Commissioners Meeting
September 5, 2019
The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Thursday, September 5, 2019. In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. Also in attendance were Paula Doyle, Mark Graffam, Joe Farnese, Mary Alice Lapoint, Beth Gagnon, Greyson Merrill and Jennifer Merrill. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV.
At 8:05 pm Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.
1. Agenda
Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Action list is reviewed and discussed.
2. Highway Department Report
3. Water
4. Administration
Payroll Adam Leiser Kathy Koziell 2-0.
Discussion on leak on Interlaken is held. Leak is getting worse. Adam outlines having at least $15,000 available for emergencies. $3,000 - $4,000 to repair this leak. $100,000 estimated to replace the line. Greyson Merrill states fix the leak and not expend the extra funds to replace the lines at this time. Discussion on water lines and replacing water pipes around the District. Paula adds that less time is being spent on major capital expense than was spent on a flat tire. Jennifer Merrill outlines getting things done and need to have a plan outlined. Recommendation to look at roads and water together when possible. Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate up to $4,500 to repair the leak on Interlaken. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
MS 434 is reviewed. Adam Leiser makes a motion to not allocate funds from UFB. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Dan Crean road rights document was distributed. Will be re-sent.
Adam Leiser discusses port-o-potties at beaches option. Carry-in carry-out policy at beaches is discussed. Cleaning of current outhouses is discussed.
Mary Alice states facilitate movement in meeting.
Little Loop will be discussed Monday.
Thusis will be discussed on Monday
Mary Alice discusses need for plan for roads and culverts. Prior attempts to establish a capital improvement plan are outlined. Recommendation to focus on major items moving forward in a big picture. Discussion on need to create plan. Adam outlines time that can be spent developing a plan and then not being able to fund the projects. Discussion on funding continues. Mary Alice sates put things in order and then work out some of the funding. Discussion continues; plan and then work on funding. Raising water rates is recommended by Joe Farnese. Adam outlines meeting with Ian to outline plan for water system. Paula questions Adam’s statement – clarifies working with Ian to identify needs. Step one; start plan.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to form a road committee. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0. Mary Alice and Joe Farnese will assist with committee.
5. Accounts Payable
Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve 10 checks for a total of $29,219.02. Kathy Koziell seconds. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion passed 2-0.
6. Minutes
Minutes of Aug 24 will be reviewed at next meeting.
7. Commissioners Reports
Kathy Koziell discusses electrical work warrant articles. $13,137 is updated cost for DPW updates. Kathy Koziell outlines upgrades. SCADA updating is one portion. Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion sign Summit electrical quote from EII for $5,553. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Kathy Koziell states lightening protection at Chocorua to be looked at.
Additional discussion on water system protection.
Adam Leiser unseal non-pub Aug 8. Kathy Koziell 2-0.
Adam Leiser remove speed bumps after Columbus Day. Kathy Koziell 2-0.
Adam Leiser motion all meetings at lodge after next Monday. Kathy Koziell 2-0.
Adam Leiser motion Update finances on website for Tuesday. Kathy Koziell 2-0.
Adam Leiser motion fill out form Nancy & Donna separate. Kathy Koziell 2-0.
Adam Leiser states he was wrong regarding email issue with Jay Buckley regarding lack of repercussions. Was discussed.
Discussion on beach testing is held.
Adam Leiser questions D & K bill. Update was received yesterday; late notice with interest.
Discussion ensues on bill and original questions sent to the engineers. Sending a letter with the Adam Leiser motion pay the bill minus interest and send with letter outlining that interest should not be added as this is the first response from a letter dated May 5. . Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to invite Chris Albert and Ian Hayes to the meeting Sept 28. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion sign letter to EPOA out of session. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam reads committee agreement to remaining 4 persons present for additional input. Jennifer Merrill outlines compliance with 91-A agreement; remaining persons agreed. Discussion on documents continue.
Adam Leiser discusses replacing the F-550 next year instead of the 7400. States that what he has developed will be reviewed by rest of Board and he hopes for approval. Discussion on funding and needs of the District is held.
8. Signature Items
Adam Leiser makes a motion sign letter to Terri Warren. Kathy Koziell seconds. Discussion ensues on two options for the letter having been proposed. Adam Leiser states Kathy Koziell may choose which version is signed. Kathy Koziell chooses Option B as prepared by Administrator Nancy Cole. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the updated committee member agreement with repercussion statements. Kathy Koziell seconds. Paula outlines negativity and Boards lack of establishing priorities for work. Discussion on review of documents and spending of time on rules and regulations that aren’t the most important. Negative impacts of asking committee members to sign these things. Adam outlines persons not showing up for meetings and occasional cancelation of meetings due to lack of a quorum as rationale for document. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser approve time off requests. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the EPOA request for lodge use. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
9. Correspondence
The July VLAP testing results have been received and distributed.
Notification of a tree limb in the wires for Muddy Beach pump house was received. Eversource has been notified.
Terri Warren has sent a statement regarding pond levels questioning status of the dam boards. This has been discussed.
Beach testing information has been sent to the Environmental Committee.
10. Scheduled Appearances
Mark Graffam states he is concerned about roads and the water system. Mark has looked at the roads and outlines room for improvement in meeting with the highway foreman. Discusses Old Town Road at Upper Lakeview Drive and outlines road is in worse shape now than when truck went off road last winter in this area. Discussion on getting information from highway foreman. Adam outlines Jay Buckley as liaison is not working. Adam Leiser makes a motion to have Kathy Koziell become DPW liaison. Kathy Koziell seconds. Adam outlines no record of any discussion with DPW from Jay. Kathy Koziell states Jay is better choice. Kathy Koziell states will accept if it continues, determine after Monday meeting with DPW. Adam continues discussing lack of correspondence from Jay. Mark Graffam discusses if liaison is not working, it is the Board’s fault. Mark Graffam states Board is issue. Board needs to meet with Kelly. Meeting with Kelly is needed. Paula outlines that she agrees that decision should held, Board needs to meet with Kelly. Joe Farnese states that one person being accountable is needed. Jennifer Merrill states that is DPW is not doing job, make a change. Mark Graffam states that DPW is not being held accountable. Joe Farnese states reporting from Kelly is needed and information should be known. Condition of roads overall is outlined, need for grader is stated. Motion failed 1-1 with Kathy Koziell against. Mark Graffam cautions Kathy on being pushed into a position where she will be in the middle of the other two Commissioners. Mark Graffam discusses the DPW meter installation occurring in August when meter failed in February. States Board of Commissioners are in charge and need to take control of the water system. Board is spending time doing other crazy stuff on social activities and the dam when the focus needs to be roads and water system. Mark Graffam states that he will document this information. Outlines math error on page 5 of the audit and openness on financing. Outlines GASB compliant set up and work that went into that. Would like to review all finances openly. Questions committee on financing; requests purchase of scanner for allowance of invoices to be scanned. Kathy Koziell questions how this is not open; Mark asks for all information in electronic format. Mark continues with the need for the Board to review all information closely. Adam Leiser responds that Board is doing a lot of work but does not know for certain that everything is being covered. Mark reiterates that Board is failing. Mark questions job of Administrative Assistant. Questions budget for paying this person. Adam states he is questioning level of knowledge of new person. Mark outlines 10 hours per week; person shadowing at this time. Suggests purchase of scanner and make all the information electronic; use second person in office to handle this as a project. Adam Leiser responds that the position is to learn the office procedures, not scan documents. Mark Graffam discusses $42,000 from water system in 2017 and request is to verify his beliefs of possible errors. Mary Alice Lapoint questions openness; it is required by law. Mark outlines vendors sending everything electronic. Paula outlines that everyone should work together and that group should make all information as transparent for everyone. Adam outlines budget shortfalls that were inherited from the prior Board. Adam states not spend at this time, but work on appropriate levels for budget and then work on digitizing all information. Effort is supported. Mary Alice Lapoint states good idea and look into. Adam Leiser makes a motion to have all vendors send invoices in electronic format. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0. Mark outlines maintenance and damage that occurs when drainage is overwhelmed. Will show how roads are not being properly maintained. Mark uses whirl-a-way pump as example. States DPW foreman stated as trash pump – defines trash pump for Board. Pump is not a trash pump; it is actually a high-pressure pump. Culverts must be jetted to clean. Mark adds that he does not want to play Adam’s game, his is not interested in private conversations. Discussions should occur at Board of Commissioners meetings.
Joe Farnese discusses prior Board issue with culvert. States he had oil showing on property. A catch basin with a sump would be best option for cleaning. No dirty water would then be allowed to pass onto the wetlands area. States he added gravel to road at this own expense. Outlined Kelly informed him of need to remove rip rap stone in culvert inlet. Joe Farnese states he is willing to purchase the needed catch basin. Outlines change in culvert from years ago. Adam states that permit should be on file. Adam Leiser makes a motion to have office pull all information on 23 and 26 Diessbach regarding culvert change. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0. Joe Farnese asks for a commitment to work Diessbach Drive for next year. Joe requests gravel and proper grading. Adam outlines need for increases in budget that will be needed to do correct maintenance. Joe continues with outline of better workflow. Joe will send in a drawing of what he believes should occur. Adam solicits assistance for upcoming Annual Meeting from Joe Farnese on establishing budgets.
Beth Gagnon discusses Porridge Shore Beach. Outlines that sand was added in 2012. States runoff from Porridge Shore Drive is entering beach area and pond. Discussion on perching the beaches and protecting the ponds. Adam Leiser makes a motion to task Environmental Committee to review all beaches. Kathy Koziell seconds. Beth Gagnon discusses review of beaches that would be needed. There is one perched beach on Big Pea Porridge Pond that is visible from Big Loop Road should persons want to see what a perched beach looks like. Motion passed 2-0. Adam Leiser makes a motion to accept available boulders and store at Eidelweiss Beach parking lot. Kathy Koziell seconds. Discussion on amount of stones. Mark Graffam states storing rocks in Eidelweiss Beach parking lot may cause difficulty with plowing and winter overflow parking. Adam Leiser moves to amend the motion to give Kelly Robitaille discretion for location to store the rocks. Kathy Koziell seconds. Amendment passed. Motion, as amended passed 2-0.
11. Public Comment
No other comments were received.
12. Other Business
At 10:41 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to enter non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a) employment matters. Kathy Koziell seconds. Adam Leiser yea, Kathy Koziell yea and motion passed 2-0.
At 12:15 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to exit non-public session and resume public session. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Adam Leiser makes a motion to have Jeff DeMartino attend Monday morning’s meeting. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
At 12:18 am Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Cole