

Revised Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, October 15th, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell, Paula Doyle, and Treasurer Dinah Reiss (by phone). Also, in attendance were Donna MacKinnon, and Lynne Baker taking minutes. Resident Jurij Czernow attended, also resident Dorothy Wondolowski. Mark Graffam and David Maudsley entered the meeting at 10:30 am. The meeting was held at the Madison Town Hall and filmed by Carol Dandeneau. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

At 9:00 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the amended agenda. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jurij Czernow - Requested permission to allow the Mountain Meadow Riders Snowmobile Club access to the properties at #8, #9, and #10 Conway Road, and also access across the utility lines on the property at #7 Conway Road, in order to re-route the existing trail.

Jay Buckley made a motion to accept the proposal to cross VDOE property on #8, #9, and #10 Conway Road, as long as permission is granted by the homeowners for those properties, and also permission granted from the homeowner at #7 Conway Road. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

2. DPW Report

Jay Buckley spoke for Kelly Robitaille as Kelly was on vacation.

Discussion of Reinach Tank.

3rd Disbursement.

Jay Buckley stated that the tank is chlorinated, and the pipes will be flushed and chlorinated again before project goes online.

Discussion of walk-through done on October 9th, 2020.

Jay Buckley, Kelly Robitaille, Chris Albert, Ian Hayes, and Jake Dawson attended.
Items discussed included: pump house, rocks to be removed, paving to be done, extension of water main pipe at the cost of $44.00 per foot to move the “T” connection into the non-paved part of the road.

Paula Doyle made a motion to approve the funding for 25’ pipe extension for the water project. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Water Project.

Jay Buckley stated that Ian had been there to ensure the 6’ depth.

Paula Doyle said the BOC should ask Ian for the photos to provide visual confirmation.

Kathy Koziell stated that providing photos was a contract item.

Discussion of Underground Electrical at the Pump-Station.

Jay Buckley stated there is a missing master switch.

Jay Buckley inquired as to the need for an emergency generator.

Discussion of 22-24 Aspen Drive – Moving red pipes back to avoid being hit by plows, etc.

Brad Jones of Jones & Beach Engineering joined the call at 9:28 am.

Brad Jones stated that he is now the primary contact at Jones & Beach going forward.

Brad stated that Chris Albert is still working on the project as a subcontractor for J&B, and that J&B the official contractor for the project

Brad intends to call into the BOC meeting every week.

Brad stated that any inquires, requests for documents, signatures, and disbursements are to go through him going forward.

Jay Buckley inquired as to the start date for the 2nd half of the project on Upper Lakeview.

Brad will reach out to Chris for this information.

3. Administration

Approval of Minutes of October 1st, 2020, and October 8th, 2020.

Kathy Koziell and Paula Doyle requested some changes be made.

Lynne Baker will complete the changes.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the amended minutes of 10/01/20 and the minutes of 10/08/20. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Disbursements to DES through Jones & Beach.

The 3rd disbursement change was to remove Lee Carol as Electrical Engineer, $2,300.00.

The 4th disbursement is the last from Dawson Contracting for the pressure test, $14,000.00.

The previous payment to Dawson was overpaid in the amount of $200.00 in error.

The amount should have been $16,679.00, and $16,879.00 was paid.

$200.00 will be deducted from the next payment made.

Jay Buckley made a motion to sign the 3rd disbursement in the amount of $71,272.86. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to sign the 4th disbursement in the amount of $4752.00. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to state that the pressure test was passed. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of HealthTrust Increases for 2021.

Donna MacKinnon stated that the rate will increase to 6.4%.

The rate for a single plan will be $595.13

The rate for 2-person plan will be $1,190.27

The rate for a family plan will be $1,606.86

Discussion of NHRA Increase for 2021.

Donna MacKinnon stated that the rate will increase to 14.53%.

Discussion of Labor Law Posters - Donna or Lynne will look for them online.

Discussion of Letters - Overdue Water Bills.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve and sign the Letters for the Overdue Water Bills. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

4. Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the Water Budget Manifest for 3 checks in the amount of $23,141.25. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the Operating Budget Manifest for 8 checks in the amount of $20,540.55. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

5. Public Comment

At 10:30 am the floor was turned over to Mark Graffam and David Maudsley.

Discussion of Dawson Contract.

Discussion of New Poles and Conduits.

Discussion of Culvert on Salins.

Discussion of Eidelweiss Drive Paving.

Discussion of Grant vs. Bond Requirements.

Discussion of Water Project Warrant in the amount of $869,400.00 - Mark Graffam and David Maudsley inquired about any future fund changes.

Discussion of New Construction - Dorothy Wondolowski inquired as to new construction and driveways meeting the VDOE compliance and specification guidelines.

6. Commissioner’s Reports

Discussion of Auditor Services – RFP

Kathy Koziell made a motion to sign the revised RFP for Auditors out of session and send out. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3.0.

Discussion Summit Upgrade.

Kathy Koziell spoke to Norm Garside regarding the pump house. She was told they cannot do upgrades until next year.

Discussion of Grant vs. Bond – Requirements and project costs.

Discussion of Letter to 47 Eidelweiss Drive Attorney.

Jay Buckley read the draft letter to send to the Attorney.

Paula Doyle made a motion to send the letter to the Attorney via email on Thursday, October 15th, 2020. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of 9 Reinach Place – New water hook up.

Discussion of miscellaneous items left at mailboxes – Ordinance allowance.

Jay Buckley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:50 am. Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday, October 8th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, October 8th, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell, Paula Doyle, and Treasurer Dinah Reiss (by phone). Also, in attendance were Engineer Chris Albert (by phone), Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker taking minutes. Resident Ralph Lutjen attended, and residents Mark Graffam and David Maudsley entered the meeting at 10:30 am. The meeting was held at the Madison Town Hall and filmed by Carol Dandenaeu. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call. 

At 9:00 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.  

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the Agenda. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

2. DPW Report

There was no formal DPW report as DPW is currently working on the Bergdorf culvert.

Discussion of the Bergdorf culvert - Reasons for replacement.

Discussion of 47 Eidelweiss Drive - Homeowner attorney letter.

VDOE is waiting for a response from the homeowner to get the paving done.

Jay Buckley will draft a letter to the homeowner.

Jay Buckley made a motion to sign letter to the homeowner at 47 Eidelweiss Drive out of session. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of 49 Eidelweiss Drive - Culvert Invoice.

Homeowner questioned the invoice received for the culverts in the amount of $460.00.

Jay Buckley read the details on the culverts that were required.

Jay Buckley made a motion to reduce the amount of the culvert invoice to $300.00. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Chris Albert joined the meeting at 9:30 am.

Chris Albert confirmed that he, Jay Buckley, DPW, and Ian Hayes will do a walk-through to assess the status of the project and put together a final list of tasks to be completed.

Walk-through was scheduled for 7:00 am, Friday, October 9th, 2020.

Chris stated clean-up will begin on November 1st, 2020 and completed by Thanksgiving.

Chris reported on the status of the pressure test. Chris said that E.J. Prescott was hired as a third-party contractor to complete the test. The test showed the pressure passed.

Chris reiterated the reason for the delay was from trouble acquiring parts due to Covid-19.

Chris stated the new water system will be up and running by the end of the year.

Discussion of PRV pit on Upper Lakeview.

Chris Albert stated this will be done next year.

Discussion of Paving Aspen Drive to Jungfrau Road.

Jay Buckley stated that Bryant will continue paving down Aspen Drive, to the intersection of Jungfrau Road.

Kathy Koziell stated that this is a Warrant Article.

Discussion of laying pipe on ledge on Aspen Drive.

Jay Buckley inquired if the pipe was embedded to only 3’ with 6” of sand under 2” of foam.

Chris Albert answered that the depth was 5’, and the water lines will be hammered down to 6’.

Chris Albert stated that the surveying team will do the Reinach Circle ledge probes next week, or the week after.

Discussion of twin tanks.

Jay Buckley asked Chris Albert if the twin 30-gallon tanks will be removed.

Chris answered no and stated that the tanks will be pumped and filled with sand.

Chris Albert left the meeting at 9:50 am.

3. Administration

Discussion of 91-A activity.

Donna MacKinnon spoke about the number of 91-A requests coming into the office.

Paula Doyle suggested that Administration keep track of the number of hours required to complete each request.

Discuss of PDF files.

BOC asked Ralph Lutjen about sending 91-A documents in PDF.

Ralph agreed documents should be in PDF format to clarify the integrity of the document and prevent alteration.

Discussion of Ordinances.

BOC will go over all ordinance documents to suggest changes and any corrections to be made.

Discussion of Water Usage reports.

Jay Buckley stated the water usage was more consistent this year.

Discussion of homeowner changes and building within the VDOE.

Jay Buckley stated the number of homeowners who had moved and sold homes.

Jay stated the VDOE added 7 new homes in 2020.

Paula Doyle suggested this be reviewed for next year’s budget.

Discussion of Minutes.

Kathy Koziell requested some changes be made to the minutes of September 29th, 2020.

Lynne Baker will make the changes.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the revised minutes of September 29th, 2020. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Kathy Koziell requested some changes be made to the minutes of October 1st, 2020.

Lynne Baker will make the changes.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the minutes of October 1st, 2020, with the changes discussed. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 10-3.

Dave (Ian Hayes’ assistant) came to the office asking for the names of the paint used on the pump houses to do touch ups.

4. Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $6,125.30. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the Water Project manifest for check in the amount of $178,889.95. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve check for DN Tanks out of retainage in the amount of $13,214.05. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the Operating Budget manifest in the amount of $3,667.49. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Donna MacKinnon inquired about the NH Retirement for September 2020.

Jay Buckley made a motion to sign the NH Retirement check out of session, not to exceed $2,000.00. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

5. Commissioners Report

Discussion of 29 Oak Ridge.

Jay Buckley stated that the variance that was previously issued was only good for 2 years.

There will be a meeting of the Town of Madison variance board to review a new variance.

Kathy Koziell inquired about the VDOE going to the meeting as an abutter.

Meeting will be October 21st, 2020.

Discussion of Grandval Way.

A homeowner inquired about reclassifying Grandval Way for plowing purposes.

Paula Doyle said this can be brought up as a Warrant Article as it was not approved last year.

Discussion of Security System for the Office Doorbell and DPW.

Jay Buckley received a recommendation from Ron Sandstrom for the Nest Security System.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the purchase of the Nest Security System. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Huttwil mailboxes. Security issues.

Discussion of voting booths for Annual Meeting. New Design this year.

6. Public Comment

The floor was turned over to Mark Graffam and David Maudsley at 10:30 am.

Mark Graffam remarked on the requested attorney invoices being redacted.

Paula Doyle suggested VDOE refer to the attorney.

Mark Graffam inquired about the pressure test.

Kathy Koziell answered that third party E.J. Prescott had completed the test.

Mark Graffam stated his concerns that there was no Project Manager for the project.

Kathy Koziell stated that hiring a Project Manager was not cost-effective for the VDOE and had to rely on contractors.

Mark Graffam requested a copy of the Dawson contract.

Mark Graffam inquired about email receipt verification.

Lynne Baker will set up notifications in Outlook.

Ralph Lutjen provided a suggestion to improve financial tracking with an “Estimate to

Complete” report.

BOC will ask Chris Albert to provide this report.

Paula Doyle and Kathy Koziell agreed this would help with future tracking.

Ralph Lutjen inquired as to the Ordinance Changes.

Paula Doyle said the BOC had discussed holding a public meeting to address any changes.

Mark Graffam and David Maudsley left the meeting at 11:10 am.

Discussion of RFP Audit.

Jay Buckley inquired about GASB and the term “government compliance”.

Kathy Koziell asked if all municipalities were held to the same standard.

Dinah Reiss stated that banks want an audit for loan purposes.

Jay Buckley made a motion to enter Non-Public meeting RSA 91-A:3II(l) at 11:42 am. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to seal the minutes from Non-Public meeting RSA 91-A:3ll(l). Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to adjourn meeting at 12:58 pm. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, October 1st, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell, Paula Doyle, and Treasurer Dinah Reiss (by phone). Also, in attendance were Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille, Water Engineer Ian Hayes (by phone), Donna MacKinnon, and Lynne Baker taking minutes. Resident Gloria Aspinal attended, residents Mark Graffam and David Maudsley entered the meeting at 10:30 am. The meeting was held at the Madison Town Hall but was not filmed. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

At 9:07 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley amended the agenda to include driveway permit for 29 Oak Ridge Road.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the amended agenda. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

2. DPW Report

Discussion of 29 Oak Ridge Road.

Jay Buckley stated there is an issue with the variance required for 29 Oak Ridge Road as the foundation is 47.9’ from the middle of the road and should be 65’. Any variance allowed would need to be done by the Town of Madison, Board of Appeals.

Kelly Robitaille stated they were doing the roads today at the Reinach tank.

DPW began re-shaping the roads today. This is only the 1st grading, and a 2nd will be required.

Discussion of Dawson grading roads.

Dawson will be required to supply additional gravel to finish project.

Kelly said he will speak to Dawson as Kelly believes there may be a change order for the additional work.

Kelly said the VDOE was the last project of the year for Dawson. Their deadline is November 1st, 2020.

Kelly said Ian is ready to test lines at Rienach tank and that everything is on schedule.

Discussion of Paving.

Chris Albert will have to go to DES with change order and numbers.

Ian Hayes joined discussion and stated he would be doing the pressure test on Monday or Tuesday of next week. He will be drawing the water for the test from the original tank.

Discussion of 9 Reinach Place.

Ian stated he was not aware of any issues with 9 Reinach Place. If there is a problem, Dawson will re-do the water line as he sees no issue with that. Ian will speak to Dawson.

Jay Buckley stated that the service line is already connected to the main.

Discussion of Homeowner request to reclassify Grandval Way from a class 5 to a class 6 road. Homeowner has requested reclarification of road for plowing purposes.

BOC may make this a Warrant Article for annual meeting

Discussion of 8 Eidelweiss Drive.

Ian said that to connect new water hook up to 8 Eidelweiss Drive, he will have to do a complete shut-down. Date to be provided.

Kelly stated that Dawson will do the water line paving for the front end of Edelweiss Drive.

Kathy Koziell stated this would be the owner’s expense.

Discussion of 7 Biasca Place.

Ian Hayes never heard back from the homeowner.

Discussion of fill application agreement for 28 Bern Drive.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the fill application agreement for 28 Bern Drive. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of pump house.

Kathy Koziell asked Ian for the pump house schematics.

Ian said to ask Chris as they were part of the contract.

Discussion of new plow truck.

Still waiting for parts to come in. Delay is due to Covid-19.

Discussion of fill requests.

Kelly mentioned he has had multiple fill requests from some homeowners. Going forward he said he would do a maximum of one property fill request, and that it would be done as a courtesy as it is not required of DPW.

Discussion of paving budget.

Kelly said the paving budget should be brought up to the full amount allocated.

Paula Doyle asked how much Bryant would require.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to increase the pavement budget from $14,000.00, up to $17,000.00, to pave up to Jungfrau. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Burgdorf Culvert.

Kelly Robitaille stated that the project is starting on October 5th, 2020.

Kathy stated the Burgdorf Culvert is a Warrant Article approved for $13,000.00.

3. Water Report – Ian Hayes

Status for Chocorua tank is complete.

Recent contaminated samples were due to issues with upgrades to the Summit and Chocorua tanks. This is a natural occurrence, and any further samples will be clean.

Discussion of flushing.

Ian will do a flush on the air compressor at Summit after October 12th, 2020, will inform office.

Discussion of Muddy Beach pumphouse.

Ian Hayes states that if there are funds available, pouring a concrete floor would be great idea.

Kathy Koziell said she would contact Norman Garside regarding quote to see if included.

Ian stated the building is not safe for transporting hazardous materials.

Kathy Koziell inquired about raising the tank and adding a grate.

Ian also suggested the Chocorua House and Muddy Beach be addressed due to age.

Jay Buckley requested that Ian provide a list of items to do.

Donna MacKinnon requested Ian come to the office to breakdown line items for budget purposes. Ian said he will stop by.

Discussion of EII.

Jay Buckley asked if there will be 2 new meter readings.

Ian said yes, once Tom finishes programming.

4. Administration

Donna MacKinnon stated she found a difference in dates in the water ordinance.

Donna said the 2nd reimbursement from the state will be in the account tomorrow.

Kathy Koziell confirmed this.

Donna asked about billing for the picnic tables. She was told to send it to the EPOA,

Discussion of Annual Meeting.

Donna has made a request to the Madison Elementary School to allow VDOE to have their annual meeting there on March 6th, 2021.

Donna said the school requires proof of an umbrella insurance policy including Covid-19 precautions, and a $25.00 cleaning fee.

Jay Buckley asked about issues with the voting booths for the Annual meeting, as 2 new ones may be needed: 1 handicap booth, and 2 regular booths.

Donna will reach out to Bob Ingram as to date and time of Annual meeting.

BOC will be there at 7:00 am for set up, voting from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, with deliberative session from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Paula Doyle asked about the numbers from last year’s Annual meeting.

Discussion of VLAP testing.

Jay Buckley stated that the VLAP pond testing results were good.

Donna will send out the results.

Gloria Aspinal requested a copy of the water test results and asked where they test the ponds.

Paula Doyle answered that the list has the locations and that the EPOA does the testing.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the minutes of September 24th, and September 29th, 2020. Paula Doyle seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

5. Commissioner’s Reports

Jay Buckley stated the letter for Chris Albert regarding Bryant paving as preferred contractor for the VDOE is so Chris can forward it to DES.

Jay Buckley asked that Kathy upload picture of the new Sheriff’s Tower to the website, stating the service is to be used for the local police, sheriff’s department, and Conway police to help cover dead spots for E911 broadcasts.

Jay Buckley stated there have been problems getting in touch with Michelle Clark regarding DRA reports.

Kathy Koziell questioned if the Village could act if they only received clarification on one question.

Discussion of the memorial plaque - Removal

Donna MacKinnon inquired about sending documents electronically. BOC said to only send them in PDF format due to legal and privacy issues.

Discussion of Andrew Harteveldt suggestion for office and DPW security.

Jay will reach out to Ron for a second opinion.

Discussion of 32 Lakeview Drive - Water hook up application.

6. Accounts Payable

Donna MacKinnon presented the Operating Budget manifest.

Lynne Baker read the individual items to be paid.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the Operating Budget manifest in the amount of $9,951.51. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

7. Public Comment

At 10:30 am, the floor was turned over to Mark Graffam and David Maudsley.

David Maudsley said he sent a 91-A request to the office on September 13th, 2020.

Both Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker stated the office never received the email request.

Mark Graffam inquired as to how the Water Project loan was being tracked.

Kathy Koziell provided Mark a copy of her tracking spreadsheet.

Kathy Koziell will send a PDF copy of the tracking spreadsheet to the office for distribution.

Mark Graffam asked if the contingency money had been spent.

Kathy Koziell answered no.

Mark Graffam asked if there were photos of the pipe on Aspen

Jay Buckley said that Ian Hayes has photos showing proper installation was done.

Mark Graffam asked why the project had stopped.

Kathy Koziell stated the delay was problems getting a part for the building due to Covid-19.

Kathy Koziell stated the project was not over budget.

Dinah Reiss stated there was need for $108,000.00 to finish tanks. That would leave $33,000.00 in the account.

David Maudsley inquired about the unassigned funds balance.

Mark Graffam suggested the Auditor should have a public meeting with the legislative body. He also stated that he can request all the auditor’s notes as if should be in the contract.

Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley will do some research on this.

Gloria Espinal stated she was very happy that the BOC meetings are open to the public again.

Jay Buckley made a motion to end Public meeting at 11:12 am and go into Non-Public meeting RSA 91-A:3,II(a). Paula Doyle seconds, Motion passed 3-0.

Meeting Minutes were sealed.

Jay Buckley made a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting RSA 91-A:3,II(a) and enter Non-Public meeting RSA 91-A:3,II(l) at 11:20 am. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Meeting Minutes were sealed.

Jay Buckley made a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting RSA 91-A:3,II(l) and resume Public meeting at 11:33 am. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of 23 Little Loop – Water Service

Discussion of the Ordinances – Changes to be made

Donna MacKinnon will provide the BOC with a list of ordinance changes to be addressed.

Discussion of having an evening Public meeting in November to allow for public comment.

Jay Buckley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:40 am. Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday September 24th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Thursday September 24th, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell, and Paula Doyle (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Kelly Robitaille comes in at 9:00 am, Dinah Reiss (by phone) calls in at 9:00 am, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call. 

At 8:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.

Jay Buckley explains that the purpose of meeting at 8:00 am was to go into Non-Public for employee review & legal.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (a) Employee Review and RSA 91-A:3, II (l) Legal Advice and Legal Counsel.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0. 

Minutes of Non-Public are sealed.

Jay Buckley call the Public meeting back to order at 9:01 am.

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds agenda.

Motion Passed 3-0.

2. DPW

Discussion of Grading of the Roads-Kelly Robitaille states they are grading the roads this week before the leaves start falling.  There was no widening of any of the roads just grading getting the roads prep for the winter.  The culverts will also be cleaned.

Discussion of the DPW schedule-Kelly Robitaille states that they are scheduled 4 weeks out.

Discussion of the Grading of the water project roads.

Discussion of the Burgdorf Culvert Replacement project-Kelly Robitaille states the excavator will be delivered on Oct. 5th and will be starting the project.

Discussion of 9 Reinach.

Discussion of Bryant Paving-Dawson is supposed to be prep for paving. Kelly Robitaille states gravel roads are different than the paved roads and questions why Dawson did not prep those roads before they took their equipment out.  Paula Doyle wants to have a conversation with Chris Albert about this matter.

