2020-11-19 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 19th, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, November 19th, 2020. In attendance were Commissioners Jay Buckley, Kathy Koziell (by phone), Paula Doyle, Treasurer Dinah Reiss (by phone), DPW Foreman Kelly Robitaille, DPW Assistant Jeff DeMartino, Engineer Chris Albert (by phone), Engineer Brad Jones (by phone), Administrator Donna MacKinnon, and Administrator Lynne Baker taking minutes. The meeting was held at the Madison Town Hall and was filmed by Carol Dandeneau for Madison TV. Residents could call into the meeting via conference call.

At 9:01 am Commissioner Jay Buckley called the meeting to order.  

1. Agenda

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the agenda. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

2. DPW Report: Kelly Robitaille

Discussion of DPW Seasonal Status:

Kelly Robitaille reported that the DPW is in the process of outfitting for the winter.

Kelly reported that with the new truck they will have 3 outfitted by the end of the week.

Kelly confirmed 2 trucks are already on target and that the carbide edges are in good shape.

Kelly stated the big truck will be outfitted last as it is needed for hauling gravel for potholes, etc.

Discussion of 17 East Bergamo Road:

Kelly inquired as to the class of the road at 17 East Bergamo Road.

Donna MacKinnon replied that this had not yet been verified with the Town of Madison.

Discussion of 19 East Bergamo Road:

Kelly conveyed he would meet with the homeowner and their contractor, regarding upgrading of the road.

Discussion of DPW Budget Through the End of the Year:

Jay Buckley inquired as to the status of the old 550 truck.

Kelly Robitaille reported there was no value in keeping it maintained.

Kelly indicated he would reach out to some people for an estimated value.

Paula Doyle suggested this be discussed at next week’s meeting.

Kathy Koziell inquired if the DPW required more funding for sand, salt, etc.

Kelly stated that there is currently no room to store any until after the first storm.

Kathy inquired as to if additional funds of $2000.00 to both salt and sand budgets are needed.

Kelly agreed those funds, and an additional $1000.00 for tools and equipment, would help.

Discussion of Available Health Care Plans for Employees.

Discussion of Recent Emergency Water Response:

Jay Buckley reported there had been a lack of understanding of the ‘chain of command’ in reporting and responding to an emergency water issue within the district.

Jay stated that the homeowner had called the Sheriff, who in turn called the Fire Department, who in turn called DPW. No one called Ian Hayes, the water operator.


Chris Albert joined the meeting at 9:12 am.

Discussion of Items Brought up at the BOC Meeting of November 5th, 2020:

Jay Buckley reported to Chris Albert all the changes that were discussed with Jake Dawson (of Dawson Excavating), Ian Hayes (of Simply Water), and Brad Jones (of Jones & Beach Engineering), during the BOC meeting of Thursday, November 5th, 2020.

Jay reported that as of November 19th, 2020, the following list had still not been completed:

  • Pump house is not complete or operational
  • Only 1 pump supplied, not 2 as agreed
  • No new connections have been able to be made
  • Gate was not installed
  • Vault was not covered
  • Holes in pump house door were not repaired
  • Final cleanup of road areas was not done

Jay Buckley conveyed that both Ian Hayes, and Jake Dawson had been invited to participate in this meeting, but neither were available.

Discussion of Winterizing the Water Tank:

Jay Buckley stated to Chris Albert he had contacted Rick Skarinka (of DES), regarding the water tank.

Rick followed up with DN Tanks to determine if the tank could be left full for the winter.

Chris stated the reason for the extra gravel under the tank was specifically done to allow the tank to sit for the winter

Chris indicated he would follow up with DN Tanks.

Jay stated he would send Corey notice that Chris will be contacting him.

Jay inquired about the tank warranty expiring before the new system goes live.

Chris stated that the warranty on the tank would be covered if it is full or empty for the winter.

Kelly Robitaille inquired as to how the tank would be drained and where the water would go.

Chris replied that it would not go into the overflow as that is only for an emergency break, and that a hose would be used for better disbursement of the water.

Discussion of Completion of Tasks from Contractors:

Paula Doyle conveyed that she thought there had been a good discussion on November 5th, 2020 with all the contractors, and that now the BOC needs to understand what happened, and why the tasks were not completed.

Chris indicated he would follow up with Brad Jones and Jake Dawson to get these tasks done by next week and that he would attend the next meeting in person, to address the BOC concerns, and ensure the tasks had been completed.

Jay Buckley stated he would let Chris know the time and location of the next meeting.

Discussion of 3rd and 4th Disbursements:

Donna MacKinnon inquired as to the status of the 3rd and 4th Disbursements for the DES.

Chris Albert replied he had sent them to Jones & Beach Engineering.

Brad Jones joined the meeting at 9:40 am.

Continued Discussion of Items Brought up at the BOC Meeting of November 5th, 2020:

Jay Buckley inquired of Brad Jones as to why nothing had been done from the discussion of November 5th, 2020.

Kathy Koziell inquired if the lack of a transfer switch and redundancy was the general reason for the winter shut down decision.

Jay Buckley stated that Rick Skarinka was concerned that due diligence had not been done, i.e., why the pumps were not ordered on day, why was the back switch not ordered earlier, etc.

Kathy Koziell inquired as to using the old pumps until the new parts are acquired and installed.

Chris Alberts replied that it would not be feasible.

Paula Doyle conveyed to Brad Jones that the issue with the tank could have been a severe problem had the VDOE not been made aware.

Jay inquired if the connections could still be made before the Annual Meeting.

Chris Albert replied that operating with only 1 pump was not a completed contract.

Discussion of Overages:

Jay Buckley inquired as to why the VDOE was charged approximately $7,000.00, when the contract (#6) was signed for only up to $5,000.00.

Brad Jones replied the amount is based on an hourly rate for construction, drawings, and reviews.

Chris Albert indicated he will re-address the overages, numbers, etc.

Jay Buckley inquired as to providing a waiver for the additional $1,832.50 overage.

Brad Jones said he will address this.

Chris Albert and Brad Jones left the meeting at 10:05 am.

3. Administration Report: Donna MacKinnon and Lynne Baker

Discussion of Andrew Harteveldt involvement with Callcentric:

Jay Buckley inquired as to why Andrew Harteveldt is the only point of contact for phone services with Callcentric, and why all pertinent emails go to him.

Paula Doyle made a motion to approve changing the administrative notifications to go through the office instead. Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of December BOC meeting dates:

Donna MacKinnon inquired as to setting the meeting dates for December 2020.

Donna confirmed meetings are already set for December 3, 10, and 17th, 2020.

Paula Doyle suggested combining meetings of the 24th & 31st, to 1 meeting on the 29th.

The BOC agreed unless other business would require another meeting on the 31st.

Follow up discussion of pests in the office attic.

Donna MacKinnon reported that Modern Pest would be coming to the VDOE later that day.

Approval of Minutes of October 29th, 2020.

Jay Buckley stated he would send out some changes to the BOC to be voted on during next week’s meeting.

Approval of Minutes of November 5th, and November 12th, 2020:

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the minutes of November 5th, and November 12th, 2020. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

4. Accounts Payable


Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the payroll for November 20th, 2020 in the amount of $6,404.75. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Paula Doyle stated that come winter the BOC might want to begin reading timecards again due to overtime from plowing, etc.


Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the operating budget manifest of 3 checks, totaling $18,490.37. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve the water budget manifest of 1 check in the amount of $37,240.00. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Bryant Paving Invoice:

Donna MacKinnon reported the water project budget could not cover that part of the invoice, as we are still awaiting DES Disbursements #3 and #4.

Kathy Koziell stated how Bryant Paving had gone ‘above and beyond’ to accommodate the VDOE.

Jay Buckley made a motion to transfer $15,000.00 from the operating budget, to the water project budget. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Bank Transfer:

Dinah Reiss requested the BOC sign a memo she can take to the bank to do the transfer.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve signing a memo for Dinah Reiss to allow the bank transfer, out of session. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of DRA:

Donna MacKinnon stated that the DRA requirements were complete.

Donna indicated that the tax rate would hopefully be set today by the Town of Madison.

Discussion of Overdue Invoices:

Donna MacKinnon reported that 2 letters sent out had been returned with address unknown.

Paula Doyle inquired if there was any recourse in finding those addresses.

Kathy Koziell inquired if the addressees still owned the properties

Donna MacKinnon affirmed she will reach out to Linda Shackford of the Town of Madison for guidance.

5. Commissioners Reports

Jay Buckley:

Jay Buckley stated the BOC should send a thank you letter to Ralph Lutjen for efforts maintaining the Village grounds.

Jay confirmed he would send a draft letter to the office.

Discussion of Town of Madison Zoning Board Meeting.

Jay Buckley stated he attended the Madison Zoning Board Meeting of November 18th, 2020.

During the meeting, there was a request for a 50’ setback variance for 13 East Bergamo Road. Jay Buckley, on behalf of the VDOE stated a 65’ setback was preferred. The hearing was continued as the homeowner had never applied for a previous variance and that the leach field is in violation and encroaching on the wetlands. Jay Buckley requested the office send copies to the BOC of the drawings from the driveway application.

During the meeting, there was a setback variance request for 11 Blinden Drive, also regarding the wetlands. The variance was approved by the Madison Zoning Board. There was no additional opposition other than that voiced by Jay Buckley on behalf of the VDOE.

During the meeting, there was a setback variance request for 29 Oak Ridge Road. The variance was approved.

Discussion of Potential Sale of the Lodge:

Jay Buckley confirmed he will draft a letter to potential surveyors regarding dividing the lots as follows: the lot with the cabana will be 1.7 acres, the remaining lot with the Lodge will be 1.6 acres, while abiding by all the Town of Madison Ordinances.

Jay Buckley made a motion to approve a letter requesting quotes from a minimum of 3 surveyors. Paula Doyle seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Nest Security System:

Jay Buckley inquired as to changing the password for access to the Nest Security System.

Kathy Koziell specified the access needed to be via a phone app.

Kathy Koziell stated she will purchase the Nest Home Hub on Black Friday for the office, with the VDOE debit card.

Paula Doyle made a motion to authorize Kathy Koziell to purchase a Nest Home Hub up to $60.00. Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Discussion of Legal Recourse:

Commissioners agreed it was too soon to address any legal actions against contractors.

Discussion of Current Dam Policy:

Kathy Koziell stated she had provided the last version she had found.

Discussion of Drinking Water Emergency Plan:

Kathy Koziell specified that the policy should be updated.

Paula Doyle stated she will look at the existing plan.

Kathy Koziell:

Discussion of Budget:

Kathy Koziell reported she had sent out the latest budget to the BOC as of November 18th, 2020.

Donna MacKinnon stated that Kelly Robitaille had come in $1,000.00 under budget for asphalt and paving.

Donna MacKinnon stated there should be a Budget Hearing at least 1 month prior to the Annual Meeting.

Paula Doyle:

Discussion of RFP for Audit Services:

Paula Doyle confirmed the BOC had received a positive review on Plodzik and Sanderson from Karen Anthony, the Town of Tamworth’s Administrator and Financial Officer.

Paula reported that Plodzik and Sanderson had also come in with the best price for services.

Paula Doyle made a motion to hire Plodzik and Sanderson, P.A. to perform audit services for the next 3 years. Jay Buckley seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Paula Doyle indicated she would draft a thank you letter to Tamar Roberts.

Jay Buckley made a motion to send a thank you letter to Tamar Roberts, thanking her for her years of service. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

6. Correspondence

Discussion of Letter from Stacey Sand regarding drainage at 10 St. Moritz Drive:

Jay Buckley made a motion to notify Stacey Sand, via email, that the original Oak Ridge Road Project was for re-surfacing and re-grading the area to ensure proper drainage, and if she would like copies of the original plans, she should request them from the office via a 91A request. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Lynne Baker confirmed she would reply to Stacey Sand’s email with the above information.

Jay Buckley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:58 am. Kathy Koziell seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Baker, Administrator