2019 Documents


Commissioners Meeting             

June 1, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met following the Public Hearing on Saturday, June 1, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley.  Also present were Treasurer Dinah Reiss, Mark Graffam, Mike Dolan, Dianna Dolan, Angela Carini, Larry Leonard, Paula Doyle, Terri Cancelarich, Randy Knowlton and John Cooley of the Loon Preservation Committee.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                            

At 9:25 pm Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order.   

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.     

Scheduled Appearances is held first to allow persons present to speak. 

10. Scheduled Appearances

Many emails have been sent regarding the level of the ponds.  Letter from Fish & Game has been received.  Kathy Koziell reads letter.  Letter states that VDOE should not place a board at this time based on the location of the loon’s nest.   Placing a board that could flood the nest would be a violation of RSA 212-A.  Outline of report that will be completed by DES giving additional information on the relationship between the ponds and the dam on Little Pea is highlighted in the letter.  Adam Leiser outlines statement by DES to wait until we heard from Fish & Game before adding a board.  Study will be done to create a long-term plan for the ponds.  Mike Dolan outlines that a floating nest exists on Big Pea; nest is not used.  A floating nest for Little Pea may be an option.  Placing a dam at Big Pea is discussed as a possible option.  This would be a one to two-year process.  Terri Cancelarich discusses a pre-emptive draw down of the ponds prior to the nesting of the loons as her point of contention with the Board.   Adam states that a better investigation of this process has been worked on in the last three and a half weeks than has been done in years.  Adam adds that currently there is one additional board in the dam than prior years.  The process on file with DES has been followed.  Terri states process not followed.  Kathy Koziell outlines intent to cut down some boards for future regulation of pond levels with less impact to the ponds. Judy Taylor outlines that some decent information has been received and that Board has gone above and beyond for this issue. Mark Graffam questions a highway department report and if reports are received weekly.  Mark Graffam questions if the DPW reported that they were looking at the Big Loop culvert.  Debris has built up at the culvert.  This debris is keeping Big Pea 2 inches higher than it would be naturally.  Cleaning the culvert inlet is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to have the DPW clean debris at the Big Loop culvert.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Question on ability to clean culverts; does not apply to this structure.  Jay Buckley adds that the culvert is not a dam.  Motion passed 3-0.  Terri Cancelarich questions the larger culvert that was installed when the old culvert failed and was replaced.  Mark Graffam stated that this was mandated by the State.  Terri Cancelarich makes a remark on the loons as a threatened species in NH only; loons are not protected in VT or MA.  Terri continues with a comment on LPC failing in their mission since loons are still threatened after 30 years and then remarks on the financial status of the LPC.  Terri Cancelarich leaves the meeting. 

John Cooley of the NH Loon Preservation Committee (LPC) has joined the meeting to review the status of the loon’s nest.  Placement of a floating nest on Little Pea is discussed.  John thanks persons for their involvement for protection of the loons.  Nest is vulnerable to flooding or stranding if water level increases or decreases.  It is the obligation of the stake holders to protect this nest and the eggs.  Two eggs are in the nest.  John discusses holding level at dam in attempt to keep Big Pea higher.  However, this cannot be done now that the loons have nested.  DES is preparing the study to attempt to answer the questions on the relationship of the pond levels.  Adam informs John that the Commissioners are not making any change at this time.  Possibly keeping water at a higher level at the dam in spring; maybe 6 – 8 inches, could be done going forward.  Dam management solely for protection of a loon’s nest is for the four weeks the birds are on the nest.  June 20th is around the time that the loons should leave the nest.  John Cooley outlines that a floating nest could be a reasonable option in future years if necessary.  If the loons have a natural site available that will always be the first preference.  John would like to see the report that DES will complete to review the relationship between the dam and Big Pea.  LPC will be glad to review all options once the study is complete.  Effect of dam on the level of Big Pea is discussed.  Mark Graffam outlines that the level of Big Pea is a function of source and rainfall and not specifically limited to the dam at Little Pea.   

John is aware of one floating nest raft on Big Pea; LPC was not involved with this.  The practice of persons placing their own rafts is discouraged but does occur.  LPC follows specific protocol when placing rafts.  Mark Graffam outlines sloping waterfront property and the nature of persons who lose property at the high-level mark and concern of others on same lake stating very low water level.  This is due to the fluctuating slopes on persons property.  Objective information is needed to offset some of the emotional responses persons have regarding their property.  Mark Graffam outlines knowing the high-water level for all VDOE properties would be a beneficial benchmark.  The high-water mark on the dam should be a guide.  Study is needed.  Kathy Koziell questions if loons will seek a different location if nesting site is not available for whatever reason.  John Cooley outlines less success at any other nest site on Little Pea.  This pair of loons has been successful for many years; there are only a few pairs of loons with this success rate.  John Cooley states that he has not seen erosion at this site.  Paula Doyle asks John Cooley if he knows why loons are protected in NH and not in other states; summarizing Terri Cancelarich’s strong negative comments regarding the LPC.  John states loon population increase since LPC formed.  Threatened status of loons reflects the intensive management of loon nesting sites that is needed.  Remain on list because the sites require a large amount of management and conservation efforts in order to have successful nests.  Lead sinkers used by fishermen still have large negative impact on the loons.  Mr. Cooley does not think LPC has been unsuccessful but it is still a work in progress.

2. Highway Department Report 

3. Water

Discussion on having additional information from Ian Hayes on a regular basis is outlined. 

Monthly billing as outline of daily activities is discussed.   

4. Administration

Tire damage incurred by resident Derek Way is discussed.  The metal piece hit was 6 -7 feet off the side of the road on Sarnen and sticking out about 4 inches.  RSA 230:91 is discussed.  Municipal liability does not occur unless the hazard was known.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to decline request for reimbursement to Derek Way.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Jay Buckley states that removal of old signpost should have been done when the new sign was installed.  Jay Buckley adds that he is inclined to recommend paying for this.  Adam discusses the location off the side of the road and not in the roadway.  Discussion continues outlining other areas near that spot that could have been used to turn around.  Discussion on VDOE liability.  Law is clear that municipal liability does not exist if hazard is unknown.  Jay Buckley disagrees; stating prior DPW should have removed the old post when placing a new post.  Motion passed 2-1 with Jay Buckley against declining request.  Adam will draft a letter. 

Discussion on communication.  Adam Leiser discusses drafting of a policy.  Balancing the law and getting people information is outlined as a challenge.  Developing a Facebook page is outlined as something to look into.  Communication Committee will discuss at this week’s meeting; Tuesday at 5 pm at the lodge.  Posting will be updated to show location change.  Jay Buckley discusses use of social media to release information to the public.  He hasn’t publicly posted on the info-board due to potential appearance that communication is from the Board.  Allowing the Communications Committee to update website and using the Communications Committee newsletters which are approved by this Board as official means of communication is outlined and discussed.  Jay warns against use of social media.  Discussion that it does take time to get information out due to the approval process occurring during posted public meetings is held   

Review of Administrator’s memo about compliance with RSA 91-A, the NH Right-to Know Law, is outlined. 

Closing of the outhouses will be looked into by the Environmental Committee.  Outhouses will be used this year.       

Reinach tank proposal questions are reviewed and discussed.  Jay Buckley discusses creating an outline that could be reviewed by contractors for a preliminary design to obtain a feel for contractor interest.  If review shows that significant savings can be obtained, move into full proposal and design at that time.  Adam outlines that he is 90% certain this tank will cost less.  Jay states that delay can be mitigated if engineer releases initial first phase design.  Jay recommends preliminary numbers for protection of the District.  Paula Doyle outlines project management for this timeline.  Jay outlines need for regular meetings of water committee to oversee this and stay on point for meeting any timeline established.  Outline for obtaining a preliminary cost estimate is discussed.  Protection for the VDOE taxpayer is recommended; obtaining additional information is advisable.  Mark Graffam outlines review of historical information; tanks timeline is concerning.  Lift time pressure and do it right; full review of all information needed.  Recommendation to discuss projects with project owners and not the supplier is made by Mark Graffam.  Jay Buckley will look into obtaining additional information.    

State Revolving Loan Fund application will be pulled for review by the Board for next Thursday. 

Discussion on audit status, the auditor and possible changing of the auditor is held.  Review of bidding process for audit services will be done. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to contact White Mountain Survey for estimate of engineering costs to remove Burgdorf culvert.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  Discussion on closing Burgdorf permanently as two dead ends is discussed.  Randy Knowlton states he has no interest in allowing a turn-around on his property.  Adam Leiser outlines obtaining the lot for green space.  Road would still be Class V.  Discussion on trails, persons who walk dogs on the road and joggers is held.  Mr. Knowlton will consider use of the land for future additional discussion.  Discussion continues on creation of estimates.  Adam discusses sending design to White Mountain Surveying.  Mark Graffam recommends having review of designed plan done by more than one engineer.  Adam Leiser makes a motion allocate up to $400 for WMS to review design for Burgdorf.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to obtain a number for designing update to plans for more affordable solution.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to remove Mary Alice Lapointe and Maryann Jackson from Environmental Committee as neither committed to being on the committee.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.   

Adam Leiser makes a request to have Kelly Robitaille review possibility to create a one-way road for Little Loop.  Jay Buckley discusses additional information/consultation from police and fire prior to any action on this request. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve up to $800 for culvert replacement at 22, 24 and 26 Middle Shore Drive.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to have work completed by July 1.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. Adam Leiser moves to amend completion date to June 28. Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.                

Adam Leiser makes a motion to have Adam Leiser contact Jim Lyons to inform him the Saint Moritz project is on hold due to grader being in shop.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.   

Jay Buckley makes a motion to advertise for cleaning of outhouses.  Adam Leiser seconds.    Discussion on posting the position on the bulletin board.  Adam Leiser discusses moving on; allow Gina to keep position.   Paula Doyle outlines adding time weekly for beach testing.  Motion passed 2-1 with Adam Leiser against posting position due to a qualified, experienced applicant who has her own cleaning business, history of difficulties in filling this position and not spending additional time on this matter.      

5.  Accounts Payable

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve 1 check for a total of $42,000.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

6.  Minutes

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes of 5/23/19.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.   

Adam Leiser outlines correcting minutes of 3/12.  This will be discussed at next meeting for any correction of the minutes. 

7. Commissioners Reports

Jay recommends set schedule for water committee meetings.  This will be worked on

Adam Leiser questions responses to emails when information sent by Facebook to the office.  Mark Graffam outlines forwarding information to the office when it should be sent.  Mark Graffam outlines placing documents on the website and simply referring to the location of the document.  Mark Graffam discusses a memo received by a prior VDOE Attorney advising caution while using social media for public officials and possibility of first amendment violations as recommended by Attorney Dan Crean.  Not commenting on public sites is general recommendation.  Paula Doyle outlines that newsletter can include additional specifics but is for all persons.  Some people may not be interested in details such as engineered drawings.    

8. Signature Items  

Eversource property usage letters – hold for next meeting.   

Response to Tommy Gunn is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.              

Response to Rob Galante is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.   

Response to David Maudsley is reviewed.  Email received stating response of May 24 was not appropriate.  Response is read.  Jay Buckley makes a motion to update letter and sign out of session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.    

Thank you to volunteers is reviewed and discussed.  Jay Buckley proposes that all volunteers be invited to an end of season appreciation event.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve $300 from Parks & Recreation for a volunteer appreciation day. Motion fails for lack of a second.  Jay Buckley states that he will fund this event. 

9. Correspondence

Correspondence regarding pond levels have been discussed. 

11.  Public Comment    

12.  Other Business   

Document on website regarding Bergdorf culvert replacement in the amount of $175,000 is discussed.  No quote was received for this amount.  The quote received was for $300,000-$350,000.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to remove the document from website.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Discussion on official website; www.vdoe-nh.org is held.  EPOA as separate entity is outlined and discussed.  Yahoo info board and Facebook sites being run by residents and not the VDOE is outlined.  Motion passed 3-0. 

The water rate projection calculation on the website is discussed.  Calculation was reviewed and the number shown is incorrect.  Projection used was $50,231; actual is $66,000.  Rate projected is incorrect due to this error.  Discussion continues on old documents on the website and best way to keep the information current. 

At 12:24 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to enter Non-Public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) reputation.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion via roll call vote Adam Leiser yea, Kathy Koziell yea, Jay Buckley yea and the motion passed 3-0. 

At 12:35 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and resume the public session.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion via roll call vote Adam Leiser yea, Kathy Koziell yea, Jay Buckley yea and the motion passed 3-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to have Jay Buckley update process for committee member training.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  

Adam Leiser makes a motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

At 12:36 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole


The Board of Commissioners held a Public Hearing at 9:00 am on Saturday, June 1, 2019.  Present were Commissioners Adam Leiser, Kathy Koziell and Jay Buckley.   6 persons were present.  The meeting was taped for Madison TV by videographer Tim Hughes. 

 At 9:00 am the Public Hearing is called to order by Chairman Adam Leiser.     

Water Ordinance proposed changes are reviewed by Commissioner Kathy Koziell.   

Update to Ordinance is to charge all homeowners $50 per turn on and turn off if done on the Saturday listed.  A $100 fine will be incurred if no one is present at scheduled time and the valve turn will not be done.   

Contact will be made with the property owners who request valve turns.  Jay Buckley outlines that scheduling work on a Sat is not acceptable to water operator Ian Hayes.   Jay Buckley makes a motion to alter the date to the first Monday in May and the first Monday in November.  Jay outlines that Monday may be easier for residents.  Dianna Doyle recommends scheduling turn on for first Friday of May; turn off for the first Monday in November.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to update the dates to the first Friday in May and the first Monday in November.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.    Jay Buckley makes a motion to eliminate $100 fine.  Motion failed for lack of a second.  Jay Buckley discusses billing.  Currently homeowners are billed following VDOE receipt of charges from the Water Operator. 

Adding “if work is completed” behind $50 is outlined for clarity. 

Jay Buckley discusses emergency turn offs.  Current procedure is that no charge to homeowner is incurred for up to 2 hours of water operator time.  Ordinance states actual bill to property owner with minimum of $65.  This is not proposed to change and will be complied with. 

Highway and Parking Ordinance proposed change is reviewed by Commissioner Kathy Koziell. 

Proposed update to Ordinance is to limit overnight parking to Eidelweiss Beach.  Judy Taylor questions definition of temporary; addressed in another section.  Resident outlines suspicious activity at Eidelweiss Beach and allowing parking would allow additional illicit activity in this area.  Discussion on placing a light at this parking lot is outlined.  AL remove Eidelweiss Beach for now.  Adding a street light to the parking lot area could be done.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to remove Eidelweiss Beach for overflow parking.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion is held outlining that winter overflow parking is still allowed.  Motion passed 3-0.  Discussion on notifying police of any change.  This will be done. 

At 9:24 Adam Leiser makes a motion to close the Public Hearing.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.      

AGENDA FOR June 1, 2019

  1. Call to order at conclusion of Public Hearing
  • Approval of the agenda                                             

     Review of Actions, Projects and Issues List    

  • Administration:  CM052319, Way tire damage,  Reinach tank proposal question review, Admin memo to Board, communication channels;  
  • Accounts payable: $42,000.00 - 1 check
  • Signature Items: Eversource land use agreements, Maudsley response, Galante response, volunteer appreciation note,
  • Commissioners Reports
  • Correspondence:  pond levels and dam management
  • Scheduled Appearances: Terri Cancelarich
  • Public Comment:
  1.  Other:  Incorrect water rate calculation spreadsheet and other old documents on website  

Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) reputation



In This Issue:

Commissioner News

Upcoming Meetings - June 1st Public Hearing

Canoe/Kayak Rack Update

Road Update – Bergdorf Closure

Lodge Rental

Summer Rentals – rules and regulations

Pond Levels

Committee News

Volunteer Update – Beach Raking, Huttwil Mailboxes

View all commissioner meeting minutes and agendas (posted 10 hrs prior)  Click Here

The Commissioners voted recently to post the latest financial reports to the VDOE website that includes the budget, cash flow report and capital reserve fund balances.  You can find these by clicking here.

Jay Buckley has been appointed to the Board filling the vacancy created by Ralph Lutjen when he resigned at the annual meeting.  Jay was sworn in during the Board of Commissioners meeting on May 14.

The on-call phone service at the office has been discontinued.  It was costing the district $127.66/month.  A survey of 6 surrounding towns found that none of them have an after-hours service.  Moving forward, callers will be instructed to leave a message for a return call when the administrator is available or in an emergency to call 911.

Administrative Assistant Position being posted.  We are looking for a 10-15 hour per week highly motivated independent individual to assist with workflow in the municipal office. Primary duties will be clerical, knowledge of Excel and familiarity with Office 365 beneficial. Application and job description can be obtained at the District office.

Warrant Article #8 was approved at the annual meeting authorizing $4,180 for a York rake replacement.  This purchase has been made and the rake is now in use.

Warrant Article #15 A project was proposed at the annual meeting to raise $36,140 to update the pressure reducing valve pit at Upper Lakeview/Rigi by separating the lines covered by the PRV (valve) to reduce pressure at some of the homes in this zone. The warrant was reduced to $2000 and was passed by the voters. This was to cover replacing just the valve which was done on May 14th.  The initial report is that pressure has been reduced at the affected homes in the area.  This will continue to be monitored to ensure that this issue has been addressed as required.

Warrant Article #18.  $42,000 will be deposited into the Water System Capital Reserve Fund. Check will be issued on June 1st from the unassigned fund balance.


Public HearingSaturday June 1 – 9:00 AM at the Lodge. The Public Hearing will be held to review proposed revisions to the Water and Highway & Parking Ordinances. Proposed changes are highlighted within the current ordinance on the VDOE website (vdoe-nh.org) All residents are encouraged to attend—questions and comments are welcome.

Check the VDOE website or the Huttwil bulletin board for all posted meetings & locations.


May 1:  Water Bills were due.  If you have not paid your bill yet, please do so as soon as possible.  All bills now overdue are subject to a fine of $50. On August 1st an additional $100 fee will be incurred.   


Rack assignments were delayed this year due to the large amount of snow that kept us from inspecting and repairing the extensive damaged racks.  Assignments were sent on Friday, May 24th.  Registration for a second space is open.  An email was sent on Friday April 12th with details.


The heavy spring thaw and run off this year unfortunately contributed to the collapse of a culvert on Burgdorf Drive and the road has been closed indefinitely at the culvert crossing.  Homes at #1 thru #4 Burgdorf are accessible via Aspen Drive.  Access to all other houses on Burgdorf will be from Grison to Konstanz.

The Lodge is now open.  If you’d like to use the facility for a gathering or event, please contact Nancy Cole at the district office for information and availability.


Last month we published a 1 page mini poster that owners can print and post in their homes in order to share the rules and regulations in Eidelweiss with their renters and visitors.   Contact the office if you need a copy.

Pond Levels

On Tuesday May 28th Commissioner Adam Leiser and the Environmental Committee met with Charlie Krautmann from DES.  He will be back in the District on June 6th to gather data for a report that will be completed within 5 weeks regarding the management of the Dam. There was also a conference call on May 28th with Carol Henderson of NH Fish and Game regarding pond levels and the active loon nest. We expect her to provide a recommendation for a short-term solution after contacting DES and the Loon Preservation Society. All this information will facilitate the District in creating a long-term management plan for the Dam and pond water levels.  Please attend the June 1st public hearing which will be followed by a Commissioners meeting where the pond level issue will be on the agenda.

Volunteers are still being sought for the Roads Committee. Please contact the office if you are available and interested in serving on any of the committees. (email:  office@vdoe-nh.org)

Environmental Committee Update:

The Committee has 6 members and was officially established on Monday May 20th.

Water Committee Update:

A meeting was held with the Board of Commissioners on May 10 to walk through the water system assets & facilities. The committee is exploring funding options and possible application to NHDES for SRF loans to fund the Reinach Tank project.   We are also going to develop a project plan to pursue digital mapping and use of a GIS system.


Beach Raking – Thank you to all who have volunteered to help with beach raking on weekends this summer.  We can still use more people so if you are willing and able to help (even if it’s just one beach on one day), please contact Michael Dolan who has volunteered to coordinate the schedule. (email:  dolrn@yahoo.com). 


On Sunday May 5th and Monday May 6th, a dozen volunteers joined Jay Buckley to reshingle the roofs and upgrade the lighting at the Huttwil mailboxes.   The roof was  re-shingled, the structures painted and new LED lighting was installed lowering wattage while improving brightness. All of the materials were donated by residents. The estimated value of the work was $2500-$3000. Many thanks to everyone who contributed and participated. 

Also thank you to everyone who volunteered to clean up roads on Valley Pride Day!  

So far this year, we’ve had more than 20 residents volunteering for projects and committees.  We appreciate everyone’s participation and invite all residents to volunteer and join the team!


Purpose:  To have the water users who request curb stop valve turns pay for that service. 

3.2.3   There will not be a charge for one turn off or turn on of water             service at the request of the user between April 15thand November 15th.   However, if the user fails to be present during the scheduled time for a turn on there will be a charge of $65 and no turn on service will be provided at that time.  Turn off or on of water supply shall be considered once per spring and once per fall.

3.2.3 Seasonal water turn on will be available at a cost of $50 per household on the first Saturday of May each year and seasonal water turn off will be available the first Saturday of November at a cost of $50 per household.  Failure to be present at time of appointment will result in a $100 fine and the valve turn will not be performed. 

3.2.4   Turn off or turn on of water service at the request of the user

between November 15th and April 15th except as outlined in Section

3.2.3 will be charged the actual costs incurred by the VDOE.   

To view full text of the Water Ordinance with proposed changes: https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Water-System-Ordinance-proposed-updates-060119-1.pdf


Purpose: To restrict overnight overflow parking to Eidelweiss Beach only. 

D. The Huttwil Parking lot and Eidelweiss Beach parking lots can be used for temporary overnight parking for residents and their guests.  No business or commercial vehicles or trailers may be parked in any VDOE parking lot except for the Huttwil parking lot.

To view full text of the Highway and Parking Ordinance with proposed changes: https://vdoe-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/HIGHWAY-REGULATIONS-proposed-update-060119.pdf

Environmental Committee in the VDOE – May 28, 2019

Call to order: 9:05am

Members present:  Paula Doyle, Larry Leonard, Adam Leiser, John Cancelarich, Kelly Robitialle, Charles Krautman

Mr. Krautman explains that he is a DES engineer and dam management expert.   The dam at Little Pea is a low hazard dam and as such needs to pass a 50 year test.

DES is coming with a surveyor on June 3rd to gather additional information and to help Mr. Krautman so he can write a report which will likely be returned to the district at the end of June.

DES is only for dam safety and will not make any recommendations in regards to the loons or their nests.

John C wants to know about flow rates for the brook and if we’re responsible for anything down stream.    John C thinks we are.  Mr. Krautman says he doesn’t believe that is true.

Elevations at ponds are going to be determined when surveyor comes.

Paula D asks about placing a second dam between Big Pea and Middle Pea.  Mr. Krautman explains that this is only done via legislation.

DES recommends checking with Fish and Game and Loons Preservation Society in terms of floating docks or anything loon related.  DES does work with those organizations when needed.

Mr. Krautman supports the idea of an additional 5 inch board being placed in the dam.  Every committee member agrees.  Kelly R. says it can be done.  Adam (as instructed during the BOC meeting on 5/23) instructs Kelly to do this tomorrow because we’re getting an inch of rain today.

Mr. Krautman says different size boards could delay outflow.

Wetlands permit would be needed to put in a second dam.

The report coming to the VDOE at the end of June will be the first report on hydraulics in regards to the dam that has ever been done by DES on the dam at Little Pea.

Wonderground is a great tool for rain flow according to Mr. Krautman.

Motion to approve minutes of 5/27/19 made by Adam L.  Second by Larry L.  Paula says to changes needed and outlines the changes.

Motion to approve minutes as modified made by Adam L.  Second by Paula.  Vote yes 4-0.

Next meeting is tbd – Adam to email the committee

The minutes in italics were added to the draft minutes during the environmental committee meeting on 6/2/19

John C asks Mr. Krautman if he is aware of the major concerns on Big Pea: Low water levels, loss of aquatic life at short line, problems with docks, boats and swimming.  Mr. Krautman said that he is aware of the concerns.

John C asks about the investigation of the new culvert on Big Loop.  Mr. Krautman had most of the information except he did not know the depth placement of the previous culvert.

John C recommends recording two measurements at the dam: water level and overflow level.  The current levels are 7 ¾ inch from top of cement and overflow is 8 inches.

John C and Adam agreed that the dam lost about an inch of water per day in depth for the pond for approximately 5 days and the decrease then changed to ¼-1/2 inch daily at the dam

Motion to adjourn by Adam – seconded by John – vote 4-0

Meeting adjourned 10am

Environmental Committee in the VDOE – May 27, 2019

Call to order: 8:10

Members present:  Paula Doyle, Larry Leonard, Adam Leiser, John Cancelarich by phone

Public: John Rocharz, Amy Thompson, Bill Di Giacomo

Motion to call John by Adam – second from Paula Doyle – vote 3-0

Motion to appoint Adam as chair by Larry – second Paula – vote 3-0 (Adam abstaining)

Motion to appoint Adam as secretary  by Larry – second Paula – vote 3-0 (Adam abstaining)

John R. speaks about collecting water weekly for testing (ecoli)  - done weekly (Monday) and brought to N. Conway.  Must ask Nancy for more information.  Gloria may have some information too.

Paula to speak with Gloria, Nancy and John Rocharz to help with VLAP testing and get additional information on weekly testing.

June, July, August VLAP test – deep water test at three levels

John R. says at least three but really 4 people are needed

Bob Ingram, Phil (unknown last name) and John Rocharz do VLAP testing with occasional help from Ralph Lutjen   --- according to John R they will continue to do this.  Paula volunteers to help as well.   June 30th is the date this year and the state has been informed.  Someone needs to drive to Concord the next day (must be within 24 hours of collection)

State coming this year (they come once every three years)

Paula watched the VLAP video on YouTube put out by the state.

Committee wants to have a written process of how to do this. 

Paula and John R will work together to do June VLAP testing.  Paula will find an extra person or two to help.

Mission statement discussed.  It will be discussed further during our next meeting.

Objectives to be discussed during our next meeting as well.

Is a snow melt piece of equipment broken that had been used in earlier years?

Ice out report should be coming to the BOC soon.

Pond levels –

What can DES do for us in the meeting?  Other questions to be asked.

A plan can’t be made in a week

Flow rate was approximately 1 inch per day for five days and then ½ inch since

This committee supports the idea of asking DES if it makes sense to put the largest board possible in the dam that still allows water to flow over the top.

Can boards be cut to smaller size or do new ones have to be purchased?

Majority of committee supports putting in a floating nest immediately only if LPS is available this week only.  Otherwise, wait for a BOC meeting for decision on asking LPS for a floating nest.

Adam points out garbage in the ponds.  Larry suggests a clean up day.  John R. to contact the BOC asking for assistance with a clean up day.

Paula outlining BOC meeting that UNH had something to offer the VDOE.    Storm water management is key according to Paula. 

Paula is taking the lead on storm water management.

Outhouses issue – is the 6k-7k worth it?

We need a solution for the outhouses.  BOC to continue looking at this. 

Next meeting is tbd – Adam to email the committee

Motion to adjourn by Adam – seconded by Larry – vote 4-0

Meeting adjourned 9:10pm

May 23, 2019

Water committee                 

Members present Ian Hayes, Larry Leonard., Adam Leiser, Larry Sodano by phone until 10am, Tim Hughes

Absent was board member Jay Buckley

No public attended

Call to order: 9:11am Larry Leonard

Motion to approve agenda – Adam – second Larry – vote 3-0

Motion to call Larry S to join by phone – Adam – second Larry – vote 3-0

Larry Sodano joined the meeting

Motion to approve the minutes from last meeting – Adam – second Larry – vote 3-0 with Larry S abstaining

PRV installed 10 days ago on Upper Lakeview – seems to be successful

Transducers to go out on that zone this weekend to see range of ratings so further adjustments can be made – happens easily

Next week we should know if the PRV was successful in solving the high pressure problem on Upper Lakeview

Total cost was roughly $1200-$1500

Ian to send work order to Nancy – was Nancy supposed to give that to Ian?  There seems to be a breakdown in the work order process.

New meter to be installed at DPW in mid-June

Avoid adjusting pending work orders.  Instead, new work order to be created as needed.

Leak found at 37 Interlaken – notified by home owner on May 20th – unknown at this time how big it was.  Water has been shut off – Curb-valve to house is where leak is located.

This section of water pipe is the biggest problem – probably 1-1 1’/2 miles – Middle shore/Interlaken to Middle Shore/West Bergamo?  Ian to email office the exact intersection.  West Bergamo may be wrong cross street.

22 Appenvel has contacted Ian for replacing service line – date tbd

Work orders coming through BOC meeting this evening

Water was in the lower level of the house mentioned in one of the work orders.

Leak detection is a big issue for Ian

Price from Jones and Beach is comparable to Dubois and King estimate

Motion by Larry L – recommend to the commissioners that they have a phone call with Chris Albert to ask a series of questions.  Adam seconds

Discussion: group calls can be cumbersome according to Ian.  Ian says have a list of questions prepared ahead of time.  Adam agrees and says having emailed questions is better for transparency and accuracy purposes.  Larry S. agrees --- vote -0-2-2 motion denied

Motion by Adam – write a series of questions for Chris Albert to answer via email.  Larry L seconds. Vote 3-0-1

What is the hourly rate for each of the crafts/employees?

What is the audited overhead rate?

More questions to be determined before the next water committee meeting.  Questions to be submitted to Larry L by 5pm on 5/28/19.  Larry L. will then distribute to the rest of the committee.

BOC to be told that water committee is reviewing Jones and Beach proposal and will have a list of questions for them after the next water committee meeting.

Walk through between Ian and Larry L of DPW to discuss upgrades.  Adam recommends that Kathy Koziell be included on this walk through.  Initial walk through to be done without electrician. 

Lee Carroll wrote up a recommendation of work to be done.  Electrician priced out this job during the last Board of Commissioners and work needed is to be verified.  Multiple bids had not been done previously.  It will be done now.

Ian and Larry L to schedule with Kathy and then inform the office.  The three of them will walk through the electrical upgrade projects and make a recommendation to the BOC.

Documentation of inventory done 5(ish) years ago is missing

Jay thinks there is a map in the office from Avitar that outlines curb stop valves and possibly isolation valves.  Ian doesn’t think this exists. 

Motion by Larry L:  recommend that the commissioners allow Larry L and Ian to get together to create a plan to isolate leaks in the long term regarding different sections within the VDOE.  Second by Adam

Discussion:  Ian asking is this to have a preliminary valving clusters, location of pits, etc… to then be able to make another recommendation to the BOC.    This would be a low priority.  Vote -0-2-1.  Motion fails.  Item to remain on water committee action list.

Larry L and Adam to work on SRF by Tuesday, May 28th at midnight

Next meeting 5/29 at 11am – Ian to be called and consulted with questions

Ian says it’s important to have a set, once a month meeting.  Adam agrees.

Did the BOC make a motion and approve the motion to request monthly updates from Ian Hayes? 

Motion to adjourn – Adam – second Larry L.  – vote 3-0 – 10:15am


Commissioners Meeting             

May 23, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 pm on Thursday, May 23, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell.  Also present were Derek Way, Larry Leonard, Paula Doyle, Mike Dolan, Diana Dolan, Terri Cancelarich and John Cancelarich. The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                            

At 8:02 pm Commissioner Adam Leiser calls the meeting to order. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to call Commissioner Jay Buckley.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.      

Commissioner Buckley joins the meeting by phone. 

1. Agenda

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0 by roll call vote.   

2. Highway Department Report 

3. Water

4. Administration

Payroll report reviewed and discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $6631.42.  Jay Buckley seconds.  Motion passed 3-0 by roll call vote.    

Cash flow report is reviewed and discussed.  Making the approved deposits to the capital reserve funds as voted at the 2019 Annual Meeting is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to move the $42,000 to the water system CRF as approved at the Annual Meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0 by roll call vote.  Check will be included for the next meeting.   

Update to the lodge use form is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to continue using the old form until access to TULIP information is available.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0 by roll call vote.   

Posting of monthly water reports on the website is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to post monthly water system testing.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0 by roll call vote.   

Discussion on possible contact with a resident who has left a vehicle on a lot for a very long time. Adam Leiser outlines including information on where or how this vehicle could be removed. This will be deferred until next meeting. 

Discussion on police report obtained for leaving logs along Reinach Place.  Jay Buckley will draft a letter to the property owner for review on June 1.     

Admin Assistant position is reviewed for potential posting.  $1,000 has been allocated for the position.  Posting is reviewed.  Adding to newsletter will be done.

Adam Leiser makes a motion to post the Administrative Assistant position.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Road grader brake failure is discussed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve repairs in the amount of $14,171.60 plus towing to be paid by the Highway Equipment CRF.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

5.  Accounts Payable

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve 7 checks for a total of $ 1,671.22.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

6.  Minutes

Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve the minutes of May 16.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.   

7. Commissioners Reports

Jay Buckley reports that he has spoken with Kelly Robitaille and Jeff DeMartino regarding drainage on Little Loop.  The crew will be able to handle the work needed on Little Loop.  Jay will put together additional information on costs for the culverts and catch basins.  This project can be done for less cost than originally proposed. 

Jay discusses the culvert at Thusis.  The culvert under Eidelweiss Drive shows significant rust at the bottom.  Discussion on culverts being located on private property.  Adam outlines that this culvert is intended to be reviewed again in July.  Jay discusses taking a culvert under Edelweiss Drive and terminate in the cul-de-sac for Thusis Beach parking.  An additional culvert would be placed from the cul-de-sac to the blue brute culverts along the beach.    

Kathy Koziell has contacted Bob Nelson to be put creation of an estimate for the Little Loop project on hold.   

Adam Leiser states there is a tree on Thusis Beach that needs to be removed. DPW will be informed.    

Adam Leiser makes a motion to allocate an additional $500 for electrical work.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Port-O-lets will not be pursued for the beaches as they are cost prohibitive.  

Discussion on Fire permits is held. This will be looked into.    

Adam will continue to work on the Employee Handbook. 

Discussion on posting meetings.  Sending postings to all committee members when a meeting is posted is outlined.  Including Tim Hughes of Madison TV on postings will be done.   

Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow Jay Buckley to be in charge of next volunteer project which will be for the bulletin boards next to the mailboxes.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Discussion on volunteers within the District is held.   

8. Signature Items  

Eversource property usage letters will be held for next meeting.   

Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the Driveway Permit Renewal for Prescott.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Gunn response reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter to Tommy Gunn.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Discussion on continuing to search for a company to clean the outhouses.  Nancy will contact Tommy Gunn for contact info on Mr. Ed Wright.  Outhouses will be open and stocked with toilet paper.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to posting will be done for $15 per hour for a restroom cleaner. Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow up to 3 hours per week.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Letter to the Bureau’s of 3 Lakeview Drive regarding the curb stop valve at the property is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Work Order 1152 for changing of the csv at 3 Lakeview Drive is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign WO 1152.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Work order 1153 for replacement of the curb stop valve box at 29 Upper Lakeview is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign WO 1153.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Work order 1154 for SCADA review in the pump houses is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign WO 1154.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Discussion on creation of a work order for leak detection is held. 

Ginsberg letter for tax abatement is reviewed.  Discussion on the recent tax bill being 50% of the 2018 bill is held.  Review of letter is done. Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Time off requests are presented.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve Nancy Cole’s request.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to approve Kelly Robitaille’s request.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Adam Leiser makes a motion to have the DPW complete all canoe rack repairs by tomorrow.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Registration assignments will be sent tomorrow for canoe/kayak placing. 

Response to Dorothy Wondolowski regarding pond levels and management of the dam is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Response to Kerry McNiven regarding pond levels is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Response to the Flanagan family regarding pond levels is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Responses to Terri Cancelarich regarding pond levels is reviewed.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to sign the letter.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

9. Correspondence

Discussion on uploading of videos through Madison TV is held.  Requesting information regarding timing of posting videos from Madison TV for release by VDOE will be done.  Discussion on changing of the PRV in the Upper Lakeview pit is held.  The new valve appears to be effective at controlling the pressures in this area at this time.  A complaint regarding low pressure on Upper Lakeview was received two days following the replacement and was addressed by water operator Ian Hayes.  

Correspondence on the levels of the ponds has been received from John Cancelarich, Terri Cancelarich, Dorothy Wondolowski, Kerry McNiven and the Flanagan’s.  These have been discussed. 

10. Scheduled Appearances

Resident Derek Way has scheduled an appearance to discuss damage to his tire that occurred on Sarnen near Rte 113.  Sidewall on tire was damaged.  A metal post about 3 inches high was sticking out of the ground.  Possible reimbursement for damage to the tire is requested.  Adam Leiser questions if any photos exist; they do not.  DPW responded immediately, marking the hazard which was removed later that day.  Derek Way states reimbursement in the amount of $179.78 is requested.  The piece of metal was towards 113 from the current road sign. Kathy Koziell outlines that there is municipal immunity for these issues.  The District is not liable for this damage.  RSA 231:90 and RSA 231:91 are the guiding statutes.  Derek Way reviews the statues.  Adam Leiser discusses removal of the old post stating that it should have been removed when the new post was placed.  Jay Buckley agrees that the old post should have been removed.  Jay questions the age of the tire; the car is new.  Discussion on finding out what was removed from the ground is held.  Adam discusses deferring vote until June 1 meeting.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to defer any vote on this matter and obtain object from Kelly Robitaille.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.  Mr. Way will not be able to attend June 1 and will be notified of the decision made.   

John Cancelarich discusses pond level of Big Pea.  Adam Leiser outlines review of the level of Little Pea by canoe done this week.  The area where the Loons nest is still under water.  Paula Doyle adds that the LPC website discusses that the loons appear to be exploring nesting sites.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to initiate contact with John Cooley of the LPC.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Adam attempts call.  No answer.  Paula Doyle discusses the removal of the beavers in 2017.  Paula highlights discussion in May of 2017 that removal of the beavers would lower the level of Big Pea.  Understanding the levels of the ponds and the relationship between them and the Loon nesting sites is needed.  Larry Leonard discusses that the water has always been free flowing between Big and Middle Pea.  Larry Leonard discusses erosion in the area that may also be a factor.  Adam discusses rainfall in 2017 being the highest since 2010; even though the ponds were lower than historical.  Discussion continues on regulating the dam and water levels based on the loon nesting sites.  Kathy Koziell discusses a floating nest option.  These are not as effective.  Terri Cancelarich questions if other bodies of water are controlled based on loon nesting sites.  Terri is informed that NH DES sends a letter every spring to control the dam based on loon nesting sites to every dam owner in NH.  Paula Doyle adds that a knee-jerk reaction is not beneficial to anyone.  Adam discusses option of smaller boards being used in the dam.  This can be looked into.  John Cancelarich states that the management plan states to hold water level based on nesting site of the loons.  Terri Cancelarich questions what action will be done for protection of property owners; Terri questions preserving water on Big Pea.  Adam discusses making a call tomorrow to NH DES for discussion on this matter.  Adam Leiser makes a motion to allow one Commissioner to contact DES and make whatever changes are appropriate in accordance with DES.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Discussion continues on the pond levels.  Motion passed 2-0.  Adam will handle this matter tomorrow.  Discussion on information on a study through UNH that could be done to study the relationship between the ponds is held.  Information will be sent to the Environmental Committee.  

11.  Public Comment    

12.  Other Business   

Discussion on Water Committee meeting this morning is held.  Reinach tank proposal has been received and is being reviewed by the Committee.  Larry Leonard and Adam Leiser will work on the application for state revolving loan funding documentation.  Obtaining pump house information and other information gathered by the prior Asset Management Committee is discussed.  Kathy Koziell and Larry Leonard will work on this.  Discussion continues on creation of long-term plan for the District.  

Raking of beaches for the summer is discussed.  Terri and John Cancelarich volunteer to rake this weekend.      

Due to a disconnection of the phone line Commissioner Jay Buckley leaves the meeting at 9 pm. 

At 11:03 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to 91-A 3-II (d) property and (a) employment matters.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion by roll-call vote, Adam Leiser yea, Kathy Koziell yea and the motion passed 2-0.     

At 11:35 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and resume public session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion by roll-call vote Adam Leiser yea, Kathy Koziell yea and the motion passed 2-0. 

Adam Leiser makes a motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

At 11:36 pm Adam Leiser makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy Koziell seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



  1. Call to order 8:00 pm  
  • Approval of the agenda                                             

     Review of Actions, Projects and Issues List    

  • Administration:  CM051619, payroll, cash flow 0501, lodge use form, water testing posting, contact for abandoned truck?, Reinach Place log report, AA position, crf deposits, grader brake failure $14,172 plus towing  
  • Accounts payable: $1,674.22  - 8 checks
  • Signature Items: Eversource land use agreements, Prescott d-way renew, Gunn response Por-o-lets, Bureau response csv 3 Lakeview, WO 1152 replace csv 3 Lakeview, WO 1153 replace csv 29 Upper Lakeview, WO 1154 SCADA maintenance, Ginsberg tax abatement, Time off requests x2,  Pond responses – Cancelarich/Warren, Wondolowski, McNiven, Flanagan
  • Commissioners Reports
  • Correspondence: Way tire damage, Gunn port-o-lets, Ginsberg tax abatement, GSA bacteria – clean, GSA pH – good, NHMA Leg bulletin, ponds – Leonard, Cancelarich, McNiven, Wondolowski, Flanagan,
  • Scheduled Appearances: Derek Way – tire damage, John Cancelarich – pond levels
  • Public Comment:

10. Other:  Road reports for discussion with Kelly Robitaille, EPOA presentation 

             Non-Public Session Property               
