2022 Documents


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday March 22nd, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:30am on Tuesday March 22nd, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Doug Prescott, Dinah Reiss, Larry Leonard & Cathy Conway-Horizons (by phone). Meeting videotaped by Aysia of Madison TV

At 9:30 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Asset Management

Larry Leonard started off meeting with Horizons with an introduction. Briefly discussed the Asset Management Grant Work: the key tasks of the grant, the key milestones, the deliverables, and any additional work.

Cathy Conway from Horizons discussed what Larry Leonard mentioned in further detail.

  • Field survey work and asset analysis
  • Working on the mapping, working on the hydraulic model should be done in a few weeks. Waiting on the CAD data points from Dubois & King.
  • Luis Adorno meeting on 4/30. Will present level of service agreement which states they will meet and exceed Federal and State drinking water standards.
  • Financial planning, determine how much we can afford each year.
  • Spreadsheet on debt, operational costs. Etc.
  • Long term funding plans: loans/grants. What is affordable for the VDOE.
  • Presentation and plan will be written up once all the data has been collected.
  • One meeting in April and another meeting in May. Project is to be wrapped up by May 30th.
  • Deliverables are sent to the state in one package. Draft documentation will be presented at the meeting before it is submitted.
  • GIS mapping will be complete 1-2 weeks after data is received from Dubois & King. (Office is going to follow up with Nick Sceggell)
  • Level of service agreement to be completed about 1 week after the April 30th meeting.
  • Long term funding and capital improvement plan to be worked on over the next few weeks.

April 7th at 9:00am Nick Sceggell and Ian Hayes are meeting in the District to go over the additional information needed in the hydraulic model. Horizons is going to attend as well.

Discussion on payment with grant funding. The VDOE to pay $20,000 and the grant will cover the other $20,000.

Discussion on plot and survey of the valves. Located some of the gate valves, located all the significant point (pump houses, etc.) and located most of the curb stop valves. All the major system components are completed.

Discussion on locating all the curb stop valves. This was not within the budget of $40,000.

As of today, the project is 50%-60% completed.

Public Meeting

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 3/15/22, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the sealed Non-Public minutes of 3/15/22, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Payroll Manifest for $9,884.23, Jay Buckley 2nds Passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $57,760.49 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to transfer $2,500 from the operating account into the Tank Pumping CRF, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to transfer $4,486.44 from the Office Equipment CRF to the operating account, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion for the previously approved $95.00 for an office tablet to be taken out of the Office Equipment CRF, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to transfer $95.00 from the Office Equipment CRF to the operating account, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Dinah Reiss discusses the operating account balance is currently at $156,887.01 and another almost $30,000 is to be taken out and transferred into the water assessment account. Dinah Reiss recommends taking a TAN out for at least $200,000 possibly $240,000.

Also mentions there is around $13,000 in the Dawson Retainage and around $28,000 in the Reinach.

Money needs to be transferred from the Water Assessment Fund to the Water Extension CRF as recommended by the auditor and bookkeeper.

Monthly cash reports and budget vs. actual reports will be done on the second week of the month going forward. The first meeting will be on April 12th during the Commissioners meeting.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to apply for a TAN loan for $240,000, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, Mike Smith makes amendment to $250,000, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on 51 Oak Ridge Road driveway permit for operations

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign 51 Oak Ridge driveway for operations permit, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on letter to 2 Clemens Place

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign the letter to 2 Clemens Place, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Dam. Dam is still cresting 6 inches over. The Big Loop culvert is around 60% full, a lot of debris is getting stuck in the grate. DPW keeps clearing grate, but it keeps filling back up.

Mike Smith makes a motion to pull a board immediately, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, discussion on Dam policy and conversation with Steve Doyon, passes 2-1

Discussion on tree removal at lower level of Little Shore Road. Kelly Robitaille spoke with an arborist and to cut down 8-10 trees it would cost $4,000. The DPW would take the logs and chipping down to the DPW garage for later use.

Mike Smith makes a motion to appropriate $4,000 for tree removal, Ralph Lutjen makes an amendment to say that the money is to come out of the Road Trimming Warrant Article, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on sale of the Lodge

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have the office put together a property description of the Lodge, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

The office is also to reach out to Keller Williams for another realtor opinion, wait two weeks before putting together a property description so that Jay Buckley can unmerge the Lodge and Cabana lot.

Discussion on Reinach Tank Project. Jay Buckley got another quote for the transfer switch which was $617.25 not including freight and installation. The receptacle is specific to a generator. The generator that was to be rented in the plan costs around $21,000 to buy out. Still waiting on price for the grass seed and grubbing.

Discussion on remaining Reinach payments. Dawson is paid up to date, need to close out that contract. The retainage is 2% with $13,435 remaining.

Discussion on contract final amounts and the grant for the Upper Lakeview PRV. 24% will be given back from the grant, there Is $25,921.07 in the account for the project.

Discussion on the 2020 Audit

Discussion on the proposed Water Ordinance changes

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to accept the proposed changes to the Water Ordinance, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on the proposed Highway & Parking Ordinance changes

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to present the Highway & Parking Ordinance as drafted, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on the proposed Driveway Ordinance changes

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to extend the time of the meeting until 12pm, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the Ordinance hearing on Saturday May 14th at 9:00am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes

Discussion on separation agreement with Nancy Cole and the letter proposed to attorney Doug Mansfield

Mike Smith makes a motion to end the entire separation agreement, NO 2nd

Discussion on Clause 4 of the separation agreement, Office to draft a letter to Nancy Cole to void the volunteer section in Clause 5.

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Discussion on Dam EAP

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the office send a follow-up to Nathan at Wright Pierce on the status of the Dam EAP Final Draft, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to the LPC to restore the relationship with them, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen spoke with Steve Doyon and discussed taking different water levels when removing a board. If Ralph Lutjen put together a plan DES would review it. Steve Doyon suggested doing a water measurement when there is a significant amount of rain.


Discussion on water usage electricity cost

Review of Granite State results

Discussion on Reinach Place Class VI Road email. Survey of road was not included in the Reinach tank project.

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 11:49am, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday March 15th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:30am on Tuesday March 15th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB) by phone, Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Commissioner Ralph Lutjen (RL), Donna MacKinnon (DM)- Administrator, Alexis Wagoner (AW)-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille (KR)-DPW Foreman, Doug Prescott (DP), Dinah Reiss. Meeting videotaped by Aysia of Madison TV

At 9:30 am Commissioner RL calls the meeting to order


JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to approve the minutes of 3/10/22, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the sealed Non-Public minutes of 3/10/22, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to approve the Non-Public minutes of 3/10/22, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $13,917.66, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $3,026.45, JB 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on 2 Clemens Place. KR states it is 298 ft from the pavement to the end of the road, the VDOE owns the entire road.

MS makes a motion to have the office send a letter to 2 Clemens stating that the VDOE owns the entire road, and they need to fill out a driveway permit application in order to get a driveway, JB 2nds, RL makes amendment to add with winter and snow conditions we have the right to remove cars on the street, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

KR suggests the office also send a copy of the original driveway permit application.

KR discusses filling potholes.


RL makes a motion to spend $100 on office tablet, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Madison TV live streaming meetings. Aysia apologies for not informing the Board last week that live streams were now happening. Can be found on YouTube under MadTV603

Discussion on Lodge Retainage Committee: changed committee to an informal group. Going to gather further information regarding scanning to PDF/A.

Discussion on Madison P.D using Lodge to train their K-9 dogs. DM asks if they need a certificate of insurance. The office is going to send a letter to the Madison P.D asking for a certificate of insurance as well as an application with the dates and times.

MS makes a motion to have the Madison P.D provide a schedule with dates and times, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

DR public comment, the water budget from 2021 was not fully expended. $20,789 is left over and needs to be taken out of the operating account from 2021 and transferred over to the water account.

MS makes a motion to move $20,789 to the water account from the 2021 operating account, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

There is approximately $91,000 in the water assessment fund

Discussion on conference room being occupied on the week of 4/4/22. Office is going to request we use the lower level of the library.

Discussion on office construction of a patrician and rearranging of the office.

Discussion on the Reinach project. JB states there is no model # in the plans for the transfer switch. He found the manual switch enclosure cost $617.25, and the receptacle plug cost $1,274.35. JB mentions that they need to get the right plug to fit the generator. MS suggest recouping the money and possibly buying a generator with a plug and automatic switch. JB to reach out to an electrician for a quote.

Discussion on water and driveway ordinances. Going to have a public hearing for the two ordinances and the parking ordinance. Add into the water ordinance the sleeving and minimum feet from the curb to the septic tank. The office is to draft additional changes.

Discussion on the ditch line.

RL makes a motion to sign revised water system fact sheet, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to sign water system ordinance revised, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Discussion on Dam EAP. RL discuses additional information needing to be added to the EAP as well as things that should be taken out. Communication on the EAP should be going through the office.

Discussion on water levels on the ponds, they are only an issue during the spring when it is loon season. KR mentions the water levels were never an issue until 2019 when there was an issue with beavers and building dams.

MS makes a motion to have RL contact DES and look at the process of the impact of pulling boards and water levels, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on JB conversation with Steve Doyon, JB clarifies the red line located 4” below the grate was determined by the fire chief. The fire chief determined anything below the red line could cause problems with suction on the dry hydrant. MS mentions the water level is to not be below 1 foot from the top of the pipe.

MS makes a motion that RL handles the office, MS handles water and highway and that JB handles the PRV project, RL 2nds for discussion. JB feels all Commissioners should be involved in all the tasks. RL makes an amendment to state certain activities will be continued with the current Commissioner, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to have the office handle safety meetings, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on additional training for AW

RL suggests needing a relationship with a village engineer. To seek out multiple engineers and get their availability, capability, and pricing.

RL makes a motion to seek out a village engineer, JB 2nds discussion, Wright Pierce a possible option, RL wants to get several proposals, passes 3-0

Discussion on Road Committee, currently has 5 members: Tommy Gunn, Kelly Robitaille, Alexis Wagoner, Nancy Cole & Ralph Lutjen. Meetings will be held once a month during business hours for no longer than 1 hour. Meetings will be posted ahead of time.

Discussion on Nancy Cole separation agreement. Office to prepare letter to Doug Mansfield to end the separation agreement clause 5.

Discussion on Kathy Koziell and pricing for the final cost for the Reinach project.

RL makes a motion to evaluate the cost associated with the Reinach project, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Office to reach out to Kathy Koziell to get the final Reinach payment schedule information.

Discussion on Health insurance.

RL makes a motion to include $1,500 provision to the family plan and provide $1,500 deductible for children, JB 2nds, RL amends to add that the money will come from the Health Care CRF, JB 2nds, Passes 3-0

Discussion on Horizons coming to a Commissioner Meeting, JB is going to reach out to them to see if they are available 3/22 or 3/29.


Discussion on Class VI Reinach Place email. Deed road is curved but the road was constructed straight. KR comments that the VDOE doesn’t know where the deeded road is and would need to get a survey done to determine that.

Discussion on a 5-member board, RSA 670:2 and RSA 670:2A

RL makes a motion to not address legislature on the matter of turning the board into a 5-member board, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

DP makes a public comment that the Records Retention group will be meeting Wednesday March 23rd at 10am to check out the Lodge.

DP also comments that the lodge surveyor should add flags on tree branches, so the boundary lines are more visible.

Discussion on the sale of the Lodge

RL makes a motion to contact 3 real estate agents and request identifications of 3 appraisers, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to have the office contact Jim Lyons, Select, Pinkham & RE/MAX to get opinions, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

DR mentions that the records retainage is the responsibility of the clerk.


MS makes a motion at 11:23 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (L).  RL seconded.  Motion Passes 3-0.

MS makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (L) and return to public meeting at 11:40 AM.  JB seconded.  Motion Passes 3-0.

MS makes a motion to sign the MS-232 out of session, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to adjourn at 11:42am, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

                                                        Saturday March 5, 2022

Moderator Bob Ingram opens the polls for Article 01, voting for officers, at 4:00 pm.

Supervisors of the checklist Cheryl Brooks, Emily Sheppard, and Jen Garside. Clerk Donna

MacKinnon and Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell and Mike Smith were also present for opening of the polls.

At 6:00 pm Moderator Bob Ingram closes the polls for article 01.

At 6:01 pm Moderator Bob Ingram calls the meeting to order.

Moderator Bob Ingram requests all persons to stand and leads the pledge of Allegiance.

Moderator Bob Ingram introduces himself, Commissioners’ Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell, and Mike Smith, Clerk Donna MacKinnon, new Administrator Alexis Wagoner and Attorney Chris Boldt.

DPW Foreman Kelly Robitaille, Checklist Ladies Cheryl Brooks, Emily Shepard, Jen Garside, and Officer James Hayford were also present. There were 29 people present for the meeting.

Moderator Bob Ingram outlines and reviews the Rules and Procedures for the meeting.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to accept the procedures for the meeting. TC Lutjens seconded.

Mike Smith discusses the procedures for the meeting. Moderator Bob Ingram explains that he had checked with the NHMA regarding that the petitioned Warrant Articles always goes after the Warrant Articles but can be moved if the 2/3 majority votes in favor.

Motion Passed

Article 01     Voting for Officers

Voting for the following offices for 2022

Commissioner – 3-year term

Moderator – 2-year term

Results of Article 01; Election of Officers

Commissioner 3-year term Ralph Lutjen

Moderator 2-year term Robert Ingram

Article 02     Operations and Highway Budget

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $711,680. (Seven hundred and eleven thousand six hundred and eighty) for general municipal operations. This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles addressed separately. Funding for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to amend Article 02 to the sum of $716,680 an additional $5,000 to add the bottom line. Kathy Koziell seconded.

Jay Buckley explains the additional $5,000 is for the fuel costs with the price of fuel going up and that the DPW will doing more work with the water operator with new water projects. It will go into the fuel line item #53. Kathy Koziell explains the budget and new QuickBooks budget reports going forward. Kathy Koziell explains the budget numbers and the increase to the budget. Kathy Koziell speaks on the budget, a substantial increase, of $76 thousand due to the new full time Administrator. Kathy Koziell explains that the Reinach Project that $76,629 was paid in 2021 of that payment $59 thousand was paid but was raise in previous year. This year’s payment will be $79,490 that will need to be paid from the 2022 budget. Kathy Koziell also explains that the Property & Liability Insurance and Part Time DPW has been increased. Mark Graffam speaks about the amendment procedures. He feels that there should be a study on the fuel costs and the need for tracking devices for the DPW gas use.

Moderator re-reads the Amended article.

Vote: Moderator declares Amendment passed.

Mark Graffam talks about his slide show of Budget Amounts. Kathy Koziell questions his amounts and that there are costs of doing business. Mark Graffam agrees that costs go up. Ron Sandstrom asks for the loan figures of the Oak Ridge and Grader loans Mike Smith states the amounts for Oak Ridge the amount is $33,678 and for the Grader the amount is $29,226.12 two payments are due this year and will be paid off in 2023.

Moderator re-reads the Amended Article 02.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 02 Budget for $716,680 Passed.

Mike Smith makes a motion not to reconsider Article 02. Jay Buckley seconded.

Motion Passed.

Article 03     Water System Budget

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $188,381 (One hundred eighty eight thousand three hundred eighty one) for General Water System Operation. Funding for this appropriation will be raised by water usage fees.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners 3-0.

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Kathy Koziell explains the slide of the proposed water budget. Kathy explains how the Budgets are split 85% for Operating and 15% for Water Budgets and that add costs are for the new full time Administrator, Asset Management, Audit and Property & Liability Insurance. Mark Graffam question the Audit of 2020 and explains the RSA of 2013 for handling of water monies. He also questions the accounting of the water hook up funds line item 79. Kathy Koziell explains that the water hook up are being reimbursed by the Water Line Extension CRF and defers the explanation from Catherine Deyoe the District’s Consultation. Ron Sandstrom points out the error of the budget line item 79. Dinah Reiss the Treasurer questions the $10,000 asset management line item. She states that the District received $20,000 from the Water System CRF in 2021 and $5,000 has been spent on asset management with a matching grant for $20,000 when project is completed. She does not recommend the $10,000 to be raised.

Dinah Reiss makes a motion to amend Article 03 to $178,381. Mark Graffam seconded.

Jay Buckley explains that the Asset Management plan contract will be completed in June by Horizon’s Engineering and that the 2005 Master Plan was given to Horizon. Mark Graffam wants a study to what the water operator has been done since the 2005 Master Plan and put into the 2005 Master Plan and no new money should be spent. Dinah Reiss states that Asset Management is important and asks why the 2005 Master Plan was tossed away by last Board. Jay Buckley explains that there is grant money out there and needs engineered plans to be able to get grant money. Mark Graffam explains that the PRV pits were on the 2005 Master plan.

Moderator Bob Ingram re-reads the Amended Article 03 for $178,381.

Vote: Moderator declares Amended Article Failed. 12 approved to 15 opposed.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 03 Water System Budget for $188,381

Vote: Moderator declares Article 03 Water System Budget for $188,381 Passed.

Mike Smith makes a motion not to reconsider Article 03. Jay Buckley seconded.

Motion Passed.

Article 04     Paving of Klausen Drive

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000 (Fifty thousand) for the purpose of paving Klausen Drive. Funding for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Jay Buckley moved the Article to the floor. Kathy Koziell seconded.

Jay Buckley explains the article, he states that Klausen Dr. is the worst paved road at this time. The District received two quotes for this project. Dinah Reiss asks about the quotes that came in around $44,000. Mark Graffam discusses how things were done with paving projects in past years and the District should go back to that system. Mark Graffam feels that the body should vote no on this article and go back to the bid process. Ron Sandstrom states this would be a big increase on the taxes and what would be the trade off and can the road be deferred until next year.

Jay Buckley Makes a motion to allow non-registered voters to speak. Second by Tici Lutjen. Motion Passed.

Kelly Robitaille, DPW Foreman states that this was the only project for this year. The road has to be fixed. The road has only one way in and one way and feels that all property owners should have the same services as the roads that are used regularly. Kelly Robitaille states the added money to the warrant after the quotes are lower will be used to put an apron on the road. Ron Sandstrom asks if the extra money can be paid from the asphalt budget. Jay Buckley states point of order if not voted for full amount, then no means no and no asphalt monies can be used on Klausen Dr. Kelly Robitaille states a new paved road should have a life of 15 to 20 years if there is a good subsurface. To reclaim a road it is a big expense. Mark Graffam discusses his slide show of roads in the District. Betsey Ginsburg asks the Moderator if there is a time limit for people to speak.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 04

Vote: Moderator declares Article 04 Passed.

Mike Smith makes a motion not to reconsider Article 04. Kathy Koziell seconded.

Motion Passed.

Article 05     Tank Pumping Maintenance CRF

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 (Two thousand five hundred) to be added to the “Waste Tank Maintenance CRF” for the purpose of the removal for hazardous waste from the DPW “Tight Tank”. Funding for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Kathy Koziell moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Kathy Koziell explains Article 05. This $2,500 will be the last time to ask for funding for this article.

Richard Knowlton states that this should be done along with the DPW bathroom. Kathy Koziell that money will be needed to pump out the Tight Tank and that the DPW bathroom was done in 2021 money coming from the Operation Budget. Gloria Aspinall states it is good to have a sealed tank because it is so close to the drinking water line. Larry Leonard wants a quote for the pumping the tank. Jay Buckley states again that this money is needed so when it is time to pump out the tank

the money will be available because it is not known when the alarm will go off to pump out the tank.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 05.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 05 Passed.

Article 06     Replenish “Equipment Repair” CRF

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 (Thirty Thousand) to be deposited into the “Equipment Repair CRF) Funding for this appropriation will be $5,000 (Five thousand) raised from taxation and $25,000 (Twenty five thousand) coming from the Unassigned Fund Balance.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Dinah Reiss states that the next three articles with the funding of all the Articles from the Unassigned Funds will be $105,000 and another $95,000 outstanding it will leave only $112,000 in the Unassigned Funds.

Moderator adds the new CRF amounts slide for the public. Kathy Koziell explains that we have year-end Unassigned Fund Balance year end 2020 of $313,000. From 2021 the $30K due to the incorrect minutes recording, $24,400 for the sale of the Truck and the Operating Budget 2021 was underspent by $20K. with a balance left of $273,4000. The monies are not being spent but being put into the Unassigned Fund.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 06.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 06 Passed.

Article 07     Replenish “Highway Equipment” CRF

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000 (Twenty five thousand) to be deposited into the “Highway Equipment CRF”. Funding for this appropriation will be coming from the Unassigned Fund Balance.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 07 Passed.

Article 08     “Road Construction” CRF

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $40,000 (Forty thousand) to be deposited into the “Road Construction CRF”. Funding for this appropriation will be coming from the Unassigned Fund Balance.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Jay Buckley explains the article. Dinah Reiss states that Asset Management developed a road plan and has not heard that the Board is using the plans. Ron Sandstrom explains how the tan note is used to cover expenses until the tax checks comes in. Also, when there is money left over the money goes into the Unassigned fund and is left there. Jay Buckley states the Unassigned Fund money goes to the legislative body to vote where the money is to go to. The CRF Funds the Commissioners can make the decision in case the roads failed.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 08.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 08 Failed.

Article 09     Expansion of Resident Mailbox Facility

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 (Fifteen thousand) to expand the resident mailbox facility. Funding for this appropriation will be raised from the Unassigned Fund Balance.

Not recommended by Board of Commissioners (0-3).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Kathy Koziell explains the article and that the Madison Postmaster was supposed to come to the meeting. Kathy Koziell states that the Postmaster had come to a Board of Commissioners meeting two weeks ago and stated that the District is required to have a mailbox for every home or lot in the District. She was going to get the numbers for this cost, but they have not come in.

Fran Keenan stated that the original mailboxes that were put in at Huttwil Parking the post office paid for the boxes and the District paid for the concrete pad. Mike Smith stated that not all the information is known at this time. With around 500 homes the District has 144 we would need 356 boxes to start. With not enough information and to vote on a substantial amount of money is not in the best interest of the District. Mark Graffam states no to spend the money. Richard Knowlton stated that he spoke with the Postmaster and was told the post office would pay for the boxes and the District would be responsible for the pad. Greyson Merrill stated that he believes the boxes are government property, and it is up to them to supply the boxes.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 09.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 09 Failed.

Article 10     Sale of the Lodge

To see if the Village District will vote to approve the sale of the lodge-at 100 Oak Ridge for market value. Funds to be deposited into the General Fund.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Jay Buckley explains Article 10. Jay Buckley states that the Board of Commissioners has the right to sell the Lodge, but the Commissioners feel that it is up to the public to vote on it. The Lodge has not been used in two years and will need repairs. Kathy Koziell explains that articles 10 and 11 go hand in hand and the reason for selling the Lodge is that a lot of repairs are needed and brought up to code. Selling the Lodge the money can be used to build a new Office/Meeting building. Ron Sandstrom is in favor of this Article. Gloria Aspinall asks about the money raised last year for the survey of the lot. Kathy Koziell states that the lot was already separated. David Fedorchak questions the wording of slide show for this article. Mark Graffam think this article is a bad plan and concerned about losing the scenic view. Jay Buckley states that the survey is completed and came in on Thursday after the Commissioners Meeting. The scenic view is preserved and one of the boundary markers is at the telephone pole. Gloria Aspinall asks about parking. Jay Buckley states that an easement for parking spaces will need to be granted. Larry Sodano states deed restrictions need to be made. Moderator Bob Ingram asks the District’s Attorney Chris Boldt for his input on this matter.

Chris Boldt any answer is advisory only, the Commissioner are asking the body for their input and no amendment is binding. Mark Graffam asks to tear the building and leave the property as is. Mike Smith states there is a value in the sale of the Lodge. Dorothy Wondolowski asks where the money is going to from the sale. Attorney Chris Boldt states the money can only go to where the body votes.

Roger Keene questions to take the money from the sale and put it towards a new building. Kathy Koziell states that is what the Commissioners intended to do for a new building that would be handicap accessible.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 10.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 10 Passed.

Article 11     Improvements to Lodge

To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $150,000 (One hundred fifty thousand) for upgrades to the Lodge. Funding for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.

Not recommended by Board of Commissioners (0-3).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Jay Buckley moved the Article to the floor. Mike Smith seconded.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 11 Failed.

Article 12     Office/Meeting Building CRF

To see if the Village District will vote to establish an “Office/Meeting Building CRF” for the purpose of creating a new office and public meeting space and to further (raise and) appropriate the sum of $1 to be placed in this fund. Further, to name the Board of Commissioners as agents to expand these funds. Funding for this appropriation will be raised by taxation.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Jay Buckley moved the Article to the floor. Mike Smith seconded.

Jay Buckley explains the sale of the Lodge the money would have to go into the Unassigned Fund then the body would have to pass a vote to go into the CRF.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 12.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 12 Passed.

Article 13     Increase the number of Commissioners

To see if the Village District will vote to increase the number of Commissioners from3 to 5.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (2-1).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Kathy Koziell moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Kathy Koziell explains the Article. Ron Sandstrom states he was a Commissioner for 6 ½ years and as a Commissioner they are responsible for spending the District’s money with some or little knowledge. With a 5 person board the 2 commissioners can meet without having a public meeting to figure out things and have the full Board make better decisions for the best interest of the District. Mike Smith opposes this article completely. Mike Smith states the Town of Madison only has a 3 board member. Mike Smith also states that the District has hard time to get people to run for office.

Roger Keene asks when this would go into effect. It will go into effect 2023 if it passes. Larry Leonard thinks it would be great giving the board more flexibility for quorums. Kathy Koziell thinks it is a good idea. Ralph Lutjen states this is a terrible idea. The commissioner’s scale is the roads & water and new members will have a learning curve. Ralph Lutjen wants to know what the 91A requirements are for a 5 member board. Ron Sandstrom thinks with working with the budgets this will even out to be a broader voice with a 5 member board. Jay Buckley agrees with a 5 member board and thinks more can be done with 5 members. Ralph Lutjen states in the past committees work with and assisted the Commissioners. All the committees were disbanded and would like to see the brought back. Dorothy Wondolowski asked what if there were not enough candidates to run. Attorney Chris Boldt states that would be an open seat and the sitting Board of Commissioners can appoint someone until the next election. Kelly Robitaille is not in favor of this article. He feels this would be more work for all employees.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 13.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 13 Passed.

Article 14     Energy Agreement

To see if the Village District will vote to enter a 45 month-contract with First POINT Power at $0.096 kWh with a February 2022 start date.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Jay Buckley moved the Article to the floor. Mike Smith seconded.

Kathy Koziell explains this article. The Commissioners cannot enter into a long term agreement, but the legislative body can. Roger Keene asks if the District has look into Solar. Kathy Koziell states the District is too small. Ron Sandstrom questions any legal ramifications. Dinah Reiss states this is concerning to her. Kathy Koziell if the legislative body votes yes, the Commissioners can change their minds if it is not in the best interest for the District, If the voters vote no the Commissioner can change the vote.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 14.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 14 Passed.

Article 15     Petitioned Warrant Article: Water Master Plan

Petitioned Warrant Article: To see if the Village District will vote to have the Commissioners update the Water Master Plan and to raise and appropriate $20,000 (Twenty thousand) for this purpose with funds to come from the Water CRF.

Not recommended by Board of Commissioners (1-2).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Kathy Koziell seconded.

Mike Smith explains the article. Jay Buckley is against the article. Jay Buckley states the 2005 Master Plan was given to Horizon Engineering to be added into the Asset Management Plan that is being done by Horizon. Kathy Koziell agrees with Mark Graffam that a new Water Master Plan is not needed. Larry Leonard from the Water Committee is working with Horizon Engineering and states that there will be a public meeting in April to present their work. Ron Sandstrom is concerned with the working of the warrant can money still be spent. Attorney Chris Boldt states this is twofold previous money was already approved and thinks it is okay. Larry Sodano thinks it is premature to pass article. He feels Horizon is piggybacking with the 2005 Master Plan and old plan made need updating after Horizon is done. Ralph Lutjen feels updating the Master Plan is needed a lot of data and technology has changed and doing this is appropriate. Larry Leonard explains that mapping and GIS will be done with Horizon’s Plan.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 15 Failed.

Article 16     Petitioned Warrant Article: Mapp 114 Lot 49

Petitioned Warrant Article: To see if the Village District will vote to raise $5,000 (Five thousand) to engage our attorney to review the rights of the District to restrict road construction to and from the District concerning Map 114, Lot 49 and now Map 114, Lot 74 in Madison. This lot is land locked and the homeowner (Writh) is asking for driveway access from Adelboden Way (Class VI) in Eidelweiss. Money to be raised from taxation.

Not recommended by Board of Commissioners (1-2).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Jay Buckley moved the Article to the floor. Mike Smith seconded.

Mike Smith states there is a potential problem with the Ebben Farm 105 acre lot. He feels that it could become a turnpike for a development and the District’s roads could be used for the 10% of the property that is Eidelweiss property that is part of the 105 acres. Mike Smith states he has asked at past meeting to have the District’s Attorney to review the issue. He wants to protect the District from road use and potential water hook-up that can connect to the District’s water system. Kathy Koziell explains how Madison made a mistake of merging of the 105 acre lot between Madison and Eidelweiss. Ron Sandstrom stated why not send it to counsel. Kathy Koziell states Jay Buckley crafted wording for the Districts Driveway & Water Hook-up Ordinances and sent it along to the Districts attorney. Attorney Chris Boldt states that the new Driveway Permit Ordinance wording would cover the District regarding road access. The wording has definition so no Non-District property can be access through District property. Jay Buckley explains that the property owner of the Ebben 105 acres has a deeded access through 17A Aspen Dr. Jay Buckley thinks the wording of the new Driveway Permit and Water Hook-up Ordinance will cover this issue and any other parcels that abut District properties. Roger Keene approves spending the money for legal counsel. Mike Smith states his biggest concern is to protect the District and $5,000 is a small token to get the correct information. Moderator Bob Ingram asks the Attorney for his input. Attorney Chris Boldt states until you have a definite issue he cannot answer of a what if. By changing the Driveway Permit Ordinance it gives the Commissioners the information to make decisions for now.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 16 Failed.

Article 17     Petitioned Warrant Article: Water Hook-up Fee

Petitioned Warrant Article: To see if the Village District will vote to update the water ordinance to set the water hook-up fee at $10,000 (Ten thousand).

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (3-0).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Jay Buckley moved the Article to the floor. Mike Smith seconded.

Jay Buckley explains the article. Roger Keene asks where the $10K amount comes from. Jay Buckley states that he looked at different towns water hook-up fees and came up with the amount. Mike Smith states that going forward the new water lines will have to be double sleeve, and this will cover the amount.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 17.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 17 Passed.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to restrict reconsideration of Article 17. Kathy Koziell seconded.

Motion Passed.

Article 18     Petitioned Warrant Article: Beaches

Petitioned Warrant Article: To see if the Village District will vote to have the Commissioners direct the DPW to clean the beaches Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Additionally to have the monthly testing of the beach waters preformed, with a cost up to $3,000 (Three thousand) to be paid through taxation.

Not recommended by Board of Commissioners (1-2).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Jay Buckley moved the Article to the floor. Mike Smith seconded.

Mike Smith makes an amendment to Article 18 to remove the wording Additionally to have the monthly testing of the beach waters performed. Jay Buckley Seconds.

Moderator Bob Ingram Reads the amended Article 18.

Motion Passes for Amended Article 18.

Mike Smith explains the article. He states the approved $3,000 money to clean the beaches from last year’s Annual Meeting ended up in the Unassigned Balance Fund. People should be able to enjoy clean beaches as it was done in the past. For last two years they have not been cleaned. Kathy Koziell asked Mike Smith where the money is coming from for payroll of the DPW.

Jay Buckley makes a motion Amend Amended Article 18 to remove the $3,000 from the article and to have the Board of Commissioners direct the DPW to clean the beaches Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Ron Sandstrom seconded.

Kelly Robitaille clarifies that in the past DPW were paid part-time. The DPW would come in at 6:00 am and rake the beaches. Volunteer effort was tried and did not work out. The initial cleaning will take time to get the beaches back in shape. Ron Sandstrom was in favor for the DPW to clean the beaches and to look at the Park & Rec line item for the pay.

Moderator Bob Ingram Reads Amended Article 18.

Vote: Moderator declares Amended Article 18 Passed.

Article 19     Petitioned Warrant Article: Separation Agreement

Petitioned Warrant Article: To see if the Village District will vote to have the Commissioners void clauses 4 and 5 of the separation agreement with Nancy Cole as voted by the voters at the 2021 Annual Meeting. A sum of $1,500 (One thousand five hundred) will be raised for this purpose with the funds to be paid from the Unassigned Fund Balance.

Not recommended by Board of Commissioners (1-2).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Mike Smith explains the article. Mike Smith asks the Moderator to ask Nancy Cole if agrees to release her part of this agreement of clauses 4 & 5. Nancy Cole Agrees. Attorney Chris Boldt stated his concerns about discussing this issue without Nancy Cole not having legal counsel. Mike Smith cannot believe this happened in the first place and why it was ever done. Mike Smith questions if this could happen to other employees going forward. Attorney Chris Boldt states his statements are advisory at best. Kathy Koziell states Mike Smith’s comments of removing the gag order was incorrect. Kathy Koziell explains number nine of the contract. Nancy Cole states any transition is long gone. Kathy Koziell that the separation agreement was a long process with legal counsel Doug Mansfield. Originally the Commissioners had a three sentences document. Legal counsel stated that the document was a classic document. Attorney Chris Boldt the body can advise the Commissioners it takes the majority to agree to do that. Chris Boldt also states when this matter came up it was pasted onto Attorney Doug Mansfield their employment matter guru. This vote would be advisory only. He also stated that it is unusual to modify a separation agreement at an Annual Meeting and would like clarification on the what the $1,500 is for. Mike Smith states to review the paperwork. Jennifer Merrill states that the agreement is a legal binding document and would have to be amended, Mark Graffam states the agreement can be null and void with the new board. Jennifer Merrill states it is a legal amendment and recommendation only. This is advisory only. Jay Buckley asks what would be the benefit for the District to pass this article?

Jay Buckley makes a motion to amend Article 19 to: To see if the Village District will vote to have the Commissioners amend clause 5 of the separation agreement with Nancy Cole as to allow Ms. Cole to volunteer for the Village District of Eidelweiss. Greyson Merrill seconded.

(No money involved and is advisory only.)

Amendment Passed

Moderator Bob Ingram Reads Amended Article 19.

Vote: Moderator declares Amended Article 19 Passed.

Article 20     Petitioned Warrant Article: Parking

Petitioned Warrant Article: To see if the Village District will vote to have the parking ordinance to allow overflow parking or cars, pick-up trucks and vans. All commercial vehicles are excluded. Parking shall be permitted for one week with a possible waiver extension that must be approved by the Commissioners for an additional week, No more than two weeks per month shall be permitted at a time.

Recommended by Board of Commissioners (1-2).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Mike Smith explains the article. This petition article will replace section 3 part E of the Highway & Parking ordinance. Greyson Merrill states this article is written wrong. He is not in favor of the article and to vote it down or amend it. If the article passes as written, it will be advisory only until a public hearing is held by the Board of Commissioners. TC Lutjen stated for forty years there was always signs posted at the parking lots. Ralph Lutjen Boats and snowmobile trailers. He thinks it show be parking area for overflow. Greyson Merrill states the Commissioners are limiting the parking way too much.

Mark Graffam makes a motion to amend and state to advise the Board of Commissioners to re-address the Huttwil Parking Ordinance and modify the Ordinance. Jay Buckley seconded.

Vote: Moderator declares Amended Article 20 Passed.

Article 21     Petitioned Warrant Article: Dam Study

Petitioned Warrant Article: To see if the Village District will vote to create a study of the dam for the three ponds and develop a working level for the environment with $5,000 (Five thousand) to be paid from the Unassigned Fund Balance.

Not recommended by Board of Commissioners (1-2).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Mike Smith explains the article. Mike Smith states after the Public Hearing in August that after one month the DAM Policy failed. Mike Smith feels that an established independent study should be done so that there is a defined Policy. Roger Keene approves of the article. Ralph Lutjen states the issue is to get the real information. The District has no data and that the boards are not being pulled constantly just in the Spring and Fall. Dorothy Wondolowski states people have no valid information, and she is in favor of the article. Gloria Aspinall asks who does the study? Is the expert an outside engineer and will be working with DES? Jay Buckley states after the August Public Hearing the Board of Commissioners drafted the new DAM Ordinance with the level of water to four inches above the top of the concrete for the dry hydrants

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 21.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 21 Passed.

Mike Smith makes a motion to restrict reconsideration of Article 21. Ralph Lutjen seconded.

Motion Passed.

Article 22     Petitioned Warrant Article: Health Care Account

Petitioned Warrant Article: To see if the Village District will raise and appropriate funds to create a health care fund account in the amount of $9,000 (Nine thousand) that would be applied to the employees’ deductible amount. Funds are to be raised from taxation.

Not recommended by Board of Commissioners (1-2).

(Majority vote required)

Article read by Moderator Bob Ingram. Mike Smith moved the Article to the floor. Jay Buckley seconded.

Ralph Lutjen explains the article with a slide show. He explains the figures that the District pays for the employees’ vs the Town of Madison, who has a lower deductible but a higher plan cost. Greyson Merrill states that he was at a meeting and there was a figure given that was the most that the District could pay for an employee’s deductible. Kathy Koziell states that the District can only contribute up to 50%. Kelly Robitaille explains his situation and not being able to afford his deductible. Richard Knowlton agrees with Kelly Robitaille as to the high costs. Kathy Koziell asks Ralph Lutjen what the $9K is going to. Ralph Lutjen wants to make people aware of the current plan and the need to modify the plan for better coverage for the Districts employees.

Moderator Bob Ingram Re-reads Article 22.

Vote: Moderator declares Article 22 Failed.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to adjourn the 2022 Annual Meeting at 10:35 pm. Ralph Lutjen Seconded.

Moderator declares meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon

Village District of Eidelweiss Clerk


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday March 10th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday March 10th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Commissioner Ralph Lutjen (RL), Donna MacKinnon (DM)- Administrator, Alexis Wagoner (AW)-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille (KR)-DPW Foreman, Doug Prescott (DP), Dinah Reiss (DR), Dorothy Wondolowski (DW) & Gloria Aspinall (GA). Meeting videotaped by Aysa of Madison TV

At 9:00 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order


JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds makes amendment to agenda to add swearing in of new Commissioner RL, JB 2nds, passes 2-0

RL was sworn in as the new Commissioner by Clerk Donna MacKinnon

MS makes a motion to make RL Chairman, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to have meetings on Tuesdays unless it is a week in which there is a Monday holiday then the meeting would be held on Wednesday, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

RL makes a motion to have the next two meetings on 3/15 & 3/22 at 9:30am instead of 9:00am, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to set a 2-hour time limit on meetings, JB 2nds for discussion, RL makes amendment to add if there is principal to go past the 2 hours there will be a vote at the beginning of the meeting, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to have no public comment until the end during the public comment section, RL 2nds for discussion, RL makes amendment to keep as is and revisit, if necessary, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to limit public comment to 1 minute per person, RL 2nds for discussion, JB makes amendment to add unless more time is needed on a specific matter, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to approve the minutes of 3/3/22, JB 2nds, passes 2-0

RL makes a motion to approve the minutes of 3/4/22, JB 2nds, passes 2-0

MS makes a motion to approve the Payroll manifest of $10,156.93, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $11,938.83, RL 2nds, passes 3-0


Roads were posted on 3-9-22 with a 5 Ton weight limit. DPW discretion if people need to get in or out.

Discussion on excavator at Upper Lakeview Drive.

Discussion on 2 Clemens Place email. KR to mark 298 ft of road to see where the road ends and property begins. Madison Police are responsible for towing cars during storms if they are on the road.

Discussion on $100 fine for excavator on road. Not recommended by KR.

Discussion on spring/summer projects. $7,000 in tree and shrub removal budget. KR suggests using money to remove 6-7 trees at the beginning of Little Shore Drive. KR going to get quotes for tree removal.

Discussion on DPW not needing to be at the annual meeting. KR attended the annual meeting and did discuss issues with the public body.

RL makes a motion to compensate KR for hours spent at the annual meeting, MS 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on Luis Adorno email regarding grants including pavement work.

Discussion on Reianch Project. JB suggest seeking legal council to end the contract. RL recommends getting cost for transfer switch and grass seed. Going to take road repavement out of the contingency. Discussion on road damage. About $40K in the contingency and about $13K in the retainage. Discussion on compensation for damage done to roads. JB is going to take care of getting price for transfer switch and grass seed. DR questions if Upper Lakeview was part of the Reinach project, JB states it was but is no longer in the contract.

JB makes a motion to pay AW for hours spent at the annual meeting, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on AW going to water training.

MS makes a motion to pay 1.5 hours & milage for travel time to and from training, JB 2nds for discussion, Passes 3-0

Discussion on Neighborhood Energy 45-Month agreement, rate went up to $0.1153. Going to wait until rates go down before signing another contract.

Discussion on the 2020 audit.

MS makes a motion to sign legal representation letter for audit, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on sending bank past audits and draft for 2020.

Discussion on 2020 audit bill

Discussion on Eversource bill.

Discussion on water and driveway ordinances. Going to table till next meeting so RL can review the proposed changes.

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Discussion on voting patrician’s quote.

JB makes a motion to appropriate up to $200 for voting patrician’s, RL 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on Dam EAP, review of final draft. Office does not have a copy of the completed draft that was sent out.

Discussion on dam spring run-off and potentially pulling a board of necessary.

MS makes a motion if water level looks like it is about to flood or above 8” KR has the authority to pull a board, RL 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on PRV Pits email with Nick Sceggell, JB met with him and Ian via zoom on 3/9/22. Going to schedule a public meeting with Nick and Ian to discuss updates to the hydraulic model as it is missing important upgrades made to the water system (Reinach tank, extensions on Burgdorf & East Bergamo, Cuomo PRV pit & pipping) Horizons is looking for the CAD data from Nick as well.

Discussion on community outreach public meeting.

Discussion on Horizons asset management progress on the project. Project is to be completed in May. Possible public meeting on 4/30/22.

Discussion on having monthly meetings with asset management. 4/5/22 Horizons meeting at 9:30am, JB is going to reach out to see if they are available to come.

Discussion on Water Committee endorsed curb stop valve covers.

Discussion on Lodge survey. Ron Briggs, only remaining pieces: stake out property lines, septic system design and parking easements. Need to get Lodge appraised and determine whether a septic plan would add value to the sale price. Need to fine a realtor and figure out what to do with old records.

RL makes a motion to make an RFP for appraisal, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on unmerging of the cabana and lodge lots, were merged at some point but the deeds do not reflect the merge.

JB makes a motion to be granted the authority to go in front of the Selectman board to involuntarily unmerge lodge plans, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

DP comments on a voluntary group to go through the Lodge records and put what can be filed electronically and dispose of paper files (Retainage Committee).

MS makes a motion to add AW to the board and be a liaison between the Retainage Committee and the office, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Retainage Committee: AW(Chairman), DP & JB

MS makes a motion to have the office send an email to EII about the contract, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on adding partition to the office for when visitors come.

MS makes a motion to have the Water Committee send minutes and agenda to the office, not 2nded. Office already has minutes and are posted to the VDOE website. Going forward the Water Committee will send an agenda over as well.

Discussion on water bills

MS makes a motion to have the office get the ball rolling for sending out the water bill, not 2nded.

Discussion on setting the 2022 water bill rate. Water Budget was approved for $188,381 and there are 454 water connection with 5 connections pending.

JB makes a motion to set the water bill at $450 for the 2022 year, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on water CRF balances:

Water System CRF $46,060.03

Water Tank CRF $60,207.15

Water pipe Improvement CRF $40,697.85

Water Line Extension Fund CRF $84,967.47

MS makes a motion to have all correspondence incoming & outgoing, paperwork and phone calls go through the office, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion that no Commissioner shall act upon themselves and make decisions on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion that no Commissioner shall go into the office unless an administrator is present and to take out paperwork, RL 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion that no Commissioner shall take original copies of paperwork out of the office, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to have the office buy a tablet for the office for use of the Ring app, RL makes amendment to have the office come up with a price to consider at the next meeting, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion that all keys shall go to the office, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

RL makes a motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on annual meeting comments.

Discussion on paving projects that came with a warranty for companies to come back and fix the roads.

Discussion on Mark’s comment on having road plans. RL suggests putting together a committee to address the roads going forward.

RL makes a motion to establish a Road Committee, JB 2nds, passes 3-0


Overview of Granite State Results

Discussion on email from Stacey at the post office. Stacey is going to send this information to her higher ups who will be sending a letter to the VDOE regarding the mailbox issue.

MS requests AW look at NHDES training and if interested sign up for the $20 virtual training.

DP public comment on the location of signs discussed at the previous Commissioners Meeting.

DR question on the Upper Lakeview PRV timeline, have until December 1st, 2022.

DR question on new curb stop valve installations, cards are produced with each new install.


RL makes a motion at 11:17 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (L).  JB seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

MS makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (L) and return to public meeting at 11:23 AM.  JB seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

MS makes a motion at 11:23 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (c).  JB seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

MS makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (c) and return to public meeting at 11:35 AM.  JB seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

MS makes a motion to amend minutes of 3-3-2022 to change “have until September 30th” to state “have until December 1st”, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to adjourn at 11:35am, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Friday March 4th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:10am on Friday March 4th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Kathy Koziell (KK), Alexis Wagoner (AW)-Administrator, Doug Prescott (DP) & Robert Ingram (RI).

At 9:10 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order


Discussion on slides given to RI from Mark Graffam. Discussion on the discrepancy between the CRF balances presented at the Budget hearing and the balances Mark presented to RI.

The Water Extension Fund balance was different one sheet had a balance of $84,960.26 and the other sheet had a balance of $90,295.00. The Water System balance was different one sheet had a balance of $66,045.30 and the other sheet had a balance of $46,056.12.

Discussion on Unassigned Fund Balance. The number is always moving. In 2021 $115,000 was taken out of the Unassigned Fund, $30,000 was added to the Unassigned Fund due to an adjustment by the DRA on a warrant article. Another approximately $20,000 will be put into the Unassigned Fund that was left over from the 2021 budget. This brings the approximate pre audit estimate to $248,000 in the Unassigned Fund.

Discussion on keeping the Unassigned Fund balance at the last tax check from the Town of Madison which was $274,847.

Discussion on proposed Warrant Articles that would take money from the Unassigned Fund. These articles are #6, #7, #8, #19 and #21. The money would be moved from the Unassigned Fund into a specific CRF and not necessarily spent right away.

Discussion on Warrant Articles relating to the Lodge and creating a CRF for a future office/meeting place. JB adds a comment about residents questioning of the office had all of the Lodge information. Ron Briggs completed the boundary survey and sent the plans over to the office. Ron is going to stake out the boundary lines and write up an easement to add parking spots for the Lodge sale. Also discussed adding a septic design to the Lodge plan.

Discussion on Petitioned Warrant Article #15 the Water Master Plan. Water Committee meet with Horizons on 3/3/2022. Going forward would be a good idea to just adjust the Master plan from 2005 rather than start a whole new plan.

Discussion on increase in operations budget.

Discussion on Reinach project payments.

Discussion on placement of slides on slideshow. KK asks DP opinion on whether to put the Funding Summary & Anticipated Tax Impact at the beginning or end of the slide show. IT was decided the Funding Summary would be at the beginning and the Anticipated Tax Impact would be at the end.

Discussion on separation agreement Petitioned Warrant Article #19.

Discussion on Petitioned Warrant Article #22 Health Care Account. Ralph to make amendments to article on the floor at the meeting.

Discussion on CRF account balances.

Discussion again on Unassigned Fund Balance. The policy as of 2017 is that a minimum of $200,000 is to be in the account. In 2021 $115,000 was taken out of the Unassigned Fund, $30,000 was added to the Unassigned Fund due to an adjustment by the DRA on a warrant article. Approximately another $20,000 will be put into the Unassigned Fund that was left over from the 2021 budget. Another $25,400 was added to the Unassigned Fund in 2021 from the sale of the Ford F550 on 4/5/2021. This brings the approximate pre audit estimate to $273,400 in the Unassigned Fund.

Discussion on Warrant Article #19 Mailboxes. Stacey from the Post Office sent over information on adding mailboxes to the VDOE. She will be at the annual meeting to discuss the matter.

Discussion on rules and procedures of ordering and rearranging Warrants during the annual meeting. A vote of 2/3 needed to change ordering.

Discussion on meeting times and past meetings.

Discussion on DPW being at the annual meeting, KK & JB did not feel DPW needed to be there.

Discussion on Commissioner’s authority to deiced where money is spent. If money is raised based on a warrant article, that money doesn’t have to be used for that article if the Board later feels it would not be in the best interest of the VDOE.

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 10:46, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday March 3rd, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:01am on Thursday March 3rd, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Donna MacKinnon (DM)- Administrator, Alexis Wagoner (AW)-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille (KR)-DPW Foreman, Ian Hayes-Simply Water, Doug Prescott (DP) & Ralph Lutjen (RL). Meeting videotaped by Aysa of Madison TV

At 9:01 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order


JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 2-0

MS makes a motion to approve the minutes of 2/24/22, JB 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the Non-Public minutes of 2/24/22, MS 2nds, passes 2-0

MS makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $23,665.94, JB 2nds, passes 2-0

MS makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $223.14, JB 2nds, passes 2-0


DPW had two nights in a row of plowing.

Discussion on salt and monthly draw down. DM states that $5,412.44 has been spent on salt and $5,437.50 has been spent on sand so far in 2022

Discussion on citizens coming into the office at any time during the workday.

Discussion on setting time for 91-A requests personnel coming into the office.

Discussion on office space and its functionality. Going to table office issues until after the annual meeting.

Simply Water

Discussion on Upper Lake View possible leak. Simply Water is going to keep an eye on the situation, but it seems to be in good standing.

Discussion on leak detection with Rural State. Will be scheduled in the spring.

Meeting with Nick Sceggell on 3/9 at 11am to discuss the Rigi Pressure Zone.

Discussion on new work orders going forward and a follow up with Nick Sceggell on pending water hook up applications.

Discussion on Rigi Pressure Zone project and getting materials ordered sooner than later to prevent delays. Have until December 1st to have the project completed.

Discussion on 2022 Water Systems Agreement contract.

MS makes a motion to sign the 2022 Water Systems Agreement contract. JB 2nds, passes 2-0

All parties agree on doing work orders for future work.

Discussion on bleeders and flushing of the water, all pending on the forecast.

Discussion on DP curve stop valve covers. Only work well in wooded areas not suitable for areas that get plowed. MS questioning if the project is worth it? IH says no as going forward it could be more of a hassle in the long run but up to the VDOE to decide on the matter.

Discussion on Water Ordinance and adding in that all piping is to be sleeved. IH thinks it would be a good idea to address this issue as well as the set back.

Discussion on water mains being in the road. MS suggests adding verbiage to the Ordinance to state 25 feet from the ditch line to the closest side of the septic tank.

MS makes a motion to contact the lawyer and ask about the Water Ordinance and adding it to state 25 feet from the ditch line to the closest side of the septic system. JB 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on Grant money being offered. If a road is dug up during the replacement of a water main will the replacement of the road be covered under the grant.

MS makes a motion to have the office reach out to Luis Adorno to see if roads are included in grants. JB 2nds, passes 2-0

IH suggests prior to applying to grant get a few checklist items taken care of:

-Income Study (Median vs. North Country)

-Source Assessment


Discussion on DP reimbursement for curb stop valve covers

JB makes a motion to approve the reimbursement to Doug Prescott for $43.57. MS 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on Deed to Lodge email.

Discussion on NHMA email.

Discussion on T-Forms and abandoned boat. Forms are not for boats, according to RSA 270-B:7 next course of action is to contact the State Police.

Discussion on Horizons follow up email. JB is going to bring up the master plan information at the Water Committee Meeting set for 3/3/22 at 4pm.

Discussion on email regarding signs posted on VDOE property. Signs not on private property need to be removed. Clarification needs to be given at annual meeting that the vote NO on #8 signs is for the Town of Madison’s annual meeting not the VDOE’s.

Discussion on 2020 audit.

Discussion on Catherine Doe contract increase.

JB makes a motion to accept new contract with Cat’s Bookkeeping Service with a $5.00 increase. MS 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on Reinach project transfer switch and work not completed. JB and office reached out but have not heard back. Giving another week for response and if no action has been taken the Commissioners will get pricing for materials and deduct it from the retainage.

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Discussion on Dam EAP. JB is having the VDOE DPW, and Madison DPW added to the plan then sending it out for draft.

Discussion on court date set for Adam Leiser case

Discussion on Nick Sceggell email about PRV pits. JB and IH set to have meeting with Nick on 3/9 at 11am remotely.


Discussion on Granite State trainings

MS makes a motion to approve $85.00 plus milage for Alexis to attend the Granite State Ground Water training on March 24th. JB 2nds, passes 2-0

Review of Granite State Analytical results

Discussion on February water usage

Discussion on Primex email

Discussion on email from resident on Barden Place

MS makes a motion to adjourn at 10:20, JB 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday February 24th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:45am on Thursday Feb 24th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Kathy Koziell (KK) by phone, Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Donna MacKinnon (DM)- Administrator, Alexis Wagoner (AW)-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille (KR)-DPW Foreman, Diana Reiss (DR)-Treasurer, Doug Prescott (DP), Ralph Lutjen (RL) & Stacey Harris (SH).

Meeting videotaped by Aysa of Madison TV

At 8:45 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order


JB makes a motion at 8:45 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (c).  MS seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

JB makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (c) and return to public meeting at 9:18 AM.  MS seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.


MS makes a motion to approve the agenda, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to approve the minutes of 2/17/22, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to approve the Payroll Manifest for $10,335.33, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $8,424.54, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Public Appearance

Stacey Harris from the Madison Post Office came in to comment on the mailbox situation with the Board of Commissioners. Discussion on how many additional boxes are needed in order for each home to have a box as well as boxes for future homes. SH made it clear this is not an option but a necessity for the VDOE. Since the VDOE roads are private boxes will have to stay at Huttwil parking lot. KK asks if the post office is responsible for adding boxes to the post office to accommodate for future homes. MS asks if a 3-year plan could be in place doing about 120 boxes per year. Kathy Koziell suggests focusing on getting enough boxes for full time residents first. SH is going to reach out to the higher ups with any questions we have as well as get a price and get back to the Board of Commissioners. She is also going to attend the annual meeting so she can speak to the voters directly.


Discussion on 30 Saint Moritz Drive, the road is soft, and water is running down a tire track. The water is coming from natural resources. DPW mitigated the problem into the woods until spring when roads can be fixed.

Discussion on 3 Upper Lakeview Drive. Thought it was a potential water leak, but it appears to be natural run. DPW and Simply Water are monitoring the situation and will act if things change.

DPW is ready for upcoming storm.

Discussion on accidents on Saturday February 19, 2022


Discussion on T-1 Forms

JB makes a motion to have the office fill out the T-1 form for the abandoned boat; MS 2nds passes 3-0

Discussion on police detail, they will be at the annual meeting

Update on VOC’s & SOC’s waiver, Simply Water is working on it

Discussion on Driveway and Water Ordinances and the comments from the lawyer. Going to table subject until after the annual meeting.

March meeting schedule will be set for March 3rd and March 10th for the time being

Discussion on Reinach project transfer switch

Discussion on Scott Eagan 2020 Audit

MS makes a motion to sign the letter to 2 Clemens place, JB 2nds passes 3-0

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Dam EAP no update

Discussion on Ted Foley case, Trial set for May 19, 2022

JB is going to put together a rules and procedures for the BOC meetings

KK Discussion on 2021 audit paperwork

Discussion on QuickBooks and updating it to the cloud version. Cloud version is more expensive, and the office will lose the current QuickBooks support person. Going to stay with hard version which needs to be updated in May of 2022.

MS makes a motion for AW to attend webinar on Water Infrastructure Funding Workshop JB 2nds passes 3-0

Discussion on Water Committee Minutes from 2-10-2022. Meeting was posted less than the required 24 hours in advance notice.

MS makes a motion to reach out to NHMA and see if the meeting was legal and the minutes, KK 2nds passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to have all applications and grants go through the office KK 2nds passes 2-1

Discussion on Master plan elements email with Cathy from Horizons

MS makes a motion to reach out to NHMA and ask if the minutes from the Water Committee Meeting should state recreated from notes or be used at all JB 2nds passes 3-0

MS brings up the rules and regulations of 91-A and Board meetings, office is going to send out corresponding paperwork to the Water Committee.


Review of Granite State Analytical results

Discussion on email from Aysa about recycling old computers

Discussion on getting more divider boards for the annual meeting voting.

Discussion on Deed to lodge, JB to send it over to the office

Discussion on Nick Sceggell email.

KK makes a motion to adjourn at 10:59

JB makes a motion to have a meeting at 9:00am on Friday March 4th in the office, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

KK makes a motion to adjourn at 10:59, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.