Discussion of Procedure for Permit for Driveway for Operation.  7 Biasca will need the BOC approval Permit Driveway for Operation because the driveway is not where the driveway for construction was approved.

Discussion of 47 Eidelweiss Driveway Permit-Homeowner needs to send in the approved conditions that their contractor can meet.

3. Administration

Discussion of 5th Wheeler Camper in Huttwil Parking lot.

Discussion of Outhouse Cleaner-BOC agree to have the Outhouse cleaned through Columbus Day Weekend.

Discussion of schedule for the Pumping of the Outhouses.

Discussion of BOC Meetings at Madison Town Hall lower meeting room-They will be starting Oct 1st.

Discussion of Rock House Mountain spreading of Calcium Chloride Invoice.

Discussion of Bryant Paving letter for DES-Jay Buckley will draft letter.

Discussion of Annual Meeting Date-BOC agree on Saturday March 6th for Annual Meeting Dates and state the 1st Saturday of March going forward.

Paula Doyle makes a motion to have the Annual Meeting on Saturday March 6th, 2020 with the voting from 8:00 am to 10:00 am and the legislative body starting at 10:00 am.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Budget Meeting-BOC agree to schedule meeting for Tuesday September 29th at 9:00 am as a public commissioner meeting.

Discussion of Public Ordinances.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the minutes of 9/8, 9/10 & 9/17/2020.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Payroll of 9/5-9/18/2020 for $7,173.05.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Water Project Manifest of 9/23/2020 for 2 checks for $377,636.55.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Operating Budget Manifest of 9/23/2020 for 8 checks for $7,911.99.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Mark Graffam’s email-Kathy Koziell will check for clarification from the DRA.

Discussion of Catherine Deyoe’s email.

5.Commissioner Reports

Kathy Koziell discusses Department of Labor Inspection-Everything passed except the backup alarm for the Ford 550.  Would not be needed because the new Truck will be replacing the Ford 550.

Discussion of draft letter for the Village of Eidelweiss.  Paula Doyle and Jay Buckley thank Kathy Koziell for drafting letter.  Paula Doyle will edit letter.

Kathy Koziell reached out to the NHMA for clarification on the warrant articles and is waiting for response.

Discussion of DPW 1 furnace-Kathy Koziell questions of leak.  Kelly Robitaille states it is the pressure valve that he can fix and thinks this should be a warrant article for next year.  Kelly Robitaille will get a quote.

Paula Doyle will work on RFP for New Auditor for next week.

Jay Buckley sent in pictures of Summit.

Discussion of DRA forms-Jay Buckley will work with the office.

Discussion of cloudy water from water outage of Chocorua Pump House.

Discussion of Sally Hassey’s email about the trash-DPW cannot go onto private property only 10’ of the right of way is the Districts responsibility.

Discussion of 8 Eidelweiss Dr Water Hook-up-Chris Albert sent email stating there is 70 PSI in front of 15 Eidelweiss Dr. and adding a new hook-up is okay.  Jay Buckley wants the Water Hook-up only to cross Eidelweiss Dr once.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Water Hook-up for 8 Eidelweiss Dr and to sign out of session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Dinah Reiss mentions that the picnic table at Geneva Beach is damaged.  Kelly Robitaille states he will remove it.

Discussion of Muddy Beach Pump House-The pouring of a concrete pad was on Rick Skarinka from DES list of recommendations.  Jay Buckley wants to reach out to Ian Hayes.  Kathy Koziell states there was an estimate quote for $4K to get Summit Pump house ready for spray foam insulation and thinks there is money in the Summit WA left.  Kathy Koziell will reach out to Norman Garside to see if quote will be honored.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 10:48 am.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted, Donna MacKinnon Administrator


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday September 3rd, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:01 am on Thursday, September 3rd, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, and Kathy Koziell (by Phone).  Also, in attendance was Kelly Robitaille DPW Foreman, Ian Hayes water operator (by Phone), Chris Albert engineer (by phone), Lynne Baker and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had Dinah Reiss, treasurer call into the meeting.                            

At 9:01 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda. 

Jay Buckley adds 2 checks to the manifest.  Kathy Koziell adds updated budget draw down.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve amended agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.

Motion Passed 2-0.

2. Highway Department Report

Discussion of the Thusis Culvert-Kelly Robitaille states project is complete.

Discussion of gravel and ditching of St. Moritz is being done today.

Discussion of Spreading of Calcium Chloride at Rock House Mountain-Kelly Robitaille states there was a malfunction with the spreader and job will be completed tomorrow.  Will be billing Rock House Mountain for two treatments.

Discussion of 47 Eidelweiss Driveway permit-Kelly Robitaille needs clarification of who is going to be the contractor of the project so that he can discuss the drainage aspect of the driveway.  Kathy Koziell asks if an on-site meeting is needed.  Kelly Robitaille asks for confirmation of the contractor office will reach out to the homeowner.  Kelly Robitaille will bring his recommendation to the BOC that will be approved then reach out to the contractor to agree to the approved recommendations.

Discussion of 8 Eidelweiss Drive-No permits have been approved.  It is up to the property owner to get all application requirements before anything will be approved. 

Discussion of Bryant Paving-They are schedule for the last week in September.  Curb stops will be all completed prior to paving according to Ian Hayes.

Discussion of homeowners looking into upgrading to the new line- Forward all homeowner requests to Dawson.

Discussion of sign post panels for stop signs. The cost is $16.50 per panel. 

Discussion of Big Loop Culvert Beaver Problem-Kelly Robitaille states the DPW cleaned out the culvert 3 times and the beavers keep coming back building a bigger dam each time.  Kelly Robitaille is concerned that the pipe will be damaged when cleaning out the beavers.  Kelly contacted Fish & Games and they can be removed because the beavers are a hazard to the District.  Jay Buckley states in the past the District tried other plans but never took care of the beaver problem.

Jay Buckley makes a motion for Kelly Robitaille to reach out to a trapper to remove the beavers for the safety of the roads and the District.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

3. Water Report

Discussion of the Water Outage-Ian Hayes thought the office was contacted for the outage which was not the case.  All Water Project water outages should come from Chris Albert to the office only.  Chris Albert knew nothing about planned outage from Dawson will be looking into this matter.  Jay Buckley was concerned with the lack of communication.

Discussion of 9 Reinach water line being installed.  Ian Hayes was unaware of water line being installed and is concerned that it is not up to the Districts requirements.  No Water Hook-Up Application is on file at the office this will have to be addressed.

Discussion of Grimsel homeowner Water Hook-Up costs vs Well.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to reply to Karen David property owner to deny Water Hook-Up based on Water Ordinance for hooking up to a Class VI road. No Second.  Motion Fails.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to draft a letter to Grimsel Rd Karen David stating for the Water Hook-Up with an estimate costing between $23K to $50K.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of pressure tank at Summit-Jay Buckley states tank has never been maintained and questions if it should be considered as a warrant article for the annual meeting.  Ian Hayes states the system should be changed to a VFD driven system probably 3 to 5 years out.

Discussion of 1 Forclaz.

Discussion of 2 new Water Hook-Ups Applications-34 Interlaken 50 PSI and 11 Blinden 100 PSI.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Water Hook-ups for 34 Interlaken Cir. and 11 Blinden Dr.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of Chocorua Pumphouse-starting in 2 weeks no foreseen outages but will keep the office informed.

Discussion of Thusis Culvert-Kelly Robitaille thanks Ian Hayes for inspection.

Discussion of Road Culvert procedure-Ian Hayes wants a policy on it going forward.

3. Engineer Report

Chris Albert updates the BOC about the Water Project. The project is winding down.  The tank is being filled.  Planning on Tuesday to do inspection for leaks.  The Building it self is done but a permit is still needed.

Discussion of security of Tank Site.

Discussion of Bryant Paving-letter is needed for DES stating Bryant Paving is the vendor for the District.

Discussion of Paving backside of Aspen-Bryant Paving to pave but will come out of the Road Budget.  Dawson will have to be all buttoned up at that point.

Discussion of Upper Lakeview pressure zone.

4. Administration Report

Discussion of 59 Eidelweiss Dr Water Usage Bill.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to bill homeowner for $400.00 water usage bill for this year.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of 20 Grisson water usage bill-Family is looking for a waiver for bill.  Kathy Koziell stands firm on amount of bill.  Jay Buckley agrees with Kathy Koziell.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to send a letter to 20 Grisson with the water ordinance.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of request from Anthony Ursillo waving late fees for water usage bill.

Jay Buckley makes a motion not to waive late fees for Anthony Ursillo.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Kathy Koziell want to schedule another BOC meeting for water issues.  Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley agree on next Tuesday 9/8/2020 at 10:30 am.  Office will post meeting.

5.  Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion for approval of the Operating Budget Manifest of 9/2/2020 of 5 checks for $5,427.22 and Manifest of 9/3/2020 of 2 checks for $8,500.00.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the minutes of 6/18, 6/25, & 8/27/2020.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

6.  Signature Items

Discussion of 12 Interlaken Circle letter.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign letter for 12 Interlaken Circle.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of meeting with Andrew Hardtveldt and Ron Sandstrom regarding office equipment.

Jay Buckley makes a motion for Andrew Hardtveldt upgrade the backup battery pack, add memory to the office computer and sync the desk top computer and laptop office computers.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of Department of Labor Safety Inspection Letter-Jay Buckley will purchase the required Fire Extinguisher for the DPW building.

Discussion of Evan McDougal email.

Discussion of 7 Biasca Water Hook-Up.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to return the Water Hook-up fee of $8,000.00 to Mr. Dean Lambert regarding 7 Biasca.  Kathy Koziell Seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of HealthTrust Insurance surplus.

Discussion of Lead Copper testing.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:23 am.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted, Donna MacKinnon Administrator


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday September 8th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 10:30 am on Tuesday September 8th, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by Phone), and Paula Doyle (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Lynne Baker and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had Dinah Reiss, treasurer call into the meeting.                            

At 10:30 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds. 

Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of the Lead Copper water testing-send email out to homeowners.

Discussion of Department of Labor-Kathy Koziell will follow up with an email to the Department of Labor.

Discussion of the DRA-Jay Buckley will check with Michelle Clark.

Discussion of the Water Tank walk thru-Jay Buckley took a walk thru with Chris Albert this morning. Jay Buckley states the Tank is nearly full.

Discussion of Water Hook-Up for 9 Reinach-The District, Chris Albert, and Ian Hayes had no knowledge that the water line was installed.  Homeowner did not follow the Water Hook-Up Ordinance.  Kathy Koziell wants to send a letter to the homeowner and copy Chris Albert, Ian Hayes, & Dawson.

Discussion of 2” water main up on Reinach-Dawson should be responsible for digging line back up for inspection for Chris Albert and Ian Hayes along with taking pictures.

Discussion of a betterment for water line.

Discussion of 3 Grimsel Water Hook-Up-email was sent to homeowner.

Discussion of 12 Interlaken-They will need a contractor to replace line.

Discussion of 8 Eidelweiss Dr-Still waiting on a complete Driveway Permit Application.  Property was sent an email Thursday 9/3/2020 from the office to follow up.

Discussion of 32 Upper Lakeview email-There is a water main in front of property.

Discussion of New Water Hook-Up Application-Sending application to Jones & Beach for PSI approvals.

Discussion of water bills for Ted Foley & Anthony Ursillo.

Discussion of Public Hearing-Jay Buckley shooting for October.  Will have to be posted 30 days prior.

Discussion of New Water Tank Ceremony-All three BOC agree to hold ceremony.  Paula Doyle stated that the District should invite Adam Leiser to be recognized for the work he had done to get the project started.  Chris Albert should get back to the office with a date.

Discussion of Dawson signage.

Discussion of Budget-Will be discussed on Thursday.

Discussion of 2nd DES Disbursement-Supporting Documentation is needed; office will send email to Chris Albert.

Discussion of Ian Hayes cost amounts for the Reinach project-Kathy Koziell is tracking it on the Water Project spreadsheet.

Discussion of Jeff DeMartino’s annual review.

Discussion on the Beavers.

7.  Public Comment

Dinah Reiss asks what the reason is for today’s meeting.  She will not be at Thursday meeting.  Dinah Reiss asks about the bleeders and questions the new red line.  Jay Buckley states it is for the new blow off for flushing the line.  Dinah Reiss states on 9/1/2020 the sheriff was never called for the road closure.  Jay Buckley states he called in the road closure himself.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:25 am.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday September 10th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday September 10th, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by Phone), and Paula Doyle (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Kelly Robitaille, Chris Albert (by Phone), Lynne Baker and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call. 

At 9:00 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Jay Buckley adds letter to Ted Foley to the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds as amended. 

Motion Passed 3-0.

2. DPW

Discussion of culvert at 47-49 Eidelweiss Road-Kelly Robitaille states that the DPW will be putting in the culvert beginning of next week.

Discussion of Driveway permit-The homeowner needs to install a grate as part of approval of permit.  Office will send out email to homeowner.

Discussion of Driveway approval of 5 Lakeview Drive.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Driveway Permit for Construction of 5 Lakeview Drive.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Driveway approval of 6 Lakeview Drive-Homeowner will need to install a grate, only functioning way to correct driveway issue.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Driveway for Construction of 6 Lakeview Drive with conditions to install a grate.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Driveway approval for 44 Appenvel Way.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Driveway Permit for Construction of                  44 Appenvel Way.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Driveway approval for 62 Bern Drive.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Driveway Permit for Construction of 62 Bern Drive.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Thusis Culvert.

Discussion of Rock House Mountain-2 Calcium Chloride treatments were done. Kelly Robitaille will give the office numbers to the office in order to bill Rock House Mountain.

Discussion of 43 Aspen Drive-Homeowner is looking for a drainage issue.  Kelly Robitaille does not think the District can do anything.  Kelly Robitaille will talk to the homeowner.

Discussion of 8 Eidelweiss Drive Driveway Permit approval.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Driveway Permit for Construction of 8 Eidelweiss Drive but with egress on Bern Drive.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of the Beavers-Kelly Robitaille found a trapper who traps the beavers live, he is waiting for a call back to get cost.

Discussion of Brush Cutting-Kelly Robitaille states there use to be a budget line item for brush cutting.  The roads need brush cutting.  Kelly Robitaille recommends as a warrant article for next year.

Discussion of Bryant paving for second part of Aspen Dr.-Bryant will extend the project price for the asphalt but would come out of the asphalt budget.  Kelly Robitaille will give Bryant a number and Bryant will pave up to the number.  Kelly Robitaille will need a decision by next week.  Paula Doyle suggests for the BOC to look at the budget to confirm.

Discussion of Beavers-Kelly Robitaille received a phone call from the trapper with costs.  It will be $250. to set traps and $75. per beaver and also has ideas to keep the beavers from coming back.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to spend up to $700. to remove the beavers.  The money will come from the Buildings & Ground budget line item.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Madison TV.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to respond to Noreen Downs from Madison TV to resume video tapping meetings.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

3. Engineer Report

Chris Albert gives update on the Water Project. They will be working on the electrical this week. 

Discussion of the second DES disbursement, Chris Albert will go thru the disbursement to get the same numbers as Rick Skarinka and update the office with the correct numbers.

Discussion of letter to the DES-Chris Albert states that the DES needs a letter from the District stating that Bryant Paving is the preferred vendor for the District.  Jay Buckley will draft letter.

Discussion of finishing the Water Project-Chris Albert states the project will be finished the end of September with the exceptions of minor punch list items.

Discussion of Upper Lakeview pressure zone-Chris Albert states the project will be done this year and will be sticking with the original plan.

Discussion of change orders-Chris Albert states there were no official change order no added cost to the District.  There was a change in design and it saved the District money due to finding ledge.

Discussion of 9 Reinach-Dawson will be back filling.  Jay Buckley questions about having Ian Hayes inspect water line prior to back filling.

Discussion of Utility Maintenance Program-Chris Albert states it should be done every 5 years.

Discussion of Surveyor-Chris Albert states that he will bring in the surveyor after the project is complete.

Discussion of third DES Disbursement.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the payroll for $6,196.55.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mark Graffam calls into the meeting as schedule at 10:00 am.  Mark Graffam discusses the Free Conference Calling.  Jay Buckley tells Mark Graffam that the District is going back to Madison TV to video the meetings.  Discussion of 91A requested by Mark Graffam.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Manifest of 9/9/2020 of 7 checks for $5,301.82.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Budget Draw Down-BOC of the budget ensues.  Paula Doyle states that we are 2/3 thru the year and would like to figure what money is committed for the rest of the year.  The District should know what bills are anticipated.  A dedicated meeting should be spent on this.  Jay Buckley purposes a meeting first full week of October.  The BOC will let the office know a date for the meeting.

4. Signature Items

Discussion of letter to 9 Reinach.

Discussion of the letter to Ted Foley.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letters to homeowner at 9 Reinach and to Ted Foley.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

5. Correspondence

Discussion of water outage for water hook up at 34 Interlaken.

Discussion of DES email-Violation was rescinded by DES.

Discussion of Department of Labor-Kathy Koziell will email Dept of Labor with a reinspection of September 23,2020.

Discussion of Emergency Plan.

Discussion of date for Canoe/Kayak Removal-It is November 11th, 2020.

Discussion of Matthew Colburn water line.

Discussion of Water PH testing-Granite Analytical results Passed.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II(l)-Legal.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to seal the Non-Public minutes.  Paula Doyle seconds.

Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:22 am.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday September 17th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday September 17th, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone), and Paula Doyle (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Kelly Robitaille, Chris Albert (by phone), Dinah Reiss (by phone), Lynne Baker and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call. 

At 9:00 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Jay Buckley adds that the BOC will go into Non-Public to the agenda.  Paula Doyle seconds agenda as amended. 

Motion Passed 3-0.

2. DPW

Discussion of Driveway permit for Construction approval of 2 Appenvel Way culvert extension.

Paula Doyle makes a motion to approve Driveway Permit for Construction of 2 Appenvel Way with the exception to the Driveway Ordinance.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Driveway permit for Construction approval of 29 Oak Ridge Road.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Driveway for Construction of 29 Oak Ridge Road.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Driveway 19 Little Shore Road.  Homeowner would like to know what type of application permit is needed for his driveway.  Homeowner has old plans that state there is an existing driveway on them.  There has never been a Driveway permit application filed for 19 Little Shore and the BOC states the homeowner will need to file new Driveway Permit.

Discussion of the Beavers-Kelly Robitaille states the trapper trapped two live beavers that he thinks they are the parents.  There does not seem to be any activity at the traps.  The DPW will open the dam.  The trapper will come back if there is any activity, he also has pictures.  The trapper will bill the District when he thinks all beavers are trapped.

Discussion of 47-49 Eidelweiss road culvert project-Kelly Robitaille states it is quite a job and will be wrapping it up tomorrow.  Homeowner of 47 Eidelweiss called the police to report someone was trespassing on their property.  DPW was within their rights the District has 10’ to encroach on private property and was well within the right of way.  This project has to be done first before the homeowner can Pave their driveway.

Discussion of Aspen Dr. Paving extending from the purposed Water Project Paving with Bryant.  This was discussed previously with the BOC and Kelly Robitaille needs an answer.  Kelly Robitaille states the estimate is between $14K and $15K. This would come from the Asphalt Budget line.  Kathy Koziell states the budget is in good shape and agrees to go ahead with the paving.  Jay Buckley agrees with Kathy Koziell.  Paula Doyle that we are 2/3 into the year and thinks the paving should be done also.

Paula Doyle makes a motion to spend up to $14K to extend the paving of Aspen Dr from Bryant Paving.  This will come from the Asphalt Budget line item.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of 43 Aspen Dr-Kelly Robitaille talked to the homeowner regarding his driveway.  There is nothing that the DPW can do to fix the homeowners driveway.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to correspond to the homeowner that at this time there is no feasible fix to his driveway.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Doug Prescott’s email-Homeowner needs a Driveway Permit for Operation of 18 Little Shore.

Discussion of Fill Applications-For 10 Barden Place and 8 Eidelweiss Drive.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve fill application for 10 Barden Place.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve fill application for 8 Eidelweiss Drive.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Lead-Copper water testing.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the minutes of 9/3/2020.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-1 Paula Doyle abstains.

Discussion of Madison TV-to resume video taping of BOC meeting at the Town Hall starting 10/1/2020.  Paula Doyle wants it safe and known that masks are required.

3. Engineer Report

Chris Albert gives update on the Water Project.

Discussion of DES 3rd Disbursement.  Chris Albert states the Tank is complete.  Dawson is waiting on a part having issues due to COVID and the Hurricane.  Chris asks if Bryant Paving can be pushed out 2 weeks in order for Dawson to finish up when part comes in.  Chris Albert asks Kelly Robitaille if Bryant Paving can be pushed out.  Kelly Robitaille states that is up the BOC.  Jay Buckley thinks we should reach out to Bryant Paving.

Jay Buckley make a motion for Kelly Robitaille to contact Bryant Paving about pushing out the date of paving.  If Bryant can not change the date of 9/28/2020 then keep the 9/28/2020 paving date.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of how the pressure testing is done.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the Certificate of Substantial Completion form for DN Tanks.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Paula Doyle asks Chris Albert about the Building Permit.  Chris Albert states that Jake Dawson Filed 9/8/2020 for it.

Discussion of homeowner drainage at Bristenstock Dr. and Aspen Dr.

Discussion of 8 Eidelweiss Dr Water Hook-Up Application-Homeowner James Nyman calls into the meeting asking for exception of filing date.  Homeowner states the water line is partial dug.  Jay Buckley states there is no water line on Bern Dr and not sure if the line on Eidelweiss Dr across the street form 8 Eidelweiss is complete water main line.  It would be up to the homeowner for the cost of digging up and patching Eidelweiss Dr. if there is correct water line and approved pressure for a new water hook-up otherwise the homeowner will have to dig a well.  This will have to go to Chris Albert to approve pressure and Ian Hayes to see if he has time to do a new water hook-up this year.  James Nyman understands and agrees to the cost of the water line, digging & patching of going across Eidelweiss Dr in addition to the $8,000.00

Water Hook-Up fee.  Paula Doyle is concerned with digging up Eidelweiss Dr and getting the information in a timely matter.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to accept the Water Hook-Up Application of 8 Eidelweiss Dr. with the Homeowner James Nyman excepting the stipulations explained to him by the BOC.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

4. Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Water Budget Manifest of 9/16/2020 of 1 check for $2,718.75.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Operating Budget Manifest of 9/16/2020 of 8 checks for $4,822.11.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Larry Leonard’s email-Paula Doyle suggests inviting Larry Leonard to Oct 1st meeting that Ian Hayes will be at.

Dinah Reiss asks about the Chocorua Pump House and final withdrawal for Just Electric.

5.Commissioner Reports

Jay Buckley discusses the pictures he has taken of the Tank Project

Discussion of the DRA Portal-Jay Buckley will work with the office.

Kathy Koziell states she has an appointment on 9/23/2020 at 10:00 am with the Department of Labor for the follow up inspection. 

Kathy Koziell reads the letter she drafted for water liens.

Paula Doyle discusses looking for a new Auditor.

6. Correspondence

Discussion of Andrew Harteveldt email.

Discussion of Loon Preservation email that Mike Smith forwarded.

Discussion of Eversource email.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II(l)-Legal.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0. At 10:36 am.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to seal the Non-Public minutes.  Paula Doyle seconds.

Motion Passed 3-0.

Minutes of Non-Public are sealed.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:5 am.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday June 25th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:03 am on Thursday, June 25th, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone), and Paula Doyle (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had Chris Albert, engineer, Dinah Reiss Treasurer, and 2 residents call into the meeting.                            

At 9:03 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve agenda.  Paula Doyle seconds. Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley welcomes Paula Doyle as the new commissioner.  Paula Doyle was sworn in at the office by Donna MacKinnon 6/23/2020.

2. Engineer Report

Chris Albert calls into the meeting. Chris Albert welcomes Paula Doyle.  Chris Albert updates the BOC about the Water Project.

Discussion of test pits at Aspen wants to run the waterline next to the old trench.

Discussion of foundation walls of building.

Discussion of DN Tanks Cody Donaldson is the foreman for DN Tanks.

Discussion of Dawson schedule-week or 2 will be done with water line and is ahead of schedule.

Chris Albert will be working on PRV pits with Ian Hayes.

Chris Albert would like to work with Kelly Robitaille Thursday to do a walk thru to start addressing the roads.

Jay Buckley states that he checked with the Town of Madison for the building permit and there is still nothing filed yet by Dawson.  Chris Albert will follow up with Dawson.

Discussion of the three alternatives for the project-The BOC all agree with the 3rd option of digging the waterline next to the old trench with a savings of $50K on the project.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adopt the third option for digging next to the old trench per Chris Albert’s email.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley states the BOC will table contracts until next week.

Discussion of SW Cole billing.  Dinah Reiss questions the bill to come out of the CRF funds to spend down the $85K.  Kathy Koziell states it was in the minutes.  Dinah Reiss asks if it should go to the DES reimbursement.  Kathy Koziell states she is working on a spreadsheet for the Water Project for reimbursement.  Kathy Koziell will work Dinah Reiss & Donna MacKinnon.

3. DPW Report

Kelly Robitaille states the DPW is working on Grisson & Barden drainage issues.  The rafts and picnic tables are out.  There is a snag of the Thusis Culvert the homeowners do not want any drainage going onto their property and if the drainage goes onto to the beach, we will lose a lot of the beach area.  One option is just to replace to damage pipe with a lot of unknown.  Jay Buckley questions to put a swale right up to the property and plant a berm on the other side.  Kelly states no way of hiding drainage.  Jay Buckley asks Kelly Robitaille to get an estimate for a camera to find out what size pipe is under the road.  Kathy Koziell asks what would a camera do?  Kelly Robitaille states it would give him a better view for doing the project. Discussion of easement of property.  Kathy Koziell states there is $1,300 or $1,400. left in Thusis WA budget.

Discussion of 33 Upper Lakeview.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the letter to The Taylors at 33 Upper Lakeview.

Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of 10 Porridge Shore.

Discussion of 7 Biasca Driveway-Kelly Robitaille states the driveway is not located where the approval was given to the homeowner.  Homeowner will have a lot of work to do for drainage for the District road to be protected.  Paula Doyle would like to meet with the homeowner.  Kathy Koziell would like to call the homeowner to find out his plans.

Discussion of 19 East Bergamo driveway permit-it is a class VI road which will have to be brought up to class V road standards at the homeowner’s expense.  Kelly Robitaille will inspect it as a class V road.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve to sign 19 East Bergamo driveway inspection with a letter going to the homeowner.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Rock House Mountain spreading of Calcium Chloride by the DPW.

Discussion of 9 Reinach driveway permit.

Discussion of 47 Eidelweiss driveway permit-Homeowner has to send full application into the District office will reach out to homeowner.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve fill application for 1 Little Loop Road.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Kayak racks-Kathy Koziell is addressing the problem.

Discussion of speed bumps-Kelly Robitaille thinks they will be damaged with the ongoing project.  Jay Buckley wants a slow sign to put up, Kelly Robitaille agrees.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to appropriate up to $200 from buildings & grounds line item for caution sign on Eidelweiss Drive.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Outhouses sanitizers-Jay Buckley can not order receive any before August but will install brackets himself.

Discussion of reaching out to Gina Murphy for cleaning of Outhouses.

4. Administration

Discussion of Camper park at the Huttwil parking lot-It has been parked since May 9th, 2020.

Paula Doyle suggests putting it in the Newsletter.

Discussion of part time Admin job opening.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the meeting minutes of May 7th.

Kathy Koziell seconds.  Paula Doyle abstains.  Motion Passed 2-1.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to approve the meeting minutes of June 22nd.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Paula Doyle abstains.  Motion Passed 2-1.

5.  Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Manifest of 8 checks for $7,310.46.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve payroll of $5,703.30.  Kathy Koziell seconds.

Motion Passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Manifest of 6/24/2020 of 5 checks for $11,956.22

Discussion of Simply Water Invoice-holding check until clarification from Ian Hayes regarding invoice.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to amended Manifest of 6/24/2020 of 4 checks for $3,186.22.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve executive payroll for month of June for $850.00.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motions Passed 3-0.

6. Signature Item

Discussion of approved CRF funds for SW Cole Invoice-Kathy Koziell is finding the minutes.

Discussion of 7 Biasca Water Hook-Up.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve 7 Biasca water hook-up.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of 21 Upper Lakeview Dr Robert Nelson email for water hook-up-Jay Buckley will send email to Mr. Nelson.

Discussion of water service line in vacant lot-Jay Buckley spoke with Jake Dawson.  Jay Buckley send out work order number to Ian Hayes.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to create a work order number for curb stop at 14 Bristenstock.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Radio Tower coming-Jay Buckley asks Kathy Koziell to put notice in the newsletter.

Discussion of pumphouses-Kathy Koziell reached out to Ian Hayes.

7. Correspondence Report

Discussion of lawn mowing.

Discussion from Dorothy Wondalowski-She would like public meetings held again.  Paula Doyle thinks it should stay the way we are doing holding them during this time, Jay Buckley agrees with Paula.

Discussion of Boulder Beach Raft.

Discussion of June Newsletter.

Paula Doyle would like to talk about committees next week put it on the agenda for next week.

Discussion for EPOA to buy lawnmower-Kathy Koziell would like to ask the EPOA to purchase lawnmower for the District, Dinah Reiss agrees with Kathy, Jay Buckley disagrees.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:05 pm.  Paula Doyle seconds.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon



Commissioners Meeting

Thursday June 18th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:04 am on Thursday, June 18th, 2020.  In attendance was Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone).  Also, in attendance was Highway Foreman Kelly Robitaille and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  The meeting was not filmed but residents could call into meeting via conference call.  We had Chris Albert and 6 residents call into the meeting.                            

At 9:04 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 2-0.

Add Dean Lambert to the agenda if he calls into the meeting.

Jay Buckley amends the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

2. Engineer Report

Chris Albert calls into the meeting. Chris Albert updates the BOC about the Water Project.

Discussion of SW Cole Geo tech testing passed.

Discussion of DN Tanks will be starting 6/24/2020 and the slab was poured.

Discussion of laying of pipe.

Discussion of starting the PRV pit-will be blasting and will keep the office posted.

Discussion of email from Chris Albert- wants to include in the scope of the project O & M which was left out with original contract.

Discussion of Contract #6 a new contract from Chris Albert-Kathy Koziell asks Chris Albert about mapping.  Jay Buckley asks Chris Albert to put off contract for a week.  Chris Albert agrees.

Discussion of 9 Reinach driveway permit-Jay Buckley does not want to hinder project.  Chris Albert needs to know the homeowners schedule.

Discussion of class of roads.

Discussion of Dust Control by Dawson-Kelly Robitaille states DPW can treat roads to save money but should go to road improvement.

Discussion of final grading of project-Kelly Robitaille would like to see if DPW to do the work to save money for the District and money to back into road improvements.  Chris Albert think it would be a win for the District. Kelly Robitaille wants an estimate for the overlay.  Kathy Koziell thinks Kelly Robitaille’s ideas are good.

Discussion of DES disbursement.

Discussion on blasting.

3. DPW Report

Discussion of Driveway Permits-

Discussion of 7 Little Loop driveway inspection report.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to approve and sign 7 Little Loop Driveway permit for construction.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of 4 Lakeview driveway inspection report.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve and sign 4 Lakeview Driveway permit for construction.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of 19 East Bergamo class VI road-Kathy Koziell asks about water line road has to be brought up to class V standards at homeowners’ expense.  Jay Buckley asks about reaching out to the homeowner to find out exactly what they are doing.  Kathy Koziell will draft a letter to the homeowner.

Discussion of 9 Reinach driveway-Kelly Robitaille will take a look at 9 Reinach.

Discussion of Kelly Robitaille stating he wants more input of the roads regarding the Water Project.

Discussion of Rock House Mountain Email regarding Calcium Chloride spreading with reimbursing the District. Kelly Robitaille states it would take about 1 hour.  Jay Buckley wants to reach out to Chris Boldt to see if the District is allowed to do this.  Kathy Koziell would like the District to reach out to NHMA first. Jay Buckley will reach out to NHMA.

Discussion of the Little Loop Project-Kelly Robitaille states the job is complete.  Jay Buckley states the DPW did a great job, Kathy Koziell agrees.

Discussion of 4 Grachen Drive-Job complete.

Discussion of Septic Pumping of the Outhouses-Jay Buckley states that Kelly Robitaille did a great job of arranging the pumping out with the savings to the District.

Discussion of Monday June 22nd @ 8:00 am Meeting at 33 Upper Lakeview Dr with the BOC, DPW and homeowner.

Discussion of 7 Biasca new Water Hook Up.

4. Administration

Discussion of past due Water Bill of 14 Aspen-Town of Madison owns it and has acknowledged to pay the District if the property is sold after they collect back taxes due to the Town up to $1093.00.

Discussion of sending out second water bills with late fee 7/2/2020 for outstanding accounts.

Discussion of job posting for part time office Admin.

Discussion of Kayak Portal.

Jay Buckley opens meeting for public comment

Discussion from Ralph Lutjen-Ralph Lutjen reads letter that he will forward to office stating that a criminal complaint is in process with Carrol County Superior Court. Discussion ensues between Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell and Ralph Lutjen.  Larry Sardarno asks if the suit is against the District or Adam Leiser.

Discussion of vacancy BOC seat-Jay Buckley states that RSA 670:12 the BOC can appoint someone to the vacancy.  The appointment has to be done in public session.  Jay Buckley states that Paula Doyle and Ralph Lutjen has expressed interest in filling the vacancy.  Kathy Koziell is in favor with Paula Doyle and states she has a good grasp on the District procedures.  Jay Buckley states Paula Doyle will bring logical discussions to the board and that Ralph Lutjen has experience with being a prior commissioner.  Kathy Koziell states that Paula Doyle sets aside personal feelings.  Jay Buckley asks Kathy Koziell to make a motion regarding filling the BOC vacancy.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion appoint Paula Doyle to fill the vacancy for commissioner until the next election.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of appointment of Commissioner-Paula Doyle states she is willing to fill the position until the next election.  Paula Doyle will have to be sworn in and will reach out to the office to do so.

Discussion of Retainage Accounts-Dinah Reiss states she has opened the retainage accounts for paying Dawson & DN Tanks.

Discussion of the Audit-Mike Smith would like the Audit sent to him.

Jay Buckley makes a motion requesting five bound copies of the Audit from Roberts & Green.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of the Thusis Culvert.

5. Commissioners Reports

Jay Buckley-Discussion of work order from Ian Hayes,10 Barden water hook-up connections already in place.

Discussion of mapping-A warrant article for next year should be considered for asset management for mapping.

Discussion for leak on Aspen-Ian Hayes is working with Dawson to coordinate project.

Discussion of opening of the Outhouses.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to install Outhouses with wall mounted hand sanitizers and chain locked toilet paper holders according to the universal NH guidelines for COVID-19 before opening the Outhouses.  Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion Passed 2-0.

Kathy Koziell would like to have prices for outfitting the Outhouses for next week’s meeting.

Discussion of rafts.

Discussion on signage for picnic tables.

Discussion of EPOA holding a BBQ

Discussion of Transfer station coupons.

Discussion of remote meeting.

6.  Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve Manifest of 8 checks for $7,310.46.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of paying of SW Cole out of the Capital Reserve Fund.

7. Signature Item

Discussion of double payment of Water Usage payment by Ruth Bodian.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign check for Ruth Bodian.  Kathy Koziell seconds.

Motion Passed 2-0.

8.  Accounts Payable

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve payroll of $5,703.30.  Kathy Koziell seconds.

Motion Passed 2-0.

Discussion of Chocorua Pumphouse.

9. Correspondence Report

Discussion of email of 33 Upper Lakeview-Meeting will take place on Monday.

Discussion of 116 Eidelweiss Dr.-Jay Buckley will reach out to homeowner that the project will be proceeding.

Discussion of 91A Mike Smith.

Discussion of EPOA regarding lawnmowing.

Discussion of reserving Gym for Annual meeting.

Discussion of beach trash in the woods and beach raking.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:08 pm.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion Passed 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon
