2020-01-22 Commissioners Meeting Approved

                             Board of Commissioners

                          Village District of Eidelweiss

                                    1680 Conway Rd Box 1027

                            Madison, New Hampshire 03849


Commissioners Meeting January 22nd , 2020

The board of Commissioners met at 6PM on Wednesday January 22, 2020. In attendance are

Kathy Koziell (KK), Jay Buckley (JB) and Dinah Reiss.

Kathy Koziell calls the meeting to order at 6:10PM

Kathy discusses the Town of Madison Petitioned Warrant Articles. Jay will follow-up with  

correct wording.

Dinah joins the meeting at 6:20

Dinah discusses having legal costs for Reinach financing to come from bond funding.

Discussion on Burgdorf culvert costs

Discussion on Proposed Warrant Articles

Jay Buckley motion to call Adam Leiser at 9:00pm Kathy Koziell seconds passes 2-0.

Discussion on water budget and water fee

Review of budget changes and adds

Adam Leiser call ends at 9:40pm

Kathy and Jay work on wording for the proposed warrant articles and Jan 25th budget hearing   


Kathy Koziell makes a motion to accept the purposed 2020 budgets and proposed Warrant

articles.  Jay Buckley seconds, passes 2-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn at 10:45, Kathy Koziell seconds, passes 2-0

Respectfully Submitted

Kathy Koziell - Commissioner