2013-01-18 Public Hearing

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The Board of Commissioners met in the Madison Town Hall Meeting Room on Friday, January 18, 2013 to conduct Public Hearings on the 2013 proposed budget and 2013 proposed Bond Article for the Water System. In attendance were Commissioners Ralph Lutjen, Mark Graffam and Ron Sandstrom. The meeting was taped by Tim Hughes. 12 people were in attendance.

[expand title="Search Text"] 7:00 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairman Ralph Lutjen.
The reasons that a second Public Hearing would be held are outlined. Should a second hearing be held, it would be next Friday, January 25 at 7 pm.

At 7:02 pm Ralph Lutjen opens the Bond Hearing. 2013 Warrant Article 2 is read. This Article is for the replacement of the pumps at Jungfrau Station. This Article proposes the taking of a bond, incurring long term debt of 10 years, in the amount of $165,000. The proposed funding for the bond payment is split 75% Water User Fee and 25% Property Taxes. Alternative funding options are reviewed and discussed. The replacement of the pumps would be a marked improvement for the water system. Replacement of the pumps also moves towards the ability to replace the tanks at Reinach in the future.

A question of funding the project from the Unassigned Fund Balance is raised. It is explained that funding of the water system is not the intended use of the Unassigned Fund Balance, which is primarily tax money. Discussion on a 50/50 split between property tax and water user fee is held. The operational status and age of the pumps is discussed. Future year’s projects are discussed. The plan to upgrade the water system one project at a time as suggested at a prior meeting is Jungfrau pumps; Muddy Beach pumps; Reinach tanks.

At 7:40 Mark Graffam makes a motion to close the Bond Hearing. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

The Public Hearing on the Budget is opened by Chairman Ralph Lutjen.

Warrant Article 3 on the 2013 Warrant, the Operational/Highway Budget is reviewed. The 2012 appropriation and expenditures are displayed on the budget detail spreadsheet. Individual line items are reviewed and discussed. It is explained that the Jungfrau Bond Payment will be paid in 2013 with unexpended bond proceeds. The reduction in the proposed budget total for 2013 is outlined. The total dollar amount of the budgets over the past 5 years is shown. Line painting is discussed.

The remaining proposed Warrant Articles are reviewed.

Article 5 is for a new truck to replace the 2010 International. The Commissioners outline that the 2010 International is a 2 wheel drive vehicle and will not traverse the hills of the District. The intent is to trade or sell the truck and replace it with a 4 wheel drive International of like hauling capacity. Discussion is held on trucks and the use of chains in the winter.

Article 6 proposes drainage reconstruction to the first 500 feet of Oak Ridge Rd. The engineer’s drawings are reviewed. General discussion on the project is held.

Chip sealing of Eidelweiss Drive and Appenvel Way to Aspen is proposed in Article 7. Costs and average life expectancy of paving with asphalt versus chip sealing to extend the useful years of roads is discussed.

Article 8 is the 2013 Water Budget. Line items and details of 2012 expenditures are reviewed and discussed. Chemical usage and the use of Water Monitors are discussed. The water budget as proposed is less than last year’s budget.

Article 9 is the ability to withdraw up to $50,000 from the Water Line Extension Fund. This article is standard and appears on the Warrant every year.

Article 10 is to allow the Commissioners to replace the grader should it fail this year. A purchase or lease agreement would be pursued with the expenditure to go before the voters next year.

Mark Graffam outlines that the remaining two Articles do not raise funds. Mark Graffam makes a motion to close the Public Hearing. Ron Sandstrom seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Article 11 is a question on protection of taxpayers against homeowners whose driveways cause damage to a public road. Instances where a driveway was directly related to road damage are discussed. Possible legal issues that can be related to driveways are reviewed and discussed. It is outlined that under NH Statutes, water is declared the common enemy and the laws related to road drainage reflect this. The natural flow of water is allowed to be followed regardless of property ownerships.

Article 12 is a question on pursuing The FireWise Program for the District.

At 9:00 pm Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ralph Lutjen seconds the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole Administrator
