2020-01-04 Commissioners Meeting

                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        January 04 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:08 am on Saturday, January 4, 2020.  In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley and Kathy Koziell. The meeting was filmed by Tim Hughes of Madison TV. was in attendance briefly.  Commissioner Adam Leiser joined the meeting at 9:45am.  Dinah Reiss and Gloria Aspinall attended.

1. Agenda – KK motion to approve agenda with 22 Interaken water hook-up. JB seconds, 2-0

2. Highway Department Report  - None

3. Water –   Granite State water results have been received: no issues

4. Administration

     Kk motion to approve minutes of 12/29/2019, JB seconds, passes 2-0

5.  Accounts Payable –

KK motion to approve Payroll $5601.89, KK seconds, passes 2-0

KK motion to approve manifest $16,231.01 8 checks.

6.  Minutes

7. Commissioners Reports

     Jay questions public hearing on memorials. If we have dam management policy hearing and budget  and warrant articles and DRA over expenditure hearing. May be enough.

Jay makes motion to add DRA hearing first on over expenditure of budget per RSA32:11 at the January 25th public hearing. KK seconds. Passes 2-0.  KK will revise posting.

Adam asks about a public hearing for the water hookup and a refund if approval is not granted.  Kathy doesn’t recall a motion regarding this.   Jay has no recollection either.  This needs to be discussed later.

Budget, warrant, dam management policy in that order.  Adam states that we need an “annual meeting” to accept the $295,000 of grant money.  Adam asked the ladies in the office to figure out what we need.  Adam suggests Feb 1 as target date. 

Adam outlines the accepting of $295,000 and that accepting it doesn’t commit us to spending on certain projects. 

Dinah asks about asset management.  Adam articulates that some of the asset management information is missing/incomplete.  Kathy confirms some of the things are there and others are missing. 

Adam asks if we have a list of names of possible volunteers.  Jim Ellis, Nick Borelli, Don Deems are three thus far.

Jay suggests putting together a warrant article for mapping.  Adam says we should use grant money. 

Chris Albert responded directly to a Rick Skarinka email.  Adam asked Chris for what he sent to Rick.  It has not yet been received. 

Ian and Chris are meeting this Tuesday.  Adam will join a small portion of their meeting.  Adam will summarize upcoming meeting.  Dinah pleased that the Board compromised on the loan documents. 

Paula asks if the 12/7 meeting was necessary.  Paula states the Board had a decision made prior to the meeting.  The BOC disagrees.  Dinah disagrees with Paula as well.

Kathy discusses posting of public hearings.  Kathy will make sure it’ll all be set. 

Letter to employees is discussed regarding bonuses. 

Adam motion:  Sign the letter.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.  Letter to be put in an envelope along with each paycheck.

Adam updates that Peter Chapel wanted Adam, Donna and Kristin to be the contact people for Health Trust.  This phone call was done in the office on a speaker phone with Donna and Kristin.

Adam outlines that he contacted Donna in the office about buried fire hydrants.  Donna sent info to the board and the hydrants have not always been cleared like they should have been.  Adam asks if we need a policy for removing snow fall from hydrant.  Jay suggests it be part of snow plow policy.  Adam checked the 2002 snow plow policy and it is in there.

Question arises in to how we pay Norm Garside.  Adam would like to see Norm get paid for digging out hydrants.  Kathy to check this out.

Adam asks what the final overexpenditure amount was.  Jay and Kathy are unsure.  Number to come on Thursday.  Number is probably close to $27,000.  Water budget was underspent.  Adam asks what happens to water budget money left over.  Adam believes we need to put excess money into a CRF.  Adam summarizes that Rick Skarinka wants water budget to stay flat or increase.  Kathy suggests that excess money go to paying down loans.  Adam agrees that is optimal idea.  Jay agrees.

Adam states that CRF money from the water tank should be moved.  Adam believes we should have one CRF for the water system.  BOC agrees that CRFs should be consolidated. 

Fire Chief Clark is coming on Thursday at 9am.  Discussion ensues about pond levels and ice levels.

Adam outlines that the prior BOC broke the law by removing two 10 inch boards, one of which was done in November.  Kathy points out that Fish and Game never responded.

Adam states we need to have a package for new property owners: property buyers and home buyers.  Dinah has a copy but it’s outdated.  She’ll give it to the VDOE.  Adam thinks he may have something too.  Adam looks but can’t find it quickly. 

Adam emailed Terri asking for an update on the loans.  No reply yet. 

Kathy asks about a property owner who wants information.  47 Huttwill.  Nobody has information.  Kathy to follow up with the ladies.

One payment left on the Jungfrau loan.  Adam wonders if we can pay it now rather than wait until May.  Adam wonders what the interest rate is.  Paula suggests that we get a payoff amount. 

Job description for the administrator position needs to be made for NH retirement.  Kathy to get this done by the end of January.

Adam motion:  The administrator position be filled with two part time people each with up to 25 hours per week.  Jay second.  Discuss ensues.  All members of the BOC agree that Monday and Friday should be staffed.  Vote yes 3-0. 

Dinah reports we spent very little money on TAN loan.  Thanks to the Treasurer for getting this done quickly.  Thanks to Madison as well. 

Dinah asks if the 550 is back in service.  Answer is yes.  This is a 2019 expense. 

Adam summarizes Jay’s cell phone recommendation.  Kathy hadn’t seen it because it came in late Friday night.  Annual cost is $1170ish.

All BOC members agree that Kelly and Jeff should each get money for half the weeks as on call employees.

Adam’s proposal is roughly $900 for the first year and $700 each additional year. 

Kathy wants to discuss this with Kelly before making a decision about phones.

Adam asks about an email he sent to the BOC regarding communication issues.  1/7 at 5pm in the office is communication committee meeting.

Adam asks if we have a water committee meeting.  One meeting has happened in 5 months.

Letter to police is discussed.  Kathy wants to have a letter asking for police suggestions.  Letter to be brought to the BOC on Thursday.

Kathy asks about a petitioned warrant article.  She states that it isn’t acceptable as it stands.  Adam states that he will do this but needs the contact information for the two property owners.

Discussion ensues about necessary culvert on Upper Lakeview. Adam states we need a better drawing.  Kathy agrees. Jay to get this done by Thursday.

Adam asks if we are doing a roads committee. We had a volunteer on 12/7.  Discussion to happen later. 

Are we getting a price for a replacement grader and backhoe?  Price needs to be to us by 1/16.   Jay to handle.

Jay to have petitioned warrant articles next week.

Adam reports he put out a preliminary budget.  Asks if board has seen it.  Jay sent it to Kelly.  Initial report is $570,000. 

BOC wants Ian to come at 10.  Kelly at 9:15.  Office to do it.

Kathy to do electrical project review and permit.

Kelly needs a review in Feb.  To think about and discuss later. 

Handbook discussion ensues.  Kathy compared the Conway handbook to the one already presented.  Jay doesn’t have a list of comments.  He has a marked up document.  Jay and Kathy to meet together to review/revise handbook.  Adam wonders if it can be sent to legal now. 

Adam motion:  Send employee handbook for review with a line item of up to $800.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.  Office to send it out.  Kathy to give it to the office.

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances - none

11.  Public Comment – Paula Doyle expresses concerns about how the meetings are run and discussions are made.  Paula reiterates that chairman is making unilateral decisions.  Paula wants motions to be recognized.  Paula thinks unilateral decisions are being made. 

Jay expresses concern about an email Adam sent asking for review on an email. 

Motion to adjourn

Adam – second Jay – Vote yes 3-0.  12:05pm