2022 Documents


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday April 12th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Tuesday April 12th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley (phone), Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Doug Prescott, Dinah Reiss & Bob Ingram.  

Meeting videotaped by Carol of Madison TV

At 9:00 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda, Jay Buckley 2nds, Mike Smith makes an amendment to add a non-public at the end of the meeting, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 4/5/22 with an amendment on the 2nd page changing senate to selectman, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 4/7/22 with amendments made by Jay Buckley, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on meeting on 4/7/22. CAD Data will be transferred to Horizons from Nick Sceggell. Jay Buckley state he is unsure if there are any added costs. Nick Sceggell is supposed to have the model completed by 4/15. Ralph Lutjen questions what happened in the field as there were no minutes produced. Jay Buckley states they just went on a tour, no decisions were made.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $11,379.09 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $2,003.56 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Project Account manifest of $5,255.00 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on the Water Project Account Manifest. Check is for Nick Sceggell for a portion of the total payment for the completion of the hydraulic model. There is no reimbursement for this from the Reinach project grant.


DPW has been doing roadside brush cutting with a brush cutting tractor they rented. Kelly Robitaille asks if they go over the warrant article can he use money from the subcontract equipment account which has $3,000 in it.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to allow Kelly to use $1,000 out of the subcontract equipment account to continue brush cutting, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on 2 Clemens Place. Kelly Robitaille took a measurement from the ditch line to the rocks, and it was 37 feet. The DPW is continuing to maintain their driveway. Ralph Lutjen states there are two options, one is to contact our lawyer and the other is to send a letter back stating their measurements are incorrect and going forward cars parked there in the winter will be towed. Jay Buckley questions how many cars there has been parked there when having issues with plowing. Kelly Robitaille responds that even when there is 1 car parked it still causes issues. Jay Buckley suggests having the property owner get a survey done to determine the boundary line. Mike Smith mentions we need to try and resolve this before winter comes again. Try and resolve it without a lawyer but if that doesn’t work, we will get the lawyer involved. Ralph Lutjen requests a letter is drafted stating they are parking in the road and that their measurements are incorrect. Come winter months cars parked in the road will be towed.


Mike Smith makes a motion to have Alexis Wagoner’s hours changed to 7am-3pm starting next Monday, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley is concerned about the hours not matching surrounding towns. Kelly Robitaille mentions it would be helpful to the DPW since they also start at 7am.

Discussion on TAN Loan, need to contact lawyer regarding loan.

Discussion on water ordinance change proposed by Ian Hayes to add a section stating that a listed of certified contractors are to be used. Commissioners will not be adding this in.

Sale of the Lodge will be discussed in a Non-public

Discussion on Reinach project, going through all payments and contracts. Will have more for next weeks meeting. Jay Buckley states Kathy Koziell will be back May 13th and can answer any questions.

Discussion on 2020 audit. Office has reached out multiple times. Ralph Lutjen suggests he will draft a letter to send to the auditor.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to draft a letter to the auditor and sign it out of session, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign and approve the water hook-up application for 4 Chocorua View Drive, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign the letter to 23 Huttwil Drive for later water bills, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion sign and approve the water hook-up application for 3 Reinach Place, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen Makes a motion to sign the letter to Jake Dawson, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on contract. The contract has not ended yet and the warranty is not completed until the contract is closed out. Mike Smith suggests sending a follow up letter with date that the warranty expires. Ralph Lutjen states this will be resolved when the contract is closed out.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter to the Madison Fire Department, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-0-1

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Jay Buckley comments on the meeting from 4/7/2022. Nick Sceggell has acknowledged he doesn’t have the total number of homes built since the last time he did the model and how many homes are now on the water system. He also doesn’t have place in the hydraulic model to account for future homes. Donna MacKinnon sent a list of all water connections to Horizons and will also send to Nick Sceggell.

Discussion on AMP Draft. Meeting with public is scheduled for May 7th, need to have another meeting with Horizons to have them present the final plan & presentation before they submit it to DES. Possible meeting on May 17th after the Commissioners meeting. Ralph Lutjen discusses table 6-1, money schedule projection for the next 5 years. Not a realistic projection, the public will not be ok with this.

Discussion on list of engineers from DES, Jay Buckley felt that CMA, Wright & Pierce, and Underwood would be the best ones to pursue.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to send and RFP to the three engineering firms suggested by Jay Buckley and to Horizons, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Horizons being a possible district engineer. Jay Buckley is to construct an RFP and present it to the board next week for review.

Discussion on NHMA training

Jay Buckley makes a motion to have Donna & Alexis attend the 91-A webinar, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Water Level Measurement Process. Dam would be the zero-point water level and the other points would be + or – that zero point. Measurements would be taken once a week, after a storm and after a board is removed or replaced. Readings will be kept in a log and the office will also record data from a local rain gauge.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to accept the water level measurement process, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

The three locations will be the Little Pea Dam, inflow of the Big Loop Culvert and Thusis beach. The grate at the Big Loop Culvert was also removed. Jay Buckley asks if the beavers are still building their dam higher? Kelly Robitaille says yes, they are. Mike Smith mentions the water going down the side of the road on Big Loop and that Kelly Robitaille needs to make sure it doesn’t cross the road. Alexis Wagoner ordered measurement sticks already. Kelly Robitaille is concerned that we can’t measure Big Pea accurately because the beaver dam is causing artificial levels. Ralph Lutjen state we set a zero point at Big Pea regardless of the beaver dam. Kelly Robitaille mentions the water is 2” over the concrete right now since the rainstorms. They are not going to pull a board but let nature take its course and naturally regress the water. Doug Prescott speaks to ask if one of the goals is to see the water levels at Big Pea. Ralph Lutjen responds yes, but also the plan doesn’t include water quality but there is about 24 years of data recorded for the water quality. Doug Prescott asks why are we measuring Big Pea if the beaver dam is preventing the water level from changing based on the dam at Little Pea? Kelly Robitaille states this will give justification that the dam at Little Pea may or may not be affecting Big Pea. It will show that when a board is pulled or replaced does it have an affect on Big Pea. This will give us data we are looking for, what affect does the dam have on Big Pea.


Discussion on yard sale email. Mike Smith thinks if the EPOA can have a yard sale at the Huttwil parking lot why can’t this woman. Bob Ingram states that the EPOA yard sale included all people of the District to participate not just 1 individual. Ralph Lutjen suggests saying no as we cannot have people constantly in the parking lot for different events. Jay Buckley agrees with Ralph and Bob, he also state that Village Pride Day brings in a lot of people to clean the streets, but they have adequate insurance and advertising.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to send an email that the yard sale is not available, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on RockHouse email. Donna MacKinnon asks if they have deeded right to boat ramp beach. Ralph Lutjen requests the deeds that prove this claim.

Discussion on March Water Electric Usage

Discussion on DES loan fud. Jay Buckley to write up pre-application to get a foot in the door.

Review of Granite State Results

Public Appearance

Discussion on EPOA. Doug Prescott states that him and Bob Ingram separated things in the Lodge. He is going to send over an inventory list. Discussion on varies options to store the EPOA things going forward. Doug Prescott asks if the Cabana is accessible? Kelly Robitaille states he cannot give access unless the Commissioners grant you access. Doug Prescott says he needs to get in to take measurements and have someone look at it to see if it is worth fixing up. Doug and Kelly will arrange a time for this to happen.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille schedule a time with Doug Prescott to go see the Lodge, No 2nd.

Bob Ingram reads a statement regarding the EPOA on behalf of himself. He is disappointed in how the Board of Commissioners are proceeding with the sale of the Lodge. The EPOA has been around for over 50 years. The EPOA has done so much for the VDOE over the years. He gives examples of the many instances the EPOA uses the Lodge and how it has been the home of the EPOA. The EPOA has done so much financially and maintenance wise to the Lodge. The Board of Commissioners did not communicate with the EPOA at all about the sale of the Lodge, they did not work together to figure the future out. The EPOA should not be paying for the fixing of the Cabana. The EPOA has donated 10’s of thousands of dollars to the VDOE and the VDOE has not given back to the EPOA. Bob Ingram requests that the Board of Commissioners help with the new placement of the EOPA equipment.


Jay Buckley makes a motion at 11:05 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (d).  Mike Smith seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (d) and return to public meeting at 11:27 AM.  Jay Buckley seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 11:28am, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Asset Management Meeting

Thursday April 7th, 2022

Meeting started at 9:00am on Thursday April 7th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Doug Prescott, Cathy Conway, Ian Hayes, Nick Sceggell & Devin Currier.

Public Meeting

Purpose of this meeting is to discuss and show where the updates made to the water system are so that Nick Sceggell can update his hydraulic model of the water system and for Horizons to meet with Nick and see the system firsthand.

Nick Sceggell needs to include the Reinach tank improvements, the static pressure at Jungfrau and the Reinach booster and how the water demands are spread into his model. Needs to obtain meter data to help distribute the flow better. The tank levels can help to predict pressure zones. Nick Sceggell needs to determine the location of the new PRV Pit and a location for the PRV that will be placed at Upper Lake View Drive to help alleviate the pressure.  The new PRV Pit could have either a 6’ concrete manhole or an 8’ x 10’ concrete vault.

Discussion on reading meters outside locations using a brass chamber and pad. Could use ultrasonic meters on battery to record data rather than mag meters which require electricity.

Discussion on possibly getting property surveyed for a location of the new PRV Pit. Horizons could reach out to someone they know who could come down if needed. Mentions of having the new PRV Pit closer to the Upper Lake View area for accessibility especially during the winter months. Possibly looking at lot 101-054 for the new PRV Pit. Currently there is 40-45psi coming out of the Upper Lake View PRV.

Discussion on possibly putting the PRV in the pump house and eliminate the need for a PRV Pit. This wouldn’t work since you cannot drop 0 psi to negative psi.

Discussion on timeline for the new PRV Pit. Needs to be completed by 12-1-2022 to receive grant from the state. Jay Buckley states he was informed that they do not have to go through a bidding process but can just pick a contractor. Going to get this in writing.

Nick Sceggell states to get a quote he needs to have the plans ready which include a 2” PRV, possible metering and a choice of either a manhole or vault door.

Discussion on existing PRV at upper Lake View Drive. Jay asks if a new PRV pit is needed at the existing Upper Lakeview location, and all agree that a by-pass of the main coming down from the summit can be made to averting the need for a new PRV pit at the existing site.

Discussion on what Horizons mapping goal is: Hydraulic model that is 1 map which includes all the things (GIS, wells, tanks, pressure zones, etc.).

Horizons timeline is to meet today at 2pm to go over priorities and what is affordable, have a Public Hearing on May 7th and then have another Public Hearing prior to the May 31st deadline to go over the draft.

Horizons needs the meter data and where the Village is on water loss. Ian Hayes mentions that the average daily water usage has a low of 60,000 gpd and high of 100,000 gpd. There are 474 homes currently on District water.

Discussion on possibly removing bleeders in the future.

Discussion on age of the pipes, majority of the pipes were put in the 1960’s/1970’s. Pipe quality is determined by age, any recurring problems and risk assessment (if the pipe fails how many people will be without water).

Discussion on what type of pipe material is used throughout the District.

Discussion on financials.

Final overview of the remaining checklist and timeline of things getting completed on Horizons end.

Review of SCADA system on the office computer.

Discussion on potential growth in the District and a need for additional water hook ups. Nick says that his model does not consider the growth factor and how that diminishes pressure and flow as homes are added to the system. Nick questions the potential build out of the District. Jay states there are approximately 1100 lots but not all are buildable and the District owns over 100 lots. Mike says there are 1500 lots in the District. Currently the District relies heavily on the DPW well and the Wells at Muddy Beach would last no more than 3 days alone at peak and about 10 days at a low.

Discussion on DPW Well and current and future capacity to meet District demand.

Jay Buckley, Doug Prescott, Cathy Conway, Ian Hayes, Nick Sceggell & Devin Currier went out in the field to look at the water system.

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday April 5th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Tuesday April 5th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Doug Prescott, Dinah Reiss, Nick Borelli, Robert Corazzini, John Cancelarich, Dorothy Wondolowski, Gloria Aspinall & Steve Doyon (phone).  

Meeting videotaped by Aysia of Madison TV

At 9:00 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the agenda, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the minutes of 3/29/22, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest of $8,370.50 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $12,193.88 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $9,230.68 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on 4 Chocorua View Drive driveway permit application

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve 4 Chocorua View Drive driveway permit for construction, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve 29 Oak Ridge Road driveway permit for operations, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on storage for retention records, going to put records in the DPW garage

Mike Smith makes a motion to transfer $9,140.33 from the Water Assessment Fund to the Operating Account, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Donna MacKinnon makes a comment that the water bills went out and we are already receiving payments. Discussion on reporting for water bill payments. Jay Buckley questions outstanding bill of 3 years not paid. If they do not pay by May first, then turn the water off.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to the homeowner requesting payment for the last 2 years water bills to be paid in full by May 1st and if not, their water will be turned off. To be sent by certified mail. Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on sale of the Lodge: someone is already possibly interested in the Lodge. Going to have a non-public next week to further discuss the real estate.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have Alexis reach out and get prices on an appraisal for the Lodge, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Reinach Tank & invoices. Based on Kathy’s spreadsheet and what is in QuickBooks the $25,921.07 doesn’t exist. Need to close out the project and payments. There is $13,431.73 remaining in the retainage account that will be used for the work needing to be finished. The retainage amount was 10% but is now only 2%.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to provide notice to Dawson that we are taking the remaining retainage of $13,431.73 and using it for the transfer switch and other items not completed, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley has another landscaper coming today 4/5/22 to give a quote for the seeding around the tank. Donna MacKinnon mentions that Dawson went $2,992.68 over their contract amount. The Board of Commissioners did approve all payments being made at that time. Retainage to also cover the time and money the DPW spent fixing the roads. Mike Smith suggests the letter to Dawson come from the lawyer and not the office. Further discussion on the matter.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have the letter to Dawson come from the office and not a lawyer, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on the 2020 Audit. Office to follow up again with Scott Eagan. The lawyer sent over his paperwork on March 15th.

Discussion on DPW costs and time spent on the roads pertaining to the Reinach project.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have the $8,000 in expenditures spent on the roads be put back into the operating account. Motion not 2nd as it would not make any effect on the current budget.

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have the Dam EAP submitted with the changes made by Mike Smith, Mike Smith 2nds, discussion on the Dam EAP, have Kelly Robitaille the immediate point of contact and then have Kelly Robitaille contact a commissioner. Jay Buckley makes an amendment to add Commissioner to the flow chart, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, Motion passes with amendment 3-0.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the Dam EAP with the amendments, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on the Lodge merge/unmerge. Holding off another 2 weeks before going in front of the selectman so that Linda at Madison Town Hall and investigate the matter more.

Saturday May 7th is the annual valley pride cleanup day.

Discussion on work orders.

Discussion on motion action log.

Discussion on office layout. Kelly Robitaille is going to help the office rearrange and remove the metal desks. Office to reach out to contractors to get pricing for the partition.

Ralph Lutjen discussion on RFP’s for getting a District engineer for both water and roads. Discussion on Wright Peirce, Dubois & King and HEB as possibilities. Jay Buckley is going to send out a list from DES that shows the engineers with strength ratings in water and roads. Kelly Robitaille is going to look at surrounding towns to see who they use for engineers.

Discussion on pond water levels. On 4/1/22 the water was 4” below the top of the concrete. Going to request information from the fire department on operability needs of the dry hydrants. Kelly Robitaille states the dry hydrant pipe at Big Loop is low enough, but the surrounding vegetation is not. Further discussion on the proposed changes to the pond level management plan. Ralph Lutjen states that in December when a board was removed it was not classified as an emergency which ultimately didn’t follow the plan in place. Ralph Lutjen states that past minutes reflect “All 4 boards are in as of October 17th” This is an issue as the state recommends a board be pulled by October 15th to prepare for the winter months. Steve Doyon from DES is involved in all things related to the dam at this time.

Discussion on the floating nest for the loons. According to John Cooley from the LPC the floating nest only has a 20%-25% successes rate in June.

Mike Smith makes a motion to null and void the existing dam policy, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 2-1

Discussion on previous public hearing in August of 2021. Old policy was to always keep water levels as high as possible. Keeping the water at the 4” level below the concrete will allow the loons to nest. In 2021 that water level worked, John Cooley also felt this level was adequate. Beaver dam on Big Pea Pond not allowing water to flow, the water is 12”-14” higher in the pond than in the stream. Kelly Robitaille suggests putting in a 10” board at the Little Pea dam and removing the 5” board.

Mike Smith makes a motion to have Kelly Robitaille maintain the day to day for the dam and have the water level maintained at the red line, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, Passes 3-0

Discussion on the gate at Big Loop, not serving any purpose since it had to be opened due to the beavers.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to remove the grate at Big Loop, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on 3 Reinach Place water hook up application.

Mike smith makes a motion to have data loggers set up at 5 Reinach place and at either Bristenstock or Aspen, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Public Appearance

John Cancelarich comes for public appearance regarding the dam.

Discussion on request proposal draft for water level measurements. DPW to take measurements out on the ponds and the office is to record rain measurements from a local rain gauge. John Cancelarich questions if Fish & Game is informed on this matter. Ralph Lutjen states Steve Doyon is involved in everything but at the end of the day the Board of Commissioners oversee the dam.

Steve Doyon joins by phone.

John Cancelarich questions Steve Doyon on the current pond level management plan, Commissioners just null and voided the current plan. John Cancelarich has concerns about the proposed changes, Steve Doyon doesn’t see much change between the two policies. John Cancelarich has concerns about a spring draw down and effect on all life in the pond. Mike Smith says that if the water goes above the concrete a board needs to be pulled, it is causing damage to the structural integrity of the dam. Steve Doyon’s response is that the water can go above the concrete and water is to be managed. 100-year integrity of the dam if no board was ever pulled, DES did a study. Ralph Lutjen says the water level is to be maintained at 4” below the concrete and Mr. Cooley says it will be ok for loon nesting. The beaver dam on Big Pea is causing the water level to be artificially high. Steve Doyon comments on the water level naturally going down over the summer due to evaporation. John Cancelarich is adamant on all boards being put back in. Steve Doyon reiterates that the dam management plan is to be followed as closely as possible by the dam owner. But the plan that is chosen is not going to please everyone and it is up to the dam owner to make a plan.

Discussion on water level measurements. They have nothing to do with the pulling of boards it is just to take measurements at different locations and times as well as monitor the rain fall. John Cancelarich comments that you cannot make the water level higher in the summer and that the boards must be replaced to ensure high water levels for the summer season. Ralph Lutjen responds that we should let nature take its course and on average the water levels with fluctuate. Steve Doyon states that it is up to the dam owner to make these decisions and if they choose to manage the water level 4” below the concrete that is their prerogative. Ralph Lutjen states that he had previously mentioned that the VDOE will be working with the Madison Fire Department to establish a level that is safe for the dry hydrants to operate. Steve Doyon gives Diane Timmons name as a point of contact at NH Fish and Game.


Discussion on beach ordinance. Going to deal with the situation and take all public comments at the public hearing on May 14th. Jay Buckley states there are currently 41 parking spots for the beaches.

Nick Sceggell is coming on April 7th for a field meeting

Discussion on Non-Public RSA email. Office is to start a log

Discussion on March daily water usage

Doug Prescott makes public comment: EPOA has items in the lodge to be moved and needs a place to put the stuff, discussion on possible options.

Jay Buckley makes a motion to make the Cabana useable for the EPOA to use for storage. The EPOA is responsible for all costs, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn at 11:08am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday March 29th, 2022

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Tuesday March 29th, 2022.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Jay Buckley, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Ralph Lutjen, Donna MacKinnon-Administrator, Alexis Wagoner-Administrator, Kelly Robitaille-DPW Foreman, Doug Prescott, Dinah Reiss, Nick Borelli, Paul Mckenna, Tom Wondolowski, Robert Corazzini & Christina Aleman.  

Meeting videotaped by Aysia of Madison TV

At 9:00 am Commissioner Ralph Lutjen calls the meeting to order

Public Meeting

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 3/22/22, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Operating Accounts manifest of $37,133.33 Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the Water Assessment Fund manifest of $42,650.62 Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0


Discussion on Little Shore Drive tree cutting. Opened the road up now the DPW is working on opening the drainage ways.

Discussion on proposing to 15 Little Shore Drive a culvert project. Kelly Robitaille requested we ask the homeowner if they would be interested in splitting the costs to put in a culvert and help with drainage.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to contact the owner at 15 Little Shore Drive and propose a shared culvert cost project, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on another location possibly adding a basin due to drainage issues.

DPW is going to be stump grinding and pulling small stumps at Little Shore Drive tomorrow

Discussion on 29 Oak Ridge Road driveway permit for operations.

Mike Smith makes a motion to send a letter to the homeowner that the Commissioners will not approve the permit for operations, Ralph Lutjen 2nds for discussion.

Kelly Robitaille suggests they either change back to the original plan or come to the board. Tom Wondolowski comments and states the cars are in the driveway and there is no issue with the current parking situation. Kelly Robitaille adds the house is so close to the road they should take it back to the original driveway.

Jay Buckley makes an amendment to add if they want to change the original, they can submit another permit application to make the changes, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0. Motion passes 3-0 on amendment.

Discussion on Dam water level. The DPW was able to modify and put a 5” cap board at 8:00am on 3-29-2022. The measurement from the top of the intake pipe to the top of the concrete is 39” but there is a perforated pipe under the water. The water at the top of the concrete is lower than the recommended dry hydrant of 36”. The water is currently at the red line.


Donna MacKinnon asks a question about a new property owner needing a driveway permit to access property. Can the new owner get access without a driveway permit that includes septic and home design? The new owner is not going to build for a few years just wants access to the property. Jay Buckley suggests possibly a temporary driveway permit application. He then adds at the end of the driveway application it states you can ask for a waiver for strict compliance. So, this new owner should apply and put in the application a letter stating they are requesting strict compliance for septic and plans.

Donna MacKinnon swore in Robert Ingram for Moderator in the office the other day.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to transfer $30,000 from the operating account into the Equipment Repair CRF, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to transfer $25,000 from the operating account into the Highway Equipment CRF, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to transfer $1 from the operating account into the Office/Meeting Building CRF, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on the sale of the Lodge, Jay Buckley is meeting with the Selectman next week to unmerge the two lots. Donna MacKinnon mentions that we were not able to get into the rooms at the Lodge that have the paperwork in them. Jay Buckley states he can open the door with some fire fighter tools. Mike Smith questions getting a trailer to store the paperwork so the office can work at their own pace.

Mike smith makes a motion to get pricing for renting a trailer to store the documents at the office, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, Jay Buckley amends motion to see if we can buy a trailer instead of rent one, No 2nd. Original motion passes 3-0

Discussion on Reinach project and payments. There are discrepancies between Kathy Koziell’s spreadsheet and what the office has on record. Jay Buckley discusses the price he found for landscaping of $415 (he felt this number is too low), the transfer switch $617.25 and the receptacle $1274.35. No price yet for shipping or labor.

Mike Smith makes a motion that once the final number is in for outstanding work to be done, we take it out of retainage, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign letter to Nancy Cole amending clause 5, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the letter to the LPC to restore a working relationship, Jay Buckley 2nds for discussion, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the signature cards for the Northway Bank accounts, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to sign the signature cards for the Bank of New Hampshire accounts, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the water hook-up application for 16 Huttwil Drive, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the water hook-up application for 2 Chocorua View Drive, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to approve the water hook-up application for 5 Grandval Way, Ralph Lutjen 2nds, passes 3-0

Jay Buckley makes a motion to transfer $42,000 into the Water Line Extension CRF, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Dinah Reiss discussion on which account the water hook up fees should be placed into.

Commissioner’s Concerns/Reports

Discussion on Dam EAP. Ralph Lutjen states the main contact should be the office and not Jay Buckley. Section 4.5 the contractors that should be available: need to add VDOE DPW and Simply Water. Kelly Robitaille states that DW Brooks lead time would be too long. The Madison DPW has 24hr service and would be able to assist the DPW. Going to table issue until next week.

Discussion on RSA 33-A:3 on the Retention Committee. Doug Prescott talked with Linda from the Madison Town Hall about the issue. The Committee is to be comprised of the town Clerk, treasurer, an assessor, tax collector and municipal officer designee. Ralph Lutjen recommends Alexis Wagoner (chair) to put together a plan for the following week.

Voting panels came in last week.

Water Committee meeting will be held on April 7, 2022, at 2:00pm. They meet once a month on the first Thursday of the month at 2:00pm.

Jay Buckley discussion on splitting up of tasks among the Commissioners. Requests being put back in charge of the water. Discussion on Commissioners acting out of their “zone”.

Mike Smith makes a motion on the separation agreement to void the entire thing, Ralph Lutjen 2nds for discussion. Ralph Lutjen suggests having Nancy Cole come to the Commissioners. Mike Smith is going to speak to Nancy. Ralph Lutjen makes an amendment to have Mike Smith speak to Nancy to see which aspects of the agreement she is ok with taking away, Mike Smith 2nds, passes 3-0

Ralph Lutjen discussion on his discussion with Steve Doyon from DES about the adding and removing of boards to maintain a specific water level. Ralph Lutjen is going to draft up a proposal and submit it to the board at next week’s meeting.

Office to post the following meetings:

           April 7, 2022, Meeting at 9:00am VDOE office

           April 7, 2022, Water Committee Meeting at 2:00pm Madison Town Hall

           May 7, 2022, Asset Management Public Hearing


Review of Granite State results

Discussion on Dam board pulling emails. Ralph Lutjen states that Big Loop Culvert was reaching capacity at 70% so a board was removed, and debris removed to alleviate the water level. The culvert is now at 25% capacity which is a good level, too much water causes stress on the culvert. Kelly Robitaille states that as of today the water level is at the 4” red line and a 5” board was installed. Ralph Lutjen adds that the scientific issue is having high water level puts the culvert in jeopardy. Kelly Robitaille questions if he need to get permission from the Board of Commissioners to put a board back in. Should he wait to get permission to put a board back in or just put a board back in when the water level is sufficient. Ralph Lutjen states he gave all the Dam information we have from the past year to Steve Doyon to review.

Discussion on Nick Sceggell email. Mike Smith spoke with Ian from Simply Water to see if horizons can use the map and lot numbers from the water bills.

Review of the NHMA Bulletin

Review of the Neighborhood Energy March 2022 flyer

Public Appearance

Nick Borelli and Paul Mckenna discussed the VDOE having town stickers for parking at the beaches. Parking has gotten out of control with people parking on the street. The Madison P.D also thinks this is a good idea and would help to monitor the parking situation. They suggest putting the parking at the beach’s ordinance at the public hearing that is coming up in May to review the other ordinances.

Christina Aleman makes a comment that the taxpayers are paying for the beaches, and it is not fair that they cannot find parking because of the overcrowding. She states she sometimes cannot even get to the kayak rack because of the amount of people on the beach. There has been trash on the beaches, dogs on the beach and inappropriate behavior. Mike Smith suggests the VDOE have their own parking passes and not just use the Madison transfer station sticker. Ralph Lutjen suggests taking a paragraph from the Madison Ordinance on their beach at Silver Lake.

Doug Prescott makes a comment about the EOPA doing some volunteer work to fix the kayak racks. This leads to a discussion about the matter.

Nick Borelli brings up a discussion about putting somewhere in the deed that the Lodge cannot be used as an STR.

Christina Aleman goes back to the discussion about the kayak racks and how many can go on a single rack. The racks were made for canoes not kayaks so the kayaks fall through the gaps since they are smaller. The kayak portal opens on April 15th.

Mike Smith discussion on an email with John Cooley from the Loon Preservation Committee and a floating nest. Has data showing that the floating nest is only 25% effective in its first year and only 50% effective after 5 years. Christina Aleman adds that she has seen people in the past harassing the loons and maybe signs should be put up to protect them.

Discussion on 91-A request from Adam Leiser.

Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn at 11:05am, Jay Buckley 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Alexis Wagoner, Administrator.