Compost from the Madison Transfer Station has been picked up and is available to residents at DPW II, 24 Eidelweiss Drive. The compost has been placed in the winter tax-payer sand pile area, to the left side of the lot as you look at the building.
2018 Documents
2018-05-29 Commissioners Meeting
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Commissioners Meeting
May 29, 2018
The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, May 29, 2018. In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith, Ron Sandstrom and Ralph Lutjen. Also in attendance were Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille and property owner Bonnie Miller. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.
1. Agenda
Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
The action list is reviewed and discussed.
2. Highway Department Report
Kelly Robitaille outlines that the roads are in good shape. Rafts were put in the ponds. One of the rafts is leaning; will be hauled in to be checked. Ralph Lutjen outlines statement that the raft at Boulder Beach is in a slightly different location than normal. Kelly Robitaille states water level is lower than last year, chains are in same location. Raft is in 10 feet of water. Beaches are being raked. The highway crew handled the beaches over the weekend. Gloria Aspinall has been cleaning the restrooms. Ron Sandstrom discusses culvert cleaning; Kelly Robitaille is using the list to keep track of the work completed. Placing culverts on Eidelweiss Drive and Jungfrau is discussed. Kelly Robitaille outlines that a replacement may be needed at Salins and Bristenstock intersection. Part time employee will begin regular hours August 1.
A puddle that gets watched on Interlaken has not appeared this spring. Planning and scheduling discussed. Some tree limbs need to be removed. A chipper will be rented to facilitate this work. Will be posted prior to beginning this work. Cost will be checked into.
Gravel supplies are good.
Liquid Calcium Chloride was applied to roads last week.
Resident Bonnie Miller discusses Klausen Road. Photos of area are delivered to the Board. Portion of wash out area caused by water flowing during water system flushing. This area will be worked on tomorrow. Kelly Robitaille will discuss possible solution to reduce damage while flushing the system.
The Class VI sign has been removed from Grandval Way.
Boards in dam are discussed. All boards are removed down to the permanent dam. Water level is being maintained to the loons’ nest.
3. Water
Price has been received for lining of the Summit tank. Status of report discussed; will be requested from Mass Tank. Mike Smith makes a motion to scheduled inspecting second tank at Reinach and then lining both later this year. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Pump repair cost has been received from Grundfos for failed pump at Muddy Beach. Mike Smith questions the pump repair and how the pump was working when installed. Ralph Lutjen outlines delay in shipping return as an issue in the delay for the pump repair. Discussion on future pump purchases is held; possible different vendor or manufacturer for future purchases. Should such an issue occur again, a different process should be used.
Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the repair order. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
4. Administration
Monthly Communication email was sent last week.
Mike Smith will schedule remaining CSV locating with Ian Hayes.
Mass Tank will be sent an email to schedule the inspection of the second Reinach tank.
5. Accounts Payable
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the manifest of 9 checks for a total of $1,477.42. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion passed 3-0.
6. Minutes
Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the minutes of 5-22 as revised. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
7. Commissioners Reports
Ralph Lutjen outlines work on gardens completed this weekend. Flag pole garden had 12 plants added; 3 were removed.
Water operator Ian Hayes has not yet submitted the detail for the billing of $1,200 to the property owner of 18 Diessbach. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to reduce the bill by $600 by reduction of Simply Water bill next month. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Discussion on warning Ian Hayes. Ralph Lutjen withdraws the motion. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to notify Ian Hayes that VDOE will reduce his bill by $600 if no response by June 5th. Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Ron Sandstrom has created a budget discussion document for review and discussion. Discussion on budgets, audit, accrual vs cash reports is held. Maintaining control of accrued expenses is needed; updating the accounting software could reduce issues in future years. Certain circumstances, like snow and ice on December 31 will always create challenges.
The document will be reviewed and discussed again. Bills and dollars expended in December and not received until January are discussed as additional challenge. Outline of accounting system error of the $20,000 health insurance CRF allocation is discussed; overtime incurred by highway in December is discussed.
Ron Sandstrom discusses increasing the Board of Commissioners from 3 to 5. Benefit to the District of having a lager Board is discussed.
Ralph Lutjen leaves meeting at 9 am.
Mike Smith discusses Saturday night presentation by Loon Preservation Committee. Went well and was enjoyed. Mike Smith highlights holding a presentation annually regarding local wildlife. Option for this will be pursued going forward. Mike Smith makes a motion to have the VDOE make a donation to the Loon Preservation Committee. No second, hold for next week. $100 - $250 as a guide is stated.
Analysis of costs for installation of house meters is being worked on.
