2021-11-04 Commissioners Meeting


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday November 4th, 2021-Amended

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday November 4th, 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS) joins at 9:35, Donna MacKinnon (DM)- Administrator, Kelly Robitaille (KR),DPW, Diana Reiss (DR)-Treasurer,  Meeting videotaped by Madison TV

Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order at 9:04am

JM makes a motion to approve the agenda, KK 2nds, passes 2-0


KR DPW finished restoring the gravel roads that were involved in the Reinach Tank Project. 8 Eidelweiss Drive driveway was completed by contractor according to engineered plan. KK makes a motion to issue a Driveway Permit for Operation for 8 Eidelweiss Dr (located on Bern Dr). JB 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to accept the water hook-up application for 5 Grandval Way, KK 2nds, to be scheduled for spring of 2022, passes 2-0

KR states that Little Library has expanded into the District bus stop building, JB makes a motion to have DM contact Sharon Monroe to have material removed from inside bus stop, KK 2nds passes 2-0, Motion passed 3-0. KR has the blue bike that was in the woods behind the mailboxes.

KR states that there is a leak in the new DPW toilet, KK will contact the contractor.

JB read draft letter to Jones & Beach regarding outstanding items in contract and deadlines. JB discusses the survey that began early in project but was not completed due to weather. KK makes a motion to send the letter to J&B, KK 2nds, passes 2-0,

JB makes a motion to a approve the minutes of 10/28, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to a approve the non-public minutes of 10/28, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest of $5385.30, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Conference call with Auditor Scott Eagan, Discussion on why the delay, had to separate all the water expenses and calculate beginning and ending balances for the water fund account, discussion on setting up a separate checking account for water expenses and a process to reimburse water expenses from the operating budget, like payroll. KK asks about preparing 2021 for audit to minimize additional hours for the audit, they will assist. Discussion on 30K warrant that was reported as passed when it had failed, discussion on accounting of the 1st years payment for Reinach and it is carry over to the 2021 budget. MS joins at 9:35 KK asks about the incremental cost for the Audit and Scott says we are looking at approx. $4,000.00 over contract price. KK asks about 2021 audit for 2022 budget and he will let us know. Draft audit has $313K in unassigned fund.

DM states that 56 Huttwil sale is pending and that we should get the $980 past due water bill payment.

Water hook up request for 3 Grimsel, prior owner had inquired in 2019 and there is no water main in front of that property, they do have a 2007 driveway permit for construction w/Class VI road waiver. DM asks is waiver stays with the property or with the owner, DM will ask Bob Boyd-Madison Building Inspector. Response to owner regarding water hook up that the main is on Klausen and that property owner is responsible for contracting the work with oversight by our water operator.

DM states that she accounted for the all the costs related to the 6 water hook-ups for reimbursement from the Water Line Extension Fund

JB makes a motion to transfer $13,349.76 from Water Line Ext Fund to Operating Budget for water hook up costs. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Signatures needed for Pond Water Level Policy, KK had signed, JB signs, MS will not sign,

JB makes a motion to have the annual meeting on March 5th, KK 2nds, discussion on time of day, 8am-10am voting and deliberative session at 10am-noon or 4pm-6pm voting, 6pm-10pm deliberative. Table until next week.

Discussion on Emergency Action Plan for the Dam, draft is being worked on and will be sent to DES for review before additional work to be done, MS wants a copy of what is being sent to DES to review. Tricky Tree cleared Reinach and Rigi water main paths, JB will ask for a price to clear around the Lodge for 2022. $2,500.

MS asked for clarification of the J&B bills and the payments made. KK explains the spread sheets.

Discussion on the X-Country water main potentially being on private property, no as-builts of the Cross Country Main from Jungfrau. MS is concerned that JB made comments that the surveyor and the engineered plans were not accurate, JB states the original plan is not in question but that there may have been field changes during installation. Ian joins the meeting and confirms hearing that the location of the X-Country water main may be partially on private property. Granite State Water may be able to locate these water mains, Ian will contact them.

MS makes a motion to reach out to Dubois & King for details on the Cross Country water main, Jungfrau-Reinach, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Ian: 3 new water hook-ups to be done this coming week. Plans to turn on bleeders and do some maintenance  where needed, $30-$50 for each bleeder worst case.

Ian knows of 10 or so CSV that need replacing, MS asks that we get as may done as possible. Discussion on Huttwil water shut-off, Ian would like Madison Health Officer to confirm that septic work had been done in the past few years to correct septic failure before shutting off the water. Ian is concerned about the possibility of contamination. JB will draft correspondence.

Ian will be meeting the Tom from EII to update any SCADA issues. JB will be avail for Fri am meeting w/ Horizons Engineering for Asset Management. Discussion on 5 Reinach water hookup. Discussion on water usage report, hard to determine what exactly occurs but seems to be tracking normally.

MS asks about the cost for a spare pump for the DPW well, $6800 not including freight. Ian discussed possibly having tanks drained and cleaned every 5 years. Chocorua tank is exposed but not a real concern – more cosmetic. MS makes a motion to purchase the $6800 well pump as a spare, KK 2nds, JB asks how long-ago the current pump was installed, Ian states end Dec 2018 so 3 years ago. JB asks about issue of warranty and leaving the pump on the shelf for years. Passes 3-0

Discussion on Oak Station, one of the pumps has failed as air gets inside causing damage. New pump approx. $3800, could try repair for $1500 but no guarantee that it will work. MS makes a motion to purchase a new pump for Oak Station, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Ian is transferring water testing for his other customers to Eastern Analytical for chemical testing for “substantial savings.” Ian will send us the cost differences. Still use current vendor for bacteria. MS talks about the shutoff and isolation valves that he and Ian located back in 2015.

KK discusses the problem with the Employee handbook and the way vacation time is calculated. This was a know problem, the applicant for the Admin position inquired about it. Lengthy discussion on what the intent was and how to clarify.

JB makes a motion to adopt the new language regarding vacation time. “after 90 days, the employee will accrue .5 day per calendar month for the remainder of that calendar year with no personal days. On January 1st after the 90days, the employee receives:

1st year 1 week and 1 personal day,

2nd year 1 week and 2 personal days,

3rd year 2 weeks and 3 personal days,

4th year 2 weeks and 4 personal days,

5th year 2 weeks and 5 personal days,

6th year 3 weeks and 6 personal days,

There is an accumulation of an additional personal day per year of service to a maximum of 10 personal days.

KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion at 12:45pm to enter non-public per RSA 91-A:3,II (b) – employee hiring, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Re-enter Public session at 1:18pm, JB makes a motion to adjourn at 1:20pm, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner