

Commissioners Meeting

Thursday June 24th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:30 am on Thursday June 24th 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM), Dinah Reiss (DR), Kelly Robitialle (KR), Doug Prescott at 10am for scheduled appearance. The meeting was recorded by Madison TV                              

At 8:38am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order.  JB makes a motion to go into non-public RSA-91-A:3 a (employee review)  passes 3-0

Exit non-public at 9:00am.  No motions made

9:00 am Commissioners enter a non-meeting with the District’s Attorney

9:30am Public Meeting reconvened, JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

DPW Report from KR

Re-graded several roads, replaced culvert on Bergdorf, filling potholes today. Kelly will have Bryant paving quote on other paved roads and shim Eidelweiss Drive as pricing will be better once they are in the District.

$5K for paving on Eidelweiss encumbered from 2020 Warrant. Possibly overlay on Geneva, bottom of St Moritz, overlay on Klausen.  Rocks are still on Class VI road at the Adelboden/Bristenstock intersection.

MS makes a motion to have Kelly speak to property owner about date for removal. If not removed within 1 week the District will have them removed and charge the property owner. KK 2nds discussion on the date, KK amends to give them until 7/30/2021, JB seconds the amendment, passes 2-1-0, Amended motion passes 2-1-0

Culvert at Eidelweiss end of Bern to be replace next week.

Admin report

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 6/3/2021, 6/17/2021, 6/17/2021 non-public.  KK 2nds, MS passes 6/17/2021 only up to point at which he leaves.

JB makes a motion to pay Paula Doyle for taking the minutes on 6/17 at $20/hr for up to 3 hrs. KK 2nds, passes 2-1

DM askes about meetings in July. Staying with Thursdays, 7/1-7/8-7/15-7/22-7/29.  KK will post to website.

JB invoice to Contract 1 within quoted price, and invoice to Contract 6 $742 over the quoted price for the O&M manual.  DM to reach out to J&B to see if O&M has been completed.

Discussion about the delay in getting the Upper Lakeview PRV pit designed, need to be approved by DES, put out to bid and scheduled for completion.

MS makes a motion to request an extension until 3/31/22 for the completion the Upper Lakeview PRV. KK 2nds, discussion on 3/31/22 date as there could possibly still be snow on the ground, motioned amended to 7/1/2022. amendment passes 3-0, amended motion passes 3-0

KK makes a motion that July 1st 2021 is that last day that District correspondence be sent to personal emails. JB 2nds, passes 2-1-0

Scheduled appearance by Doug Prescott, Discussion on having Doug become Deputy Treasurer. KK outlines basic job responsibilities and the need to have someone available if Treasurer cannot fulfill duties. Doug askes about compensation, whether District was bonded, which banks we used. Dinah discusses having Deputy Treasurer receive Treasurer compensation if Deputy is brought into service. Doug askes about background check and drug test.

JB makes a motion to approve the manifest in the amount of $76,712.22, KK 2nds passes 3-0

 Review of 6/7/21 drawdown, discussion on dust control and Rock House Mountain assistance.

MS makes a motion to place ad in paper for full-time administrator. No 2nd

JB makes a motion for Paula Doyle activate the Indeed job posting and review for qualified applicants thru 7/15/2021. Change wording “salary negotiable based on experience”. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

MS askes about the audit, still scheduled for end of June

JB discusses the Eidelweiss property Lot 49 that was removed from Eidelweiss and merged with adjacent lot in Madison. RSA states that property cannot be moved from one District to another without a W/A to change District boundary. JB makes a motion to allow him to present this to the Madison planning board, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB discusses Wright & Pierce on-call agreement which is un-necessary. The asset management project ( $20K grant + $20KCRF) to go out to bid.

Brad Jones email regarding Upper Lakeview PRV pit, sent to Dubois and King (Nick Skeggell ) for design.

Discussion on locks on the Reinach Pump House

Email asking about the VDOE position on Short Term Rentals – DM to respond that we have no position and all zoning matters and enforcement are handled by Madison

MS leaves meeting at 10:30

Discussion on fence erected on the Porridge Shore/Pondview Dr. boundary.  JB states that fence is very close to the recent surveyed plan by White Mtn Survey although some areas due to trees are on District property. No decision on whether or not to accept fence as is. Tabled until next week

John Cancelarich asks about water levels and Dam Management plan.  JB sates that there will be a public hearing on 8/14 to address the Dam/Water levels. John C. says that drought conditions should be considered the new normal. John asks that proposed changes be posted prior to the hearing. Discussion on having the Dam OMR and the District policy be consistent.  OMR last updated in 2016.

