss participates in the annual litter clean up.  Please join your friends and neighbors to pick up trash and debris from the roads in Eidelweiss.  Meet coordinator Jay Buckley at the Huttwil parking lot at 9AM to sign-in, pick up trash bags, water bottles and gloves. Then return your trash bag to the Huttwil parking lot (Jay will let you know what time you need to return). The Hampton Inn in North Conway (1788 White Mountain Highway –next to McDonald’s) will be providing a barbecue beginning at 2 PM for all volunteers.  It’s always a well-attended, fun event with delicious free food and prize giveaways for participating volunteers. 


Registration for canoe/kayak rack registration is now open.  An email was sent on Friday April 12th with details.  Registration this year is being handled online (Click here).  Fill out the form and hit send (you will see a screen which confirms that your application was successfully sent).

If you don’t want to register online, please call or stop by the VDOE office and the Administrator will assist you in registering manually.

Please note the following changes to this year’s process:

  • A preference for getting an upper, middle or lower rack has been added this year.  You will be asked to provide your first and second choices.
  • There will be no stickers this year.   You will receive an email from the office when your rack space is assigned.  You will need to have this information with you when you take your canoe or kayak to the beach.  Also, please be sure to remove any stickers from 2018.
  • The initial round of registration will end on June 1.  After June 1, if you want a second space, you will be able to submit a second application.  

Before spaces can be assigned, kayak racks need to be inspected for safety. Due to the amount of snow this winter there has been limited access to the racks therefore, rack spaces will be assigned by May 24th in order of the date the applications were received.

The Lodge will be open by May 2nd. Any requests for use must sent to the office for approval. The new Commissioners have simplified the process so that residence can use the facility more easily.


Speed Bumps at Boulder Beach will be installed within the next week.


Summer rental season will soon be upon us and with the increased use of websites like VRBO and AirBnB over the last few years, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of rental visitors to Eidelweiss during the summer.  In order to preserve the quality of life that we all cherish, we ask owners that rent their properties to please be sure to inform their renters about several important guidelines and ordinances that we have put in place.  These are designed to protect and insure that everyone can enjoy the great beauty and benefits of our community.  We have prepared a 1-page bulletin that is attached to this newsletter (see last page) that you can easily print, (consider laminating or framing it) and post in your home in a space that will be clearly visible to your renters.   Also remember that owners are ultimately responsible for anyone who is residing in and using their property.  Your renter’s behavior reflects on you as a neighbor and resident and ultimately can also affect the value of your property and that of others in Eidelweiss.  Thank you.

There were several inquiries and comments last summer about the water levels in the ponds as the season progressed.  For those who may not be aware, the pond levels are monitored and are adjusted (typically kept somewhat low) in order to accommodate the nesting loons in Little Pea Pond that usually occurs between late May and early July.  Mike Smith has worked closely with the Loon Conservation Committee for several years to enable this process to succeed and has generously volunteered to do so again this summer.  As soon as the loon chicks have hatched, the water level will be raised and continues to be monitored and adjusted.   More information about loons, nests and their habitats can be found


Repairing Mailbox Area - Jay Buckley has volunteered to re-shingle the mailbox roofs and to repair the bulletin boards in the Huttwil parking lot.  Jay will also be generously donating the materials for this project.  But he can’t do this project alone – he needs help to get this project done on either the first or second weekend in May – to be determined.  If you can help, please email Jay directly at jaybuckley@verizon.net.  Thank you Jay!

Beach Raking - In order to save the district $2000, we are seeking volunteers to rake the beaches on the weekends between Memorial Day and Labor Day.   The 5 beaches need to be raked prior to 9AM.  Our goal is to collect a list of volunteers that one coordinator will schedule and manage.   The more volunteers we get, the fewer beaches or days each would need to help.  Please contact the office ASAP to volunteer and include any dates or times you already know you will not be available.  Thank you!! (email:  office@vdoe-nh.org)

Water Meter Analysis- The Water Committee is asking for volunteers to help with a water meter analysis for the district.  This has been an ongoing source of interest and debate throughout Eidelweiss and this is your opportunity to participate in this analysis and review.  Please contact the office if you would like to participate.

Volunteers are still being sought for the Roads and Environmental Committees.  An opening has also come up on the Communications Committee.  Please contact the office if you are available and interested in serving on a committee. (email: office@vdoe-nh.org )
Water Committee Update:
A meeting was held with Chris Albert of Jones & Beach to evaluate the Reinach tank project and to provide an estimate for an alternative tank design. The water committee is looking into State grants for water system improvements.

The Upper Lakeview/Rigi pressure reducing valve will be replaced as soon as weather permits.

Eidelweiss & Pea Porridge Ponds

Information & Rules for Visitors & Renters

  • Fires – Fires are not permitted in Eidelweiss unless the homeowner has a fire permit.
  • Fireworks – Fireworks are illegal in the town of Madison and in Eidelweiss.   They also pose a fire risk.  Please be respectful of this law.
  • Noise - We welcome visitors and vacationers!  However, please keep in mind that many of our residents live here full time and need to get up early and get to work. If you are outside at night please keep in mind that noise travels, particularly across the water.  Please be respectful of your neighbors and all residents in Eidelweiss.
  • Canoes/Kayaks – Can only be left unattended on public beaches in the racks that are pre-assigned to owners.  Do not leave any boats unattended on the racks or beaches unless you have the rack number from the homeowner.  Unattended boats left on beaches or racks that are not assigned are subject to removal by law.
  • Traffic and Parking – The roads in Eidelweiss have a lot of traffic in the summer (especially Eidelweiss Drive) and it’s important that any car parked on the street does NOT block the road.  The speed limit on all Eidelweiss Roads is 20 MPH (and lower where posted).  There is a very high volume of children who walk the roads and many people with pets as well.  Please drive slowly and carefully at all times.
  • Water quality – People swim, fish and play in these lakes so we want to keep the water quality high. Bathrooms are located on each beach and we ask that everyone use them and not the ponds when necessary. 
  • Loons – Loons are a threatened and protected species in New Hampshire.  They are also highly affected by water quality. The loons on the ponds in Eidelweiss eat fish, frogs and other natural animals found in the water. Loons should not be fed, chased or approached for any reason. Please maintain a respectable distance and especially stay far away from loon nests as well.  You can learn more about loons at The Loon Center in Moultonborough or at their website www.loon.org.
  • Ducks - Please do not feed ducks as it encourages them to flock near beaches. Their ongoing presence near beaches can adversely affect the water quality where people swim.
  • Playground – No pets are allowed in the playground in Eidelweiss. Trash should not be left in playground areas.
  • Fishing - A fishing license IS REQUIRED by NH state law for anyone 16 years of age or older.  A fishing license can be purchased online, at Walmart or at the Army Barracks in North Conway.  Also, lead fishing sinkers and lead jigs are illegal in NH.  They can be a deadly contaminant for loons.  Non-toxic tackle is available for purchase throughout New Hampshire.
  • Beaches – Pets are NOT permitted on the beaches at any time (except for leashed service animals). A carry-in carry-out policy is in effect. If you bring it with you, please take it with you when you leave. Beach regulations are posted at each public beach.
  • Trash – Please do NOT leave any trash or recycling anywhere outside at any time. There are bears and other wild animals that will be attracted to the smell of food.
  • Dump/Transfer Station - A pass is needed to access this facility. The owner of your rental home should be supplying a one day pass. Please be sure to separate recyclables and discard as posted at the dump. The dump is located at 219 Boulder Rd (off Conway Rd/Route 113) and is open Friday 7a-12p; Sat & Sun 7a-4p; Monday 7a-12p.
  • Non-emergency contact for Madison Police – (603) 367-8334.


Commissioners Meeting             

April 25, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:30 am on Thursday, April 25, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), Dinah Reiss, Gloria Aspinall.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                            

At 8:40 am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.       

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to add the email from Pais to correspondence.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Kelly Robitaille discusses delivery of Calcium Chloride for the summer.  This is used after road grading and for dust control as necessary.  Cost is $1,500.  Tank, once filled, is around ¾ full.  Discussion on additional need, up to $2,000 is recommended.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate $2,000 for Calcium Chloride delivery.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser discusses adding placement of use of Calcium Chloride to the April work list for DPW. 

Kelly Robitaille discusses need for additional gravel.  Yesterday, gravel was needed but could not be picked up due to expenditure of the existing PO.  Both ¾ - inch gravel and 1.5-inch gravel are used in the spring as needed.  Kelly Robitaille outlines need for gravel and ability to obtain when needed, a $5,000 purchase order is recommended.  Discussion on cash flow is held.  Adam Leiser discusses avoidance of use of TAN proceeds.  Dinah Reiss outlines that she is hopeful that the cash flow will be OK until the August tax check from Madison is needed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate $5,000 for gravel.  Kathy Koziell  seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Kelly Robitaille reports that he has sent a picture with the information on the pump model.  Kelly Robitaille adds that the pump is not a high-pressure pump, stating that it is a trash pump.  Adam Leiser discusses allocation of funds at next meeting.  This will be added to the agenda for the next meeting.  Adam Leiser discusses comparison of the pump recommended to the pump that is being specified, outlining the need to be able to update the public on all purchases; Commissioners are not trying to specify what pump is needed.  Clarification that the information is for the newsletter and obtaining support for the Board and all purchases. 

Discussion on review of the Thusis area culvert with resident Mark Graffam yesterday.  Water was flowing freely through the area.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that the bottom of the pipe is rusted out; a review in July when the water is slow is better.  As the bottom of the pipe is rotted, the water is damaging the ground beneath where the pipe should be.  Kelly Robitaille outlines the intent was to replace a new culvert that would cross Eidelweiss Drive and discharge into the depressed area at the cul-de-sac for Thusis Beach parking.  The old pipe would be abandoned.  Discussion continues on the history of this project over the past couple of years, including engineering dollars that have been spent.  Doing an additional review later this summer is recommended by Adam Leiser.  Kelly Robitaille outlines projects and feeling responsible for roads.  Adam outlines Commissioners are ultimately responsible;  Adam emphasizes Board responsibility for all projects.  Proper expenditures and having documentation for these is discussed.  Thusis will be added to the Action list for review in July. 

Kelly Robitaille questions an email received that discusses speed bumps.  Adam Leiser outlines his preliminary idea for discussion that additional speed bumps be added and certain roads be changed to one-way streets.  Adam reviews his thoughts of making Eidelweiss Drive a one-way from Little Shore up to Thusis heading away from 113.  Appenvel Way would also be a one-way heading away from Rte. 113.  Possibilities are outlined and discussed.  Adding additional speed bumps is also discussed.  Adding a center line to Eidelweiss Drive is discussed.  Additional police presence, speed bumps or creating one-way roads are options discussed to try to increase traffic safety.  Installing speed bumps on dirt roads is not an option according to Kelly Robitaille.  Additional traffic on Little Shore and Middle Shore is outlined as detrimental and this could also occur on other roads.  Discussion on talking to the Police is held.  Ability to increase police presence will be discussed with Madison Police.   

Gloria Aspinall asks about new rafts for the ponds.  The old rafts are being worn down and splinter. 

Next meeting will be Thursday, May 2 at 8 pm at the lodge. 

Kelly Robitaille outlines that he feels it would be detrimental to the DPW and general traffic flow if one-way streets are created.  The plow routes also would need to be altered.  Kelly Robitaille outlines additional traffic will alter the maintenance needs of the roads.  Legalities of changing roads to a one-way would also need to be reviewed prior to any action.  Adding a speed bump right at the corner beyond the flag pole is discussed as an option. 

Adam questions placing the speed bumps now.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to have the DPW put the speed bumps in next week.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  

Next newsletter is expected to be finished this weekend and will include information on the speed bumps. 

Adam questions ability to increase life expectancy of the vehicles.  Kelly Robitaille reports that all efforts are made to properly maintain all equipment. 

Adam questions if ditch is needed along Thusis.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that it is not yet time to use the road grader. 

Discussion on beaches and outhouses for this summer.  Kelly Robitaille discusses closing of the outhouses and adding port-o-potties for this summer.  Discussion on use of port-o-potties is held.  There are four outhouses in Eidelweiss.  The process of closing the existing outhouses are discussed.  DES will be contacted for guidance.  Pricing of port-o-potties for the summer is discussed. This will be done by Nancy Cole. 

Discussion on vacation and scheduling of days in advance is held.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that personal days are used as needed, vacation is scheduled.  Adam outlines having a list of jobs that need to be done with one person, two person and three persons.  Scheduling of time is outlined.  Using part time employee Tony Eldridge for coverage is discussed.  Kelly outlines that he schedules jobs as necessary.  When scheduling, Kelly reviews all needs for ongoing work in the District.  Taking scheduling away from Kelly would be detrimental going forward as this has not been an issue.  Leaving this scheduling with Kelly will be done for now.  Kelly asks the Board to not fix what isn’t broken, and please let him know if there is a trust issue with the department.  Adam highlights the big picture, including build-up of trust, and ability for the Board to be successful. 

Kathy Koziell outlines need to have information on culverts that are cleaned.  Kelly responds that culverts are cleaned as needed once the roads are dried.  Documenting all work completed on the road work sheets will be done.

Discussion on canoe racks is held.  Kelly Robitaille will complete the inspection.  Kelly outlines that some racks should possibly be replaced, a report will be put to together for next meeting.  Adam Leiser outlines the goal will be to assign spaces by May 24th for inspection and maintenance purposes.  This will be included in the newsletter. 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to allow her to approve the newsletter for publication. Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

3. Water

Ian Hayes has contacted the Commissioners and informed them that the bleeders will be turned off Monday. 

4. Administration

The payroll report is presented and reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount $6,400.68.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed.  An error is located on Tony Eldridge’s time card; he will be paid the missing hour next payroll.  Motion passed 2-0.  A time clock system will be looked into.

Discussion on TULIP program is held.  Information will be re-sent to Adam Leiser. 

5.  Accounts Payable

6.  Minutes

Adam Leiser motion approve 4/18/19.  Kathy seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

7. Commissioners Reports

Kathy Koziell discusses information sent regarding the status of asset management program for the VDOE.  A CUPPS program is available through the State and will be looked into for next year for automating the asset management system.  Nancy will reach out to Luis Adorno for next year’s program.  Kathy Koziell discusses the Groundwater Trust Fund.  Funds may be available for VDOE programs.  Calculation of the VDOE median income is discussed.  Due to the number of second homes, VDOE generally does not qualify for “free” money. 

Kathy Koziell discusses meeting with Pope Security.  A recommendation for the answering service will be looked into.  Setting different parameters for answering of phones through the tele-talk system will be done. 

Adam discusses volunteer projects.  Replacement of roof over mailboxes is being scheduled by Jay Buckley for early May. 

Sending a letter to Norm Garside regarding the muddy beach siding being on hold is discussed.  A letter will be drafted.

Adam Leiser requests obtaining a list of municipalities with above ground tanks north of Ossipee from DN Tanks to find out how to keep from freezing, inspection and cleaning.

Adam discusses increasing the water hook-up fee to $12,000 beginning in 2020 or potentially 2021.  Adam Leiser outlines that increasing the fee could be a source of income for the VDOE and could also allow for better long-term planning for the District. Should persons choose to donate lots; additional green space is welcomed.  Dinah Reiss outlines the process of water hook-up fees, covering costs of hook-up from the fee and then having remaining funds available to the Board is outlined. 

Discussion on the Board attending the EPOA Annual Meeting is held.  The Commissioners will be asked to speak this year. 

Adam discusses meeting with Kelly to review trucks yesterday.  Adam recommends that the next truck to be replaced should be the International 7400 due to the truck having only 2-wheel drive. 

Adam discusses a resident who has stated they have not received a water bill.  An email from a property owner named Pais will be looked for and responded to.  No late fee would be incurred for this resident should the fee not be paid by May 1. 

Adam Leiser discusses hiring of a part time person for 5 to 10 hours per week for administration assistance with the $1,000 that was allocated for a possible intern.  Putting together preliminary information for a $15 per hour job.  

Adam Leiser motion invite John Corcoran to Commissioners meeting for review of savings options.  KK second.  Discussion on ability to save funds.  Outsourcing this is discussed A letter outlining John Corcoran to a meeting will be put together for next meeting.

8. Signature Items  

Letter to Mike Smith regarding pond water levels is reviewed.  Adam Leiser sign the letter to Mike Smith.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Letter to Mark Graffam regarding water tank vents is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Letter to Jonathan Neske regarding changing of service line is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Letter to J Jennings regarding beach ordinance changes is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

9. Correspondence

Third party electric contract saved $201 in March. 

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment    

Dinah Reiss questions the document used at the last meeting for requests by the water committee.  Having all recommendations be voted by the water committee is discussed.  All future motions will be reviewed by the Committee prior to being presented to the Commissioners.  

Dinah Reiss mentions the DPW seeming as if they are not on board with the current work-flow processes.  This will continue to be worked on.   

Dinah outlines that water bills are coming in regularly.  All reports will be prepared for the next meeting.   

12.  Other Business   

At 10:44 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole , Administrator

Village District of Eidelweiss

Communications Committee Meeting

April 23, 2019  -  5:00 PM


The Communications Committee met on Monday April 23, 2019 at 5 PM at the District Office.  Present are committee members Erin Laplante (EL),  Kathy Koziell (KK) and Paula Doyle (PD).  The meeting was not videotaped. 

At 5:04 PM, Chairman PD calls the meeting to order and makes motion to approve agenda.   EL seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

PD makes motion to approve minutes from 4/8/19 meeting.  EL seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

Update from Commissioner KK on Board of Commissioners meetings & activities: 

No news to report that affects communications with the exception of edits to the April newsletter draft that was circulated.   A public hearing has been added for Saturday June 1 which is a day/date change versus previously discussed day/date to accommodate more weekend and part time residents.  The hearing will be used to gather input on the recent beach and highway/parking ordinance changes.  PD suggests recommending to the BOC that a public meeting be held immediately following the hearing on the same date to review status of major projects and the budget.  It can also be used to gather input from residents on any other issues they’d like to discuss.  All agree to make this recommendation to the board.  The draft newsletter for April will be revised to make this change assuming BOC agrees with the recommendation. 

Other minor changes to the newsletter include a revision on Valley Pride Day details and the section on request for volunteers.  Also update was added for the water committee.

KK to forward revised newsletter to PD for final updates.  PD to forward to office and KK by Wednesday night (4/24) for review and approval by BOC at their Thursday 4/25 meeting.

PD informed committee that she has received login credentials for district website but has yet to make any updates or recommendations on changes.  Also drafted email for office and assisted Nancy Cole in finalizing the form for canoe/rack registration which was sent out since the last meeting and by all accounts, appears to be working well. 

PD distributed copies of current and proposed beach signage to accurately reflect current ordinance.    Discussion followed to include “of any kind” after “No Smoking” to address questions raised at recent BOC meeting about vaping.   PD to revise proposed signage and forward to office and KK for discussion at 4/25/19 BOC meeting.

May Newsletter is discussed.    KK suggested including information about Home Assessments per a discussion with someone at Madison Town Hall who told KK that 25% of homes in Madison would be assessed this year.  No final agreement reached on whether to include or not. 

No Public Comment or Scheduled Appearances.

Next Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday May 7 at 5PM at the office.

6:05 PM:  PD makes motion to adjourn.  KK seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

Respectfully submitted - Paula Doyle (Chairman)


  1. Call to order 8:30 am  
  • Approval of the agenda                                             

     Review of Actions, Projects and Issues List                            

  • Administration:  CM041819, payroll, meeting schedule, TULIP program for lodge use,   
  • Accounts payable:
  • Signature Items:   M Smith pond levels, M Graffam water vents, J Neske service line replace, J Jennings Ordinance question,
  • Commissioners Reports
  • Correspondence:  Aspinal decline, Buckley no rack updates, Madison TV communication,  Corcoran cost reduction business, third party electric ($201 saved), water committee seminar, Lutjen volunteer email, DES pre-app notice for SRF, Buckley VLAP samples delivered, NHMA Legislative bulletin, NHMA News Link
  • Scheduled Appearances:
  • Public Comment:

10. Other:   



Commissioners Meeting             

April 18, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Thursday, April 18, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were Dinah Reiss, Gloria Aspinall, Paula Doyle, Mike Dolan, Bev Mattatall, Paul Mattall, Bob Ingram, Jay Buckley.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                            

At 8:00 pm Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.       

