2021-10-28 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday October 28th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday October 28th, 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Donna Mackinnon (DM)- Administrator, Kelly Robitaille (KR) DPW, Diana Reiss (DR)-Treasurer, Mark Graffam (MG), Dorothy Wondolowski (DW), Meeting videotaped by Madison TV

Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order at 9:01am

JM makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0


Driveway Permit for Construction submitted for 32 Upper Lakeview, JB states he would like to have been able to walk the property first, as well as review the septic placement.  MS states that we are only to approve the driveway permit and not the building issues, JB states that he is signing the permit and that the plan submitted should be reviewed. JB makes a motion to approve the Driveway permit for construction for 32 Upper Lakeview with conditions listed by KR, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Driveway permit for construction submitted for 5 Grandval Way, noted the proximity to the wetlands, JB makes a motion to approve the Driveway Permit for Construction with conditions listed by KR, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on 8 Eidelweiss Dr, contractor has culverts at the site.

Discussion on the increase of the road salt, KK makes a motion to approve the contract for Eastern Minerals at 73.90/ton, MS 2nds, This is the municipal price, Passes 3-0, MS makes a motion to approve up to $5000 for salt purchase, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion of Rocks on Bristenstock, property owner has hired equipment to move some of them off the road.

JB makes a motion to sign the letter to 47 Eidelweiss Drive regarding the need for completion of conditions of their Driveway permit application. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Reinach project punch list, JB will contact Brad Jones of J&B to get dates on completion of deliverables and explanation of overage on Contract #6, as well as discussion on Dawsons ability to complete punch list items by 12/1.

KR states that Sunday Paving is complete and can be paid.


JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 10/7/2021, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the non-public minutes of 10/21/2021, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the non-public minutes of 10/5/2021, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 10/25, KK makes a motion to amend increase the $100 to $120 for annual Google Nest subscription. JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on public hearing date of Dec 11th, MS is not available, discussion having the public hearing on the same date as the budget hearing, all agree.

Scheduled conference call the Scott Eagan of Plodznik & Sanderson (auditor), technical difficulty with phones and service in the building, postponed until next week.

DM states that the MS535 has been completed as well as the Draft of Governmental Funds,

JB makes a motion to approve the manifest for $37,678.99, MS 2nds, JB asks about the detail of the Simply Water invoice, passes 3-0

DR confirms the balance of the DN Tanks retainage account  for the check

Discussion on Dam Management Policy, KK asks MS when and why did the District start a Spring drawdown, MS states that the spring runoff could cause possible road flooding, KK states that since this is an emergency it would be covered in the proposed plan. JB makes a motion to approve the current Pond Level Management Plan, KK 2nds, Discussion by DW about suggestion to gather more information about the impact of changing water levels, MS states that we should get more data, KK asks what historical data they are looking for and that it could take years, MS states he in not against keeping the water high except for fall draw down, spring draw done and Loon nesting season. KK suggests removing point #7 which is redundant to #4, JB 2nds that amendment, passes 3-0, vote on amended policy, 2-1-0 JB makes a motion to sign policy out of session, KK 2nds, passes 2-1

JB makes a motion to sign the DN tank retainage check in the amount of $7776.99, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

KR states that there is no heat in DPW1, KK states that the propane hook-up was not done and she should have followed up. DM will contact Amerigas

Municipal Bond Bank needs current financials, Tricky Tree will start on Monday to clear the water main paths, JB marked the area.

MS asks about the total amount paid to J&B, DM will send him the spreadsheet with Contract 1,2,3,5,6 details.

Discussion on proposed ordinance updates for driveway and water hook-ups, MS states that changes should be a warrant article.

Madison Town meeting is March 12th, discussion on VDOE for March 5th, DM will reach out to school for gym availability.

JB reviews letter from Madison police chief regarding the additional antenna on the tower that is located on District property, this will assist local DPW, Fire and Police.

MS is concerned that he reads this as meaning that the District DPW will be maintaining the access to the tower. JB reads the full letter and states that it doesn’t say that. MS wants letter amended to state that VDOE will not be involved in maintenance. Chief King walks by and JB asks him to explain the letter. JB makes a motion to sign the letter as submitted, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

KK states that Ian Hayes is switching to a new water testing company that will save his customers money, DM to asks for the costs to we can compare to our current testing company.  

There will be a Water Committee meeting Monday 9AM with Horizon Engineering to start the data transfer.

Mike leaves meeting at 11:10

Discussion the how to handle funds for the DRA/Auditor going forward, cannot co-mingle funds.

JB makes a motion to enter non-public RA 91-A:3 II (b) at 11:15, roll call, 2-0

Reconvene public session at 11:47am

Non-public minutes are sealed

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:47, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner