2019 Documents

Asset Management Committee Meeting
February 12th, 2019 DRAFT
The Asset Management Committee met at 1:00 pm on Thursday, February 12th, 2019. In attendance were Committee members Nancy Cole, Tommy Gunn, Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen. Committee member Dinah Reiss was not present at the meeting. The meeting was filmed.
At 1:02 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairwomen Nancy Cole.
Chairwomen Nancy Cole passed out documents to include the Agenda and Capital
Improvement Plan (CIP) to be reviewed and updated at today’s meeting.
Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the agenda as presented, Ralph Lutjen seconds and all vote yes.
As the agenda notes, all public comments will be held from any guests present at today’s Asset Management meeting until the planned content of the meeting is completed. No guests were in attendance.
The committee worked on review and updates to the CIP in all categories. Ralph Lutjen
suggested some reformats and formula changes to better present the plan to the residents.
The committee drafted the changes in all categories and those changes will be updated and available for final review at next month’s meeting.
The committee discussed any needed edits to the project sheets that will be presented at the yearly meeting as warrant articles. The committee agreed all needed edits and updates have been made and no further action is needed prior to the annual meeting.
Nancy Cole makes a motion to accept the minutes from January 24th, 2019 as presented, Ralph Lutjen seconds, all members voted yes for approval.
At 1:57 pm Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nancy Cole seconds.
Motion passed unanimously with all members voting yes.
The next meetings will be held on Tuesday March 12th, 2019 @ 1:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tommy Gunn
Committee Member

Water Service Interruptions

Interruptions in water service may occur Thursday, March 7, 2019 between 9 am and 3 pm for replacement of the pressure reducing valve located in the Upper Lakeview/Rigi PRV pit.     

Should the crew be unable to replace the valve Thursday, the valve will be replaced Monday, March 11.  Water service interruptions may occur between 9 am and 3 pm to facilitate the repair. 

Please plan accordingly. 

We appreciate your understanding while this necessary work is completed.   




Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell were sworn in as new Commissioners on Tuesday February 26 at their first Commissioner’s Meeting.  Kathy will serve for three years, Adam for two.  Adam was selected by the Commissioners to serve as Chairman for 2019.  Nancy Cole also informed the new Commissioners and the public in attendance that Ralph Lutjen (the 3rd Commissioner with 1 year remaining on his term) provided verbal notice of his resignation.  Kathy and Adam discussed naming a replacement and will be discussing options in an upcoming meeting.  Anyone interested in being considered should contact the office as soon as possible.  (email:  office@vdoe-nh.org)


Dinah Reiss was re-elected to another 2 year term as Treasurer.

Nancy Cole was re-elected to another 2 year term as Clerk.


Most Commissioner meetings will be scheduled on weeknights and weekends from this point forward.   A regular schedule will be established in the next few weeks.  Please check the website for meeting information and locations (www.vdoe-nh.org).  The next two meetings will be held on Saturday, March 9 at 9 AM at the Madison Public Library and Tuesday March 12 at 9 AM at the VDOE office.


As promised, the new Commissioners voted to immediately restore Public Comment and Scheduled Appearances without prior Commissioner approval to all Commissioner meetings.  Anyone wishing to address the board is welcome to speak and ask questions during the Public Comment section of any Commissioners meeting.  Property owners are also welcome to schedule an appearance before the board in advance by contacting the office.  (email:  office@vdoe-nh.org)

A public hearing has been scheduled for Thursday, March 28 at 8:00 PM.  Location TBD.  The Commissioners will be discussing changes to two ordinances regarding Huttwil Parking Lot and the public beaches.  More information will be provided prior to the hearing


The Commissioners voted to post draft minutes to the website for all meetings within 48 hours barring any unforeseen circumstances.


Based on the warrant articles approved at the annual meeting affecting the operating and project budgets, we anticipate that the water bill will be set at or near $485.  Water bills will be due on May 1.


While we are aware that snow removal is very challenging this season, please keep in mind that it is a violation of NH Law to plow or push snow onto the roads and is a fineable offense.  Driveway plow operators who push snow onto or across the roads narrow the travel surface and create extra work for the DPW.  Property owners are responsible to insure proper snow removal at their property.   Our DPW have worked tirelessly this winter, many times through the night, to keep the roads plowed, salted and sanded in order to insure the safety of all residents and visitors to Eidelweiss.  We commend and thank them for their heroic efforts and hard work!


We are reviewing and anticipate a renewal of the kayak rack process that was established last summer.  Further communication and a registration form will be sent out in the next few weeks. 


Four new committees are being created to involve the community in solving the issues facing our district.  The committees will be Roads, Water, Environmental and Communications - more detail follows.  The Commissioners encourage any property owner (full or part time) who wants to help and believes they can contribute to contact the office at any time now or in the future to volunteer.  If a committee is full we will let you know and contact you when an opening occurs.  Also, the Asset Management Committee has been dissolved.  The Commissioners appreciate and thank all of those who served on this committee.

Roads Committee

Mission: The Roads Committee is to advise, assist and recommend to the Village District of Eidelweiss (VDOE) Board of Commissioners (BOC) policies and projects involving the improvement, maintenance and repair of roads in the VDOE. The recommendations of the Roads Committee shall be based on their collective judgment as they balance the needs of the community with available financial resources.

Goals:  To help make our roads safer for pedestrians, cyclists, cars and pets in both the short and long terms

Water Committee

Mission: The Water Committee is to advise, assist and recommend to the Village District of Eidelweiss (VDOE) Board of Commissioners (BOC) policies and projects to maintain and improve the district’s water system assets.  The recommendations of the water committee will enable the district to manage the district’s water resources for the common benefit and assure stability in the sustained use by the citizens we serve.

Goals:  To ensure safe drinking water for the VDOE community and their guests

Environmental Committee

Mission:  The environmental committee encourages collaboration of government and community members so we can eliminate or at least reduce the growing threat to human and environmental health posed by toxic chemicals and irresponsible practices.

Goals:  To find ways to make our ponds cleaner and our land prettier.

Communications Commiittee

Mission: The communications committee encourages and facilitates communication between and among members of the commissioner’s office and the property owners of Eidelweiss. It does this by evaluating current methods of communication while providing tools, guidance, and resources to aid all discourse and improvements for successful communication practices in a timely, informative and thoughtful manner.

Goals:  Restore confidence in the BOC so that the property owners know what is happening in the district and so that the BOC can create warrant articles that will be passed and completed each year.


With the election complete, all political signs should be removed as soon as possible.


On January 25, the Terrastar truck was destroyed by a fire.  The final cause is considered undetermined.   Fortunately, no one was injured.  We are anticipating final information this week about the claim from the district’s insurance company.  Upon receipt, we will formulate a plan for replacement of the truck and notify the public.


As many of you know, Melissa Moulton, one of our Eidelweiss neighbors, tragically lost her life on February 15.  Her friends and family have set up two Go Fund me accounts to help with the expenses for her funeral, her dog and her beloved daughter. These are links to the fundraisers for those who would like to contribute. Thank you.




For those who did not attend, you can access a copy of the final warrant that was discussed and voted on last Saturday evening at this link:


The results of the warrant article votes are listed on the following page. Please refer to the final meeting minutes (will be posted upon completion) or the meeting video that will be posted at Madison TV for more details. The tallied results for the elected officials are:

Commissioner 3 Year Seat                                     Commissioner 2 Year Seat
Kathy Koziell:   89                                                 Adam Leiser: 70

Other Write-Ins:  27                                                 Michael Smith: 47

No Vote: 1

Treasurer                                                                   Clerk

Dinah Reiss: 92                                                        Nancy Cole:  62

Other Write-Ins: 10                                                  Jay Buckley:  53

No Vote: 15                                                               No Vote: 2

For any additional information, please contact the Clerk (Nancy Cole).

# Topic Approved
1 Elected Officials   See
2 New Truck Bond   Failed
3 Reinach Tank Replacement
Inc to $869,400.  Fund from taxes. Passed
4 DPW Electrical Upgrades   Passed
5 Summit Pump House Electrical   Passed
6 Chocorua Pump House Electrical   Passed
7 Operations/Hwy Budget Increase to $552,542 Passed
8 York Rake Replacement   Passed
9 Asphalt Road Preservation   Passed
10 Gravel Road Preservation   Passed
11 Thusis Culvert Replacement   Passed
12 Engineering for Grandval &
13 Water Budget Increase to $183,755 Passed
14 Muddy Beach Tank Replacement   Failed
15 Upper Lakeview/Rigi PRV Decrease to $2,000. Passed
16 Water Tank CRF Deposit   Passed
17 Water System Pipe Replacement CRF Deposit   Passed
18 Water System CRF Re - Deposit   Passed
19 Water Extension Fund   Passed
20 Petitioned - Healthcare Employee Contribution   Failed
21 Petitioned - $250,000 to Water System CRF Decrease to $100,000 Failed
22 Petitioned - Transfer funds to Water System CRF   Failed
23 Petitioned - Replica of Article #18   Failed
24 Petitioned - Executive Salaries $6 for year   Failed
25 Petitioned - Commissioners on Committees   Failed
26 Petitioned - Agent for CRF accounts   Failed
27 Petitioned - Posting of all meeting minutes   Failed
28 Any Other Business   No


The new Commissioners made a motion and approved a shift of the Eidelweiss annual meeting from the last Saturday in February to the first Saturday in March in order to avoid school break week.  They hope to facilitate more attendance and participation.


Commissioners Meeting             

February 26, 2019 DRAFT

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, February 26, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners-Elect Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy) and residents Paula Doyle, Gloria Aspinall, Jay Buckley and Mike Dolan.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                        

At 8:00 am Clerk Nancy Cole swears in the new Commissioners. 

Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.       

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to nominate Adam Leiser as Chair.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Kelly Robitaille reports the crew is pushing back snowbanks in the District. 

Discussion on the insurance claim for the Terra Star.  Information expected tomorrow from insurance company

Kelly Robitaille reports that carbide edges and plates are needed for the $500 front edge, $550 wing edge, chains.  Total is $1,722 for International 7400. 

Budgets are reviewed for highway repairs and supplies. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve a PO in the amount of $1,722 for the 7400.  Kathy seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

The backhoe blower motor has failed.  There is no heat or defrost in the equipment.  Blower motor quote is $575.  Unknown installation cost.  Kelly is looking to see if a local mechanic can handle this.  As the vehicle is a Volvo, only Volvo generally works on this.  Kelly Robitaille will work on arranging this repair.  Mike Dolan asks about a portable heater; not possible.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve up to $1,600 for repair of the backhoe. Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Grader is discussed.  Parts have been received.  Mechanic will be asked to work on this machine as well.  Discussion on repair cost; an additional $900 beyond prior approved allocations is held.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve $900 for grader articulation repair.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Chains are discussed for the road grader.  Three sets are needed.  One additional set for $825 will get the crew through the remaining winter.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve up to $825 for one set of chains.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.     

The F-550 check engine light and ABS lights are on.  The strobe light is also out and the sander is currently hard wired.  Discussion on the failure of the new truck bond is held.  Kelly Robitaille will bring the truck for a repair estimate Monday, weather depending. 

Kelly Robitaille discusses possible failure of the F-550 during an ice storm; the crew would be unable to treat roads.  Assistance from Public Works Mutual Aid would come in after the storm.  During a storm, all crews are busy.  Setting up a back-up, possibly with Coleman’s, will be looked into.  Discussion on cost that will be occurred for an established back up.  Pro-actively notifying persons that there may be delays in road treatment is discussed.  Liability that could be incurred should the VDOE not be able to treat roads is discussed.  Discussion on assistance from Madison is outlined.  Having a conversation with Madison Selectmen is held.  Jon Cyr, Madison DPW Director has stated that the Town mechanic is not available to work on VDOE equipment.  Commissioner Kathy Koziell will attend tonight’s Selectmen’s meeting to discuss any possible options. 

Kelly Robitaille outlines the drainage issue in the DPW garage.  This situation needs to be addressed.  NH DES regulations will guide corrective action for this drainage issue. 

Mold is visible in the bathroom downstairs.  Work will be needed on this bathroom.  Discussion on using volunteers for this project is discussed.  A licensed plumber will be needed for the plumbing repair.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve up to $1,000 for plumber and materials.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion on process for the work and need for any volunteers to sign a waiver prior to working.  Motion passed 2-0.  Jay Buckley will work to coordinate this project.         

3. Water

Adam motion install pressure zone up to $1,000.  Kathy seconds.  Kathy states installation is for already purchased PRV valve.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Establishing the 2019 water rate is discussed.  Calculation is reviewed.  Adam Leiser states water bill will be in range of $482 - $485.  Public is recommended to review the information and submit comments. 

4. Administration

General discussion on 2018 projects.  Siding for Muddy Beach is discussed.  Pump House security is discussed. 

Ralph Lutjen in writing for resignation. 

Adam Leiser discusses appointment for a third Commissioner.  Discussion on prior conversation regarding new management for the District.  Having a third member who has not been a mish before is discussed as wanted. 

Adam Leiser discusses friendship with Kathy Koziell.  Per RSA 91-A-2; a chance, social, or other matter is not a meeting.  Kathy and Adam will be seen together, clarifying that friends can still spend time together. 

Payroll report is reviewed and discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $7,782.46.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Next meeting will be held Thursday at 8 pm in the Chick Room at the library.  Discussion on use of projector at meetings to display agenda and other items, ideas and recommendations are welcome. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to form a water committee with Larry Leonard, Larry Sodano, Jay Buckley, Adam Leiser, Ian Hayes.  Kathy seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to disband the Asset Management Committee.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  A thank you letter will be drafted and signed by the Board. 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to establish a communications committee. Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Committee members will be Paula Doyle, Mike Dolan, Andrew Harteveldt and Kathy Koziell.   

Kathy Koziell will waive her stipend for this term.  Adam Leiser will waive his stipend and recommends all other executives do the same.   

Adam Leiser makes a motion to publish draft minutes within 24 hours.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion on restriction of stated time limit.  Adam Leiser amends motion to 48 hours.  Kathy Koziell seconds amendment. Motion, as amended, passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to post approved minutes within 48 hours.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to post draft agenda’s 12 hours prior to Commissioner’s meetings.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.       

5.  Accounts Payable

6.  Minutes

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to approve the minutes of February 19.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  

Adam Leiser makes a motion post draft minutes of last week with statement of no ability to approve.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.      

7. Commissioners Reports

Adam Leiser makes a motion to move the VDOE Annual Meeting to the first Saturday in March.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Time will be determined. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to appropriate up to $500 for changing all locks from Bldgs and Grnds  line item. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0. Nancy Cole to call lock smith today to schedule the changing of the locks. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to have a meeting to discuss ordinances on March 28. Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.
Adam asks if Quick books was purchased? No one knows.
Adam Leiser makes motion to have commissioners use an email Commissioner1@VDOE-NH.ORG, etc to protect against use of personal emails. Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

8. Signature Items  

Adam Leiser makes a motion to send the letter to the EPOA.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

9. Correspondence

Granite State Analytical has sent the first quarter chemical testing results.  All results are within allowed limits. 

NH Municipal Association Legislative bulletin has been received.   

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment  

Jay Buckley congratulates all elected officials.
Jay Buckley asks for acceptance of previous proposals to re-shingle Mailbox roof.

Mike Dolan asks if more mailboxes can be added to cluster boxes at Huttwil.

Gloria Aspinall hopes new board will consider the 24 residents who are on their own wells.

Adam agrees to an abatement type solution and will look into her request. 

12.  Other Business   

At 9:15 am Nancy Cole leaves the meeting. Remaining minutes are taken by Jay Buckley. 

At 9:30 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole, Administrator and Jay Buckley  

Board of Commissioners

                          Village District of Eidelweiss

                                    1680 Conway Rd Box 1027

                            Madison, New Hampshire 03849



  1. Call to order 8:00 pm   
  2. Approval of the agenda                                             
  3. Review of Actions, Projects and Issues List 
  4. Administration: CM022619, Feb cash flow report, Sheriff’s office meeting,   
  5. Accounts payable: $
  6. Signature Items: Thank you letters to Asset Management Committee members, D-way construct 14 Blinden, PO 283 7400 repair $1,722, PO 284 backhoe blower repair $1,600, PO 285 grader articulation repair $900 
  7. Commissioners Reports
  8. Correspondence:  GSA chemical testing, NHMA Legislative Bulletin, Primex contract seminar 03-13; Environmental committee
  9. Scheduled Appearances:
  10. Public Comment:
  11. Other: meeting schedule, newsletter, amend posting to 2 business days from 48 hours  



Commissioners Meeting             

February 18, 2019 DRAFT MINUTES (due to change of Board, minutes cannot be approved)

The Board of Commissioners met at 10:00 am on Monday, February 18, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith, Ron Sandstrom and Ralph Lutjen.  Also present were Moderator Bob Ingram and resident Kathy Koziell. 

At 10:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith. 

The presentation and handout for the Annual Meeting are reviewed and discussed with the Moderator.  

At 12:25 pm Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



Commissioners Meeting             

February 19, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen.  Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy) and resident Kathy Koziell.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                        

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.     

1. Agenda

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Kelly Robitaille reports that additional detail is being kept on road work.  The repair budget has been used extensively so far this year. 

Salt will be ordered.  The existing PO will handle one load.  Mike Smith makes a motion to order two loads of salt up to $3,000.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Sand will be delivered tomorrow under the existing PO.  Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $4,000 for sand.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Road grader service is discussed.  A Chadwick Ba-Ross representative came out to diagnose the issue; parts were approved.  Invoice received for $1,245 for diagnostic visit.  Discussion with Chadwick Ba-Ross will be held on the cost.  Quote for replacement part was received at $501; cost was $1,002 as two valves were received.  Discussion on holding check is held.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to hold the Chadwick Ba-Ross check.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Crew will be pushing back snow banks today.  As the road grader is being used, fuel is being used at a faster than average rate. 

Kelly Robitaille reports that while pushing back snow banks and shelving roads, recent placement of political campaign signs in the right of way have created issues.  A sign that was taken is shown; sign has a tracking device in it.  Kelly Robitaille reports that the tracking device is unnerving the crew.  Sign will be returned to owner.  Kelly Robitaille discusses the improvements that have been made in the last few years and reverting to micro-management will not be beneficial. 

Discussion on the proposed replacement for the F-550 is held.  If article is approved, truck will be ordered immediately after the annual meeting.  Kelly Robitaille will update the number for the base truck the end of this week. 

Repairs are being done to equipment as time allows. 

Diesel is being used at a faster than normal rate as the road grader and 7400 are being used. 

Cutting edges will be needed.  Chains will be needed for the 7400 before the end of winter. 

3. Water

Ian Hayes was in last week. 

4. Administration

Safety meeting was held. 

Cash flow report is reviewed and discussed.  TAN proceeds may be needed as early as March. 

Communication for the Annual Meeting has been prepared. 

Annual Meeting presentation was updated following yesterday’s 

5.  Accounts Payable

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 14 checks in the amount of $7,682.41.  Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion.  Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed.  Chadwick Ba-Ross check will be held.  Motion passed 2-0. 

6.  Minutes

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of February 12.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

7. Commissioners Reports

Ralph Lutjen updates the newsletter to include the number of houses in the Reinach pressure zone area.  Streets and number of houses will be added. 

Mike Smith discusses water usage for January. Pump house electric report clearly shows the benefit of having the VFD at Jungfrau. 

8. Signature Items  

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the third-party electric agreement.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to hold PO 281 in the amount of $1,425 for diagnostic work on the grader.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 282 in the amount of $600 for a rear tire for the backhoe.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the response to Habitat for Humanity.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Discussion on possible update to letter to include a statement of no delay.  No update approved.  Motion passed 2-0. 

9. Correspondence

NH Municipal Association Legislative bulletin has been received.   

10. Scheduled Appearances    

11.  Other Business   

At 8:45 am Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



Commissioners Meeting             

February 28, 2019 DRAFT

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Thursday, February 28, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also present were residents Paula Doyle, Diana Dolan, Mike Dolan and Jay Buckley.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                   

At 8:00 pm Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.       

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to that he will handle the monthly safety meetings to be scheduled with the DPW.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion rescinded.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to have Kathy Koziell handle the monthly safety meetings.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Highway Personnel are not in attendance.      

3. Water

A meeting with Ian Hayes will be scheduled. 

4. Administration

Cash flow report is reviewed and discussed.  Discussion occurs on TAN note and municipal financing.  Year to date budgets is reviewed.  Highway repair line item is discussed: line is 56% expended. 

Discussion on the cash flow report, collection of taxes by Madison.  Collection of water bills is discussed.  Report will be updated for 2019 approved budget.  Loans are discussed.  Discussion on payments and ability to make payments earlier to reduce interest charges.  Discussion on addition of a comparison line in this report showing 2018 and 2019 is held.    Discussion on cash flows and payments from budgets is held.  Deferring bills until tax monies are received so as to reduce the amount of TAN loan is discussed.  Register balance on report is discussed as line to add the 2018 comparison data.  This will be added to the report.  Review of CRF balances is done.  Discussion on water usage account is held. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to fund the $900 grader repair from the highway equipment repair CRF.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to fund $897 for backhoe repairs from the highway equipment repair CRF.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to fund $1,600 for backhoe repairs from the highway equipment repair CRF.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.       

Discussion on operating budget and expenses for equipment is held.   

Discussion on meeting with Sheriff Richardi regarding the cabana tower site.  March 12 at 9 am at the office will be scheduled as a Commissioners meeting.  Sheriff Richardi will be asked to arrive 10 am. 

March 9th at 9 am in the library will be next Commissioners meeting. 

Establishment of Commissioners email addresses is discussed.  Cost to be attached to the website is $4.00 per email address.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate $132 for email addresses for 2019.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion on past email accounts for commissioners, these were privately held.  Commissioner 1 for Kathy Koziell; Commissioner 2 for Adam Leiser.  Vote 2-0. 

Discussion on budget committee is held.  Will be looked into for legality of formation. 

Discussion on payment to the checklist supervisors.  Payment is made annually.  Amount for last year will be looked at and reported to the Commissioners.   

5.  Accounts Payable

6.  Minutes

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to approve the minutes of February 26 as amended.  No second.   

Cost detail for approved purchase orders will be added prior to approval.       

7. Commissioners Reports

Adam Leiser discusses keys for entry.  A code will be needed from each new Commissioner for updating the locks.  Nancy Cole can re-program the locks; saving the $500 approved for the locksmith. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow the Communications Committee access to the website for updates to be implemented.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion on posting of information is held: the office will still post all documents.  Committee will make recommendations to the Commissioners for approval to implement changes.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser requests the quote for the muddy beach siding.  This will be pulled.   

Adam Leiser requests a verification of the list of homes that will be benefited by the Reinach pressure zone.  This will be put together for review. 

Add a non-public for legal review to the agenda for March 12th.

Emails received at the office are discussed.  Auto forward of all emails is questioned. 

Discussion on highway block grant money is held.  Adam would like to review obtaining funds from the Town of Madison.  Madison has no legal obligation to share these funds with the VDOE.  This will be placed on the action list for submission of a petitioned article for the Town of Madison warrant. 

Discussion on specific hours for the office are discussed.  9-12 Mon and Wed; 1-4 Tues, Thurs and Friday.  This will be implemented.  Times that may be altered for time off will be noted. 

Canoe rack registration is discussed.  As this process is part of the Ordinance, the 2019 form is already in process.  Andrew Harteveldt will be asked to update and review the canoe rack registration form for any suggestions prior to submission to the Board for approval.   

Meeting with Kelly Robitaille is discussed.  Development of a form for review of highway information will be worked on.  Discussion on limiting overtime for the full-time crew is held.  Commissioners are informed you cannot mandate compensatory time.  Adam Leiser discusses having a full-time member go home and have the part time employee come in once the full-time employees are at 40 hours.  Discussion with the crew will be needed.  Recommendation to discuss with crew prior to any action is made.  Having a time clock is discussed. 

Washing vehicles is discussed.  Establishing a policy regarding washing trucks is discussed.  Asking Madison for a place to wash the trucks is discussed as an option as the crew cannot wash the vehicles inside the DPW garage. 

Communication committee will be asked to include removal of campaign signs in the upcoming newsletter.   

Communication committee will be asked to include vote tally from annual meeting.  Nancy Cole supply this information.    

Discussion on social media recommendations for other sites is outlined.  Commissioners are informed they cannot attempt to restrict commentary on chat sites.     

Discussion on updating the beach ordinance is outlined.  The posted signs do not match the Ordinance.  This will be addressed with any proposed update for the public hearing scheduled    

Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow Kathy Koziell to update and approve newsletter for distribution.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Discussion on having a projector available for use at Commissioner meetings is held.  Kathy Koziell states that the lowest cost unit she has located was over $300.    

Discussion on article last year to update the mailbox areas.  Fixing the bulletin board area is discussed.  This will be worked on. 

Kathy Koziell discusses updating QuickBooks. Kathy Koziell makes a motion to purchase QuickBooks 2018 Desk Top Pro for $200.  Adam Leiser seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Adam Leiser discusses options for backing up the ability to sand the hills.  Cost to the District will be $100 per hour.  Use of this truck as the second truck sanding the hills as primary is discussed.  The contract review has not yet been received from the lawyer.  This will be reviewed again next meeting.    

8. Signature Items  

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letters to members of the Asset Management Committee thanking them for their service.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Driveway permit for 14 Blinden is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the Driveway Permit for Operation.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

PO’s are marked for voted funding from CRF prior to being signed.    

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the PO’s.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

9. Correspondence

Granite State Analytical has sent the first quarter chemical testing results.  All results are within allowed limits.  Discussion is held on option for application to NH DES to receive a chemical testing waiver which would reduce chemical testing costs for the water system.  Adam Leiser states he is not in favor of reducing the amount of testing done on the water system.  Waiver will not be pursued.    

NH Municipal Association Legislative bulletin has been received.   

Ralph Lutjen’s resignation is read aloud: resignation was official Monday morning at the open of business. 

An email was received from Joe McLaughlin stating interest in the Environmental Committee to be formed.      

10. Scheduled Appearances

11.  Public Comment    

12.  Other Business   

At 10:24 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



Commissioners Meeting             

February 22, 2019 DRAFT MINUTES (due to change in Board members, minutes cannot be approved)

The Board of Commissioners met at 4:00 pm on Friday, February 22, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith, Ron Sandstrom and Ralph Lutjen. 

At 4:00 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith. 

The meeting that Ralph Lutjen attended yesterday with Paul Fluet, Nick Sceggell, Rick Skarinka and estimator Kevin Hayes is outlined.  The number for the Reinach tank is updated.  Handout sheets for the Annual Meeting are updated. 

The budget will be updated to reflect an additional $21,000; $19,000 in Highway & Streets and $2,000 in General Government. 

At 5:15 pm Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole
