2019 Documents


View all commissioner meeting minutes and agendas (posted 12 hrs prior) Click Here

The search continues for a third Commissioner to fill the seat vacated by Ralph Lutjen. Anyone appointed would serve until the annual meeting in March of 2020. Please contact the office ASAP if you are interested in serving.

Office Hours: To assist property owners and insure that the office is accessible on a regular basis, the following walk-in hours are now set: Mon and Wed 9-12 and Fri 1-4.
Barring any unforeseen circumstances and to the best of our abilities, someone will always be in the office during these hours. If you need to come at a different time, we would advise that you call ahead to make sure someone will be there.

We are updating our QuickBooks accounting software with a payroll feature that will save the district $1,000 annually. The new version will also allow the Administrator to generate water bills on a batch basis that will save hours.

Board of Commissioners Meeting
Monday April 8 – 1PM at the VDOE Office
Communications Committee Meeting:
Monday April 8 - 5:00 PM at the VDOE Office.

Ongoing - View all upcoming meetings – VDOE Website.

April 15: Canoe/Kayak rack registration available on-line. Email with details forthcoming.
April 30: : Dog Licenses are due through the Town of Madison.
May 1: Water Bills Due, Rate for 2019 is $485. Bills will be mailed in early April.
May 4: Valley Pride Day 10am-2pm, Eidelweiss participates in the annual litter clean up. More information in the April Newsletter.

Mud season is especially challenging to the dirt roads. The old Terrastar Truck had a rubber edged blade designed for this challenge. Without this truck, our DPW did the best they could on the Friday 3/22 storm to plow without damaging the integrity of the dirt roads. Rubber edges for plows will be ordered for the fall. Please be patient during this particularly muddy spring with road repairs.
Also, roads in Eidelweiss are now posted for a 6-ton limit until the roads are stable enough for the weight. Application for an exception is available at Madison Town Hall.

It has come to our attention that there are part-time residents who have mailboxes at Huttwil but do not use them frequently. If you are one of these residents, please consider turning in your mailbox so that a full time resident can have the convenience of a box in the neighborhood. If you need a local post office box, you can still get one at the Madison Post office free of charge.
Thank you!

Five new committees are being created to involve the community in solving the issues facing our district. A Water Committee and a Communications Committee have been established. We continue to look for volunteers for Roads, Finance and Environmental Committees. If you are interested, please contact the office at office@vdoe-nh.org

Water Committee Update
Reinach Tank Project Update:
Met on March 22nd with 2 members of Dubois & King Engineering. Will be exploring possible larger tank size, different tank design and shape. Will also create a 2-part bid separating site work from tank installation that should facilitate more contractor participation and bids. Of note, all in attendance agreed that even if we moved forward with the current design that we have today, it would be virtually impossible to complete the project this summer due to the absence of any valid bids.
Upper Lakeview/Rigi PRV Pit Update:
The pressure reducing valve will be replaced as soon as weather permits.
Water Meter Analysis:
The Water Committee is asking for volunteers to help with a water meter analysis for the district. This has been an ongoing source of interest and debate throughout Eidelweiss and this is your opportunity to participate in this analysis and review. Please contact the office if you would like to participate. Thank you.

A new Dodge 5500 truck was purchased in March using insurance proceeds from the Terrastar that was destroyed by fire in January. This is the same truck that was on a warrant article as a replacement for the Ford 550 at the annual meeting. The new truck is currently being outfitted for plowing and sanding.

Please note that the district website (https://vdoe-nh.org) is the only official website or published forum for information about the Village District of Eidelweiss. Over the last several years, several residents have created and run social media sites for residents to share information and network. These include facebook, nextdoor and a yahoo message board. Please be aware that any information provided on these sites is provided by neighbors and residents and is not being published or provided by the village district. Although one or more of the Commissioners or committee members may participate and comment on these sites on occasion, we do not monitor or follow regularly. Please do not rely upon someone in any official capacity seeing or responding to any post made on any of these sites. Therefore, if you want to make the district, DPW or Commissioners aware of any important or pertinent information, you must contact the office directly (phone: 603-367-9022; email: office@vdoe-nh.org). Thank you.

Many new residents have asked about what the difference is between the VDOE and the EPOA. The Village District of Eidelweiss (VDOE) is the governing body for the section of Madison NH known as Eidelweiss. The village district is a municipality and as such, the VDOE manages all public issues including, but not limited to roads, water system, village ordinances/policy/processes and public beaches. The VDOE is managed by three elected Commissioners, each voted in to office by the registered voters of Eidelweiss.

The Eidelweiss Property Owners Association (EPOA) is a group of volunteers who are dedicated to improving the quality of life and enhancing the social community of Eidelweiss. The EPOA maintains the playgrounds, the front entrance sign garden and other public areas in the district that it owns. The EPOA also sponsors many social events throughout the year. To learn more and/or join the EPOA, Click here.

The February newsletter stated that Ralph Lutjen had resigned verbally from his seat on the Board of Commissioners. In fact, he had submitted a written resignation at the
Annual meeting.

The Board of Commissioners held a Public Hearing on proposed updates to the Beach Ordinance and Highway and Parking Ordinance at 8:00 pm on Thursday, March 28, 2019. Present were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. 8 residents were present. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the Public Hearing on the Beach Ordinance and Highway and Parking Ordinance to order at 8:00 pm.
Kathy Koziell outlines the need for updates to the Ordinances. Details regarding the Ordinances have been reviewed to add consistency.
Under the proposed changes, overnight parking at beaches will be allowed up to 5 days. The Commercial vehicle exclusion is proposed for removal for the Huttwil lot. The allowable days without permission from the Board is proposed to be extended to 30 days from the existing 5 days.
Discussion on overnight parking at beaches is held. This will be allowed under the proposed changes.
Discussion on plowing of beach parking lots is held. These lots are plowed during standard hours following a storm. Possible options for future improvements are discussed. Persons parking vehicles on the street during winter when the parking restriction is in place are discussed. Difficulties traveling when persons are parked on the street with snow banks are outlined. Officer Mike Mosher outlines that the Police standard is to attempt to notify the owner prior to towing. Discussion is held on possibility of limiting parking on the roads year-round, not just during the winter. Discussion on restricting street parking near the beaches is held. Police notification of persons illegally parked on the street is discussed. When possible, the office or highway personnel should notify the police of illegally parked cars.
Discussion is held on scheduling a public hearing in early June to review the ordinance and any negative results with the allowance of parking at the beaches. Banning parking on all streets year round will be looked at as an option for discussion at this meeting.
The proposed updated wording to the Beach Ordinance is reviewed.
Names of beaches are added to statement of 5 District beaches. Leashed service dogs will be allowed on the beaches as the exception to no dogs. No watercraft are allowed to be placed until an assigned spot is received. All watercraft shall still be removed by November 11.
Kelly Robitaille will be reminded to remove the watercraft at Geneva Beach.
Send forms April 15th. Apply for second space two weeks after. Discussion is held on allowing two spots to be requested at same time. Second application will be done for this year. The application has been updated to allow persons to choose top, middle, bottom spots. Discussion ensues on not sending stickers for this year. Discussion is held on the request from Rockhouse Mountain POA to allow for use of possibly 10 rack spaces within Eidelweiss. Option of having Rockhouse Mountain rake the beaches one day per week is discussed. Leaving the Ordinance as is for this year is discussed. This can be discussed at the planned public hearing that will be scheduled for early June. Paula recommends evaluating June 1st for any remaining spaces to determine if there are enough to allow Rockhouse

Mountain access. Discussion on smoking at beaches is discussed. Jay Buckley recommends stating no smoking at beaches. Discussion ensues on promoting use of the restrooms to reduce persons who may be using the pond.
Discussion on the outhouses at the beaches. The outhouses cannot be cleaned because of trash in the holding containers. Closing of the outhouses and moving to port-a-potties is discussed and will be looked into going forward.
Jay Buckley discusses a possible solution to paddleboats at Boulder Beach.
At 9:00 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to close the Public Hearing. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

Commissioners Meeting
March 28, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met following the 8 pm Public Hearing on Thursday, March 28, 2019. In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Seven (7) persons were present. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.

At 9:02 pm Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

The action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report
3. Water
4. Administration

Adam Leiser makes a motion to adopt the updates to the Beach Ordinance and Highway and Parking Ordinance as proposed. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

5. Accounts Payable
6. Minutes

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes of March 19 and March 25. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Discussion on Reinach tank replacement. Project will not get done this year. Project is being reviewed for possible changes prior to being bid for hard proposal.
Muddy Beach siding will probably will not be completed this year. Changes to the tank will be reviewed prior to siding the building.
Discussion on payroll services is held. QuickBooks is being updated for ability to use Intuit Payroll Assist for payroll. This change will create a savings $1,000 per year. Outline for new payroll is outlined.
A form will be drafted for ordering supplies from the DPW.
8. Signature Items

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the thank you letter to Andrew Harteveldt for his service on the Communications Committee. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
9. Correspondence

Discussion on email from Paul McKenna. Discussion on Paul McKenna contacting the vendor is held. Letter will be drafted. Request will be made for written confirmation that the warranty does not require a certified mechanic do oil changes, etc.
10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Public Comment

Dorothy Wondolowski highlights renters and use of Air B-N-B for rental properties and the number of persons that rent a house. Increase to usage of all VDOE systems is outlined and discussed. Statement to make persons aware of possible issues created by renters is outlined. Impact of meals and rooms tax as offset to the Town of Madison tax rate is discussed.

Jay Buckley discusses the answering service. This will be looked into. Terri Cancelarich may be asked to look into this as a volunteer.

12. Other Business

Adam Leiser discusses the email received from Jay Buckley stating interest in being appointed as the third Commissioner. Adam Leiser questions Jay regarding possible negative feedback if the third Commissioner was to receive pay. Discussion on pay; Jay states he would also waive his stipend. Discussion on getting things done is held. Adam outlines criticism that occurs and asks Jay why he would want to do this. Jay responds that officials should listen to criticism; learn constantly; use skill sets to help the District. Adam asks Jay why he would not want to remain as advisor instead of being a Commissioner. Could be detrimental to District if Jay cannot be used to advise Adam and Kathy. Adam states he does not see a benefit of Jay as a Commissioner. Jay states information can still be sent to the office. Same info will still be received, but discussion on the information would be delayed. Sending information to office can be used to benefit VDOE. Kathy Koziell add that she feels the ability to talk to Jay is a benefit. Jay reiterates ability to use office to share information. This, however, still slows down discussions on information. Discussion continues on pros and cons of Mr. Buckley being named as third Commissioner. Paula Doyle adds that a third person should be added.
At 9:38 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

Village District of Eidelweiss

Communications Committee Meeting

March 25, 2019  -  5:00 PM


The Communications Committee met on Monday March 25, 2019 at 5 PM at the District Office.  Present are committee members Erin Laplante (EL), Michael Dolan (MD), Kathy Koziell (KK) and Paula Doyle (PD).   The meeting was videotaped by Madison TV. 

At 5:00 PM, Chairman PD calls the meeting to order.

5:01 PM: KK makes motion to approve minutes from 3/11/19 meeting.  EL seconds.  Motion passes 4-0.

5:03 PM Update from Commissioner KK on BOC recommendations. 

Website – Committee had recommended having 3 people get login credentials to make changes to site. BOC only wants 1 person which will be PD.  Administrator Nancy Cole will send PD an invite/link to become administrator this week.

Public Hearing Status – everything on schedule.  Beach Ordinance is priority.  Hutwill parking will be open to a change - maybe have a sign made for parking lot Newsletter – KK did not bring changes to meeting so she will get changes to PD who will make the edits and distribute to the committee.   KK will provide final approval and get to Nancy Cole for distribution.

Kayak racks – Nancy Cole to do laminated signs.  Needs nothing from committee.

5:11 PM:  Insert for Water Bill.   KK sent out earlier.   Discussion that this needed to be more timely and meet Commissioners request for revisions.   KK to send revisions to Andrew who will revise.

5:15 PM:  Projects

Website Updates – PD to update committee at next mtg after receiving login credentials.

Beach Policy – Will address after ordinance finalize at Thursday hearing.  Will probably need new signs to match updated ordinance.

Communication Committee Goals – Ongoing.  Haven’t had a chance to do that yet.  MD will draft and present at a future mtg. 

New Owners Welcome Packet – ongoing.  Address at future meeting.

Calendar of Events – ongoing

Email Alerts – ongoing

Curb Stop Valves- ongoing

5:20 PM Scheduling Next Meeting – Monday April 8 – 5 PM

5:20 PM April Newsletter –

Committee Status

3rd Commissioner Status

Madison Dog Licensing –– will add to March bulletin if April 15 deadline .

Lodge Info – weather dependent

Madison Warrant Article Implications – TBD

Bridge Work on 16 – need detailed info

Info for Summer Rentals – document for posting (EP to update)

Passed Warrant Article status

EPOA Input – KK stated that EPOA would be providing update at upcoming BOC meeting.

KK let committee know that Newsletter for March should also add a section on office hours which are now set.  PD to add to newsletter.   Committee suggested that if Nancy is leaving office, she should put a note on the door. 

5:45 Discussion on minutes and revising minutes.  PD to check 91A to better understand process.

PD to send rental document to Erin to work on.

5:50 PD makes motion to adjourn.  MD seconds.  Motion passed 4-0.

Respectfully submitted.

Paula Doyle, Chairman



Committee members; JayBuckley, Ian Hayes, Adam Leiser,  Nic Skegell (Dubois & King), Ethan (Simply Water), Charles Goodling (Dubois & King), Kathy Koziell (visitor), Tim Huges (videographer)

Adam opens the meeting at 1:34

Motion, Adam makes a motion to call Larry Sadano by phone to join the meeting, 2nd by Ian. PASSED
No contact made with Larry Sadano.

Reinach Tank discussion,

Adam discusses questions regarding the current proposed Reinach cast in place tank presented to voters by the previous board of commissioners in January. No answers by previous commissioners

Adam discusses DN Tanks and a rough quote for a 120k gallon tank.

Discussion ensues with regards to the small increase in costs to increase tank capacity. Difference in cost is negligible.

Nic talks about breaking the Reinach job project into two steps. Site work, and tank installation.

Ledge removal is minimal regardless of either tank design.

Concerns about head pressure from Muddy Beach and Jungfrau to Reinach.

Nic suggest the idea of pumping from Muddy Beach to Jungfrau and then up to Reinach.

Adam asks the engineers from Dubois & King why were alternate designs not discussed by previous commissioners?

Benefits with cast in place; 2 cells allows to one to be serviced without interrupting service to users.

DN tank design may offer less site work costs and less tank cost.

Nic explains tank pay items for 90K cast in place. More than just concrete. (All pipes, valves inside and 5 ft outside)

Nic describes the cylindrical tank foot print design.

Either tank would require a booster pump to create a pressure zone. Jungfrau and Muddy beach could meet the pumping requirements with new elevations.

Doing a much higher tank to eliminate a pressure zone would cause a change to pump size and may create too much head pressure on existing water mains from Muddy Beach. Commissioners objected to that previous.

Yje pressure at Muddy beach pumps and pipes is close to max currently.

Adam; can we do away with booster pumps with different design? It would not solve the current problem of low water pressure to many homes in the Reinach zone.

The cost of the total project for booster portion is unknown at this time based on only one bid for the 90,000 gallon design.

Nic suggests 2 options Cylindrical and cast in place, both will need booster station.

Chuck talks about going with two contracts (site work and tank work)

Ian needs to know if we can pump an extra 5 feet high to a newer design.
Need to get pump efficiency and cost of pump station. Ian will figure this out and report to the committee.

Ian to help develop a cost for new cylindrical design with new costs.

Nic, increase in pressure is small and should not be a show stopper with new design and larger capacity.

Commissioners to decide which option makes the most sense for now and in the future based on getting more costs informatioon.
Nic, will get price on expanding the length of the cast in place current design on expanding to 120K gallons.

Adam, if you use a cylindrical tank what is cost of bid document and drawings.

Adam, will get quotes for site work on tank A and Tank B.

Ian, states that putting two bid packages into one document together may deter bidders and cause confusion.

Kevin Hayes of Civil Take Offs could do preliminary bidding for both tank designs.

Increased storage can only benefit the customers. Also takes into account future requirements.
Cylindrical tank is one chamber only Cannot split into two for maintenance without increased costs.
Can Cylindrical tank have two chambers , yes but will cost.

Nic says that cylindrical tanks is a good alternative but need costs verifications.
Can either tank be built this year? Very unlikely. Cylindrical tank will have to be 2020.

May be able to do site work for either tank this year. The cast in place probably was not going to happen this year.

Adam,  two part job. Adam wants to make sure that the bid documents are simple enough can put together a bid quickly and effectively.

Nic…. Puts together bid pks for many levels.
Ian… last bid was based on bank loan and SRF loan. Ian believes this caused confusion for bidders.

 Adam talks about State funding ? If DN tank is chose. Get staged pricing on preliminary design phase then go with full design when final choice is made. Public hearings would be held to educate the public and gather support and answer questions.

Nic explains why the previous bid was so confusing because of the way it was structured  with two funding options and no secured funding at that time and unsecured with funding.
Map of lots affected by new pressure zone based on to be sent to committee by Nic.
Ian…. Bleeders may not be eliminated.

Ian suggest looking at the cost of the summit electrical cost to figure the costs of the new Reinach pressure zone annual electrical costs.

Ian believes that we will not have a pressure issue if more homes are added to the Reinach zone.
Adam… Can a special assessment to vacant lots be placed on rejected lots?

Nic suggests getting the best tank for the money appropriated by the voters.

Adam, state DRA told Adam that the district could go over the $869k with money from other reserve funds.

Nic to reach out to DN tank to get specifics on tank and height of tank. Stager the engineering design to get to a final design.
Ask for full price as well (install vs no install).

Water committee suggests to have:

1. D&B contact DN tank for installed or not.

2. have discussion about future work phases of design.

Adam Calls Chris Hodghcan during the meeting. Cost includes price of tank materials installed. CONFIRMED Adam ends call. Details answered

Nic to put proposal together for phased engineering work on DN cylindrical tank.

Ian, suggest doing the project in-house with local contractors. District uses local contractors already. Ian suggests using them to get most of this work done. Ian states he could be the GM of these separate projects with local contractors
Adam states; the site work will not get done this year based on scheduling and funding.

MOTION Adam motion to adjourn

Ian seconds …. PASSED.


Jay Buckley

Water Committee Meeting

March 8th.
Ian, Jay, Adam, Larry L, Ian 2,

MOTION: to make Larry L  chair. Adam, 2nd by Jay PASSES

MOTION: to call Larry Sadano made by Adam to have him participate remotely in the meeting 2nd by Jay Buckley; PASSES

Ian asked; how often will he need to be at meetings. Has no problem with week nights.
Ian; why we are doing upgrades, gathering support. Once a month is the plan with a possibility of a higher frequency at the beginning to get up to speed.

Ian said he can report high level Water system planning at the commissioner’s meetings and work and gather the lower level details during committee meetings.

UPPER LAKEVIEW PRV PIT; there is excessive water pressure experienced for homes on Lakeview Drive and some Oak Ridge Road residents down to #42.
A second water main using the same PRV valve experience low water pressure from the PRV and along Upper Lakeview to Visp Road.  Ian stated that there is a chance that replacing the valve may restore pressures to more acceptable levels but that the two mains served by the single PRV should eventually be fixed after prioritizing with other water system needs.

Ian discusses a difference of approximately 120PSI between one house on upper lakeview and lowest house on Oak ridge. Ian mentions that he is not completely sure if the water main actually terminates at Visp Road or serves homes further down the hill.

Ian says that a more accurate map of the districts system would be extremely helpful. Old maps are what Ian uses. Ian was never provided the newer maps created during the Water System Master Planning in 2005. Ian will receive those maps in digital format.

Isolation valve location accuracy not accurate enough to be useful in creating a digital map.

Ian still uses original card stock for locating curb stop valves and some Isolation valves.

Something new has to be done to gather more accurate information on Isolation Valve locations.

Larry Leonard to reach out to Thorne Survey for ideas to get better accuracy.

After much map discussion everyone agrees to move away from old maps, after creating newer accurate maps.
The desire to have updated digital maps  created with all assets connected to that map(s).
Committee agrees that the district needs an easier to find water system assets and valves from digital files and not paper maps or index cards.
ADAM  asks;  What is priority in regards to the Reinach Tank vs Maps? The Reinach tank is the priority.

Find out what way is the right way to do the maps.
Larry Leonard will contact Thorne Survey to gather information.
IAN, curb stop, and isolation valves put on card stock. Information already collected is useful for next phase.

Larry Sadano states; Valve locations should be first and then map physical water lines.

Also need what size pipe is in the ground. Ian states that he does not have the .pdf files showing GPS location and triangulation measurements of home service curb stop valves from Asset Management work done years ago.

MOTION:  Jay asks the committee to allow Ian get the curb stop valve .pdf digital files from office. ADAM 2nds. PASSES.


Larry Leonard brings up an idea to BYPASS the tank at Muddy Beach by pumping water directly from the Wells to the booster pumps and directly to Reinach storage tanks. Discussion ensues. Ian mentions that the more storage that you can have built into the system the more benefits you will gain should the system go down.
Cost of eliminating the Muddy Beach tank could be result in having to purchase one or two larger pumps at $10-$12K per pump.
Ian says we should look at the need for redundancy at Muddy Beach. It may not be needed. He points out that there is no redundancy at the DPW well.

Ian talks about the 2nd Muddy beach pump that failed on New Year’s Eve and went dry after 12 hrs of pumping at peak demand. More water storage at Muddy beach would have provided a few more hours of water service.
Ian mentions that a deeper well at Muddy Beach may be able to provide a higher flow rate to Reianch (more water volume).

Ian suggest staying with one well pump at DPW and not to add redundancy there.

This Muddy Beach Tank replacement project is determined not to be a high priority.
Muddy beach is in good shape. Tank is questionable.
ADAM, $8k concrete tank may be best solution vs. changing pumps for a bypass.
Muddy Beach will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Ian talks about the DPW upgrades to a VFD electrical system, Full three phase power on and hard off currently. Lack of “slow pump start” and globe valving may have caused the DPW pump failure last December and the resulting water outage on New Year’s eve.

Having old pump on hand was helpful on New Years but warranty is expired, and the pumps life expectancy is questionable as the pumps sat somewhere for 10 years which may have allowed for corrosion to set into the electronics.

Ian brings the committee up to speed and states that the water Meter at Muddy beach is inoperable.

Ian also states that the Chem Feed meter is also inoperable and that the district has been adding chemicals with other measuring methods which may not be a accurate as with a working meter.
Ian would like an inline PH meter.
Ian says that the DPW electrical project is important and should be one of the higher priorities.
Adam says we need to get at least 2 quotes.

Adam says to take BID Pkg and send out to bid.
Jay to work with Ian on getting Bids on DPW electrical upgrades and meters fixed.

Getting public behind this project is important.
Larry Leonard asks; do all aspects of the approved project need to be done? Adam suggest that we prioritize the project phases and execute only those truly necessary.

Ian wants eye and hand Wash station down by Chem room. Committee agrees this is a safety issue and should be installed in one month because of the sodium hydroxide chemicals that can cause severe burns.

2-failed tanks for relining. Adam reiterates that the tanks are still usable.
Dent is on welded seam of tank which creates a weak point.
Tanks can be isolated from each other, should one collapse/leak.

The Reinach Tank design was to resolve a low-pressure issue affecting ~30 homes that do not have sufficient water pressure.  Many of these homes rely on home water booster pumps.
Ian discussed the possibility of cross contamination issues with home booster pumps. Who is on booster pumps? Is a question that needs to be answered.
Adam ask for specific homes on booster pumps.
Ian said that booster pumps are not allowed today but that these were installed before regulations were updated.
Question by Adam: do we want to collect which homes?
VDOE to ask Rick Skiranka how many homes affected. Larry Leonard will ask Rick Skirank if the NH DES knows this answer.
Ian states; Home owner would be responsible for fixing or removing their booster pumps. Communication Committee to write context of a letter to go to potential affected homeowners asking if they are in possession of a Booster Tank.

90,000 is VDOE average daily usage. Cost of tank size does not go up significantly with more volume.

Ian states that if you can buy more storage then it would be to the districts advantage both now and in the long run.

Adam points out that ~43 homes added in the last 14 years.
The VDOE water system cannot supply 485 homes with water for full time occupied homes. The system would currently fail.
Adam asks; Does a cylindrical tank vs buried rectangular tank make better sense?
May help relieve some of the pressure zone requirements. Ian warns that increasing gravity pressure may impact homes on middle shore  located at the bottom of the pressure zone with too high of a pressure.
Ian states that 8 PRV’s would be full plan for VDOE water system pressure control.
Hale Estaes in North Conway has ~120k strorage that cost far less than what we have been quoted recently for the Reinach Tank.
Ian to call Bruce Lewis about Hale Estates. Should we bring him onto committee?

MOTION: Adam motions to recommend to the commissioners to contact Bruce Lewis to be appointed a non-voting consultant to the VDOE Water Committee. 2nd by Larry Leonard. PASSES

Ian said we should work to get local bids.
Ian states that possibly 2 Bleeders would be eliminated by pressure zone.

Reinach Tank needs to be discussed at next meeting. Every Member needs to get a digital copy of most current plans for review.
New engineering may be needed for new tank or changes.
Completion of construction of the Reinach Tank Replacement may be done in 2020.

There are 5 segments of Reinach tank plan.
The commissioners to decide if we use Bruce Lewis to review or modify current plans.

Ian: should be looking at overall system build. 15 miles of pipe, valves, zones with problems, etc.
Pipeline replacement discussions and prioritization is needed.

Ian states that the District Loses approximately ~36,000 gallons of water per day through various types of system and household leaks.

Ian: states that there is a need for isolation valving and metering the find leaks faster. Current meters are in the pump houses. Not all pump houses.
PRV pits need meters eventually.
Ian says we need 6-8 meters.
Add meters to dead end zones.
Home Meters will cost approximately ~$500 per house for complete purchase and installation.
2-day process to read meters in the district is predicted. A volunteer or DPW worker could do the manual reading . Not nearly as expensive as previously predicted.
Adam asks; What are benefits from metering? Accurate water usage from homes. Shows how much water is making it to homes vs. water going in to the ground.

Communications Committee will be asked to create a letter to ask for volunteers of all types.
This will help in determining how much work will have to be paid for in regard to reading meters.

IAN states: we need an “Water System Operations Manual” For each pump house to inspect and check  as well as for overall system inspection and operation.

EMERGENCY PLAN: Ian states this needs to be updated.

Ian state that the recent Burgdorf Drive water line extension, has no documentation. The commissioners or Asset Management Committer did not require any. The Old paper maps were used which were not the same as the current 2005 maps and were not accurate.

MOTION, Larry Leonard makes recommendation to reinstate the work order system, 2nd by Ian. Motion PASSES.
Larry Leonard, discusses the water system Ops Manual and asks for permission to speak with Ian when needed. Ian says that discussion time is part of his monthly service.

MOTION: Adam, recommends asking commissioners to talk to Ian Hayes as need be to complete projects. 2nd by Larry Leonard. PASSES.
5 hrs per month for Ian to communicate with committee as part of monthly service.

Ian wants to review how emergencies are handled. With commissioners soon.

MOTION: Larry Leonard adjourn meeting, 2nd Adam. PASSES.

Respectfully; Jay Buckley

6:30 pm:   Meeting called to order by Kathy Koziell and introductions are made.  Meeting is being videoed. Attendees include Paula Doyle, Erin Laplante, Kathy Koziell, Michael Dolan, Andrew Harteveldt (via phone).

6:35 pm:   Motion is made by Kathy Koziell to approve the proposed agenda, seconded by Paula motion passes 5-0 by roll call vote.

6:37 pm:   Meeting moved to select a chairperson of the Communications Committee.  After a discussion where suggested that Paula would be a good candidate.  Paula agrees to take the roll.  Kathy Koziell makes a motion to appoint Paula Doyle as the chair person, Mike seconds the motion and it moves to a vote. The motion was accepted unanimously by roll call vote.

6:38 pm:   Meeting proceeds to choose a secretary for the Communications Committee.  Kathy suggests Andrew Harteveldt and Paula seconds it.  The motion was accepted unanimously by roll call vote.

6:40 pm:   Meeting moves to discuss the Communications Committee mission statement.  Kathy and Paula outline where the mission statement came from.  It is envisaged that we will extend the scope of the committee.  Kathy makes a motion to approve the mission statement, Paula seconds it and is accepted unanimously by roll call vote.

6:55 pm:   Paula makes a motion that 3 additional users get added to the VDOE website for the Communications Committee to be able to manage content, Andrew seconds it.  The motion is accepted by roll call vote.

7:01 pm:  The beach ordinance is discussed pertaining to the use of kayak racks and differences between the beach signs and the ordinance.  It was agreed that the beach ordinance should be updated but also it is understood the signs would also be updated.   Andrew agreed to work with Mike on updating the beach ordinance which will be provided by March 17th in order to be reviewed at the Public hearing on March 29th 2019.

7:20 pm:  Motion is proposed by Andrew to have Nancy post signs on all Kayak racks in the same manner as last year, Paula seconds the motion.  Motion moves to vote and is accepted unanimously.

7:21 pm:  Discussion concerning the renter’s information poster.  This is going to be reviewed and tabled for a future Communications Committee meeting.

7:23 pm:  Discussion occurs around calendar of events.  There are concerns that the calendar is not very visible on the website.  This is tabled for later date for deeper discussion.

7:26 pm:  The Huttwil parking lot is discussed with regards to the Highway Regulations.  Kathy is going to review the Highway Regulations to suggest changes to make the regulation clearer and to remove ambiguity.  The updated ordinance will be proposed to the public as part of the public meeting at the end of March 2019.

7:29 pm:  Use of VDOE email alerts is discussed with regards to the effectiveness.  A deeper investigation to the use of VDOE email alerts is needed in order to determine recommendations on changing the use.  This will be handled at a later date.

7:35 pm:  Discussion of hard copy newsletter.  Kathy to take the idea to the Board of Commissioners the idea to include a hard copy newsletter with the water bills that are sent out at the beginning of April.  Mike seconds and motion moves to vote.  Motion is unanimously accepted by roll call vote.

7:43 pm:  Discussion about future newsletter items.  Paula agrees to start drafting the next newsletter so that it can be reviewed at the next Communications Committee meeting.

8:05 pm:  Paula makes a motion to set the date and time for next Communications Committee for Monday March 25th at 5pm, Kathy seconds it and it is accepted by roll call vote. 8:08 pm: Paula makes a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mike seconds it and is accepted by roll call vote

Commissioners Meeting
March 25, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:30 am on Monday, March 25, 2019. In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), resident Mike Dolan, Treasurer Dinah Reiss and CPA Rhonda Rosand. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.

At 9:30 am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

The action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille states the truck from Madison will be returned today.
The York rake will be put on the F-550 this week.
Adam Leiser discusses including information in the newsletter regarding the inability to plow snow during the spring season. An email alert may also be sent. Kelly Robitaille outlines the use of rubber edges on the plow equipment. Without the mid-size truck, rubber edges could not be used. The plow for the F-550 will not take a rubber edge. For next year, the rubber edges will be in use. Typically, the snow last Friday would have been left. Informing the public that any additional snow storms this season may also not be handled in the manner the public has become used to will be done.
Kelly Robitaille has contacted an oil company that may be able to deliver hydraulic oil for the heavy equipment in bulk at a reduced rate. Kelly will continue to look into this. Adam Leiser thanks Kelly for the information that may save funds. Adam suggests that Nancy handle the calls to not interrupt Kelly while doing a job. Kelly recommends that he handle the equipment calls. Adam clarifies that Kelly will specify the oil, Nancy will handle the ordering via email to create a paper trail for the office.
Discussion ensues on holding an additional non-public session with the employees. This will be done.
Kathy outlines an initial safety review done in the DPW garage last week. Discussion on the pump for the whirl-a-way culvert cleaning system is held. A high-pressure pump would work more effectively. Pump is used only when the culvert needs to be fully flushed. Majority of culverts are cleaned partially and nature clears the rest. Having the outlet area clear benefits the cleaning process. Purchase of a leaf blowing system that could blow leaves or vacuum leaves is discussed. Adam states having the proper equipment should be goal for District. Discussion on funding, use of Highway Equipment CRF will be targeted. Kelly outlines the establishment of ditches over the last five years within the VDOE. Kelly will provide an updated quote.
Adam discusses ideas to extend the longevity of the trucks. Seven years is the goal for all trucks.
One load of salt has been delivered.

3. Water

Adam outlines the Water Committee meeting Friday. Kathy Koziell was in attendance at the meeting, but no decisions were made. Adam outlines that the engineers stated that there is no way the tank will be built this year. Tank design, size and footprint were discussed. Bidding the job as two sections, one for site work and one for the tank was recommended. Intent will be to determine what is desired this year, creating a specification and bid for this year will be goal. A cylindrical tank will be looked at as an option. Increasing the size to 120,000-gallons will be looked into. Engineering costs would be a few thousand dollars.

4. Administration

Commissioners are informed that attendance at a Committee meeting should be posted as a Commissioners meeting if they will both be there.
Discussion on water bill insert. The Communications Committee is meeting tonight and will revise the insert wording.
Finance committee option is discussed. Terri Cancelarich will work with Kathy Koziell directly instead of setting up a committee at this time. Additional members are being sought to establish the finance committee.
Monthly communication is discussed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow Kathy to approve the newsletter. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Next meeting will be April 8th 9:30 am.
Payroll is reviewed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $7,737.34. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Audit is discussed. Discussion on completing the Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) is held.
Water usage summary is reviewed and discussed. Value of water metering is outlined as needed for the system.
Discussion on forwarding of 91-A requests to the Board is held. Adam Leiser would like to see a monthly summary of all requests, date, who, what document. Adam Leiser makes a motion to respond to 91-A requests within three business days provided the information is in the office. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

5. Accounts Payable

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve 11 checks for a total of $38,490.60. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

6. Minutes

Minutes of March 19th will be reviewed at next meeting.

7. Commissioners Reports
8. Signature Items

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the response to M Perrachon. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve PO 294. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0
Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve PO 295. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
2019 Warrant for collection of water fees is reviewed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the Warrant for collection of water fees in the amount of $225,755. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the withdrawal for $2,427.04 from the Highway Repair CRF. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

9. Correspondence

EPOA has responded with items for discussion. EPOA will be asked to pick a time to attend or schedule a meeting.
Neighborhood energy report was received.
Drainage report on 30 Saint Moritz discussed last week has been received from Mark Lucy.

10. Scheduled Appearances

Rhonda Rosand joins the meeting. Discussion on upgrades for QuickBooks is held. Ability to update the files is outlined. Recommendation is to update from 2008 to 2019.
Payroll is discussed. A couple of hours of work with CPA will be done. Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate $195 for the QuickBooks update, $195 for the installation, $585 for training and up to $25 for purchase of a flash drive for a total not to exceed $1,000 for updating QuickBooks. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0. Upgrade will begin on April 2. Payroll will be done through QuickBooks, $87.20 per month plus two dollars per head. Anticipated annual savings of $1,000 for payroll processing is outlined.
Treasurer Dinah Reiss discusses Tax Anticipation Note documentation. A loan in the amount of $240,000 will be applied for. Dinah Reiss will obtain the paperwork.

11. Public Comment
12. Other Business

At 11:19 Adam Leiser makes a motion to enter non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (e) legal matters. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion via roll call Adam Leiser yea, Kathy Koziell yea. Motion passed 2-0.

At 11:31 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to exit non-Public session and resume the public session of the meeting. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser reviews decision from non-public session to pass information to Sheriff Richardi and Conway Police Chief Ed Wagner as outlined by Attorney Chris Boldt regarding the tower facility at the top of Oak Ridge.

At 11:33 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to enter non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, II (a) employment matters. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion via roll call Adam Leiser yea, Kathy Koziell yea. Motion passed 2-0.

At 11:57 am Kathy Koziell makes a motion to adjourn the non-public session. Adam Leiser seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

At 11:57 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole


  1. Call to order 9:30 am   
  • Approval of the agenda                                             

Review of Actions, Projects and Issues List                                  

  • Administration:  CM031919, payroll, Audit MD&A, water usage summary, 91-A requests
  • Accounts payable: $37,665.60 – 8 checks
  • Signature Items: M Perrachon response, PO 294 gravel $2,000, PO 295 grader oil $465,
  • Commissioners Reports
  • Correspondence:  EPOA, Neighborhood energy, NHMA Legislative bulletin, drainage photos and report 30 Saint Moritz,
  • Scheduled Appearances: Rhonda Rosand 10:30
  • Public Comment:

10. Other:   

Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (e) legal matters.  


Commissioners Meeting
March 19, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:30 am on Tuesday, March 19, 2019. In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), resident Jim Lyons with engineer Mark Lucy and Treasurer Dinah Reiss. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.

At 9:30 am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

The action list is reviewed and discussed.

2. Highway Department Report

Kelly Robitaille discusses the York Rake. Adam Leiser makes a motion to purchase the York rake. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to post the roads and send an email provided no communication committee email will be sent by Friday. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Kelly Robitaille discusses a PO for gravel. The first loads will need to be delivered until the 7400 is available for hauling. Adam Leiser makes a motion to purchase one truck load of gravel. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0. Kelly discusses possible need for gravel to fix roads during spring season. More than one truck load may be needed. Kelly Robitaille discusses release of a PO for $5,000 as done in the past.
Adam questions truck status, 550 should be back tomorrow. The new truck is being outfitted and may be up to one month out.
Kathy Koziell discusses allowing the crew to purchase. Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow an open PO for gravel. Kathy Koziell seconds. Discussion on a limit of $2,000. Motion passed 2-0.
Kelly Robitaille reports that the 1500-hour service is being done on the road grader. The delivery from Chadwick Ba-Ross was short oil. Kelly Robitaille is working with Chadwick Ba-Ross to obtain the needed fluid. Having orders placed through the office is discussed as the proper means to place orders and have an email chain for the records. An update to the process will be reviewed. Cost of oil will be $465.00. Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve $465 for additional oil. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Kelly Robitaille and Jeff DeMartino have been called back to the session for review of the snow plow policy. This is a 17-year old document: updates are needed. Kelly outlines that the policy does not direct the DPW activities during a storm. Adam outlines that to not follow a District Policy that exists is an issue. Updating the policy to reflect procedures that can and will be followed will be done.
Revising the safety policy is discussed with the crew. Kathy Koziell will meet with the crew to review the garages tomorrow morning at 8 am.

3. Water

A water Committee meeting is scheduled for Friday, 3/22 at 1:30 pm in the Chick Room at the Madison Library. Engineers Paul Fluet and Nick Sceggell will be in attendance at this meeting at no charge to the VDOE.

4. Administration
5. Accounts Payable
6. Minutes

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes of March 12, 14 and 19. Kathy seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

7. Commissioners Reports

Kathy Koziell is reviewing the safety manuals for needed updates.
A document has been developed by the Communication Committee for inserting into the water bills to have persons aware to sign into the VDOE website for news and alerts from the Commissioners. Adding a benefit for the property owners is recommended by Jim Lyons. Discussion on staying informed on property issues is highlighted. Discussion continues. Discussion on receipt of water bills by email. Updating the systems to be able to email bills is discussed. Wording for insert will be updated and resubmitted for review.
Adam Leiser has contacted a water tank company for a cost for upgrading the Reinach Tank size to 120,000-gallons. Additional cost is anticipated to be $20,000.

8. Signature Items

The response to Mr Charles Smith has been updated as discussed on March 14. Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter to Mr. Charles Smith. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign PO 293 in the amount of $2,805.09 for F-550 repairs. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
PO 287 has been updated as discussed March 14. Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign PO 287 in the amount of $1,000 for repair of the DPW bathroom. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the thank you letter to Madison DPW. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Proposed response to M Perrachon regarding lot on Oak Ridge is reviewed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to alter the letter. Kathy Koziell will work with Nancy Cole on needed updates.

9. Correspondence

Granite State Analytical has sent the monthly bacteria testing results for the water system: clean.
MailChimp, which is used to send the email alerts and news sends notice of changes to the mail list: list is up two.
NH Municipal Association has sent the Legislative Bulletin outlining status of bills before the NH Legislature.
A response was received from DOT Supervisor Todd Nason to the thank you sent by the Board. Mr. Nason will continue to do whatever he can to respond to requests. Adam Leiser reads the email aloud. Discussion on sending correspondence via US mail and not email. Going forward all correspondence from the Board should be sent by US Mail.
NH Retirement System has sent a calculation for employee Kelly Robitaille to “buy back” two years of service for which he was eligible for the retirement system but not enrolled. Cost to the VDOE will be $8,003.50 if Mr. Robitaille agrees to buy back the time. Discussion on VDOE being on notice should this expense be incurred.

10. Scheduled Appearances

Mark Lucy of White Mountain Survey and Engineering is introduced. Resident Jim Lyons discusses water running onto his property located at 30 Saint Moritz Drive. This issue began in 2014 and has become worse in the last two years. Road water is now stated to be disturbing the septic system. Jim Lyons outlines prior discussions with the past Board regarding this issue. Jim Lyons highlights discussion with prior highway employee Steven Pannone. A catch basin was added which directs water to private property. This catch basin has been capped. Discussion on driveway maintenance at the property located at 31 Saint Moritz may have altered flow onto the roadway. Drainage in the area does not appear to be working correctly. Adam Leiser discusses having the culvert cleaned. Mark Lucy discusses flushing culverts as the means of cleaning. Grading of the area to direct water into the culvert system is outlined and discussed. A letter is delivered by Mark Lucy identifying several areas of concern from road drainage which impact the Lyons property. Adam Leiser highlights that this should be a top priority for the DPW once able to work this area. Status of ditch lines and culverts in this area do not show any recent maintenance being done. Directing storm water to the ditch line is recommended. Photos from October 2018 are reviewed. Jim Lyons states bringing the situation to the Board’s attention is the goal of today’s appearance so that the Board can possibly take action this year.
Mark Lucy recommends that the Board forward the information to the VDOE engineer. Adam Leiser highlights a possible change of engineering firms for roads to White Mountain Survey. Discussion on creation of a drawing for the plans. Mr. Lucy states that there was no intention to create these as the corrections are not beyond the scope of the DPW.
The need for maintenance in this area is discussed by Mark Lucy. Mr. Lyons outlines that he is not able to correct this on his own, road work is needed to attempt to alleviate this issue. Discussion on obtaining a quote for cleaning of all culverts by an outside vendor is held as an option. Obtaining three prices for cleaning of all culverts in the VDOE is discussed. This will be done.
Mark Lucy outlines the ability to compact the gravel after it is placed. Using the roller that is intended for asphalt work for gravel compaction as needed is outlined. If able, the catch basin will be re-used should it be removed from the intersection of Basal and Saint Moritz.
Kelly Robitaille is given a copy of the documentation outlining proposed repairs to the area. Kelly will review the documentation. Verbal review of proposed updates is given to Kelly Robitaille by Mark Lucy.
Kelly outlines grading of the area that has been done in the past. An additional attempt will be done. Paving with a negative grade to the top of Saint Moritz is outlined as a more permanent solution. Kelly Robitaille states that the water is not overtaking the culverts. Discussion continues on the culverts and maintenance in the area.
Adam Leiser discusses having documentation for this work this spring. Mid to late April will be target time line for this work. Having photographs for the official record will be done.

11. Public Comment

Treasurer Dinah Reiss highlights need to take a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN). Dinah will obtain the documents for signing. Dinah Reiss outlines the need for TAN dollars to maintain cash flow. Documentation will be obtained by Dinah for review by the Board.

12. Other Business

At 11:03 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to enter non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a) employment matters. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion via roll call, Adam Leiser yea, Kathy Koziell yea and the motion passed 2-0.

At 11:51 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to exit non-public session and adjourn the meeting. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole