2020-11-05 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday November 5th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday November 5th, 2020.  In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell, and Paula Doyle.  Also, in attendance was

Ian Hayes water operator, Jake & Kirstin Dawson from Dawson Contractors, and Donna MacKinnon taking minutes.  Brad Jones from Jones & Beach Engineering called into the meeting. The meeting was held at the Madison Town Hall and was filmed by Carol Dandeneau for Madison TV. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

At 9:02 am Commissioner Jay Buckley calls the meeting to order.

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Paula Doyle seconds agenda with the correction of the spelling of Paula’s name and the date on the agenda.  Motion Passed 3-0.

2. DPW

Kelly Robitaille is not present at today’s meeting due to the Paving in the District.  Jay Buckley gives the status of the starting of the Paving.

Discussion of Jim Ellis email correspondence regarding filling of potholes.

Discussion of the new truck by Jay Buckley.  The truck could possibly be ready next week.  Jay Buckley questions the selling of the Ford 550, both Kathy Koziell and Paula Doyle state they should wait to discuss this until Kelly Robitaille is present.

3. Administration

Discussion of the overdue water usage bills and shutoffs of unpaid bills. 

Discussion of the Water Ordinance monthly $10.00 late fee be enforced for unpaid bills to be billed to homeowners.

Discussion of changes of Ordinances & Policies by the BOC.  This discussion is tabled until later in this meeting.

4. Engineer Report

Discussion of Water Project-Brad Jones calls into the meeting, Jake Dawson and Ian Hayes are present for the discussion.  Discussion takes place of the status of the pumps, the punch list, and the paving.  Jake Dawson states the pumps and the transfer switch are still on back order due to COVID and hurricanes.  Kathy Koziell questions if a bypass can be done if the transfer switch does not come in. Jake Dawson says it can be but it is not cost effective.  Jake Dawson states that with the waiting on the pumps & transfer switch it is eating at the project number of days.  Jake is concerned that if there is a problem with the new pump and can not get a replacement in a timely fashion there will not be any water with the new pump house and the old pump house would be shut down.  Jake Dawson recommends the Water Project should go into Winter shut down to save the District money.  Jake Dawson would be able to get the parts and install them in the spring and not go over of the contracted number of days. Also, if the bypass is done it would be a double charge by the electrician for the pump house.  Ian Hayes agrees with the Winter Shut Down due to the problems that could takes place and that the weather could be a problem and would add costs to the project. 

Discussion of email pictures sent in by a resident of holes in the building.  Jake Dawson states he will fill them today.

Jay Buckley states to rely on Ian Hayes as the Districts Water Operator to wait until the spring time.  If the project is rushed it would be more costly and not recommended.  Paula Doyle asks about contract obligations.  Jay Buckley asks if Rick Skarinka has been notified.  Paula Doyle asks if a letter should be sent to Rick Skarinka, Jay Buckley will send Rick Skarinka an email.  Paula Doyle asks about security of the building for a winter shut down.  Jake Dawson states it is secure.  Paula Doyle asks Brad Jones his opinion of the Winter Shut Down.  Brad Jones agrees with Jake Dawson & Ian Hayes for a Winter Shut Down of the project. 

Discussion with Jake Dawson for the 19 homes to hook up to the new service line.  Jake Dawson states no homeowners have agreed to connect to the new line.  Ian Hayes states that he has spoken to most of the homeowners.

Jay Buckley makes a motion that the District go into Winter Shut Down and resume project when the weather permits and the parts are in.  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of PRV vault at 14 Bristenstock-Jay Buckley states the driveway permit was approved in 1987.  PRV vault could be an issue and the property is in the process of changing hands.  Paula Doyle states we should notify the new property owners.  Jay Buckley will draft a letter for the new property owners.  Paula Doyle asks if there could be a way of marking where the PRV vault is.  Ian Hayes states that would make things easier.

Discussion of 9 Reinach Place-Water Hook Up done by Jake Dawson prior to being approved by the BOC. Ian Hayes needs to see project pictures and will work with Jake Dawson to approve the work that was already done.

Discussion of development of class VI roads.

Discussion of 8 Eidelweiss Water Hook Up-Ian Hayes stated water hook up was done.

Discussion of Water Project field changes order-Moving the pipe to the other side of the road due to ledge.  Jay Buckley asks if there are any pictures?

Discussion of Water Project Punchlist-Jake Dawson adjusted services lines and there will be a change order for the hydrant.  Jake Dawson will meet with Kelly Robitaille to make sure everything is up to Kelly’s standards.

5. Water Report

Ian Hayes is here to give his monthly report.  Chocorua Pumphouse is completed.  Summit Pumphouse is still being done the meters are on backorder.  Kathy Koziell is waiting to hear back from Norman Garside for quote on the Pumphouse in order to move the Warrant to next year.  Jay Buckley asks Ian Hayes about the exposure at Chocorua Pumphouse.  Ian Hayes states fill can take care of that issue.  Jay Buckley would like to coordinate that with the homeowner.

Ian Hayes will drop off the Swing Tie information to the office.

Discussion on the flushing schedule.

Discussion of the Upper Lakeview PRV pit-Ian Hayes states it is off the table for now.  Still in the project scope but will have to come up with a secondary plan.

Discussion of paving at 8 Eidelweiss Dr water hook up-Ian Hayes stated everything went fine.

Discussion of the 6” water main line-Ian Hayes states there are taps coming off that line.

6. Administration

BOC come back to the discussion of changes to the Ordinances & Policies.

Jay Buckley will draft a new Snow Plow policy, Culvert policy, Driveway Permit, and check into zoning policy on roadside trash and dumpsters for household trash.

Paula Doyle will draft new water turn off/of fee $65.00, new policy on soliciting bids Paula Doyle will sit down with Kelly Robitaille, will work on water emergency plan. 

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to change copy fee from .10 cents to .25 cents per page.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

Kathy Koziell will draft a snow plowing and leaf blowing for web site.

Discussion of DAM Emergency Plan-Should be by an Engineer which would be a Warrant Article for next year.

Discussion of DRA-Donna MacKinnon filed everything that was requested by the DRA.

Discussion of the unassigned funds.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Payroll for $5463.04.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Operating Budget Manifest of 11/4/2020 for 10 checks for $4960.51.  Kathy Koziell seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Discussion of Just Electric Invoice-Kathy Koziell received invoice and forwarded it to the office.  Kathy Koziell questions what account the invoice should be paid from.  Paula Doyle and Jay Buckley agree it should come out of Warrant Article.  Kathy Koziell explains reasons it should come out of the water budget vs Warrant Article.  BOC moves to decides to put off paying invoice until next week.

Discussion of 91A requests-Paula Doyle would like the office to start keeping records of how long each 91A takes.

7. Signature Item

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign Adam Leiser reimbursement letter.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

5.Commissioner Reports

Discussion of HealthTrust.  Jay Buckley needs to sign the HealthTrust contract.

Discussion of plans for the employees.  Paula Doyle asks if the District should offer the family plan to employees.  Jay Buckley will ask Peter Chapel from HealthTrust about the family plan coverage and how it will impact our employees.

Discussion of 10/29/2020 BOC meeting minutes regarding Madison Zoning Board needs to be clarified from take a stance to the District should be notified.

Discussion of RFP-Paula Doyle states a mistake was made and there is no schedule.  RFP are due by Monday and will discuss at next Thursday’s BOC meeting.

Discussion of Water Project to the District-Paula Doyle asks if the BOC should let the public know about today’s meeting.  Paula Doyle will draft a notice to go out to the public.  Kathy Koziell will add the financial part of the project along with Paula’s notice and send out an email blast.

Discussion of Eidelweiss fact sheet.

Kathy Koziell makes a motion to adopt official fact sheet for Eidelweiss revised 11/5/2020.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 12:10 pm.  Paula Doyle seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna MacKinnon Administrator