2020-02-13 Commissioner Meeting Minutes


Commissioners Meeting

February 13, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, February 13, 2020.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley.  Also, in attendance were Gloria Aspinall and Treasurer Dinah Reiss.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Noreen Downs.

At 9:00 am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.

2. Approve Minutes of 2-1-2020

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve minutes of 2-1-2020 with adjustments.

Jay Buckely doesn’t second. Jay wants Adam to look at video for verification & validation. Adam doesn’t feel it is necessary to watch. Waste of time. No discussion on minutes.

No approved minutes of 2-1-2020.  

Adam makes a motion to not to post the minutes as draft minutes. No second.

Discussion on taking minutes by Jay.

Kathy wants to move onto Kelly for the DPW.

3. Highway Department Report 

Discussion on garage doors that the cable broke and the 550 is stuck inside. Has someone coming to look at it on Tuesday. Kelly is going to ask for estimate on overhauling the doors. Can’t happen again if other trucks got stuck. All three doors are in ruff shape. Adam asks what it is going to costs and Kelly can’t give a number until Tuesday.

Discussion on General Buildings and Grounds. Kelly outlines a bunch of problems in the building. Kathy highlights what was done last year. Furnace hasn’t been cleaned. Kelly wants a propane furnace. This may be a $10K expense. Kelly says wait until next year. Jay does not think it has to be done this year. Kathy states that the tite tank must be done first for the Department of Labor. Kathy recommends a $15K warrant article to upgrade the building next year. Jay agrees with Kathy.

Discussion on Burgdorf Dr.- Kelly spoke with Joe S. at DES about Burgdorf.  Joe says if nothing is changed but everything is replaced exactly as is with the exception of switching to a 48 inch pipe.  PBM is not needed.  Adam asks if we have this in writing.  Kelly says “no”.  Adam says we need this in writing.  Kelly doesn’t want to do this because he’s afraid that DES will backtrack.  Jay wants something in writing.  Jay encourages a phone call.  Adam says Kelly should send the email directly so that it is as easy as possible for Joe.  Warrant discussed.

Discussion on Porridge Shore Video- Kelly watched the Porridge Shore video.  Kelly thinks making a too small cul-de-sac smaller makes no sense.  Kelly would be thrilled if the beach was closed.  Discussion ensues.  Adam asks if we should get a written opinion from Kelly on this along with questions.  Adam highlights environmental degradation.  Kathy wonders about closing the beach.  Jay wants it kept open.  Kelly will compose the email.  Kelly doesn’t support email. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion for environmental committee to work directly with neighboring property owner to fix Porridge Shore beach area and surrounding area.

Jay Buckley seconds. Motion passed 3-0

Discussion on eyewash station for DPW-Jay Buckley sent information to office on the eye wash stations. Kelly can install them if needed.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to purchase two eye wash stations for both buildings and a new faucet in the amount of not more than $450.00. Jay Buckley seconds. Motion passed 3-0

Discussion on bid for new Sander- Kelly went to look at a used Sander it was in good shape and it is stainless steel. Thought a $1,500.00 bid would good. Kelly think new it’s worth $10K. Kathy Koziell asks if we should put in a bid Kelly says yes. Kelly states something like this would be consider normal spending not a warrant article. Adam states that we have to amend the budget for this. Jay Buckley agrees with Adam to amend bid for Sander on the floor for the Sander.

Discussion on Eidelweiss Drive paving- Kathy asks about paving Eidelweiss Drive and the Road Construction CRF.  Kelly always wanted Eidelweiss Drive paved.  Kelly was surprised by paving questions of Aspen and Bristenstock.  Kelly says that area has some of our best pavement.  Kelly wishes he had known about this a long time ago.  Kelly states that Chris Albert thinks the paving portion of the project should be part of the Reinach cost.

Gloria asks about the two budget meetings and the price.  Adam clarifies.  Kathy clarifies the specific paving articles.  Adam highlights the articles and the pros and cons of each. 

Warrant article discussion ensues for articles 6,10.  Adam supports 70k and 30k as the two articles.  Jay agrees with Adam.  Kelly further agrees. 

Dinah asks if everything will get on the website.  Kathy believes she can do it.  She also asks for help with the website.

Adam states he doesn’t believe the 69k estimate will still be valid.

Discussion on Warrant articles. Kathy questions repairs and maintenance with Kelly he stated that the grader was a one-time thing. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS questions whether or not to dissolve Article 13 CRF HWY repair and keep HWY equipment CRF or to combine to HWY equipment CRF. Jay states the two funds may lose support from the voters and the one fund would have the voters questioning padding of fund. Dinah Reiss the Treasurer thinks they should combine the two funds, Adam and Kathy agree and Jay thinks the voters should vote on the choice.

Kelly thinks the speed sign is a great idea.  It runs on solar.  Adam asks Kelly to price out the sign and send it to the office via email.

EPOA hasn’t followed up on the donation of a speed bump.  Dinah to follow up with the EPOA.  Kathy talks about the communications committee effort on this.

Adam asks about the expected life of a backhoe. Backhoe is five years old.  Life expectancy is 20 years.  Cost to fix could be large because it’s a volvo.  Less can go wrong with this than the grader. 

Discussion about Hydrants- Adam asks Kelly if the Hydrants are being cleared. Kelly states that they are.

Discussion on employee review- Jay brings up Kelly’s review and will try to schedule with Kelly. Kelly has stated he would like it done before Annual Meeting. Adam says Jay needs to get the BOC a plan prior to the review.  Kelly wants to give the BOC some paperwork prior to the meeting.  Adam says that Jay’s plan should come to the BOC before 2/20.

Jay and Kathy have no time constraints.  Adam has to leave shortly. 

Discussion on CRF Funds- Ian Hayes water operator & Chris Alpert  engineer think they should be combined. It is stated that the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS have final say.

Tight tank warrant article discussed.  Engineering not part of the warrant. 

Discussion on New Truck- Adam highlights that he worked with the DRA, NHMA and district attorney to ensure a truck bond happened.  Jay accuses the BOC of 91a violations.  Adam states that is nuts.  Jay says there is no email chain.  Donna states that she is pretty sure there is. Adam states that there is.

Kathy outlines the process she went through to include a petitioned warrant article. 

A public hearing was scheduled.  This will be on 2/20 at 8pm. 

Adam asks Jay if he has a problem with Kathy doing something on her own. 

Little Loop discussed.  Kathy reports that Kelly can do a lot once he has the survey.  Kathy says that is the plan.  Jay supports the plan as outlined by Kelly.                                         Kathy makes a motion:  VDOE accept the 295k grant from DWGTF.  Adam second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Kathy makes a motion: to authorize Adam Leiser to execute any documents which may be necessary to effectuate a grant agreement.  Adam second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Discussion on Candidates- Kathy spoke with NHMA about ballot for annual meeting. The district must have a write in only ballot due to missed dates. She wants to along with the Communication Committee have a candidate’s night March 3 at 7:00 pm.

Adam and Jay agreed with Kathy.

Kathy Koziell make a motion to promote Candidate’s meeting. Adam seconds motion passed 3-0.

Gloria Aspinall asks about St. Moritiz Adam states it is a Non-Public legal matter.

Adam leaves at 10:53 am.

Dinah Reiss asks about Luis Adorno email. Kathy states it is a Non-Public reputation matter.

4. Administration

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to approve the Manifest- 12 checks $7,619.23.

Jay seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to approve payroll- $6,453.05.

Jay seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion on Monday office hours. Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley agree there should be someone in on Mondays. They will be addressing this at a later time.

Discussion on the on-call portal. They believe it is up and running. Jay will come down to the office today to test out new on-call number.

Discussion on Public Hearing- Kathy Koziell states the public hearing is posted for 2/20 and that is was sent to the newspaper to be posted.

Discussion on water usage.

Discussion on WIFI antenna- Jay and Kathy agree to hold off. They think driver might be needed to load on the Chromebook.

5. Signature Items 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to sign the Gagnon Letter. Jay seconds.

Motion passed 2-0.

6. Correspondence

Discussion of Larry Leonard regarding weekly beach testing.

Gloria Aspinall asks Dinah to ask the EPOA to help out with the cost of weekly beach testing.

Jay acknowledges Dinah for getting a 2.2% loan rate for the truck.

Discussion about public memorials- Jay asks Gloria if this discussion can be held after the Annual Meeting. Gloria agrees that a Public Hearing can be held after meeting.

Discussion on the Warrants- Jay ask Kathy how the 18 went to 20 articles. Kathy states 20 because of dissolving and adding using correct RSA to establish.

Jay questions the asset management wording. He finally agrees with Kathy.

Jay and Kathy discuss the proper filing into the DRA portal.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to remove 2020 proposed warrant regarding selling the grader. Jay seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Discussion on posting for Annual Meeting handouts.

Discussion on 2-1-2020 meeting minutes. Jay will take another look and get back to the board.

Discussion on Budget amendments. Jay will ask Kelly for asphalt projects for the year.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to accepting the $2K change to general government and building by subtracting engineering and adding $2K to building and grounds.

Jay Buckley seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to accept proposed budget operations and highway in the amount of $620,745 and water budget amount of $171,515. For a total of $792,260.

Jay Buckley seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion proposed warrant articles as amended total of 22 voting articles warrants. Kathy Koziell seconds. Motion passed 2-0.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to go to Non-Public at 12:10 pm. RSA 91-A:3,211E legal.

Jay seconds. Kathy Koziell yes Jay Buckley yes.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to keep St. Mortiz warrant article. Jay Buckley seconds.

Motion passed 2-0.

At 12:41 pm Kathy Koziell makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon
