2019 Documents

                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                       January 15, 2020

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley. The meeting was filmed by Tim Hughes of Madison TV. 

Adam called the meeting to order at 8pm.

No published agenda

Discussion ensues about budgets and warrant articles

Adam motion:  Payoff Jungfrau loan.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.  Admin needs to contact Dinah asap to get this done.

Adam motion:  Have Dinah contact all lien holders to see if the VDOE can pay next payment early on loans to decrease the interest payments.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0

Adam motion: Have Jay get cloud number for DPW phone and instruct Kelly and Jeff how to switch on call.  Kelly to only get additional on call money through Jan 31, 2020.  Jay also to update sheriff’s department once completed.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Discussion about water bills for 2020 and future.  Debate ensues about possibly lowering water bills to $400 range. 

Discussion about warrant articles.

Grandval discussion.  BOC asks Adam if property owners will give an easement.  Adam thinks at least one will, possibly permanently.  BOC wants Adam to find out if VDOE can get a permanent easement. 

Discussion about consolidating CRFs

Adam to email warrant articles tonight

David Maudsley letter is discussed.  David wants a 30 minute weekly visit.  Adam suggests this be allowed for a four week period starting on March 9, 2020.  Kathy doesn’t support any 30 minute visits.  Adam wonders if we should get more understanding of what David wants.  Jay and Kathy agree.  Kathy requests a more detailed, written description of what David plans to do during his 30 minute visit. 

Adam motion: to request David Maudsley give a more detailed, written description of what he plans to do during this 30 minute visit if it is permitted.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.  Adam to draft. 

Adam suggests we invite the police rather than sending a letter.  Jay and Kathy agree.  Invite to come from the office. 

Taylor property is discussed.  Adam to write a letter outlining that it’s not been forgotten.  Drawing being modified.  Pictures to be taken once rain comes in the Spring.  Property owner can expect follow up in late April or May. 

Donna to take minutes moving forward.

Adam updates the BOC on process for Bond counsel. 

Motion to adjourn by Adam.  Second Jay.  Vote yes 3-0

Meeting adjourned at 11:45pm

Village District of Eidelweiss

Communications Committee Meeting

December 10th  2019  -  6:00 PM

The Communications Committee met on Tuesday  December 10th , 2019 at 5 PM at the Office In attendance are committee members Michael Dolan (MD),  Kathy Koziell (KK) and Bill Rein (BR)

At 5:03 PM, KK calls the meeting to order.  MD seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.  

Talked with Bill about his history in VDOE. He has lived here since 1992 and became a resident of Madison early 2016.

Discussion regarding the December Newsletter.

Topics discussed:

New Communications member Bull Rein – profile

Overview of the Saturday “State of the District” meeting.

 Need details of the financing options for the Reinach Water Tank.

Groundwater Trust Fund – final acceptance

Warrant Articles for the DPW I Electrical and Water System Upgrades started on  December 9th  with the Summit upgrades to follow.

Commissioners will be putting together Petitioned Warrant articles for the  Town of Madison’s annual meeting for a portion of the Meals and Rooms tax and the Highway Block grant. We will need voter support at that meeting to get this passed.  Save the Date!

The District will be having the Eidelweiss budget hearings on Jan 25th and February 1st at 7:30pm, Madison Library ( Chick room ).  The annual meeting will be on March 7th, 2019

Add the winter parking and snow plow policy

Also discussed  a Welcome package. KK   to ask Jay Buckley if he had any success with the EPOA Welcome Package.

Kayak rack procedure was discussed for 2020. Bill will look into software to allow residents to select their rack location

Next meeting Jan 7th 5pm at the Office.

KK makes a motion to adjourn at 6:40pm, MD seconds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted – Kathy Koziell (Secretary)

Village District of Eidelweiss

Communications Committee Meeting

November 12th  2019  -  6:00 PM

The Communications Committee met on Tuesday  November 12th , 2019 at 6 PM at the Office In attendance are committee members Michael Dolan (MD),  Kathy Koziell (KK)

At 6:03 PM, Kathy Koziell calls the meeting to order.  MD seconds.  Motion passes 2-0.  

KK makes a motion to call Isabel Pais, MD seconds, passes 2-0

Discussion on WordPress struggle. IP suggests possibly migrating and sharing with a municipal in VT using a non-wordpress website.

IP provides pricing options on postcards for December 7th Meeting, 1000 /$525, 500/ $300

Discussion on creating a Survey Monkey to evaluate how to better communicate with the public – possible questions:

  1. Correspondence preference -website, email newsletter, paper newsletter, bulletin board
  2.  Prioritize topics of interest – District Finances, Environment (pond/beaches), District Projects (water/roads), Annual Warrant Articles, Other _________
  3. Do you use the VDOE website?

If No, why?

If Yes, do you find it easy to navigate?

Discussed other ways to connect with the community: IP suggests Commissioners social night to invite the public – would it be appropriate? Pet of the Month? Person of Interest Spotlight? (possibly Gloria Aspinall).

Still looking for New Owner welcome package.

Isabell off call at 7pm

 Discussion on how much of Dec 7th “State of the District” meeting info to include in Newsletter. Consensus  that better to get people to the meeting to hear complete presentation vs seeing pieces out of context.

Next Meeting December 10th Tuesday at 5PM

Motion made by MD to adjourn at 7:45, KK seconds, passes 2-0

Submitted by

Kathy Koziell –

Secretary / Commissioner

                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        December 29, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Sunday, December 29, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Jay Buckley. The meeting was filmed by Tim Hughes of Madison TV.  Paula Doyle and Andrew Harteveldt also were in attendance.

  1. Agenda – Adam motion to approve agenda.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0

Adam motion: Call Kathy Koziell.  Second Jay.  Vote Yes 2-0

2. Highway Department Report  - None – this is a Sunday night meeting

  • Water – Adam motion:  Spend up to $500 for water hookup fee for 22 Interlaken.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0

Jay motion:  Spend up to $500 for water hookup at 24 Bern Drive if the $8000 water hookup fee has cleared the bank.  Adam second.  Vote yes 3-0

  • Administration

Adam motion:  Sign the healthtrust form.  Jay second.  Yes 3-0

Adam motion:  Allow Adam to contact Peter Chapel to ensure proper completion of document.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0

Adam states that it is up to Nancy Cole and her POA to contact Healthtrust to ensure health insurance continues.

Adam motion – Sign the letter to Chief Clark.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.  Adam to send it.

Discussion about bonuses.  Adam states we can’t give out bonuses to any employees.  Adam checked with NHMA to confirm that bonuses can’t be given out because of the overexpenditure of the 2019 budget.  Adam suggests a letter to employees thanking them and explaining the situation.  Kathy and Jay both state that they are in favor of the letter.  Adam will write it. 

Paula questions the overexpenditure in the budget.  She wonders why the BOC reported that we would be within the budget and now we are not.  Adam and Kathy explain why the numbers have been difficult to discern. 

Adam brings up 50/50 deductible on health insurance.  Kathy and Jay state that it should be first $1500 per person.  Reimbursement made at $1500 mark or at end of the year – whichever comes first.

Question comes up about Kelly taking the $10,000 insurance buyout.  Adam states this should be paid biweekly. 

Adam asks Kathy about health insurance questions getting into the employee handbook.  It has not yet been done.  Adam asks Kathy to add this. 

Jay states that he reviewed the employee handbook but wouldn’t send it to the BOC.  Jay states he will only communicate about the handbook in a public meeting.  Adam states that Jay could give us feedback without it being a conversation because any discussion about changing the handbook would be done during a public session.  Adam states it’s no different than BOC reviewing a proposed letter and reviewing it and then saving thoughts for a discussion in a public meeting.

Jay specifically asks about bereavement days.  Kathy states that this is irrelevant because we need a structure first and details can be determined later. 

Andrew states that the employee handbook is very important.  Andrew suggests not changing details at the same time.  Andrew says we should get two employee handbooks: one done asap and the second done later with negotiation.  Adam states this is a great idea. 

Adam summarizes Andrew’s thoughts about ensuring no massive changes occur on the employee handbook now so we get a new one asap.  Changes will need to be made on the new one now because Adam did make substantive changes in the proposal.  Adam states that one possible problem is that things are “understood” with employees and that is an additional challenge. 

Jay and Kathy are going to sit down together to compare the current handbook and the proposed handbook.  Changes to a third version would be done later. Goal is to get something to legal asap.  Date to do this is asap.

  • Accounts Payable –

Adam motion: to pay Kelly the $350 we owe for on-call.  Jay second.  Adam states he thinks it’s $500 and not $350.  Vote No 3-0.

Adam motion:  to allow Kathy to work with admin to calculate the exact number for Kelly and have it added to this week’s payroll with a limit of $750.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Adam motion:  to pay $18770.98 in accounts payable.  Second Jay.  Vote yes 3-0. 

Kathy summarizes her conversation with the legal expert regarding employment matters.  Kathy further explains that it was difficult because of quickbooks limitations.  Adam states that it’s not up to the district to inform Nancy that this is taxable income.  Adam wonders if the VDOE is doing something wrong by not having taxes withheld.  Kathy states that we are following the advice of our legal counsel. 

Paula suggests that the BOC erred by not having money allocated properly.  Andrew says things have improved but more improvement is needed. 

Adam motion:  Pay Kelly $208.50 for overtime worked on 12/13.  Jay second. Discussion ensues.  Payment was already made.  Vote no 3-0. 

Adam motion: sign the bottom of payroll from 12/13.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0

6.  Minutes

Adam motion:  Approve minutes of 12/17/19.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0

Adam motion:  Approve minutes of 12/19/19.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0

7. Commissioners Reports

DRA discussion ensues.  Kathy states nothing should be completed or turned in to the DRA.  Adam is concerned about the letter Jay sent to the DRA on 12/27 which was the business day before this meeting.  Kathy states the same thing.  Adam expresses concern that an email was sent with incorrect information as well.  Adam encourages each BOC member to read RSA 32:11.  Andrew suggests we have a budget committee.  Adam states that he doesn’t think we are allowed to do it.  Neither Kathy nor Adam report seeing the RSA that discusses the overexpenditure and how it should be properly addressed.  Jay to get a summary email from Michelle at DRA about their conversation and also forward the RSA about overexpenditures to the other commissioners.

Discussion ensues about Little Loop money remaining.  $5900 remains.  Adam wonders if the 4k design is detailed enough for Kelly to do the project. 

Adam motion:  Give Kathy permission to sign a contract with White Mountain Survey for up to $5900 only if that contract will give us enough information for the VDOE DPW to complete the project.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Further discussion ensues about encumbering funds. 

Jones and Beach will be contacted by Jay saying “no thanks” on Little Loop.

Adam motion:  to give Adam permission to meet with Richard Clark.  No second.

Jay says we should invite him to a meeting.  Adam is fine with that.  January 9th is the target.  Jay to invite. 

Adam summarizes conversation with Charlie Krautman and that Kathy was with Adam when Charlie called Adam (Adam was driving Kathy to the airport).  Kathy did not participate in the conversation.  This was a chance encounter and nothing illegal was done.  Kathy confirms what Adam states: Kathy did not participate in the conversation with Charlie.  They did not talk about the dam before or after the call with Charlie.

Adam highlights that the BOC actually broke the law by NOT doing a draw down in September/October.  Further discussion ensues.  Jay believes that the old dam management plan was more than 15 years old.  Adam thinks that isn’t true but isn’t certain.  Andrew wonders what we’ve learned.  Adam points out that the goal is to have a workable document for future use.  Andrew asks about a calendar.  Jay states we’ve done it.  Dates for major events could be helpful.  Adam states we did this.  This should be continued.  Question:  Is admin keeping up with calendar?  Is DPW also keeping up with calendar?  Adam continues about the dam management policy and explains that according to Charlie Krautman, a public hearing is NOT needed every time a draw down is done: a public hearing is only needed to adopt the policy.  Adam also confirms that he researched what has been done in the past and much of that was illegal.  In 2018, the BOC removed two ten inch boards from the dam.  The second of these boards was removed in November.  Both of these actions were illegal.

Adam states that the treasurer is overpaid for the work being done.  Andrew suggests going to an hourly rate with a do not exceed.  Paula states we should look at changing the amount at the conclusion of the term.  Jay states current salary is appropriate.  Paula suggests having a conversation with the treasurer.  Jay to send RSA that outlines treasurer responsibilities to BOC. 

Adam asks Jay to write petitioned warrant articles for the Town of Madison.  Jay to do this by 1/12/20.  This would be for road money and room and meals money.

9. Correspondence –

Adam motion:  Sign contract for Eastern Propane.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0

10. Scheduled Appearances - none

11.  Public Comment

Motion to adjourn Adam – second Jay– Vote yes 3-0.  10:05pm

                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        December 19, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday, December 19, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Jay Buckley and Kathy Koziell. The meeting was filmed by Tim Hughes of Madison TV.  Michael Dolan, Paula Doyle, Denita Dudley, John Cancelarich, and Gloria Aspinall were in attendance.

1. Agenda – Adam motion to approve agenda.  Second Kathy.  Vote Yes 3-0

2. Highway Department Report  - 550 is still out.  Axle is being replaced.  The wrong one showed up originally.  New one should arrive today.  Truck will be back in service next week.  Ground is solid so big trucks can plow.  Kelly spoke with someone at DES about Burgdorf.  Kelly believes the project became “out of control” in terms of concept and cost once engineers got involved.  Kelly wasn’t part of it.  Kelly says we are looking at a remove and replace.  DES wants to “work with us”.  DES wants us to put together something and then they will approve it because they want roads open and streams protected.  PBN possible.  Kelly wants to pursue opening this road.  Engineer needed because pipe is more than 42 inches.  Kelly wants this to be “in house”.  Kelly wants to speak with Jim Rines of White Mtn Survey.  Adam supports Kelly participating in the process.  Kelly wants contact info for Jim Rines.

Jay motion:  Have Kelly work directly with Jim Rines to get a number for a repair on Burgdorf.  Adam second.  Vote yes 3-0. 

Jay discusses the DPW cell phone and email.  Jay got assistance on this project from Andrew Hardeveldt.  Verizon had the VDOE on a business account rather than a municipal account.  Phone has to be ordered online.  Kelly doesn’t want to get work emails on his private time.  Jay can help Kelly turn notifications on and off.  Adam suggests a stipend for the DPW for personal phones.  Jay objects.  Kathy asks Jay and Adam to each put out a written proposal that includes the expense. 

Adam thanks Kelly for the work he did at 4/6 Little Loop.  Drainage worked as designed.  25 tons of gravel placed in driveway at 4 Little Loop to correct drainage. 

Porridge Shore cul-de-sac discussed.  Kelly suggests treating the walk path differently but he can’t because he can’t move water onto wetlands.  Adam states he has a good relationship with the neighbor.  Kelly isn’t interested in speaking with the neighbor.  Jay wants to bring the resident into a meeting.  Adam points out that a gully exists on the walkway to the beach. 

Jay motion:  To invite the Gagnons to a meeting to discuss drainage.  Adam second.  Vote yes 3-0.  Adam instructed to reach out to the property owners.

Full drainage on Little Loop discussed.  Adam wonders if a warrant article is necessary for tree removal throughout the district.  Adam asks Kelly to mark the trees with paint.  Kelly thinks someone in the district would shut down the plan.   Kelly wants Little Shore to have tree removal.  Kelly to have a formal recommendation by the end of the year or early 2020.

Kelly reports that the dam has 16 inches of wood missing.  He also reports that the dam hasn’t been full since summer.  Kelly reports that he’s been adjusting boards the same way for 6 years and that was done “by eye” and adjusted as necessary.  To think we can maintain water level at a specific level is not reasonable.  Kelly suggests the concrete is marked and the VDOE tolerates the low level for the 28 day period the loons are nesting but otherwise leave the pond high. Kelly thinks that manipulating the boards daily, weekly, monthly is not a good idea.  John Cancelarich wants to know what the plan is going forward.  Kathy states that the old plan was very vague which is why a new plan was needed.  Adam points out that DES mandates a policy.  Kathy points out that the BOC tried to get the plan adopted in September but it was stalled because the BOC awaited a response that never came.  Gloria summarizes a conversation from DES many years ago.  Gloria expresses concern about getting flooded.  Adam explains that a 2 inch drop in the dam was made once this summer.  Gloria states that prior draw downs were done on or about November 1st.  Gloria suggest going by the weather.  Paula likes the idea of a new plan.  Paula suggests the BOC should have discussed this with Kelly.  She states it is micromanaged.  Paula brings up the discussion with the Fire Chief.  Paula believes the BOC shouldn’t have asked for something in writing.  Paula believes he should have been formally invited.  Adam states that the Fire Chief said, “we’ll get a more definitive answer and go from there”.  That means a recommendation was not given.  Jay reports that he was given specifications on the dam this morning.  Jay said he didn’t want to ask the Fire Chief for a recommendation.  Adam confirms that he has asked for confirmation from people who assist the district.  That’s why he wants things in writing.  Adam asks Paula if she is concerned that the water operator reported that the Reinach Tank project was sabotaged.  She says she’s not because there is no evidence.  Paula expresses concerns about employees and 91a violations.  Paula believes that personal issues are getting in the way.  Adam asks if Jay had a conversation with Rick Skarinka that wasn’t authorized.  Jay said he did call Rick even though the Board didn’t know.

Adam reports that a direction was issued prior to DES to put Boards back into the dam. John asks if the Board wrote it.   Kelly believes that the dam should be kept high.  Kelly wants to maintain the dam within a few inches of being four inches below the concrete.  John accuses the board of intentional misconduct.  Jay acknowledges that he contacted Terri which initially caused the corrective actions of the BOC regarding the lowering levels of the pond.

According to Jay, Charlie Krautman doesn’t know that a dry hydrant exists near our ponds. 

Mike Dolan says he’s concerned about fire.  Mike wonders if the FD has tested the hydrant during the winter.  Kelly states that the water won’t freeze by the hydrant. 

Jay hands the BOC a document given to him by the Fire Chief.  Adam expresses gratitude that something in writing was given to the BOC.

Adam motion:  Adam to speak with Charlie Krautman to get the dam management policy correct and have Charlie confirm the summary for revision purposes.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 3-0

Adam motion:  Follow the old dam management policy with no draw down.  Jay second.  Vote yes 3-0.

Jay gave Kelly the incorrect version of the dam management policy which also caused confusion. 

Kelly wants to take the $10,000 buyout for health insurance.

3. Water –

4. Administration

5.  Accounts Payable -

6.  Minutes –  

7. Commissioners Reports

Kathy asks about Jay’s social media post.  Kathy is concerned that Jay posted improperly to the Town of Madison Facebook page.  Jay reads Adam’s post that was approved by the BOC for posting.  Jay then reads his own post.  Jay says the initial post shouldn’t have been made.  Adam says Jay could have waited 11 hours before responding on social media.

Adam leaves the meeting.

Mike Dolan explains that the new commissioners have had little experience.

Discussion on dynamics of board. Gloria asks that one of the office staff take meeting minutes.

Discussion of proposed letter to Terri Cancelarich,  John expresses concern that the BOC didn’t follow our own policy on dam management.

Jay motion accept and sign letter to Terri. Kathy seconds.  Vote yes 2-0

Jay motion to accept and sign letter to John C.  Kathy seconds.  Vote yes 2-0

Jay motion to sign Manifest of 8 checks $7249.89.  Kathy seconds.  Vote yes 2-0.

Jay motion to encumber the funds for Electrical upgrades (all 3).  Kathy seconds.  Vote yes 2-0

Jay motion to encumber $1749.37 for UpperLake View PRV Pits Kathy seconds.  Vote yes 2-0

Jay makes motion to encumber 1415.00 Thusis  Culvert.  Kathy seconds.  Vote yes 2-0

Jay motion to allow Jay to contact Kelly regarding Thusis culvert expenses and allocation:.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0

Discussion on Little Loop.

Jay motion to encumber $6600 on Little Loop for Shawn’s tree service.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 2-0

Jay motion to have Jay contact Jones and Beech for second quote on drainage plan for Little Loop.  Kathy seconds.  Vote yes 2-0.  Jay to have this by 12/29.

Jay motion to accept the DN Tank bid for $388,800.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0

Jay motion to have Primex send a refund check after the January premium is paid. Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.

Jay motion to accept newsletter.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 2-0.

Jay motion to have Adam sign the separation agreement for administrator Nancy Cole. 

Discussion ensues about accepting $295,000 water grant.  Warrant article needed.

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances - none

11.  Public Comment

Jay motion to adjourn at 12:57pm.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 2-0

Motion to adjourn Adam – second Kathy – Vote yes 2-0.  11:45pm


Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        December 17, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Tuesday, December 17, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. The meeting was filmed by Tim Hughes of Madison TV.  Michael Dolan was in attendance briefly.

1. Agenda – Adam motion to approve agenda.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0

 Adam motion:  To enter non-public Reputation under RSA 91-A:3,ii(c)-- at 8:07pm

Second Kathy vote yes 2-0

Discussion about resident, emails to the office and facebook post are all discussed.

Motion to exit non-public 9:11pm by Adam.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.

Adam motion to enter Non-public employee compensation under RSA 91-A:3, ii (a) – at 9:14pm.  Second Kathy vote yes 2-0. 

Discussion about administrator position and separation agreement.  Letter from attorney is reviewed.

Motion to Exit non-public 9:20pm by Adam.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.

Summary of non-public for public notification.

Adam motion: To allow Adam to post to Facebook on the Town of Madison’s Facebook page.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0. 

Adam motion:  To sign the letter to Terri Warren.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.

Mike Dolan announces that he will be running for the commissioner seat currently held by Jay Buckley.

2. Highway Department Report  - None

3. Water – Water usage report discussed. 

4. Administration

5.  Accounts Payable – Adam motion:  Approve payroll $6177.55.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.  Two mistakes are found.  Donna owes the district a half hour.  The district owes Kelly 6 hours of OT.

6.  Minutes

7. Commissioners Reports – Adam encourages admin to find the final date for people who want to run for election. 

Public notice is discussed.  Adam wonders if clerk is a 1 year seat rather than the customary 2 year seat.  Admin requested to figure this out. 

A public hearing will also be held on 1/25/20 after the budget hearing.  This public hearing will be for the dam management plan. 

Adam motion:  Adam sign the NH retirement application form regarding Nancy Cole.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 2-0.

Kathy motion:  Pay Spectrum $99 to move a cable wire.  Adam second.  Vote yes 2-0. 

Money to come from warrant article for electrical upgrades (DPW)

Adam motion:  To accept Tad’s electricity contract beginning on 1/1/20. Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.  Adam to follow up with Tad. 

Primex discussion and $5662.08 refund.  Adam suggests finding out when we can get the check or how the refund would be credited. 

Adam discusses his call with Anna from Drummond Woodward.

Letter to Madison PD is discussed.  Adam states he will sign whatever version Kathy puts in front of him.  Adam requests that the letter to the Madison PD be to enforce speeding limits. 

Discussion about Kelly and his spotlight in the newsletter.  Newsletter to be approved Thursday. 

Adam motion:  To instruct the DPW to put a 10inch board back into the Dam so that the VDOE only has four inches of boards missing.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.

Little Loop drainage and missed tree are discussed.

Employee handbook is discussed and revised.  Adam suggests emailing the revised version to the office and ask BOC members to review and then email suggestions back to the BOC for thoughts prior to Christmas.  Discussion via email not to happen but everyone will be knowledgeable about thoughts.

Phones for discussion – not enough money was allocated. 

Adam announces that the bids for the water tank portion of the Reinach project have been received.  The low bid for water tank is $388,800.  This number is less than the amount allocated by water system engineer Chris Albert on December 7th.  Project is proceeding well.

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances - none

11.  Public Comment

Motion to adjourn

Adam – second Kathy – Vote yes 2-0.  11:45pm

                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        December 10, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 1PM am on Tuesday, December 10, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell along with Kelly Robitaille, Jeff DeMartino and Peter Chapel of Healthtrust. The meeting was not filmed for Madison TV.            

At 1pm Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda – No agenda

2. Highway Department Report  -

3. Water –

4. Administration

5.  Accounts Payable –

6.  Minutes

7. Commissioners Reports

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances – Peter Chapel

Peter discusses health insurance with the VDOE employees.  The old plan had a 1k deductible per person. The new plan has a 3k deductible per person.  Wellness visits are going to continue to be free.  Deductibles have increased slightly.  Co-pays don’t count towards the deductibles.  Jeff reports that both he and his wife have $400 health care costs that are “out there”.  Jeff reports that he told Jay about this last week.  Kelly wonders if he can put on one child but not his other children.  Peter doesn’t know and advises Kelly to call the 1800 number.  Peter doesn’t know if we can have different employees pay different amounts for different plans.  10k buyout is discussed.  Jeff says he’s not interested.  Kelly is interested in learning more about it.  A cash back option exists for the employees.  It’s related to “Slice of Life” program. 

Kelly will get back to Adam or the BOC asap regarding what his family wants to do in regards to a buyout or the district healthplan.  Jeff wants to have the two person plan.  Kelly says he can’t afford to pay the difference from the two person to the family which is roughly $4800. 

Adam motion: Sign the Healthtrust documents for 2020.  Second Kathy.  Kelly wants a three person board to make a final decision.  Adam reiterates that no new decision has been made today and that prior decisions were made by a three person board.  Vote yes 2-0.

Peter will get the VDOE a document to have Nancy removed from the district health insurance policy.

Adam motion:  Sign the checks for CRF deposits.  Second Kathy.  Vote 2-0 yes.

Discussion ensues about how to make the health plan more favorable for employees.  Options are floated. 

11.  Public Comment

12.  Other Business   

Adam Leiser motion at 2:08pm to go into non-public RSA 91a:3,II (a) employment matters. Second Kathy Koziell – Vote 2-0 yes

Public session resumed: 2:20pm

Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn – second Kathy Koziell– Vote 2-0 yes

Meeting adjourned 2:20pm

                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        December 7, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Saturday, December 7, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Jay Buckley and Kathy Koziell. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV.  Approximately 30 members of the public were there for the 10am presentation as well.  Chris Albert of Jones and Beech is also present.                            

At 9am Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.

1. Agenda – No agenda

2. Highway Department Report  -

3. Water –

4. Administration

      Most of the hour was spent setting up the projector, screen and chairs.

      Jay Buckley reviews the tank financing options that have been prepared with the lower     

      municipal bond interest rates and annual cost to the tax payer.  He is in favor of the 15    

      year option with an annual payment of 68K as this is the closest to what that voters  

      approved at the last annual meeting which was an amount of 66K annually.

5.  Accounts Payable –

6.  Minutes

7. Commissioners Reports

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances - none

11.  Public Comment

At 10am the “State of the District” begins. Presentation made by Adam Leiser.  Comments and questions made during the meeting.  Meeting starts with a story about two brothers and how it’s important to not think solely about how a decision effect you. This quickly moves towards discussion on cost roads, trucks, water system and the Reinach tank.

Discussion on the district receiving a $295,000 grant towards our water system which  is just awaiting a rubber stamp from DES which is coming soon.

A resident asked about turning paved roads into gravel roads because paved roads are so expensive.  Another resident comments that paved roads are necessary on steep grades.

A resident asked if the VDOE has a culvert priority list.  The answer is yes.

Discussion continues about water leaks in the VDOE system.  Approximately 16 million gallons of water are wasted every year.  Estimated cost to the district is $30,000 per year between electricity and fixing pipes.  Adam states that the water bill could drop 15% if VDOE stops wasting water.  A resident asks about coordinating pipeline replacement with road paving.  Adam states that this will be coordinated to ensure the lowest possible cost to the district and that our  DPW takes that into consideration.

Residents wonder about mapping.  BOC response and response from water system engineer respond that all current mapping is unreliable and a guess at best. The district will need to invest in professional mapping.

Residents ask about expending all $869,400 from bond. 

A resident states we should take a bond for water pipe replacement.  Treasurer is asked about bond rating but is unable to answer.  Commissioners explain that the BOC intent is to take bonds for pipe replacement and combine it with pipe replacement CRFs and get the largest possible grant to help offset large costs.

A resident states that most municipalities take out 30 year loans for projects like this.  Terri Cancelarich states that this is NOT true.  She reads from her computer the exact numbers. The conclusion is that most municipal bonds are in the range of 10 to15 years.

A resident tells the BOC to allow property owners to save money on their own for taxes rather than allowing the VDOE to amass large sums of money in CRFs.  BOC states that the intent is not to collect large CRFs except for pipeline replacement because pipeline replacement money can be matched with grants. 

Another resident states she wants taxes to not increase.

A resident states that Kathy and Adam ran on a platform of not raising taxes but it seems like that is being presented today.   Kathy states that she and Adam ran on a ticket of transferring expenses from water fees to taxes which would benefit property owners with lower accessed properties.

A resident encourages the BOC to drive district trucks as long as possible.

Discussion about multiple bids coming for multiple pieces of the Reinach project: tank to be bid by two companies.  Site work to be bid by many companies.

Treasurer wonders why the BOC states that the tank project is $869,400 when Adam has told the public that it’s going to come in $200,000 under budget.  Adam states that the prior bid was $992,000 and this one is estimated to be $165,000 less than that number.  Adam also states that additional projects are being sent out for bid to cover the difference along with the expected grant money.  Chris Albert states that he believes the tank bid will likely be $375,000-$400,000.

A resident asks about inside of the tanks.  Chris Albert reports that tanks will be lined and will need inspection and relined possibly every 20 years or longer.

A resident asks about the PRV on Upper Lakeview.  Adam states that while he doesn’t want to speak for the BOC it is his intention to prioritize that replacement and fix the pressure issues there once and for all.

Former commissioner Ralph Lutjen hands out ten copies of a document he has prepared yet not yet shared with the BOC.  He speaks for approximately five minutes.  Ralph wants a 30 year loan for the tank because the value of a dollar in 30 years is less than the value of a dollar today.  Adam states that money is money and we will make living here very expensive if we keep asking future people to pay.  Adam explains that the electrical upgrade projects is a good example of this.  The prior BOC took out an interest only loan which artificially kept costs low and now we are looking at a huge increase in our water bills in 2021 as a result of that decision.

A resident encourages more bonds.

Another resident encourages a special assessment to have tank paid off in just two years.

Another resident states he supports the 10 year option on the bond.

Conversation ensues about tax rates and importance of maintaining home values. 

A resident asks if Biasca wasn’t plowed intentionally in January, 2019.  Adam states that Biasca has never been discussed in regards to plowing since this Board has been in office.  Adam asks Ralph to comment since the incident happened while he was a commissioner.  Ralph states that resident should call 911 if a road isn’t plowed.  Adam states that the BOC discussed plowing schedules with Kelly and the BOC was told every road gets plowed every two hours if not sooner.  Resident is frustrated living in Eidelweiss and states he would not have bought here if he could redo that decision.

Conversation continues about funding large infrastructure projects.  Adam states that the BOC supports long term bonds on pipeline but the VDOE can not start taking on huge long term debt with so many outstanding projects.  Slideshow continues and Adam points out that taking bonds for the trucks will cost the district a lot of money and make living in Eidelweiss very expensive. 

A resident asks about consolidating debt.  Adam thinks it’s not possible but BOC can look into it as a possible option.

Discussion about additional taxable options begins.  Adam mentions that the BOC will be needing the public’s help for getting money from Madison for roads and the room and meals tax.  Adam encourages property owners to go to the Madison Annual meeting and vote yes to giving Eidelweiss some of this money because Madison gets the money that is generated in Eidelweiss.  Adam states that the BOC will put together petition for warrant articles and publicize dates of meeting.

Discussion about assessments and the accuracy of them.  Nothing we can do about unfair assessments.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn – second Kathy Koziell– Vote 3-0 yes

Meeting adjourned 12:35pm

Village District of Eidelweiss

12/6/19 VDOE BOC meeting

Jeff Demartino, Kelly Robitaille, Tim Hughes of Madison TV were in attendance

Commissioners Adam Leiser and Jay Buckley were in attendance.

Meeting called to order at 9:33am

Adam makes motion to approve agenda.  Second Jay.  2-0 Yes

Review of health insurance options for workers is discussed.  Adam believes further conversation should be done in non-public.  Jay disagrees.  Both employees are ok with discussing this in public session.

Kelly believes most municipalities offer a family plan.  Jeff is ok with current plan.  Kelly wants coverage for his son.  Adam explains the BOC rationale for deciding the plan that was chosen. 

Jeff is willing to do the family plan if he has to in order to help Kelly.  Jeff would prefer to keep the two person plan.

Kelly spoke with his insurance adviser. 

Jay says he supports VDOE paying full for both Jeff and Kelly with each paying 75% of deductible. 

Kelly and Jeff want Adam to reach out to Pater Chapel and set up a time for a conversation.  Adam will try and get this conversation scheduled asap.

Adam motion: to accept a phone call from Peter Chapel if he calls back during the meeting.  Jay second.  2-0 yes

Adam motion:  to call NHMA to find out if we can offer two different plans to two different employees.  Jay second.  2-0 yes

Adam motion:  to accept a phone call from the NHMA if we get a return call during the meeting.  Jay second.  2-0 yes

Preliminary price of $49,800 cab chasse for Chevy Silverado 5500MD.  Expected cost for outfitting is $50,000.    This would be a Terra Star replacement.

Dumpster is full.  We have a few culvert pieces that we couldn’t get in because they don’t flatten.  More effort to flatten material for more space will happen today.  Concrete will go to Coleman.

New truck is “a dream”.  The Chevy Silverado has the same plowing ability as the 7400.  The grader currently pushes back snowbanks where the 7400 can’t go. 

550 is sitting and waiting for parts.  The bill should be less than $6,000.

26 Little Loop will have driveway repaired from drainage problems once the snow melts.  The rut is in the driveway.

The DPW used 5 Burgdorf for a turn around during the recent storms.  It isn’t ideal but it worked.

33 Upper Lakeview is discussed.  Hand sketch requested is computerized and has dimensions.

Adam motion:  to Adam have the sketches and bring them to the residents at 33 UpperLakeview.  Jay second.  2-0 Yes

Discussion about International.  DPW doesn’t support keeping the 550 as an emergency vehicle.

Sanding capacity is much greater on the big truck but it can only go on the flatter areas. 

Adam wonders if we can avoid replacing the sander for the 7400.  Kelly thinks he can get the VDOE through 2020/2021 winter with a few thousand dollars of materials on the current sander.  Jeff and Kelly think that vehicle needs to stay in service for plowing/sanding.

Adam discusses an email that came from a resident about people driving recklessly and too fast on Eidelweiss Drive.  Discussion ensues.

Adam supports contacting the Madison PD and asking for speed traps.  Jay to send an email and CC other commissioners and the office.

Computer discussion ensues.  Kelly forwards the district phone to forward to his personal phone. 

Jay will create Dpw@vdoe-nh.org to Kelly’s work phone.    This will be done by 12/13/2019.  Kelly will carry the second phone during work hours.  Phone may need to be upgraded.

Asking for the Madison grader is not an acceptable long-term option according to Kelly.

Thusis is discussed.  Nothing has been touched.  Jay mentions encumbering funds.  Adam says he won’t discuss until he sees something from NHMA that states we can encumber funds.  Kelly wonders why we would encumber the funds at all. 

Little Loop is also discussed.  DPW is to purchase everything this year and do Little Loop and Thusis out of regular budgets next year.  Office will provide remaining dollar amounts of each warrant to BOC and DPW.  This to be done by 12/12/19.

Thusis has $3400 remaining.

Little Loop has unknown amount of money left but will be plenty for the project.  Unused money will go to the unassigned fund balance.

Discussion about paving ensues.  Kelly to ask Bruce at All State for old report. 

Jay motion: approve the manifest of 12/5/2019.  Adam second.  2-0 yes

Jay motion: approve the manifest of 12/6/2019.  Adam second 2-0 yes

Adam motion:  approve payroll in the amount of $5746.17.  Jay second.  2-0 yes

Kelly 40 hours and 51 hours

Jeff 42 hours and 42 hours

Tony 30 hours and 0 hours

Donna 21.5 hours and 11 hours

Kristin 0 hours and 8 hours

Adam states he wants to get paid starting on 1/1/20.

Jay states he wants to get paid starting on 1/1/20.

Minutes can’t be approved because we don’t know which meeting minutes haven’t been approved.

The heat is off in the lodge.

The electrical upgrades are being done next week. 

Third party electrical will be discussed in January. 

Granite state responded with our beach testing questions.  More discussion for later. 

Adam motion:  response from Granite State to go to the environmental committee.  Jay second.  2-0 yes

Admin needs to be notified to review minutes and do what is their responsibilities.

Drinking water is fine.

Discussion tonight about beaver dam

Tight tank discussion ensues.  Very rough estimate is 10k.  DES needs approval.  Jay went to Fluet to get a price.  Adam wonders if White Mountain Survey should be brought in.  

Jay reports that Fluet Engineering is the official water system engineering firm.  Adam says this needs to be switched to Jones and Beech.

22 Interlaken water hookup evaluation in process.

Dinah transferred 85k for warrant articles.  $57k approximately is left.

Adam motion: to make two, $20,000 CRF deposits.  Jay second.  2-0 yes

Adam forwarded DES sanitary survey arrived.  Jay hasn’t reviewed it yet.

47 Eidelweiss Drive email never was distributed to the BOC.  Adam and Kathy will set the December schedule tonight and respond to the property owner.

Adam motion:  sign CRF deposits out of session.  Jay second.  2-0 yes

Adam motion:  Adjourn.  Jay second 2-0 yes


Dec 6, 2019

Call to order 8pm

Adam motion: To approve the dam management plan that Adam sent to the office in September.  Kathy second.  Discussion ensues.  Yes 2-0

Adam motion: To allow Adam to speak directly with the DPW employees to discuss health insurance as needed.  Second Kathy.  Discussion ensues.  Yes 2-0  Kathy wants the employees to pay the difference if one employee wants a family plan rather than a two person plan.  Kathy also adds that a 19 year old with limited income should be able to get affordable health insurance through healthcare.gov. 

Buyout discussed. 

Adam motion: To allow Adam to offer a 10k buyout for health insurance to each employee for health insurance if allowed by law.  Second Kathy.  Discussion ensues Yes 2-0

Budget discussion including review of 2019 total expenses.  It looks like the VDOE won’t over expend the 2019 budget. 

Dinah never applied for loan proceeds to cover warrant articles in regards to the electrical upgrades.  This was requested during the week of 11/18/19. 

Adam discusses cutting treasurer salary to $100 per month.  Kathy is in agreement.  The job doesn’t appear to require more than a few hours per month.  At 10 hours per month, that is $25 per hour which would make her the highest paid employee in the district.  Neither Kathy nor Adam thinks that the job even requires 10 hours per month. 

Discussion about signing the CRF contribution form.  Kathy believes the wrong form is waiting to be signed.  Adam won’t sign it.  Treasurer will be asked to rewrite with the correct form. 

Adam motion:  Approve payroll.  Kathy second.  Discussion ensues about unsigned document.  Kathy to sign in place of Jay.  Vote yes 2-0.

Adam motion:  Approve all unsigned manifests.  Kathy second.  Kathy to sign in place of Jay.  Vote yes 2-0.

Adam motion:  Approve all draft minutes prior to November 24, 2019.  Kathy second.  Yes 2-0.

Presentation discussed and practiced.

Adam motion:  Have Kathy get a price from Jim Rines for the Tight Tank project.  Kathy second.  Vote Yes 2-0.

Adam motion:  Have Chris Albert attend the December 7 meeting.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 2-0.

Adam motion:  Kathy to take the minutes on 12/7/19.  Jay to write only the questions.   Adam to present.  Kathy second.  Yes 2-0

Kathy states that she wants to get paid beginning on 1/1/20.

Adam motion to go into non-public pursuant to RSA 91a:3,II (a) employment matters

10:30pm  Kathy second.  Yes 2-0.

Adam motion to exit non-public.  10:55pm.  Kathy second.  Yes 2-0

Adam motion:  Seal the non-public minutes.  Kathy second.  Yes 2-0

Adam motion: adjourn.  Kathy second.  Yes 2-0 11pm

                                      VILLAGE DISTRICT OF EIDELWEISS

Commissioners Meeting             

                                                        December 17, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Tuesday, December 17, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. The meeting was filmed by Tim Hughes of Madison TV.  Michael Dolan was in attendance briefly.

1. Agenda – Adam motion to approve agenda.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0

 Adam motion:  To enter non-public Reputation under RSA 91-A:3,ii(c)-- at 8:07pm

Second Kathy vote yes 2-0

Discussion about resident, emails to the office and facebook post are all discussed.

Motion to exit non-public 9:11pm by Adam.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.

Adam motion to enter Non-public employee compensation under RSA 91-A:3, ii (a) – at 9:14pm.  Second Kathy vote yes 2-0. 

Discussion about administrator position and separation agreement.  Letter from attorney is reviewed.

Motion to Exit non-public 9:20pm by Adam.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.

Summary of non-public for public notification.

Adam motion: To allow Adam to post to Facebook on the Town of Madison’s Facebook page.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0. 

Adam motion:  To sign the letter to Terri Warren.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.

Mike Dolan announces that he will be running for the commissioner seat currently held by Jay Buckley.

2. Highway Department Report  - None

3. Water – Water usage report discussed. 

4. Administration

5.  Accounts Payable – Adam motion:  Approve payroll $6177.55.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.  Two mistakes are found.  Donna owes the district a half hour.  The district owes Kelly 6 hours of OT.

6.  Minutes

7. Commissioners Reports – Adam encourages admin to find the final date for people who want to run for election. 

Public notice is discussed.  Adam wonders if clerk is a 1 year seat rather than the customary 2 year seat.  Admin requested to figure this out. 

A public hearing will also be held on 1/25/20 after the budget hearing.  This public hearing will be for the dam management plan. 

Adam motion:  Adam sign the NH retirement application form regarding Nancy Cole.  Kathy second.  Vote yes 2-0.

Kathy motion:  Pay Spectrum $99 to move a cable wire.  Adam second.  Vote yes 2-0. 

Money to come from warrant article for electrical upgrades (DPW)

Adam motion:  To accept Tad’s electricity contract beginning on 1/1/20. Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.  Adam to follow up with Tad. 

Primex discussion and $5662.08 refund.  Adam suggests finding out when we can get the check or how the refund would be credited. 

Adam discusses his call with Anna from Drummond Woodward.

Letter to Madison PD is discussed.  Adam states he will sign whatever version Kathy puts in front of him.  Adam requests that the letter to the Madison PD be to enforce speeding limits. 

Discussion about Kelly and his spotlight in the newsletter.  Newsletter to be approved Thursday. 

Adam motion:  To instruct the DPW to put a 10inch board back into the Dam so that the VDOE only has four inches of boards missing.  Second Kathy.  Vote yes 2-0.

Little Loop drainage and missed tree are discussed.

Employee handbook is discussed and revised.  Adam suggests emailing the revised version to the office and ask BOC members to review and then email suggestions back to the BOC for thoughts prior to Christmas.  Discussion via email not to happen but everyone will be knowledgeable about thoughts.

Phones for discussion – not enough money was allocated. 

Adam announces that the bids for the water tank portion of the Reinach project have been received.  The low bid for water tank is $388,800.  This number is less than the amount allocated by water system engineer Chris Albert on December 7th.  Project is proceeding well.

9. Correspondence

10. Scheduled Appearances - none

11.  Public Comment

Motion to adjourn

Adam – second Kathy – Vote yes 2-0.  11:45pm