2019 Documents


Asset Management Committee Meeting

December 17th, 2018

The Asset Management Committee met at 1:00pm exactly on Monday, December 17th, 2018.  In attendance were Committee members, Nancy Cole, Tommy Gunn, Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen.  Dinah Reiss was not present. No guests were in attendance. The meeting was filmed.

At 1:02 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairwomen Nancy Cole.

Chairwomen Nancy Cole passed out documents to include the Agenda, Updated CIP plan and warrant article drafts for review.

Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the agenda as presented, Ralph Lutjen seconds and all vote yes.

Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the minutes as presented from the Asset management meeting of December 11th, 2018, Ralph Lutjen seconds and all present vote yes.

Chairwomen Nancy Cole notes that the agenda now includes language for Public Comment, noting “Public comments may be heard at the conclusion of the meeting based on available time” no longer requiring a specific motion, all are in agreement.

The purpose of today’s meeting and sole agenda topic was the 2nd review of draft project write ups to be presented at the annual meeting in February of 2019 and presented to the commissioners on Tuesday, December 18th, 2018. The final draft review of the content and edits we discussed for all current, fourteen (14), projects. Minor edits from today’s meeting will be made prior to the Commissioners meeting on Tuesday December 18th, 2018.  The plan, once approved by the commissioner’s, is to post on the Village District website for voter review prior to the annual meeting. 

Summary of project plans:

Ralph Lutjen motions for all road projects to be submitted to the commissioners for recommendation to be included in the 2019 warrant articles, Mike Smith Seconds, all vote yes, motion passes.

Water Priorities to be presented to commissioners:

  1. Ralph Lutjen recommends we move forward to recommend the proposed project to replace the Muddy Beach tank. To be funded from the capital reserve fund. Mike Smith Seconds, all vote yes, motion passes.
  • Ralph Lutjen recommends we move forward to recommend the proposed project to provide upgrades to the DPW Electrical System. To be funded from the existing loan. Mike Smith Seconds, all vote yes, motion passes. 
  • Ralph Lutjen recommends we move forward to recommend the proposed project to overhaul the Chocorua Pump House. To be funded from the existing loan. Mike Smith Seconds, all vote yes, motion passes.
  • Ralph Lutjen recommends we move forward to recommend the proposed project to overhaul the Summit Pump House. To be funded from the existing loan. Mike Smith Seconds, all vote yes, motion passes.
  • Ralph Lutjen recommends we move forward to recommend the proposed project to implement the Upper Lakeview / Rigi Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) and water line separation. To Be funded from annual water fees. Mike Smith Seconds, all vote yes, motion passes.
  • Ralph Lutjen recommends we move forward to recommend the proposed project to recommend the tank replacement of the Reinach Tanks to be included as a 2019 warrant article.  Mike Smith Seconds, all vote yes, motion passes.

Public Comments / Questions: None as no one was present

At 2:10 pm Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed unanimously with all members voting yes.

The next meetings will be held on Thursday January 24th, 2019 @ 1:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Tommy Gunn

Committee Member


Commissioners Meeting             

January 15, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, January 15, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith and Ron Sandstrom.  Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy), Ian Hayes (water operator).   and residents Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                      

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.     

1. Agenda

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Kelly Robitaille reports that the Terra Star is going in for repairs.  This is not a warranty repair. 

Kelly Robitaille reports that chains are needed for the 7400; rear chains are $461 and front chains are $440.  Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $925 for chains.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Grader chains are also needed.  Cost is $800 for a rear set.  Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $825 for chains for the grader.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Discussion on the use of the grader during storms and need for chains.  Kelly Robitaille reports that chains have been used on the grader since it was purchased.  This is the first replacement.  Discussion on winging back and pushing back snow for additional room for storms.  Motion passed 2-0. 

The F-550 is discussed.  The drive shaft has broken.  Initial review shows that the truck may have additional repairs needed.  Truck may not be available this weekend.  Terra Star will be available as that is the more critical truck for plowing.  Last week the F-550 broke a rear spring.  Kelly Robitaille reports that the F-550 is approaching end of useful life. 

An additional load of salt has been ordered under the existing PO. 

Part time employee Tony Eldridge will be used during this weekend’s predicted storms. 

Ron Sandstrom thanks Kelly Robitaille for the improvements in snow plowing over the last few years.  

3. Water

Ian Hayes joins the meeting.  The well pump at DPW has been changed.  DPW well is up and running.  Emergency plan will be updated to reflect D.L. Maher as the company for DPW well repairs.  Water outage did occur because Muddy Beach could not keep up with demand over the Holiday weekend.  Outage occurred while the DPW well pump was being replaced, so outage was able to be minimized.  Discussion continues on Muddy Beach capacity and ability.  Improvements in available information due to SCADA improvements are discussed.  Discussion continues on protection for the DPW well and the need to upgrade that protection for the functioning of the water system.  Putting the well pump on a 10-year replacement plan is discussed.  Adding an additional source of water is recommended by Ian Hayes.  Having the well pump on hand saved the District a long-term outage.  On peak usage, Muddy Beach should be considered a 4-day supply. 

pH levels are discussed.  Last lab reading is 6.8.  Ian Hayes outlines that a pH meter in line from the DPW well site would be beneficial.  The repairs and cleaning of the chemical injection system will be done today.  Mike Smith makes a motion to have Ian Hayes attend the Annual Meeting.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Ian Hayes outlines the violations that DES can place on the District for low pressure in the Reinach zone.  Creating this pressure zone is primary importance for the water system. 

Ron Sandstrom questions the water rate at Rockhouse Mountain; Ian Hayes believes it is close to $1,100 annually.  Discussion ensues on cost of running the water system, VDOE historically has been below the average rate in NH.           

4. Administration

Mike Smith will hold a safety meeting today. 

Treasurer’s report for balances of all accounts is needed for the Annual Meeting.  Mike Smith makes a motion to have Nancy Cole put the material together.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Asset Management meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 24 at 1 pm.  

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $7,881.11.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed.  Motion passed 2-0. 

2019 Warrant is reviewed.  Updates to the wording on articles is reviewed and discussed.  The order of the warrant is discussed.  Moving the ballot questions to the beginning of the warrant is discussed.  Mike Smith makes a motion to move Articles 12, 13 and 14 to 4-5-and 6.  Articles 2 and 3 will be swapped.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to post the warrant on the website.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Discussion is held on the update to the budgets, separating out the bonus line.  Total increase for the proposed 2019 budgets is 4.24% increase. 

Presentation for the budget hearing for Friday night is reviewed.  Kathy Koziell questions the format, questions/comments will be allowed.  Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to use the presentation Friday night.  Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed 2-0.    

5.  Accounts Payable

6.  Minutes

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 12-28.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Mike Smith non-pub 12-28. Ron Sandstrom 2-0. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 1-8.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  2-0.    

7. Commissioners Reports

8. Signature Items  

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the request for insurance status information for the 2018 audit.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

9. Correspondence

Adam Leiser has sent a request for discussion of the Little Loop project.  Mike Smith states no easements have been received.  Ralph Lutjen is handling the pricing.  Once easements are completed, pricing will be updated.  Mr. Leiser interrupts the meeting with questions and comments regarding this project. 

Adam Leiser has requested the back up documentation for the cost of the Muddy Beach tank replacement project under 91-A.  Information has been sent. 

NH Municipal Association has sent two Legislative Bulletins.  

10. Scheduled Appearances    

11.  Other Business   

NH DES water rate survey is reviewed.  Most recent survey found on the DES website is from 2015 and shows the average water rate in NH as $473.60. 

At 9:35 am Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole


January 2019

  1. Upcoming events.
  2. Featured Topic (Challenges)
  3. Breaking News and Current Events
  4. Rumors and Corrections
  5. Water Bill Reminder
  6. Tax Bill Reminder
  7. Website updates
  8. How to contact the District of Eidelweiss District office and the Commissioners.
  9. Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes.

Upcoming events

  • Feb 12, 2019 1:00 pmAsset Management meeting at the Eidelweiss Office
  • Feb 23, 2019 VDOE Annual Meeting Voting 5pm to 7pm; deliberative session 7 pm.
  • Every Tue. 8:00 am Commissioners meeting at the Eidelweiss District Office.  

Challenges for VDOE

The year begins with continuing challenges.  A public hearing for 2019 warrant articles took place on January 18, 2019. The Commissioners described the background and rationale for 2019 planned activities.  In addition to the Commissioners’ warrant articles, there were several petitioned warrant articles from citizens.  The Commissioners are not in favor of any of the petitioned articles.   

The website has substantial information about the Commissioners’ plans for warrant articles for 2019. All warrant articles prepared by the Commissioners have a detailed cost analysis. The Commissioners encourage the voters to carefully review the proposed warrant articles and request additional backup materials from the office if desired.


The year has started with significant storms with high amounts of snow and a combination of rain and ice. Repairs of the Terra Star involved an expense of $8,538. On January 25, 2019 the Terra Star was engulfed in a fire that resulted in a total loss. An insurance claim has been filed. We face difficulty in snow plowing as a result of the loss of the Terra Star. A loan of equipment from Madison has been requested.

The Ford 550 has been repaired at a cost of $2,061.33 to correct the front end and inoperable plow controls.  In addition, new chains were purchased.

Salt and sand were delivered in early January in order to meet anticipated requirements.

One part time employee helped with the snow removal.

Water System

For four days –December 27 thru 30, 2018 the DPW well did not operate as a result of a pump failure. Muddy Beach well was able to provide full water service during the outage. This was a high usage time period. The volume during these days was three times the normal usage.  Fortunately, we had a spare pump in our inventory. Without it the outage would have been protracted.

Water usage in 2018 was at historical normal levels. This means that prior leak detection efforts have been successful.

As a result of much of the water system’s assets being over 50 years in age, we are faced with the need to replacement.

Earlier this year, the District received reports that both storage tanks at Reinach had failed inspection and could not be re-lined.  These tanks provide the main water storage for the district.  In discussion with NH DES it was determined that a new larger water tank is required.  The Commissioners believe that the concrete tank design for the Reinach tank replacement is the most effective and lowest cost alternative. Two thirds voter approval at the annual meeting is required to approve the financing. The State DES representative has stated if the project is not approved, the State will mandate and manage the project.

2019 Warrant Articles for the Water System (retained from the December Newsletter)

  • The Commissioners will prepare a Reinach Tank Replacement warrant article for a concrete tank with a 90,000-gallon capacity to replace two steel tanks with a 60,000 capacity. The steel tanks were determined to need replacement and not suitable for relining. The warrant article will use an engineering cost estimate of $653,400. The December 4, 2018 bid opening resulted in one bid that was rejected by the Commissioners due to its high price. A survey of the potential bidders indicated that the lack of certainty of funding resulted in no interest in bidding.
  • One warrant article will address the use of funds available in the existing bank loan. The Commissioners will request alternative projects to be covered under the loan. These projects are based on priority and risks to the system operation. The DPW electrical system needs substantial upgrades to avoid possible failure which would shut down the entire system and other improvements to meet code. Other projects include Summit pump house electrical update and the Chocorua pump house electrical update.
  • One warrant article will request funding the Upper Lakeview pressure reducing valve from water fees. Other warrant articles cover additions to capital reserves. These reserves are essential in being able to replace or reline tanks or to repair or replace water lines in the future. Muddy Beach tank replacement warrant article will request funding from the Water Tank Capital reserve.
  • A water rate projection has been completed and is available on the website.  The projected water user fee for 2019 is $616.  The impact of the Reinach tank proposed loan is $94.00 per user for 20 years.   
  • 2018 water budget versus actual expenditures were tight. Most expenses were in line with budget except for repairs and heating costs. 

2019 Warrant Articles for the Highway (retained from December Newsletter)

  • The Commissioners will recommend several warrant articles. All of which are to be funded, all or in part, by taxes. Replacement of the Ford F550 will be funded by a bank loan in the amount of $85,615. Gravel road repairs above the usual maintenance involve a cost of $7,275. Asphalt road shim cost for four roads cost is at $21,750. The replacement the inoperable York rack with a front runner rake will involve a cost $4.180. The Thusis project was modified as a result of a revised engineering design that relocated all drainage on to Village property. All work on this project is to be done by the DPW. The cost of the project is $3,425 with $2,010 coming from the balance in an existing warrant article and $1,415 from taxes. Grandval Way and Konstanz Road need an engineering evaluation to determine the scope of requirements to correct drainage, road surface conditions and removal of obstructions.
  • 2018 was a difficult year with a large number of ice storms in the early part of the year and above normal number of snow and ice storms in the end of the year. 
  • An estimated tax rate projection has been completed.  The estimated tax rate for 2019 is $5.14 per thousand as the Commissioners propose the Warrant.  Passage of any petitioned article may impact this number.       

Breaking News and Current Events:

  • Please keep in mind that it is a violation of NH Law to plow or push snow onto the roads.  Driveway plow operators who push snow onto or across the roads narrow the travel surface and create extra work for the DPW.  Property owners are responsible to insure proper snow removal at their property. 
  • Public Notice for the 2019 Annual Meeting

The following offices will be open to candidates at the Annual Meeting of the Village District of Eidelweiss on Saturday, February 23, 2019 at the Madison Elementary School

                        Commissioner                                  3 yr term

                        Commissioner                                  2 yr term

                        Treasurer                                           2 yr term

                        Clerk                                                   2 yr term

Final date for submission of petitioned articles was January 18th

A Public Hearing for a bond for water system improvements in the amount of $653,400 was held January 18th at 7:00 pm at the Madison Town Hall

A Public Hearing for a bond for purchase of a new truck in the amount of $85,615 was held January 18th at 7:00 pm at the Madison Town Hall

The Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, February 23rd at the Madison Elementary School. 

Voting will be from 5 - 7 p.m. The deliberative session will begin at 7 p.m. 

Rumors and corrections

There is a rumor that the Board of Commissioners are not effectively planning and managing projects. 

All projects proposed on the 2019 Warrant by the Commissioners have been fully planned.  Scope of each project has been identified, cost estimates have been received for each project from contractors and vendors, priority of every project proposed has been considered.  Every proposed water system project on the 2019 Warrant was identified by the Asset Management Teams review of the Water System Master Plan; road projects have been identified by the Asset Management Road review completed with the VDOE Highway Foreman.    

Water Bill Reminder: 

Any property with an outstanding water bill has been posted for service disconnection.    

Tax Bill Reminder:

The second tax payment was due December 6, 2018.  Please be aware that all 2018 tax increases for the County, School, Town and District are included with the second tax payment of the year. 

Website updates

If you have photos of the district and would like to share them so that they may be included on the site, please send them to office@vdoe-nh.org.  We will review and select the best photos for use with the site.

How to contact the District office:

  • The VDOE has an official website and sends out emails with emergency notifications. Be sure to visit the website at www.vdoe-nh.org and enroll.
  • The VDOE has a “see something / say something” policy. Anyone who sees something suspicious or unusual should report it for the benefit of the VDOE community to the Madison Police at 603-367-8334 (non-emergency line).
  • Office hours and guidelines have been added to the website to make it more convenient to schedule appointments with the District administrator. Click Here for Office Hours.

The office can always be contacted via email with questions, concerns and suggestions. Messages will be forwarded from the office to the commissioners. The email address is office@vdoe-nh.org

Links to Commissioners and Committee Meeting minutes:


Commissioners Meeting             

January 8, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, January 8, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith and Ron Sandstrom.  Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy) and resident Paula Doyle.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                      

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.     

1. Agenda

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Kelly Robitaille reports that the rear axle on the Terra Star is bent.  Repair estimate is $8,506.18.  Will check with Liberty if rear axle is covered under warranty; axle from International is over $6,000 of the estimate.  Terra Star is not being used so as to not incur more damage.  Mike Smith discusses potential for an insurance claim if there is no warranty.  Kelly Robitaille adds that the truck could be used in an emergency.  Mike Smith makes a motion to check with Liberty on warranty.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Mike Smith makes a motion have Albany Service order the needed parts.   Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Discussion on determination of warranty.  Mike Smith amends motion to order parts and begin repairs if not a warranty repair.  Ron Sandstrom seconds amendment.  Motion passed 2-0 to allow up to $8,506.18 for repair if not covered under warranty.   

Sand has been received and salt delivery has been received. 

3. Water

Ian Hayes will be in next week.

4. Administration

A safety meeting will be scheduled for January.

Mike Smith outlines that compliments have been received on the monthly newsletter. 

Asset Management meeting will be held January 24th

Warrant for 2019 is reviewed.  Discussion is held on talking points for the budget hearing.  Including information that the Reinach tank project includes the Reinach pressure zone will be done.  Information on truck expenses for the 550 will also be included. 

Budget line items are reviewed for the 2019 proposed budget.  Ron Sandstrom reviews percentage increases.  Ron Sandstrom discusses establishing a line item for bonuses; adding that the additional clarity will help at the budget hearings.  Discussion on line items continues.  Highlight of increases in line items is done. 

Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to separate the bonuses from the salary line items.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

Articles proposed for funding from the existing loan authorized in 2018 and not expended are reviewed. 

Discussion on establishing the Water Extension Fund is held.  The NH DRA does not have this fund on the list of permanent funds; the proposed warrant article establishes the fund as well as authorizes the standard $50,000 withdrawal. 

Projected water rates are reviewed. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to pull information from DES on State average water bills.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

5.  Accounts Payable

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the manifest of 14 checks for a total of $10,916.36.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed.  Motion passed 2-0.   

6.  Minutes

Minutes will be held for next week.   

Action on the Public Hearing outcome will be held until Ralph Lutjen returns. 

7. Commissioners Reports

Ron Sandstrom discusses loans for VDOE. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain a price for an update to QuickBooks.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

Mike Smith makes a motion to have the office look into Square D or some other credit card processing option for the VDOE to be able to accept credit cards.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Discussion on receipt of the tax check in December 2018 is held.  Check amount was $316,017.  The 2018 TAN loan has been paid off.    

8. Signature Items  

9. Correspondence

Third party electrical report has been received; $256 was saved.

NH Municipal Association has sent the Legislative Bulletin.  

10. Scheduled Appearances    

11.  Other Business   

At 9:06 am Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole

Administrator f

The following offices will be open to candidates at the Annual Meeting of the Village District of Eidelweiss on Saturday, February 23, 2019 at the Madison Elementary School

                        Commissioner                                  3 yr term

                        Commissioner                                  2 yr term

                        Treasurer                                           2 yr term

                        Clerk                                                   2 yr term

Anyone wishing to file for office may file with the Clerk between January 9th and January 18th.  

Final date for submission of petitioned articles is January 18th

A Public Hearing for a bond for water system improvements in the amount of $653,400 will be held January 18th at 7:00 pm downstairs at the Madison Town Hall

A Public Hearing for a bond for purchase of a new truck in the amount of $85,615 will be held January 18th at 7:00 pm downstairs at the Madison Town Hall

Public Hearings on the Budget will be held downstairs at the Madison Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. on

January 18th and January 25th (if needed). 

The Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, February 23rd at the Madison Elementary School. 

Voting will be from 5 - 7 p.m. The deliberative session will begin at 7 p.m.  

                                                                        Board of Commissioners 

Areas of the district may have experienced low or no water pressure during the day today.  This was a result of an earlier than expected well pump replacement at DPW.  The DPW well is the main source for water for the district and has been offline since Thursday of last week.  An emergency pump replacement attempted on Thursday was not possible due to the non standard installation of the pump performed  in 1995.   

Earlier today the district water operator successfully tracked down a resource who was able to be on site today and swapped a backup pump the district had on site around 2:00pm today.

The pump has been replaced and has begun moving water again.  While the DPW pump was off-line our secondary water supply was providing water to the district. 

We expect water pressure and supply to return to normal level over the the next few hours.

[gview file=""]You can make a difference!
If you See Something, Say Something!
The District of Eidelweiss is a safe place to live and for all to enjoy. With increased activity returning to the area, the commissioners ask each one of us to keep an eye on our district to keep it safe and a great place for all. This document was created as a guide for our community to encourage communication with the Madison Police when witnessing activity that appears out of line.
Our Madison Police department has a non-emergency number where individuals can call to report activity that seem like it should not be happening.
The non-emergency phone number for the Madison Police is 603-367-8334.
When should I call the police?
If you observe suspicious activity, even though you may not be the only witness, take the initiative and call the Police. Do not rely on someone else to act – this may never happen. You could be the only caller, and police questioning the individuals seen lurking in or repeatedly traveling through areas often deters crimes.
Many people fail to act because they are not sure if what they are observing is worth reporting or afraid of retaliation. When in doubt, call the Police immediately. Don’t lose precious time discussing the event with friends or neighbors first.
What suspicious activity should be reported to the Madison Police?
• A stranger around your neighbor’s house or a strange vehicle parked near your neighbor’s home.
• The sound of breaking glass.
• Public intoxication.
• Trash purposely tossed from a vehicle.
• Anyone peering into vehicles or removing tags, gasoline, or auto parts.
• An improperly parked car, or a parked car with someone in it who seems out of place.
• Someone carrying property such as TVs, stereos, or tools that can used to break into homes
• Apparent business transactions conducted from a vehicle or street corner.
• A constant flow of strangers to and from a particular house on a regular basis, especially during late evening hours.
• Persons involved in a fight or any explosion or scream.
• Door-to-door solicitations without a solicitor’s permit, or any stranger knocking on doors (burglars sometimes knock at the door first to see if anyone is at home).
• Recurring appearances of a strange vehicle in the neighborhood.
• Persons standing around, possibly acting as lookouts.
• Setting off fireworks
• Persons sleeping on the beach after 10:00 pm

What Happens When I call the Police
All calls to the Madison Police are prioritized according to the seriousness of the situation, NOT simply according to the order in which they are received. If you call the police, please be prepared to provide as much of the following information as possible:
• What are you reporting?
• When did it happen?
• Where did it happen?
• Is anyone injured?
• Vehicle description (including license number)
• Suspect description, including race, sex, age, height, weight, hair, eyes, facial hair, clothing, & any other identifying characteristics.
• Direction of flight (street and direction)
• Weapons involved (gun, knife, bats, etc.)
• Where are you calling from?

While it may seem like you are being asked many questions, the information is for the safety of the responding officers. The dispatcher is attempting to gather as much information about the situation as possible so that the officers will have a clearer picture of what they may encounter when they arrive. Please, remain calm and cooperate with the dispatcher.
The District officials and personnel would like to encourage all members of the community to call the police if they see anything that seems out of order.
You can make a difference! Please, if you See Something, Say Something!