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

Adam Leiser welcomes everyone to the meeting.   

2. Highway Department Report 

3. Water

4. Administration

Review of DPW seasonal work list. Adding dates for when the work should be completed will be done. Jay Buckley questions crack sealing.  This is normal workflow so it is not included.  Expanding the list to include all seasons is discussed.  This will be worked on.  Use of Madison’s chipper being included on the list. 

Sending an email to the office for items to be included is recommended.  Water seasonal work list is reviewed.  This will also be expanded to include all seasons. 

Gloria Aspinall questions the level of the ponds.  All boards are currently out of the dam.  Keeping things the way they have been done in the past is discussed as beneficial.  Adam Leiser highlights that it would need to be done through the Commissioners.  Discussion on questions of process is held.  Paula Doyle states not to over-process this.  Keeping the ponds at the level best for the loons is highlighted.  Quick response is needed.  Mike Smith will notify the office of all changes needed to the dam and the Commissioners will be informed.  Adam discusses possible placing of a stake at the level in the area of the nest for review.  Gloria Aspinall states that she is representing Mike Smith tonight and will advise him of this discussion.     

Spring run-off is for VLAP is discussed.  Kathy Koziell highlights response from Ralph Lutjen regarding spring testing.  Collection for this year’s run-off will be done tomorrow.  Email from Ralph Lutjen is read.  Adam highlights that reading emails has been done for all correspondence.  Not responding to this is discussed based on the non-constructive nature of this email.  Kathy and Jay will do the spring run-off testing tomorrow. 

Canoe rack registration form was released.  Seems to be going well.

The updated lodge form request is reviewed.  Adding the reason for use has been done.  Discussion on use of the building is held. 

The audit is discussed.  Completing the management discussion and analysis is outlined.  This Board was not involved in the 2018 financials.  Use of CRF funds as a balancing for the budgets is outlined.  Dinah recommends completing the audit.  Release for the audit at the next Commissioners meeting is the goal. 

The website is discussed.  Having Newsletters on the front page is discussed.  Paula Doyle will work with Nancy Cole on updating the site. 

Establishing future meetings is discussed.  Adam Leiser will work on this. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to ask the EPOA to send an email to all members asking persons to sign up for the VDOE site.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion on having assistance to get more persons on the VDOE email list is held.  Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion on water usage in 2019 is held.  Increase in usage showed a possible leak.  Leak was located on Appenvel Way at a home.  Discussion on “chasing” leaks is held.  Awareness of the system, usage and leaks is discussed.             

5.  Accounts Payable

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve 7 checks in the amount of $6,421.35.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed.  Motion passed 2-0. 

6.  Minutes

Adam motion approve 4/09/19.  Kathy seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

7. Commissioners Reports

8. Signature Items  

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign title verification received from the State DOT.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign PO 296.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign PO 297.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Response to Mark Graffam requesting persons who post on the Facebook regarding VDOE processes contact the office directlyis reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Response to Paul McKenna regarding updates to the Beach Ordinance is discussed.  Mr. McKenna’s email to the office is read aloud.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Discussion on an additional public hearing scheduled for June 6, 2019.  Bob Ingram discusses holding the public hearing on a Tuesday night, stating that prior public hearings on the Beach Ordinance were held on Saturdays to allow for weekend persons to attend. 

Discussion on service dogs on the beach is held.  Legal inquiry was completed.  Adding Madison Police’s phone number to the beach signs to report violations is outlined.  Enforcement of no dogs is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam apologizes for holding the public hearing on a Thursday.  Bob Ingram highlights opportunity to review ordinance at the EPOA meeting to be held Memorial Day weekend. 

Re-scheduling of the public hearing to Saturday, June 1 is discussed.  Allowing overflow parking at the beach parking lots is outlined for review of the parking lots over Memorial Day weekend.  Evaluation following the holiday weekend will be done.  Getting information to residents is outlined. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to update the letter to Paul McKenna showing June 1 at 9 am for public hearing at the lodge and sign the letter out of session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter to the EPOA.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

9. Correspondence

McKenna email has been reviewed

Joshua Jennings question on vaping/e-cigarettes is outlined.  Including this specifically in the Ordinance is outlined.  A letter will be drafted in response.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to draft a letter and sign out of session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Communication points sent in by Jay Buckley are outlined.  Paula Doyle outlines that this has been handled by the Communications Committee. 

Response to Mark Graffam regarding the lack of covers at water tanks will be drafted and sent.  Ian Hayes has been informed and will replace the cover next week. 

Discussion on the update to the Sheriff’s tower is held.  Paula Doyle.  The Planning Board will advise the VDOE on any action needed.    

Diana Dolan, Kevin Flynn, Patti Aliventi and Amy Thompson will be asked to form the environmental committee.  Kathy will handle establishing the committee. 

The Storm-Water Run-Off certification class will be sent to the environmental committee for recommendation if District should send someone.

Discussion on increase in mailing list to 313 persons.    

Letter from Eversource will be discussed April 30. 

10. Scheduled Appearances

Jay Buckley discusses property at 34 Oak Ridge Road.  Discusses road reconstruction in 2005 that replaced the culvert.  Fixing this issue for safety is outlined.  Ability to clean a culvert that is over 30 feet has been an issue. 

Specs on updating the pump for cleaning the culverts will be ready for April 30. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to install 3-foot additional culvert at 34 Oak Ridge.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

11.  Public Comment    

Bob Ingram outlines beach raking.  Use of volunteers for one-time events in lieu of trying to use volunteers to rake the beaches during the summer.  Hiring of a person to handle the beach raking is outlined.  Having weekends covered by volunteers and having the DPW crew handle the beaches Mon-Fri is outlined as the intent. 

Display of the no-fireworks signs near the entrance will be done.   

Eidelweiss side of playground fence needs to be mended.  Kelly Robitaille will be asked to fix this. 

12.  Other Business   

Damage to Neighborhood Watch signs over the winter will be reviewed.  Signs may need to be replaced. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to change posting of agendas to 10 hours prior from 12 hours. Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Discussion on placing agendas in a more available location on the website is held.

Discussion is held with Officer Mosher regarding enforcement of dogs on beaches.  Giving of tickets to persons who violate ordinances is discussed.  Violation levels and assignable fines will be looked into by Nancy Cole.  

Adam Leiser reviews recommendations from the water committee.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to contact Bruce Lewis to become a non-voting consultant to the VDOE water committee.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Dinah Reiss questions existing design.  Adam highlights tank is being reviewed for size and shape prior to getting bids for construction.  Updating the project specifications is discussed.

DN tanks will likely be one of the bidders for the tank portion.  Discussion continues on engineering, costs, and future savings that may offset expenses over time. 

Discussion continues on this project.  Options looking forward are being looked at including inspections. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to reinstate work order system.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion on process for work orders is held.  Creation of additional paperwork is discussed.  Difficulties with the process when used prior is outlined.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve work order 1.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Work order is for $5,000 for DPW upgrades.  Will be paid from the warrant article for DPW electrical.  Having work orders typed is outlined.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve work order 2.  Kathy Koziell seconds.   Work order is for change of PRV valve at Upper Lakeview PRV pit.  Funds will come from the warrant article.  Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion on creating an exercise program for valves.  All valves within the water system will need to be placed on a schedule for exercising. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to send a letter to the property owner of 22 Appenvel Way to replace entire service line by June 15.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to have Ian Hayes submit periodic status updates that will be sent to the Commissioners and water committee.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to have all water information available to water committee.  This is being done. 

Discussion on mapping.  Discussion on creation of maps by Thorne surveyors using full GPS surveying.  This is not needed by the VDOE.  Cost comparisons done by the former Asset Management committee said this is not cost effective.      

At 10:45 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole
