
Water System Availability Fact Sheet

Thank you for your inquiry about the municipal water system availability in Eidelweiss.  Unfortunately, we are unable to confirm whether any property will be able to access the system and install a hook-up until the process below is complete.  The VDOE water system was first established over 50 years ago and at that time and over the many years since, information relating to the location of water system infrastructure was not adequately documented.  Therefore, we do not have precise mapping that we are confident can be utilized to confirm water main locations and availability for any potential new home.  Although it may appear obvious that a water main runs past a property based on current hook ups near a given lot, we have historically found that this is not always the case.  In addition, even if a water main runs in front of a property, water pressure testing must be done for every new lot to insure that all current and any potential new home would receive legally adequate pressure if a new hook up were to be installed.  

Water System Hook Up Process:

Hook-up to the Eidelweiss municipal water system requires a water hook-up application along with an $10,000 fee. Once received, the District engineer’s hydraulic modeling will determine if there is adequate water pressure available at the lot. There will also be a determination if a water main runs in front of the property. If the water main does not run to the property, the property owner will be responsible for all costs in extending the water main to the property. If the District does not approve the hook-up or the property owner chooses to drill a well, the $10,000 fee will be refunded in full. The property owner will be responsible for hook-up costs that are in excess of a standard hook-up which would include re-paving of a road or ledge blasting etc. If connected there is an annual water fee.

Board of Commissioners     03/15/2022

Jay Buckley

Michael Smith

Ralph Lutjen (Chairman)

                       Class VI Roads – Fact Sheet

Definition: Road not maintained by the municipality (regardless of condition)

If your property is on a Class VI you may be approved for a water-up hook if these following conditions from the Water Ordinance are met. ln the sole discretion of the Village District of Eidelweiss, connections may be approved for properties on Class Vl roads which meet all other requirements for development of properties on Class Vl roads. Such connections will only be approved if water lines already exist on the road and all other connection requirements set forth in this ordinance are met. Any such approval will be conditioned upon the property owner agreeing to maintain the class VI road to a standard satisfactory to the Village District which will allow the maintenance of the water lines. That maintenance agreement will be recorded at the Carroll County Registry of Deeds. Maintenance of the class Vl road will be at the property owners expense, although owners of properties which are later connected to the water system will be required to share that expense. Failure to maintain the class Vl road to the agreed standard will result in the water supply being turned off. To have water service restored, the full annual fee must be paid, as well as a service reconnecting fee of $100

The road can remain Class VI with the property owner(s) taking responsibility for maintaining the road to the agreed standard.

On the website under District Ordinances / District Procedures is:

“Class VI to Class V road conversion guidance”

The road would have to be wide enough for safe travel, adequate for snow plowing and removal, improved roadbed and sufficient drainage and any other conditions deemed necessary by the Village District DPW Foreman.

Board of Commissioners: 


                      Building Requirements

     Village District of Eidelweiss in the Town of Madison

The Village District of Eidelweiss is included within the Town of Madison as it relates to building codes and zoning ordinances. These can be reviewed on the Madison town’s website at: Under Zoning go to Section 4.6 for specific regulations in the Eidelweiss Residential District.

To apply and receive a building permit from the town of Madison, the property owner must first apply for and obtain a “Driveway Permit for Construction” from the Village District of Eidelweiss.
Once an approved driveway permit is obtained, the town of Madison will process your building permit application. It is important to become familiar with Madison Zoning Regulations as it will help you understand the building process and requirements necessary for a successful construction process.

For properties that already have established dwellings, remodeling or additions of any kind that have a value over $1000 require a building permit through the Town of Madison. Penalties can be accrued daily.

Board of Commissioners   01/20/2021

Jay Buckley (Chairperson)

Katharine Koziell

Paula Doyle

Summary: Describes the process to convert a Class VI to Class V Road.  Class V roads are maintained by the District, class VI roads are not.

Class VI to Class V Road Conversion procedure

In accordance with NH State law, changing the classification of a Class VI road to a Class V road requires a vote of the Legislative Body (RSA 231:22-a). In other words, the change in classification must be approved by the voters at the Annual Meeting. To gain approval at the Annual Meeting, a Warrant Article must be included on the Warrant. Warrant Articles are created in two ways – the Board of Commissioners can vote to place the Article on the Warrant or the Article may be petitioned by residents. Petitioned Articles must be delivered to the office of the Commissioners no later than 5 pm on the published date for the first Public Hearing on the annual budget. 
In order to be accepted, a petitioned Article must be signed by 10 registered voters of the District.

Once the Article is determined to be placed on the Warrant, the Article still needs to be passed by the voters at the Annual Meeting. Voter approval will be contingent upon the ability to show that the road is up to Class V road standards of the District.

An issue that persons who live on Class VI roads may encounter is unwillingness of property owners on the road to pay their share of road upgrades that would be necessary to receive approval for a classification change. In this situation, property owner’s may petition the Board of Commissioners hold a public hearing for the conditional layout of a Class V road over an existing Class VI road (NH RSA 231:28-33).

At a duly noticed public hearing for conditional layout of a Class V road over an existing Class VI road, the total cost of construction for the road repairs needed to bring the road to Class V standards must be disclosed. The conditional layout would then be outlined at the public hearing and the acceptance of the road as a Class V maintained road would become contingent upon completion of the proposed work. The full costs of the needed road work would be borne by the properties abutting the road via a ‘betterment assessment’ under NH RSA 231:22. Based upon the total cost the assessment can be delivered to the tax collector for collection in one year or may be spread over a period not to exceed 10 years. Under this procedure, the tax payers who are to be charged the betterment assessment may enter a counter-petition to block the betterment assessment. A valid counter-petition must be signed by a majority of all property owners to whom the betterment assessment would be charged. Should this occur, the road would not be improved and would remain as a Class VI road.