2019 Documents

Asphalt road shimming                                                                   01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

To place a shim coat on the following asphalt roads for protection and extended useful life of the road:

                Aspen                                   $6,000                   82 Ton  from Grachen access to summit

                Chocorua View                  $4,000                   55 Ton  at curve above berm

                Klausen                                $5,000                   68 Ton  all

                Eidelweiss Drive                $3,000                   41 Ton  from entrance to DPW II

Current road conditions vary between these roads, but all need protection to increase useful life and reduce further damage.

Application of a shim coat will delay the need for complete reclamation of these roads, improve the travel surface for residents and visitors as well as reduce wear & tear on highway equipment caused by uneven asphalt.    

Cost Detail

Aspen                                   $6,000                   82 Ton

Chocorua View                  $4,000                   55 Ton

Klausen                                $5,000                   68 Ton

Eidelweiss Drive                $3,000                   41 Ton

1-week roller rental        $1,750  

Total                                      $19,750

Contingency                       $2,000

Total to be raised             $21,750

All figures are based on current cost per ton of asphalt and equipment rental price from supplier

Gravel road repairs                                                                          01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

Project proposed to complete specific projects for road work that cannot be completed within the annual budget for all roads.  The three roads proposed are in very poor condition.  Upgrades will allow residents to have a proper road and reduce wear & tear on highway equipment.  

To maintain and repair gravel roads with grading and ditch work for protection and extended useful life of the road:

                Klausen – 1,195 feet at 18 feet width and 3 inches gravel plus one culvert

                Upper Lakeview – 677 feet at 18 feet width and 6 inches of gravel plus one culvert

                Aspen – 1,095 feet at 18 feet width and 3 inches gravel

Cost Detail

Klausen                                $2,550                   300 ton plus one culvert at $300

Upper Lakeview                $2,850                   340 ton plus one culvert at $300

Aspen                                   $1,875                   250 ton  

Total                                      $7,275

All figures are based on current price per ton of gravel and current price for culverts

Front runner rake                                                                             01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

This warrant article proposes to replace the existing York rake used for gravel road maintenance. The existing unit is no longer operable and replacement parts are no longer available. The new proposed front runner rake will be front mounted for better control and to allow more accurate sculpting of the road crown and sides.

Proposed replacement is a front mount York rake with 8-foot standard rake head and 3-foot extension complete with Fisher A-frame Minute Mount 2. 

Cost Detail


Equipment price from the supplier

F-550 replacement                                                                          01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

This warrant article proposes to replace the existing 2012 Ford F-550 with a Dodge Ram 5500 chassis and to be up-fitted with a dump body, plow and associated equipment to include a hydraulic sander. The existing Ford F-550 has reached the end of its useful life and has seen significant increase in maintenance costs.  Truck is a safety issue for the crew.  As well the existing plow is not considered commercial grade and has experienced extensive repairs, the replacement equipment is commercial and rated for municipal operations and verified through recent best practices with similar municipal operations. The existing sander is electric and the replacement will be hydraulic with all operations coordinated through the new Dodge Ram 5500 cab.

Keeping the existing plow and equipment with the old Ford F-550 insures the Village District of Eidelweiss will receive the highest value on outright sale or trade-in for the existing vehicle to lower the replacement cost of the F-550.

2019 F-550 MSRP is $52,000 to $58,170 depending on model.  As this cost difference between the base trucks is nominal, purchase of the heavier duty Dodge 5500 is recommended.  The 5500 will carry a larger sander and will support a wing plow, both of which are extremely beneficial for snow plow operations.

Failure to replace truck will be detrimental to winter plow operations as only one sander would be in service for all roads at both summits.  It is very high risk to place plow equipment in a run to failure mode as it increases risk to the safety of both the road traveling public and the DPW crew. 

Cost Detail

truck                                      $56,935

outfitting                             $43,680

Total                                      $100,615

Use $15,000 CRF            -$15,000

Total to be raised             $85,615*

Funding to be raised from a 5-year bank loan at 3.5% interest with a first year’s payment of $19,000.00

Proceeds from Trade or sale of F-550 truck, plow and sander will be placed into the Highway Equipment CRF. 

All figures are from dealer quotation and equipment price from the supplier

Upper Lakeview/Rigi Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV)                      01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

Update PRV set up by separating the lines between the zones covered by this PRV.  This project is a high priority as customers are negatively impacted by water pressures in this zone.  Separating the lines will allow for reduction of pressure to customers on Lakeview and Oak Ridge while maintaining and supplying adequate pressure to customers on Upper Lakeview.   

Separation of lines into 3 segments complies with the 2005 Water System Master Plan as well as allows for improved metering of zone to aid in leak detection and updates valve access when reading meter.  Also allows for improved access when an adjustment is needed to the PRV for pressure stabilizing within zone. 

Cost Detail

$36,140 for PRV pit #1

Excavation (3 days)                                         $9,500

Vault with ladder                                             $7,600

Meters                                                                 $1,150

Piping                                                                    $7,700

Ledge removal (if needed)                           $5,000

Contingency                                                       $5,190

PRV pit #1 proposed for 2019; remaining work to be proposed for future years.

Remaining work for this zone:

 $34,700 for PRV pit #2

$34,700 for PRV pit #3

Funding will be from water usage fees. 

All figures are from contractor quotation and equipment price from the supplier; ledge blasting is estimated.  If the $5,000 for ledge removal is not used, the funds will be placed into the water system Capital Reserve Fund. 

Muddy Beach 5,000-gallon tank replacement                               01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

This warrant article proposes to replace the existing Muddy Beach 5,000-gallon tank in 2019. Muddy Beach is the secondary source of water for the District and supplies 15 to 20% of the water needs for the Village District.

The tank at Muddy beach is not a water storage tank by today’s standards, it is actually a WW II marine buoy modified years ago for the Village District water supply. The existing modified vessel does not have an access panel for inspection and cannot be re-lined. State recommendations (regulations do not apply to tanks under 10,000 today) recommend all water tanks be inspected this cannot be accomplished with the existing unit. Replacing this vessel with a new tank is a Village District priority to secure water from a secondary source prior to completing work on other water system components to insure minimal impact on the district residents.

Expending funds on old equipment that has not been inspected is not viewed to be in the best interest of the District, therefore, replacement with a known entity that will be properly maintained for maximum life expectancy is recommended. 

Capital Improvements completed at Muddy Beach well in the last few years allowed Muddy Beach to supply the District with water during the recent 4-day DPW well outage which included two of the highest water usage days annually.  

Cost Detail


5,000-gallon tank & materials                                     $19,100

Labor                                                                                     $11,300

Contingency                                                                       $2,730                  

Funding will be from the Water Tank Capital Reserve Fund

All figures are from contractor quotation and equipment price from the supplier

Summit pump house electrical updates                                       01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

Upgrade to service panel in pump house with addition of 2 meters and pressure transducers for monitoring of the pressure zone and addition of the pressure zone to the SCADA system.  Upgrade pump contacts, service panel, surge protection and motor controls for booster pumps.  Insulate building with spray foam insulation to increase heating efficiency. 

Project is a priority due to the potential inability to supply water to residents at the Summit of Oak Hill should this station be out of service as a result of electrical failure.  Project will address code deficiencies at the pump house.   

Cost Detail



Wiring for SCADA addition                                           $9,500

SCADA Control panel                                                      $2,220

Add Summit pressure zone to SCADA                      $3,333

Piping                                                                                    $3,500

Piping Pressure Zone                                                      $4,270

Building Insulation                                                           $1,500

General Contractor work                                              $1,000

Contingency 20%                                                              $5,065

Funding will be from $140,133.48 unexpended proceeds of the $204,930 loan authorized at the 2018 Annual Meeting

All figures are from contractor quotation and equipment price from the supplier

Chocorua pump house overhaul                                                                                                               01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

Project is designed to correct inadequate piping and controls at the Chocorua pump house. 

Project will place spray foam insulation in station, increasing efficiency for the heat.  Upgrade of piping, electrical and SCADA at the Chocorua pump house including addition of 2 meters.   Upgrade motor controls on booster pumps, upgrade piping to improve flow efficiency and insure consistency of materials used.  

Cost Detail


Electrical controls and wiring                                                       $6,000

Meters                                                                                                 $3,000

Piping                                                                                                    $9,850

SCADA panel                                                                                      $4,777

Building Insulation                                                                           $1,000

Building repairs following piping upgrade                              $1,000

Contingency                                                                                       $5,125.40

Funding will be from the $140,133.48 unexpended proceeds of the $204,930 loan authorized at the 2018 Annual Meeting

All figures are from contractor quotation and equipment price from the supplier

Reinach 90,000-gallon cast-in-place concrete tank                     01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

Replace the two 30,000-gallon steel tanks which failed inspection during 2018 with one 90,000-gallon cast in place concrete tank.  This project will comply with the NH DES water storage requirements as well as create the Reinach Pressure Zone which is needed to supply adequate pressure to the houses at the higher elevations near the Reinach tank.  

Creation of the Reinach Pressure Zone will impact houses located on the upper section of Aspen, Bristenstock, Reinach, Biasca, and Adelboden are all impacted by reduced pressure; 30-35 houses.

This proposal is the lowest cost alternative for replacing the water storage tanks and creation of the Reinach Pressure Zone. 

Cost Detail

$653,400 as shown on Engineer’s Estimate spreadsheet

Funding to be raised from a 20-year bank loan at 3.13% interest with a first year’s payment of $50,300

Figures from Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs revised Dec 2018 shown below.

DPW Electrical Upgrade                                                                          01/28/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Upgrade of electrical systems and components at the DPW Well site.  This is a high priority as a result of the inability to maintain water supply should the DPW well be out of service due to an electrical failure.  Project corrects noted electrical code deficiencies found during the review by Electrical Engineer. 

Scope Described

Upgrade water system electrical to 480-volt service; add lightening protection for DPW well; upgrade pressure transducers; replace panel with one of proper size and add proper surge protection and grounding; add variable frequency drive control for DPW well; add proper surge protection for water computer in office.

Addition of VFD drive is anticipated to create a significant savings in electric.  In 2018, Jungfrau pump house used 30,978 kw hours where as DPW used 56,417 kw hours as shown on electric usage chart below.  Jungfrau pump house has 2-20 HP pumps where as DPW has only one; yet the DPW pump cost $4,962 more to run per year.

Break even from savings in 13 years.

Break even from line item in 2 years. 

Cost Detail



Pressure transducers and lightening protection                  $8,500

480 Volt Service work                                                                    $4,500

240 Volt Service work                                                                    $7,500

Station upgrades including code corrections                         $16,500


Pipe and materials                                                                           $6,640

Meters                                                                                                 $3,500

Labor                                                                                                     $2,200

Funding will be from $140,133.48 unexpended proceeds of the $204,930 loan authorized at the 2018 Annual Meeting

All figures are from contractor quotation and equipment price from the supplier