Discussion on engineering costs that are being incurred that are for the 2019 Warrant. Costs and allocations are being put together for Board review.
8. Signature Items
Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 255 in the amount of $1,750 for a pallet of crack sealing tar. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to request the property owner of 1324 Conway Road mark the trees to be removed. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Discussion continues on obtaining name of tree company that property owner will be using. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the driveway permit for construction for 53 Bern. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the fill request for 14 Blinden. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Letter to property owner of 43 Oak Ridge Road regarding high water pressure reviewed. Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
9. Correspondence
Monthly bacteria testing has been received from Granite State Analytical. System is clean.
Upper Lakeview Drive lot question from a property owner has been received. Information from last fall from this property owner will be pulled and sent to the Board for review.
Jay Buckley has sent a request for removal of the Class VI road sign on Grandval Way. Sign has been removed.
Stiles Company has sent the meter pricing for house meters. Mike Smith is working on the report of cost to install house meters.
Bergeron Engineering has stated they will be sending the price sheets for review by the Board.
NH Municipal Association has sent the weekly Legislative Bulletin and the be-weekly News Link.
10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business
12. Public Comments
At 9:15 am Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Cole
2018-05-22 Commissioners Meeting
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Commissioners Meeting
May 22, 2018
The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith, Ron Sandstrom and Ralph Lutjen. Also in attendance were Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille and Treasurer Dinah Reiss. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.
1. Agenda
Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
The action list is reviewed and discussed.
2. Highway Department Report
Kelly Robitaille reports that requests for fill are coming in. Residents will be asked to contact the office.
The F-550 should be ready today or tomorrow.
Crack sealing tar is needed. $1,750 for a pallet. Ron Sandstrom motion approve one pallet at $1,750. Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Beaches are being cleaned for summer.
Swim rafts will be placed tomorrow; new securing chains are being picked up now for two rafts.
Schwyz was worked on last week.
Playground equipment has been checked. The ropes for the swings are frayed. Discussion on replacing the ropes. DPW will handle.
All other equipment is in good shape.
Cleaning culverts is discussed. Placing new culverts this summer is discussed. Culverts in need of replacement will be listed.
Gravel supply is good. PO exists.
Placing the sandwich board at the bottom of Oak Ridge Road for the Loon Preservation Committee presentation is discussed. A sign will be created for the board.
Compost has been picked up at Madison Transfer station. A pile is available at DPW II; this information will be included in the Friday email blast regarding the Loon Preservation presentation and ice cream social.
Kelly Robitaille advises that the picnic tables will not be in for this weekend, but old tables have been removed.
3. Water
An email was sent to follow up on the status of the pump repair at Grundfos.
Ralph Lutjen has discussed the Reinach Pressure Zone bid draft with Engineer Paul Fluet. Fluet will update the document and submit. Phase 1 will not require bonds and will have a one-year retention period. Phase 2 will require bonds. Updates are expected for next week.
Mike Smith makes a motion to set up a meeting with Dubois & King. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0. Mike Smith makes a motion to follow up with Tom Therrien on the cost of the SCADA requirements for Phase 2. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
The report from Mass Tank has not been received. Will be sent to Paul Fluet upon receipt.
Leak detection has begun for the season.
4. Administration
Safety meeting last week.
Motion log was reviewed last week.
Treasurer Dinah Reiss discusses the monthly cash flow report. Dinah outlines that $100,000 has been transferred from water usage to the operating account. Balance in the water usage account is currently $102,000. $18,000 is still needed for collection to complete approved water usage funded projects. Treasurer Dinah Reiss will add the expense of the capital reserve fund deposits to the cash flow report. Discussion on TAN proceeds available and payments due is held. Dinah discusses the transfer needed from the water extension fund to balance the audited figure for that account. Will be done. The recent capital reserve fund withdrawals have been removed from the report to reflect actual.
Treasurer Dinah Reiss reviews the Excel budget spreadsheet produced for review. This spreadsheet outlines the operating and water budgets only. Discussion on variances within the line items are discussed. Highway repair line item is discussed. Discussion on engineering costs is held. Charges to apply to the 2018 tank project are discussed; Ian Hayes’ time for draining and cleaning the tanks will be charged to the article.
Discussion on reducing spend for the remainder of the year is held. Focus of the highway department on culvert cleaning and ditch work is outlined. Mike Smith outlines that the winter was a tough one; a lot of snow and ice. Three-year averages being used for some line items are discussed; will need to be reviewed for next year. Balancing the budget and needs of the roads are discussed. Control over spending is discussed; monthly expenses have been high to date. Planning for the remainder of the year is discussed. Ralph Lutjen discusses maintaining line items as approved without moving funds within the spreadsheet as it shows the variances. Accurate reflection of needs within the budget is goal. Ron Sandstrom discusses updating of the financial software to include PO tracking. Expected expenses need to be shown within the budget review; new software will help. Discussion continues on need to update the software and benefits thereof.
A follow up will be sent to Tom Therrien regarding the pump house security panels.
Ron Sandstrom motion to approve the May newsletter as submitted and send via email blast. Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Asset Management meeting is discussed. Ron Sandstrom discusses placing the capital improvement plan (CIP) on the website as approved by the Asset Management Committee. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion put the capital improvement plan (CIP) on website. Mike Smith seconds. Discussion on work in progress that is updated monthly would be included. Ralph Lutjen and Dinah Reiss discuss being in favor of putting the document on the website. Mike Smith discusses placing on website after each meeting. Motion passed 3-0.
Ron Sandstrom outlines that the culvert information has been entered into the asset management database. Organizing the paper forms is discussed; three-ring binder by street is the intent. Dinah Reiss will work on this. Ability to record work on culverts is needed. Updating the database going forward will be needed.
Initial isolation valve information will be scanned and sent to Ron Sandstrom for matching the data with the data on the maps.
Cash flow and budget report have been discussed.
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $6,445.78. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed. Motion passed 3-0.
Discussion is held on updating the accounting software. Recommendation to move away from QuickBooks and move to BMSI has been received from North Conway Water Precinct. Mike Smith states in favor of updating the software prior to the end of this year. Timing is discussed; best transition time is discussed. Ralph Lutjen discusses voter approval; placing on the 2019 Warrant is outlined. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to continue review of product and place on 2019 Warrant list. Mike Smith seconds. Discussion on understanding of the Board on the new software prior to recommending is held. Motion passed 3-0.
5. Accounts Payable
6. Minutes
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 5-15 as revised. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
7. Commissioners Reports
Ralph Lutjen has informed Bob Wirling that the Little Loop project will not be completed in June. Will be scheduled later in the year.
Ralph Lutjen discusses planned updates to the flag pole garden. Some new plants will be added.
Remind Ian Hayes the Board needs an update to the billing on Diessbach.
Ralph Lutjen requests the mission statement for the Communication Committee; will be sent.
No proposal has been received from Bergeron Engineering as of yet. Mike Smith makes a motion to send an email to Josh McAllistar requesting the proposal discussed with the Board. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Discussion on including question if interested in this work. Motion passed 3-0.
Ron Sandstrom discusses due date for easement returns from homeowners on Little Loop. Original letters will be checked.
Ron Sandstrom discusses recent posting of facts and figures document circulated by certain residents. Ron Sandstrom describes mis-information within the document. Ron Sandstrom outlines that the document has not been sent to the Board of Commissioners; it was submitted to the Communication Committee. Discussion is held on the document. Ron Sandstrom may respond directly as an individual. Ralph Lutjen highlights grammar errors in the email from Jay Buckley that states the Board may not be educated to handle the positions for which they were elected. Ralph Lutjen stated that the voters has the power to vote out a Board member up for election, vote down the budget and warrant articles at the annual meeting. With respect to options the Board could pursue, Ralph Lutjen states that he wishes the Board responds, a simple statement that the audit is complete. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have Board respond that we have an unqualified audit. This means that we have met all accounting standards and requirements. There are no material issues. All open matters can be addressed. We categorically reject all claims of any impropriety by the Commissioners. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Discussion on adding statement that after audit results were in, the VDOE understood the over expenditure and notified the Department of Revenue. No update to the motion is made. Motion passed 3-0.
Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to post Commissioner statement on website. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to post the monthly budget worksheet on the website. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Discussion on sharing information and having the financial information available is held. The website and posting of additional information is discussed. Lack of response to information posted is held; unfortunately, only a few people will look at this. Requesting the document under 91-A is discussed. Motion failed 1-2 with Ralph Lutjen and Mike Smith against posting the information.
Ron Sandstrom adds he will not attend the EPOA meeting this Saturday.
Mike Smith outlines the Loon Preservation Committee has confirmed for the presentation this Saturday at 6 pm. Presentation expected to last 45 minutes.
Mike Smith discusses that North Conway Water Precinct stated they have a budget for maintaining meters this year of $158,000.
8. Signature Items
Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adopt and sign the Emergency Notification Policy. Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith sign PO 253 in the amount of $800 for picnic tables. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 254 in the amount of $200 for locating curb stop valves. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter regarding availability of a water main to the property owner of 12 Dorfli Road. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
9. Correspondence
Granite State Analytical has sent the initial beach testing results. All beaches clean.
Resident Jay Buckley has sent notice of a tree down near the Burgdorf Road culvert. The DPW has been notified.
Resident Jay Buckley has sent notice of suspicious water at the bottom of Lugano. The water operator has checked the area; water is on opposite side of road from the main.
Third party electric supply has sent the May electric report; the District saved $5.
NH Municipal Association has sent the weekly Legislative Bulletin.
Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to test all 5 beaches this summer. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Picture received from Jay Buckley of a tree down on Burgdorf near the culvert. Kelly Robitaille has checked the area.
Picture received from Jay Buckley of water at the bottom of Lugano. Ian Hayes has checked the area; not believed to be a water leak. Resident will be notified.
10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business
Responding to the fact and figures report that has been posted on chat sites has been discussed.
The beach cleaner position has been posted.
12. Public Comments
Treasurer Dinah Reiss discusses the loan for inspecting and lining of the water tanks. Discussion is held on needing the Mass Tank report and having the engineers review it. Option for replacing the 5,000-gallon tanks instead of lining existing tanks is outlined. Analysis has been reviewed by the Asset Management Committee on the cost of replacement instead of lining. Lining of Summit tank is probable; inspecting second tank at Reinach is also an option. Updating plan to inspect second tank at Reinach may be done. Replacement of the failed tank at Reinach in kind would be $47,000 as quoted by Mass Tank. Discussion continues regarding options on the tanks.
Ron Sandstrom discusses review of shifting some water system fixed costs to the tax base going forward.
At 10:05 am Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Cole
Loon Preservation Committee presentation tomorrow
This is a reminder that the NH Loon Preservation Committee Executive Director Harry Vogel will give a presentation on NH loons Saturday, May 26, 2018 at 6 pm at the Lodge (100 Oak Ridge Road).
Presentation will be approximately 50 minutes.
Following the presentation, an ice cream social will be held.
We hope you can join us at this fun and informative event!!
2017 Financials – Commissioners Statement
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Commissioners Statement on 2017 Financials
The Village District of Eidelweiss 2017 Audit has been completed. The District received an unqualified audit. This means that we have met all accounting standards and requirements. There are no material issues. All open matters can be addressed. We categorically reject all claims of any impropriety by the Commissioners.
2018-05-15 Commissioners Meeting
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Commissioners Meeting
May 15, 2018
The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Tuesday, May 15, 2018. In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith, Ron Sandstrom and Ralph Lutjen. Also in attendance were Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille and water operator Ian Hayes. The meeting was taped for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.
1. Agenda
Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
The action list is reviewed and discussed.
2. Highway Department Report
Kelly Robitaille reports beaches are being raked and cleaned.
Tank for dust control will be made ready for use.
Cleaning culverts for today’s predicted rain is discussed. Goal is to clean all culverts at 100% this summer. Marking posts will be replaced as needed. Kelly Robitaille will document the culvert posts that need to be replaced to formulate a long-term replacement plan.
Picnic tables are discussed. Four are needed. Purchase of pressure treated tables is discussed. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to purchase 4 pressure treated picnic tables. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
The 550 is waiting for the dump body and then the truck will be ready. All other repairs are completed.
Ditching as a priority this summer is discussed.
Availability of compost at Madison Transfer Station is discussed. Kelly Robitaille will work with Madison to obtain the compost. Offering to tax payers is discussed. A tax-payer pile will be established.
All other equipment is good.
Fence around flag pole area and rafts will be placed this week.
Thusis culvert replacement is discussed. Paul Fluet stated returning to original design is best solution. Catch basin placement would require cleaning a couple of times per year. This article may not be able to be completed this year due to the amendment made at the Annual Meeting. This will be revisited and discussed further. Primary concern is possible collapse of the failed culvert under Eidelweiss Drive causing a road failure.
Beaches will be added to the Action List for the summer. Gloria Aspinall is handling the outhouse cleaning for the summer. Posting the position of beach raker for the summer is discussed. Will be put on website and bulletin boards. Posting of grass cutting person is discussed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to post both Positions. Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Ron Sandstrom will work on input of the culvert information into the asset management database.
3. Water
Ian Hayes outlines cost of repairs for emergency response to a home owner on Diessbach. Ian Hayes will send through a separate bill to send to property owner with details explaining the costs. Ian Hayes outlines the scenario. Ralph Lutjen outlines that the VDOE should not be responsible for costs incurred by a property owner.
Ian Hayes outlines consideration of penalties when a property owner proceeds with unauthorized/unscheduled work.
Ian Hayes will submit a spring work order. Blow off and bleeder on Winnegon will be repaired.
Muddy Beach upgrades are progressing.
Reinach Pressure Zone specifications are discussed. Phase 1 for the line connections will be set as a lump sum bid with progress payments. No bond will be needed. A 10% contingency will be held for one year. Phase 2 will need performance and payment bonds. Invitation to bid is anticipated for October 1 with bid opening scheduled for October 30. The drawings are discussed; Ron Sandstrom questions if the drawings are complete enough to show what valves are to be placed where. Ian Hayes recommends listing specifics for valves, pipes, etc. to be included in the project. A cross-section detail will be requested for each valve location. Ralph Lutjen will discuss with Paul Fluet. Discussion on specifics for certain contract provisions is held; dispute resolution for change orders under the contract includes review of contractor’s financials. The potential of hitting ledge is discussed; will be covered within contract details. These provisions are standard within these documents.
The tank inspections completed yesterday are discussed. Reinach tank failed inspection. Large dent along a seem was failure point. Recommendation from Mass Tank is going to be to replace the tank. Unknown if lining could even be an option. Inspection was limited as it was stopped when dent discovered. Incorporating the Reinach Pressure Zone into a tank replacement strategy at Reinach is discussed as an option. Increasing storage is also an option with a tank replacement strategy. Having Paul Fluet review the report for recommending options going forward will be discussed. Inspection of the second tank at Reinach is discussed as an option for comparison. Discussion on expected capacity for the water system is held. DES will become involved in a tank replacement program.
Mike Smith makes a motion put tank at Reinach back on line. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0. Notice will be posted regarding possibility of air or discolored water in system.
Summit tank is discussed. This tank had been lined when installed. Lining is gone at this time. Tank had substantial build-up inside as has not ever been cleaned. Lining is probable recommendation for this tank. Leaving this tank off line until lined is discussed as best scenario. Review of report prior to determining if tank should be lined is discussed. Discussion on cleaning tank is held; needed prior to putting on line. Mass Tank will be asked if cleaning can be separated from lining. Storage supply is sufficient even with the tank off line.
Ian Hayes outlines current usage and ability for capacity to refill tanks from Chocorua if needed. Mike Smith makes a motion contact Mass Tank for schedule to line Summit tank. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Discussion on allowing timing to determine if tank should be refilled. Motion passed 3-0.
Ian Hayes outlines water outage yesterday morning. Was not anticipated. Ian altered set up for draining Summit tank to restore water to residents effected in under an hour.
Discussion continues on tanks and options for the water system.
4. Administration
A safety meeting will be held today.
Motion log is reviewed and discussed.
Cash flow report will be reviewed next week.
A follow up will be done with Tom Therrien on the SCADA panels and Reinach Pressure Zone pricing.
Asset Management meeting is today at 1 pm.
Ron Sandstrom discusses mapping and will need to return to the original data points to organize the data for mapping the updates.
Final curb stop valve location will occur in June. Ian Hayes will be involved. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve up to $200 for curb stop valve locating. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Discussion on reporting the funds within the accounting system. Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to create purchase orders for all approved appropriations. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Establishing a policy for an emergency notification by any person who receives information from a resident regarding a situation. Kelly Robitaille, Ian Hayes and the office will now all send an email when contacted by a resident for resolution of a situation. Will be a signature item next week.
Discussion on Driveway Ordinance is held. Cost sharing when an existing driveway needs a culvert is outlined. Ordinance is clear on this issue.
5. Accounts Payable
Mike Smith approve 20 checks for a total of $23,676.72. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith approve held check to Chadwick-BaRoss in the amount of $1,080.41. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
6. Minutes
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 5-1. Ralph Lutjen seconds. motion passed 3-0
Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 5-8 Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
7. Commissioners Reports
Ralph Lutjen discusses follow up with UNH for survey. Ralph Lutjen will contact.
Ralph Lutjen discusses Little Loop. Information from resident states that it will be another two weeks for determination if signing easement. Ralph Lutjen will notify contractor Bob Wirling that project will not proceed in June.
Ron Sandstrom discusses Communication Committee meeting yesterday. Team will meet next Monday to review May newsletter for submission to Board. Intern job position description was finalized. Will be sent to local schools and colleges to see if intern is available.
Ralph Lutjen states will not be available for EPOA meeting May 26. Discusses missing of communication opportunity by not allowing Commissioners to give an update. Ron Sandstrom discusses input of membership of EPOA on decisions being made. Discussion on vote of membership to not have EPOA be involved in political issues taken at meeting last year is discussed.
Mike Smith discusses Loon Society Committee presentation on May 26 at 6 pm. Will be posted on bulletin boards and included in May newsletter.
8. Signature Items
Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 250 in the amount of $275 for grader blades. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 251 in the amount of $500 for purchase of a laptop for the office. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0
Mike Smith sign PO 252 in the amount of $1,500 for purchase of Calcium Chloride. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith sign withdrawal form for $6,882.33 from Highway Equipment CRF for Terra Star repairs. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith sign withdrawal for $1,080.41 from Highway Equipment Capital Expense CRF for grader repairs. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
9. Correspondence
Little Loop – permit by notification will be needed.
Fill request received. Resident will be asked to complete form for each fill request.
Nancy Cole will attend the road class 5-31 in Plymouth.
Mark Graffam has sent an email requesting the Board resign. Discussion is held on overage of budget for 2017; the Department of Revenue has been notified. Board acknowledged overage in the Management Discussion and Analysis within the audit.
NH Municipal Association has sent the bi-weekly Newslink and the Legislative Bulletin.
10. Scheduled Appearances
11. Other Business
12. Public Comments
At 9:55 am Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to enter Non-Public session pursuant to RSA 91 A-3: II (e), legal. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion is voted via roll call Mike Smith yea, Ron Sandstrom yea, Ralph Lutjen yea. Motion passed 3-0.
Motions and votes of non-public session:
Ralph Lutjen question legal counsel on need for 2019 Warrant Article for $42,000 return of water funds. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion pay Tony Eldridge as a part time employee at $25 per hour. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Mike Smith makes a motion have Norm Garside handle Muddy Beach roof replacement and hold siding until pump repair cost is known. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
Ron Sandstrom makes a motion Post Beach Cleaning position at $13 per hour. Ralph Lutjen seconds. Motion passed 3-0.
At 10:10 am Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to exit non-public session and adjourn the meeting. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion is voted via roll call Mike Smith yea, Ron Sandstrom yea, Ralph Lutjen yea. Motion passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Cole
2018-05-14 Communication Committee
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Village District of Eidelweiss
Communications Committee
May 14, 2018
The Communications Committee met in the District Office at 10:00 am on Monday, May 14th, 2018. Present were committee members Ron Sandstrom, Adam Leiser, Andrew Harteveldt (remote), Paula Doyle and Nancy Cole. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
10:00 am: Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow remote participation in the meeting. Ron seconds and the motion is approved by roll call vote 4-0. Andrew joins the meeting remotely.
10:08 am: Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes with the two changes suggested by Adam Leiser, including two typos. The motion was passed by roll call vote 5-0.
10:10 am: Meeting proceeds to next agenda item to discuss Intern job description. The discussion includes what the expected responsibilities would be. Ron suggests that it should include “exposure to municipal process”. A discussion continues to see if it would be feasible to offer some level of compensation to an intern, it was understood and agreed that the Commissioners would have to approve this and for now we would continue with the current plan. Adam makes a motion to approve job description as provided this morning, with the amendment suggested by Ron (see above). Ron seconds approved by roll call vote 5-0. Ron makes a motion to submit to board of commissioners, Adam seconds, approved by roll call vote 5-0
10:20 am: Meeting moves to discuss agenda item of Newsletter. Adam asks if any commissioners offered to write a bio, Ron indicates non-supported. Nancy agrees to write a bio. Andrew suggests adding to this month’s newsletter an article about how and why the pond levels change as this usually creates lots of questions this time of year.
10:29 am: Move to discuss the newsletter items including kayak racks. Nancy indicates the following racks are still available:
• 5 Porridge Shore
• 5 Thusis
• 6 Eidelweiss
• 10 Boulder
• 13 Geneva
Nancy asks that Andrew adds to the kayak tracking list, the ability to request position on racks of top, middle and bottom.
10:31 am: Adam moves to discuss events, including Loon event and EPOA event. Andrew agrees to provide info on the EPOA annual meeting.
10:33 am: Adam suggests adding the water bill late fee to the events item of the Newsletter. A discussion commences around water bill due dates, and late fee due dates.
10:35 am: Discussion occurs regarding an article / story regarding Muddy Beach well work. Ron suggests that Paula works on this article to provide by the end of the week. Andrew suggests we address the tank inspections that is going on now. Paula and Ron agree this should be added to this newsletter article.
10:42 am: Paula suggests next months newsletter include information on the Asset Management committee.
10:43 am: Adam suggests including a map of VDOE in the newsletter. Paula suggests maybe also including a map that shows where the beaches are.
10:45 am: Adam suggests that the June newsletter include a whole section towards those that rent out their properties, in terms of ensuring they educate their tenants on avoiding Loons, reasons for not having fireworks and camp fire safety. Adam rounds out discussion by asking everyone to email Nancy any suggestions for June newsletter.
10:48 am: Meeting proceeds to discuss the additional information around 3rd party sites such as NextDoor and “The Patch” that could be included in the newsletter.
10:52 am: Meeting proceeds to discuss the transparency and request from previous meetings regarding the publishing of draft minutes.
10:54 am: Ron makes a motion to discuss pushing off the request to the commissioners regarding publishing of draft minutes, Paula seconds it. A discussion then continues around the subject. Motion to bring up the posting of draft minutes in 2 to 3 months to the commissioners. Adam states that he is opposed to the motion as he believes we are not acting upon the wish of those that attended the May 5th Communications Committee meeting. Approved by roll call vote 4-1 (Ron, Andrew, Paula, Nancy, vote in favor).
11:04 am: Discussion starts on agenda item, Emergency Reporting. Ron asks that we look at the process around water emergency notifications as it is currently taking too long (in 1 case 2 days).
11:10 am: Discussion around next meeting. Motion to hold the next meeting will be 5/21/2018 at 9:00 am. The only two items will be the approval of todays minutes and approval of the newsletter, Ron seconded. Approved by roll call vote 5-0
11:12 am: Discussion starts around the process to publish minutes on the website. Ron suggests it takes uninterrupted around 6 minutes. Andrew proposed a motion for Andrew and Ron to investigate the feasibility for minutes to be published by the minute taker to the website, Adam seconds it. Approved by roll call vote 5-0.
11:24 am: Meeting moves to discuss an issue that occurred today with an unanticipated water outage. The discussion focusses on ways in which we can prevent such issues in the future. Ron suggests that a Root Cause Analysis would be performed to learn from the error. Paula asks the question about RSA-91-A and non-public meetings. Further discussion nonpublic session as outlined in 91-A Nancy’s readers digest version is Employment, Legal, Property ownership/transfer and Reputation.
11:40 am: Discussion occurs to review the Water summary XLS v3 that the Communications Committee has put together. The commissioners have approved V2 of the Water Summary XLS. V3 was issued by Andrew last week which extends to include the electricity usage and cost. The feedback from Nancy as well as the commissioners has been very positive.
11:51 am: Adam makes motion to adjourn the meeting, Andrew seconds. Motion passes by roll call vote 5-0
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Harteveldt
Committee member
2018 May Newsletter
Included in this newsletter:
- Get to know our staff.
- Upcoming events.
- Featured Topic (Muddy Beach Upgrades)
- Pond Information
- Canoe Rack Update (Spaces are available)
- Water Bill Reminder
- How to contact the District of Eidelweiss District office and the Commissioners.
- Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes.
- Looking for a plumber or recommendation from neighbors?
Click here for a PDF version of the newsletter
Get to know: Administrator Nancy Cole
Nancy and her husband Chuck moved to Eidelweiss in 2001 and she has served as the Administrator for the district since January 2009. On a day to day basis, Nancy handles much of the activity within the district which includes the phone, mail and e-mail correspondence, processing accounts payable & receivable, handling emergency requests, scheduling, attending & recording meeting notes at commissioners’ meetings, participating in sub-committee meetings and handling the project scheduling and execution for the annual meeting, the warrant articles and the audits.
Nancy has an Associate of Science Degree from Northeastern University and when she’s not in Eidelweiss, she is busy volunteering on the Town of Madison Old Home Week Committee and is also the current Assistant Chief of Timing & Scoring at the NH Motor Speedway. In their free time, Nancy and Chuck also love to kayak and hike in the White Mountains.
Upcoming events
Upcoming events
- May 26th 10:00 am Eidelweiss Property Owner’s Association Annual meeting at the lodge. Current EPOA members or Eidelweiss property owners wishing to join may attend. 2018 EPOA activities will be discussed as well as the election of officers. It is voluntary to join the EPOA. The EPOA is separate from the VDOE official government.
- May 26th 6:00 pm Loon Preservation Society Presentation at the Lodge Ice-cream social to follow.
- June 2nd 10:00 am Communications meeting at the lodge.
- June 14th 1:00 pm Asset Management meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.
- Every Tue. 8:00 am Commissioners meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.
MUDDY BEACH UPGRADES (This month’s focused topic)
BACKGROUND: The Muddy Beach pump station (includes two wells, two booster pumps and one 5,000-gallon tank) is primarily used as a key backup pump and water storage facility for the Eidelweiss water system, providing between 15-20% of our total water usage on an annual basis.
At the 2017 Annual Meeting, a 2-year project was proposed with the first year’s budget approved to upgrade the facilities. The goal of this project is to replace outdated and damaged equipment in order to modernize this facility and insure ongoing use and function of these wells and pumps. The project included the purchase and installation of 2 new booster pumps (one was completely out of use and the second was in disrepair), the upgrading of electrical transducers and meters due to electrical storm damage and for modernization and also to replace old and narrow piping.
At the 2018 Annual Meeting, the budget was approved to complete the second year of this project.
STATUS: The first phase of the project was completed in 2017 which included one new pump and the electrical and piping upgrades. Following approval of the 2018 warrant article, the second pump and electrical control panel have been purchased and will be installed on arrival in the District.
Upcoming News Letter Focus Topic:
- The Reinach Pressure Zone, what is it, why do we need it.
- Breaking news: Tank inspections were completed for two of the water system tanks. One tank failed, the other passed. The District is awaiting the final report from Mass Tank which will be sent to the VDOE engineers for review. More to follow as the information becomes available.
Pond information:
- The loons have returned. Please be sure to observe the loons from a significant distance so you don’t disturb their natural habitat or their nests. We have three incredibly clean ponds that are full of various living creatures. Let’s respect those animals so we can all enjoy them.
Canoe Rack Update:
Available remaining spaces as of 5/14/2018
Boulder Beach - 10
Geneva Beach - 13
Eidelweiss Beach - 6
Thusis Beach - 5
Porridge Shore - 5
Total remaining spaces is 39
Property owners can request a second space beginning on June 1, 2018.
Map of VDOE with beaches marked

Water Bill Reminder:
This is a friendly reminder that the water bill was due on 5/1. A late payment penalty was assessed to any property owners who have not paid this bill. Any property owners who haven’t paid by August 1st will be assessed an additional $100 late fee.
Upgrades to the Lodge:
The lodge looks great following the legislative body’s vote to improve the lodge last year.
All are welcome to reserve the lodge if desired. Contact the VDOE office for additional information.
How to contact the district office:
- The VDOE has an official website and sends out emails with emergency notifications. Be sure to visit the website at and enroll.
- The VDOE has a “see something / say something” policy. Anyone who sees something suspicious or unusual should report it for the benefit of the VDOE community to the Madison Police at 603-367-8334 (non-emergency line).
The office can always be contacted via email with questions, concerns and suggestions. Messages will be forwarded from the office to the commissioners. The email address is
Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes:
Please take a few moments to review the minutes from these hard-working groups:
Village District of Eidelweiss Employees:
- Nancy Cole (Administrator)
- Kelly Robitaille
- Jeff DeMartino (Highway Department)
Elected officials (term ends):
- Commissioners
- Mike Smith (2019)
- Ron Sandstrom (2021)
- Ralph Lutjen (2020)
- Treasurer – Dinah Reiss (2019)
- Moderator – Robert Ingram (2020)
- Clerk – Nancy Cole (2019)
Looking for a plumber or recommendation from neighbors?
If you are looking for a plumber or recommendation from residents, there is a new community bulletin board for neighbor to neighbor questions. On the Eidelweiss Nextdoor community, neighbors can post events, make/request recommendations, share safety tips, offer things to share/sell/give away, and simply get to know one another better. You can also create shared interest groups (book club, gardening, astronomy, etc), add Eidelweiss history, or share anything else you think may be of interest. It can be accessed via web at or by a mobile app for Apple iOS or Android.
The Eidelweiss Nextdoor bulletin board is not affiliated with the Village District of Eidelweiss municipality and any recommendations or suggestions do not reflect those of the District.
Water System Notice
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Water System Notice
The Reinach water storage tank that was inspected will be put back in service Monday, May 21. Prior to being put back in service, the tank will be flushed. Some customers may experience short periods of low pressure, air in the water lines, a residual smell of chlorine and/or slight water discoloration. Should your water be discolored, please run a large faucet (outside spigot, tub, kitchen sink) for a period of 10 minutes. If the situation does not clear up, please contact the office at 603-367-9022.
Water Tank Flushing
Water System Notice
The Reinach water storage tank that was inspected will be put back in service Monday, May 21. Prior to being put back in service, the tank will be flushed. Some customers may experience short periods of low pressure, air in the water lines, a residual smell of chlorine and/or slight water discoloration. Should your water be discolored, please run a large faucet (outside spigot, tub, kitchen sink) for a period of 10 minutes. If the situation does not clear up, please contact the office at 603-367-9022.