Discussion on Speed limit signs vs the ordinance. 25MPH on Eidelweiss and 20MPH elsewhere.  DM to check the ordinance.

DR asks if property owner on corner of Adelboden and Bristenstock has filed a Waiver as they are on a Class VI road. This should be required by the town of Madison – not positive as no building permit was required.

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:20, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner

"If not removed within one week" was added to minutes as an amendment on July 1st 2021


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday June 17, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met in the downstairs meeting room at Madison Town Hall at 9:00 am on Thursday June 17, 2021.

In attendance for the meeting were Commissioners Jay Buckley (JB), Mike Smith (MS) and Kathy Koziell (KK- who attended by phone), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM), Kelly Robitaille (KR), Treasurer Dinah Reiss (DR), Ralph Lutjen (RL), Paula Doyle (PD) and Madison TV video operator Tim Hughes (TH). Madison TV videotaped the public meeting.                             

At 9:08 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order

JB makes a motion to call KK who was not able to attend in person.  MS seconds.  Motion passes 2-0.

JB makes a motion to have PD take minutes. KK seconds.   Motion passes 2-0-1. (Mike Smith abstains).

JB makes a motion to approve the public meeting minutes from 6/3 and 6/10. KK seconds

Discussion:  MS states he has not seen 6/3 minutes and has following changes to 6/10 minutes:

1-p. 2 referring to gag order on Nancy Cole. Wants to add that MS was upset with JB about contacting lawyer without board approval. 

2-MS also asked to include that he asked for all paperwork and emails pertaining to Nancy Cole’s employment. JB points out that the minutes do say that MS asked for all emails.  MS wants to include “all paperwork” too. 

MS also states that the non-public meeting held last week was not on the agenda so that when he left the meeting early, he did not know a non-public meeting was going to be occurring and that he will not be staying at meetings past 1-1.5 hours because having 3-to-3.5-hour meetings is unproductive.  KK states that non-public meetings are always held at the end and she did not know that MS was planning to leave meeting early.  JB added that he did state at the beginning of meeting that a non-public meeting would be held.  MS does not recall that.

JB makes a motion to amend the drafted 6/10 minutes per MS request and to only vote on 6/10 minutes today.  KK seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

Motion to approve amended 6/10 minutes passes 3-0.

JB gives MS a hard copy of 6/3 minutes and states that they will revisit approval of these next week.


Tony on vacation this week so KR wants to move his review until next week.

Porridge Shore correspondence discussed from adjacent property owner.  KR states that some of the orange blazes that were marked have been hidden.  He believes that if a survey was actually done, there should be pins in ground to mark boundaries.  JB states that the fence does not follow the blaze marks and is on district side of property.   Surveyor should have placed 2 iron bars between which the property line could be ascertained.  KK states that there is a white pipe on beach but others state this is not a surveyor pin. 

MS makes a motion to get 3 prices from surveyors to survey the beach area.  JB seconds. 

Discussion that district should first contact White Mountain Survey and request that surveyor come to property and show us the markers.  KK asks MS if he will make the call.  MS states that he is here to manage and not to do work himself.  KK states that she will call. 

Motion passes 3-0.

KR states that he spoke to contractor about the driveway culvert installed at 8 Eidelweiss Drive (actually on Bern Drive).  He says that the contractor thought that we could move the road culvert to accommodate what he put in.  KR told him to resubmit a driveway permit for a smaller culvert.  He installed the correct size per our guidelines but it was installed incorrectly.  He changed everything that was in the permit including the slope of the property.

MS makes a motion to send a letter to the original homeowner (with a cc to the new homeowner) requesting that they resubmit a driveway application and talk to the contractor about how to do it correctly.  JB seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

DM to draft letter and have KR review for accuracy.

KR states that a new property owner in Madison purchased a large lot on Eben Farm Rd but now wants to gain access through Eidelweiss on Biasca (preferably) or Adelboden.  KR states that if he gains access through Eidelweiss then our DPW will be responsible for the driveway entrance.  He states that this large lot was merged with a small lot in Eidelweiss on Adelboden at some point and it was then taken out of Eidelweiss.  JB states that there is a Madison lot currently accessed on Aspen.  KR states that the cul de sac on Biasca is not a good location for a driveway and that if we give access, Adelboden is better.  Discussion on how the small lot on Adelboden came to be removed from Eidelweiss – no one knows how this happened but was done in 2009.   DM tried to access Registry of Deeds to investigate but computer did not allow her to access.

JB makes a motion to go through the town of Madison to find out if this lot (#49) is no longer in the VDOE and determine how it was transferred.  KK seconds.

Discussion: MS states that lawyers should resolve this and not the district commissioners or office.  Also, that Avitar cannot resolve it and that they were simply changing the lines based on the change made by town. 

MS makes a motion to amend the motion to state that we go through the town of Madison and their lawyers to find out if this lot (#49) is no longer in the VDOE and determine how it was transferred.  JB seconds.  Vote to amend passes 3-0.  Vote on amended motion passes 3-0.

KR and KK discuss reviewing driveway at 7 Biasca Place.  KK to call KR to arrange a time.

End of DPW report.

JB states that there will be a non-public meeting today for RSA 91-A:3, II (l).

DR asks if she can ask questions that DPW would be able to answer. First is about rocks on Class 6 Bristenstock Road – has it been resolved.  KR says that he was told that these rocks will be removed when the property owner can get the equipment, he needs rented from Colemans.

DR asks about Omega Place up from West Bergamo.  Are we aware that this Class VI Road, which was overgrown, is being cleared – some potholes have been filled but also ruts created by rocks that have been removed? JB states that they should ideally notify us but property owners have right to access their property. DR states that No Trespassing signs have been posted. KR states that as long as the road is left in better shape and does not keep others from accessing road, work should be okay.

KR leaves the meeting.

Administration Report

DM has received a 91A request asking if dam management policy has been filed with dam management bureau.   DR states that dam status changed recently to higher risk.  JB recalls that something was sent to Charlie Krautman at Dam management bureau when Adam Leiser was Commissioner.  JB asks DM to contact Dam Management bureau and ask what they have on file.

DM has another 91A request from a resident asking to receive automatic reports every month for electricity usage, water usage, budget drawdowns and P&L spreadsheets in excel format.  Discussion on whether or not to post to website – easy to do for smaller files but could be issue for large excel sheets.  JB wants to take under advisement until district has more administrative help.  MS and KK agree.

DM asks for approval on copy for new beach signs that were approved for spending last week.  DM provides MS with hard copy to review. 

KK suggests that the VDOE post a laminated sign on outhouses that states, “Please pardon our appearance.  We have been unable to hire anyone to clean the bathrooms.  If you would like the position, please contact the office at ….”

JB makes a motion to create and hang these outhouse signs as recommended by KK.  KK seconds.  Motion passes 2-0-1.  (Mike Smith abstains).

Return to prior discussion on Beach signs.  JB makes a motion to approve copy for beach signs.  KK seconds.  Mike Smith states he will not vote because this was done before he was on the board. Motion passes 2-0-1.

DM states that one of the properties that had a lien on it for non-payment of water bill has since paid their bill and the lien now needs to be removed.  She called court to find out how to remove it and the court recommended that we draft verbiage and run by our attorney.  DM also recommends that we send original lien verbiage to attorney.

JB makes a motion to send the original lien and draft of lien release to attorney for review. 

MS makes a motion to have the attorney create lien releases.  He states that we are not attorneys and should not be drafting legal notices.  JB explains Turbo Court process.  KK explains that these are simple forms that should not require attorneys.  MS disagrees. 

DM explains that 2 liens have been filed with the Carroll County Registry of Deeds. 

2 previous stated motions are reviewed.

KK seconds JB’s motion that we send original lien and draft of lien release to attorney for review.  Motion passes 3-0.

JB asks to confirm that public hearing will be held on 8/14, not in July. KK and MS confirm 8/14 date.


JB makes a motion to approve the Payroll manifest for 6/18/21 for $6,030.15.  KK seconds.  Motion passes 2-0-1.  MS abstained because he did not see it.

JB makes a motion to sign a letter to Erik Davitt at 29 Grachen.  KK seconds.  Motion passes 3-0.

MS states that he wants to go to non-public now because he has to leave soon.

DR requests that Public Comment be done first so others can leave meeting prior to non-public and not have to return.  Commissioners agree.


DR asks if board has heard from attorney about Nancy Cole gag order.  JB states that he spoke to attorney but it is confidential.   Board states that a call has been scheduled with attorney for next week.

DR states that the $1.1 Million water system is in danger of not working because there is no padlock on the electric panel on the exterior of the new pump house.  JB states that there is a main transfer switch that is not accessible.  He will re-confirm. 

RL asks if the Reinach project has been completed.  JB states that the new system is operational and that pressure has been increased to houses in that zone.  RL asks if financials have all been finalized.  JB states that no because there is still work to be done on the Upper Lakeview or RIGI zone.  However, it was also pointed out by Mark Graffam that there was a solution recommended in the 2009 master plan and he does not know why that was not part of the original design.  KK points out that the master plan included just a recommendation but not a full design. 

MS asks if Phase 1 has been closed out and the grants processed.  JB states that there are still a few outstanding items including a punch list, old tanks emptied and filled, grass seed around new tank, old pump house demo’d and road conditions returned to original state.  MS says 3-4% not done so 3% of dollars should still be outstanding.
Discussion on solution for the upper Lakeview pressure zone and necessity for a second zone at end of Blinden.  Question if money exists to do this and will not a second zone be ineligible for grant.  JB states that enough money should be available in contingency but will require getting DES approval and change of scope which his discussion with Rick Skarinka indicated that could be done but needs to be done quickly and done right in order to happen which is the goal.

DR asked about overflow at Summit this week.  KK explains that they believe that there was a surge and that the system did not reset – the surge protector had worked 2000+ times and may just need to be replaced now.  Ian was in the district and able to address quickly. Ian will be looking at surge protector and backup to insure it does not happen again.


JB makes a motion at 10:26 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (l).  MS seconds.  Motion Passes 3-0.

JB makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (l) and return to Public meeting at 10:57 AM and to seal the minutes from the non-public meeting.  MS seconds.  Motion Passes 3-0.

The videotaping was initiated at 10:58AM.   MS left the meeting.  JB stated that there is no longer a quorum of Commissioners in physical attendance and therefore the meeting would have to end.

The meeting ended at 10:59AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Doyle


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday June 3rd, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday June 3rd, 2021.

In attendance for the full public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM) ,Dinah Reiss Treasurer (by phone), Larry Sardono (by phone) and DPW foreman Kelly Robitialle . Ian Hayes joins by phone part-way thru. The meeting was recorded (audio).                             

At 9:00 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order.  JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 5/27/2021, KK 2nds, no discussion, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to resume open public meetings starting 6/10/2021 at the district office. Passes 3-0

DPW – Report

62 Eidelweiss Driveway Permit- discussion on the 40’ wide entrance, original permit was for 15’ wide entrance. Discussion on volume of paving as an impervious surface and its effects of run-off into the pond. JB makes a motion to approve for a 30’ wide entrance upon getting a plan from property owner for run-off control on the 12’ wide section next to the house. KK 2nds, discussion on possibly pitching the 12’ section away from the house. passes 3-0.

6 Upper Lakeview Driveway Permit for a 2nd driveway, then abandonment of the original driveway. Property owner asked for waiver of the bond. MS makes a motion to waive the bond, JB 2nds JB amends to not include septic design, KK 2nds amendment passes 3-0, Motion passes 3-0.

8 Eidelweiss Drive – DPW requires that the new driveway culvert installed by the contractor be raised (approx. 10”) so that the bottom is slightly above the bottom the District culvert crossing Bern Drive. Kathy agrees to draft the letter to assist the office.

Porridge Shore Beach - discussion about property owner at 133 Pondview installing metal fencing and silt fencing that appears to be on district land. JB makes a motion to have a letter drafted to property owner asking for a call within 14 days to set-up a site meeting to review the boundary lines.   KK 2nds, passes 3-0, KK offers to draft the letter.

Bryant Paving is scheduled for late August to re-claim/pave Chocorua View Drive. New leaf blower coming next week. Kelly asks for a assistance in getting a contractor/plumber to look at re-doing the DPWI bathroom .KK offers to assist.

Ian Hayes joins the meeting via phone. Review status of Reinach Tank, all new service links are now connected to new system. 5 Reinach was connected Friday.  Jay asks if we can salvage anything from the old pump house prior to demo.  Ian will take some of the SCADA components, and an old pressure pump.  He will be re-stocking the District shelves with misc service parts. cost approx. $1500. 29 Oakridge and 8 Grandval Way water hook-ups scheduled for the 10th-14th of June.  Will be installing water pressure recorders on E. Bergamo and will have pressure numbers for Thursday the 10th to determine if there is enough pressure for 13 E Bergamo.

Discussion on solution for Upper Lakeview PRV Pit, DM to contact Brad from Jones and Beach to call in next Thursday. We need to get a plan on paper to complete this by October 2021. Question as to who is responsible to create design.  Possibly reach out to N Sceggell of Dubois & King.   Original plan to separate Upperlake View PRV pit into 2 zones has been re-evaluated and a second PRV pit installed further down Upper Lakevew appears to be the better solution. Ian discussed 9 Reinach with Jake Dawson, it was treated like the other 19 hookups with new service links. That’s why they installed the 9 Reinach service link without the typical oversight. Commissioners will reach out of Brad at our next meeting asking for pictures ect of at least the installed water main at the Reinach pump house. 9 Reinach service line to the house from the CSV still needs inspection.

Ian leaves the meeting

Discussion of the very high  numbers on the water usage report.   Discussion on hiring a cleaner for the outhouses. MS states that we may need to pay $20-$30/hr.

KK volunteers to stock outhouses with toilet paper this weekend.

JB makes a motion to order the new beach signs from Muddy River, up to $650. KK 2nds, discussion on current signs having outdated language and inconsistent with current ordinance. Passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to have DPW install the new beach signs JB 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to have the DPW rake the beach on the weekends, no 2nd

Discussion on the Dam Management Policy, MS askes for meeting minutes where the policy was approved after the public hearing.

MS makes a motion to approve the manifest in the amount $7917. JB 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve MS232 form for DRA, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

Larry Sardono submitted the draft for the asset management 20K DES grant.

JB discusses possibility of full-time employee, several options as discussed, MS wants Nancy Cole to be involved hiring process.

KK discusses Treasurer asking for a Deputy Treasurer to be appointed –

JB discusses Rock House Mtn request to build a kayak rack on a district beach.

MS makes a motion to not allow, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

IT Team discussion on emergency plan and who has the authority to intervene in our system. Team should consist of 3 members, currently Ron Sandstrom, Andrew Hardevelt and Commisioner Jay Buckley.

JB makes a motion to include Tom Therrien of Electrical Installations Inc, KK 2nds, discussion on his control of the drinking water thru the SCADA system. Passes 3-0

JB discusses the Wright and Pierce contract for Emergency Dam Management Plan and the need for an on-call agreement.  All agree that it’s un-necessary .

MS makes a motion to adjourn at 11:35am, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday June 10th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday June 10th 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM) ,Dinah Reiss Treasurer (by phone), and DPW foreman Kelly Robitaille . Brad Jones(BJ) calls in at 9:35am The meeting was recorded (audio).                            

At 9:00 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order.  JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 6/3/2021, KK 2nds, MS has not set up Commissioner email so askes to approve next week

DPW – Report from Kelly Robitaille

End of Porridge Shore at cul-de-sac along with 10 Porridge Shore driveway culvert cleaned-up road area repaired

Going to replace culvert across Bergdorf as existing is too low

New leaf blower delivered and the crew used on Oak Ridge as a test and it works great.

Kelly asks that we schedule a review for Tony Eldridge. Scheduled for June 24th at 8:30am

Discussion on review for Donna MacKinnon. Scheduled for 7/1/2021 at 8:30

JB discusses driveway at 47 Eidelweiss and issuing a permit or operation. Agreement to wait until rainfall to see if driveway grate is necessary

Discussion on the paving contractor that worked at 47 Eidelweiss -  blocking the roads with equipment and creating a Life Safety issue.  KR to assist office in drafting a letter to the contractor.

JB askes about mailbox building corner, KR stated that it is repaired.

JB measured and marked water level at the Dam and it’s 9” below the concrete. Discussion on Loon nest that appears to be abandon. JB makes a motion to add a board, KK 2nds, discussion on LPC coming to evaluate the Loon nest. JB makes an amendment that if no correspondence indicating otherwise from the LPC by Monday that the board should be added and capped. KK 2nds the amendment, passes 2-0-1, Motion passes 2-0-1

KK makes a motion to sign the Dam Management Policy that as approved on 1/30/2021, JB 2nds, KK states that we now have a policy to work from and to use for future revision. Passes 2-0-1

JB makes a motion to schedule a Public Hearing on 8/14/2021 at 9:00am to discuss possible changes to the Dam Management Policy as well as other policy issues, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Brad Jones of Jones and Beach calls into meeting at 9:35. Discussion on solution to the Upper Lakeview PRV pit. BS states that LiDAR mapping close to completion, will convert to an easier to work with format. 

Will include Nick Sceggell of Dubois and King in the design as they have the hydro modeling of the District. KK asks for a new contract for this project, BJ will provide contract for the engineering and estimated cost of construction. This will need approval from DES. Affected property owners will need to be notified. MS asks if the end of October deadline is when the project begins or ends. BJ hopes to have the contract finalized by next meeting on June 17th. BJ leaves meeting at 10am.

Discussion on property owner on Class VI section of Bristenstock having rocks delivered and dumped onto District road. Office to send letter that rocks need to be removed immediately and to notify office when completed. KK to assist office in drafting the letter.

KK makes a motion to contract Whitelaw Mechanical to replace the furnace in DPWI. Quote was given last fall. Discussion on solution for the office heat if furnace old removed and propane heater installed. KK withdraws motion and will get more details and updated quote from contractor. 

KK also states that a contractor and plumber have looked at the DPW1 bathroom project and will present a quote based on what they can observe.

Office to acknowledge email from Mr. McKenna.

JB will provide information on re-classification of roads from the 2021 and 2019 warrants to Madison.

KK makes a motion to move the Commissioners Meetings to the lower level of Madison Town, JB 2nds, this is to accommodate Madison TV,  passes 3-0

KK will review driveway permit check list to see that it conforms to existing driveway ordinance

William Rein decided to not pave his driveway. JB makes a motion to refund his fee, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on sending both E. Bergamo water hook-ups to Dubois and King for hydro-modeling along with Water Operators findings of PSI values with the data logger.

JB makes a motion to approve the manifest for $20,213.20, KK 2nds, Mike is not set-up to receive emails, passes 2-0-1

MS discussed the removal of the gag order on Nancy Cole, JB spoke to the Attorney and they asked about the “purpose” of the removal. MS concerned that JB contacted the Attorney without a motion being made.

MS askes for a non-public with the Attorney on 6/24/21. MS askes for all emails regarding Nancy Cole’s employment.

MS leaves at 11:15

JB makes a motion to provide property owner E Davitt with a letter giving him and his surveyor permission to survey District property that abuts his property at 29 Grachen Rd. KK 2nds, passes 2-0, KK to assist office in drafting the letter.

Discussion on Deputy treasurer, KK reached out to resident Doug Prescott, he expressed an interest and forwarded his resume. Treasurer Dinah Reiss said he would be a good choice.  Compensation was discussed and tabled for another meeting. KK will ask Mr. Prescott to attend out next meeting per his request.

JB makes a motion to limit public comment to 10 minutes per person, KK 2nds, passes 2-0.

JB makes a motion to got into non-public at 11:30 per RSA 91A:3 (L), passes 2-0

Public session resumes at 12:31 – minutes sealed from non-public

JB motion to adjourn at 12:35, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday April 29, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met by phone at 9:00 am on Thursday April 29, 2021.

In attendance for the full public meeting were Commissioners Jay Buckley (JB), Kathy Koziell (KK) and Paula Doyle (PD), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM),Treasurer Dinah Reiss (DR), property owner Doug Prescott (DP). Kelly Robitaille (KR) attended part of the meeting.    The meeting was recorded (audio).                             

At 9:01 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order.  

JB made a motion to approve the agenda.  KK seconded.

PD made several amended additions to the agenda (4/23/21 minutes approval, Correspondence from Jane Gunn, Correspondence from DP re: Articles 12 & 13) and the amended deletion of Loon Nesting in 2021 from Commissioners Concerns. 

Amended Motion passed 3-0.

JB made a motion to approve the minutes from the Commissioners public meetings on 4/22/21 and 4/23/21, the non-public meeting on 4/22/21 and the Public Hearing on 4/22/21.  PD seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.


JB reported that the work on Reinach Tank project has re-commenced with hook-ups to several properties this week but noted that Dawson did not inform VDOE, Ian Hayes or Jones & Beach about the start of work which meant that communication was not made to property owners.  JB has re-stated VDOE need to have information from Dawson in advance of work. 

Discussion on timing and need to notify 19 property owners when new hook-ups are turned on.  KK recommended that letter previously sent be revised and re-sent when we have more detail on timing.   JB will get dates from Ian Hayes. 

-Broken culvert at end of Bristenstock also discussed with KR.  KR to add to list for Dawson for work that needs to be completed to bring roads back to original condition.

-JB noted that rocks for property owner discussed previously have been marked and email sent to Dawson with information.

-Discussion on temporary water that was installed in 2018 for 1 Bristenstock needs to be removed. 

JB made a motion to have Ian Hayes remove the line and any devices attached and place all in storage.  PD seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

-Discussion on leak yesterday at 13 Little Shore.  JB reported that Ian Hayes had let him know he was pleased with work done by our DPW to assist in this repair.  KR noted that it was quite a bit of work involving the rental of a mud sucker from Coleman’s.  He will create billing for the water system account for labor hours incurred.  He also noted that these jobs can be more work than thought and if after hours might require more than 1 person who is on call.  KK reminded all that the DPW should assist only if convenient based on other work demands.

PD asked KK if she could remove notice on leak from website now that it is resolved.   KK agreed.

-JB noted that property owners at 13 Little Shore will need to replace the service line and the district will need to replace the service link at the same time.  Agreement to add to agenda for discussion with Ian Hayes next week.


-DPW Report.  KR back from vacation and status with others is that everything is currently on schedule.    JB asked about repair to Int’l Dump Truck which required a steel plate welded on truck bed.  KR noted that as this truck is getting older, may need more ongoing repairs.

-Discussion on brush and leaf clean-up on Huttwil near mailboxes being done on volunteer basis by Doug Prescott.  KK described area requested for brush and KR agreed it was a good location well within VDOE property lines.  DP inquired about giving structures a new coat of paint.  KK to check with Mike Dolan if any stain still exists from 2019 project.   DP also asked about possibly raising the bus shelter with cinder block to avoid more rot at bottom.  Discussion on whether this shelter should be possibly taken down or altered to remove front wall.  Discussion tabled for now.   JB provided information on Valley Pride Cleanup Day on May 8 for interested volunteers.

-Discussion on dam and pond levels given correspondence this week from several property owners who are concerned about potential property damage and loon nesting.     Discussion on determination of pond level visually vs number of boards placed in dam.  KR noted that he would like to know what level the board wants the water based on a level at dam and he can keep it at that level.  KK noted that in prior meetings this has been set at 4” below top of dam.  PD noted that water level was much lower a few weeks ago when decision made to add a board but has risen significantly in last couple weeks.  Disagreement between PD and KR about how many boards were communicated in prior meeting vs how many boards now in dam.  KR noted that there is one permanent board in dam and room for 3 temporary boards while currently there is one permanent board and two temporary boards. 

PD made a motion to remove one temporary board from dam.  JB seconded.  Motion passed 3-0. 


DR reported that she worked with Auditors yesterday in office and that PD came in for meeting with Auditors.

PD reported that auditors discussed option and possibility to include EPOA finances in VDOE audit allowable by law as a related entity but not required due to budget threshold that EPOA would not reach and so agreed not to pursue.

PD reported that the audit will be changed this year to include separate accounting for operating and water budgets vs prior years when these were combined.  This is required by law and following discussion that Auditor had with Michelle Clark and her Supervisor, they agreed that we do not have to go back and address in prior audits.

PD reported that we may want to consider setting up separate accounts in QuickBooks at Auditor’s recommendation that will make it easier at year-end to do audit now that these will be separated.   DR to discuss next week with Katherine Deyoe and review next steps with board at next meeting.

PD reported on discussion with Auditor about best way to handle the $30,000 tax over-appropriation from 2020 based on feedback from DRA and Chris Boldt.   Discussion that the portal detail on the article was entered correctly for the specific article but that incorrect draft minutes were posted which stated that the article has passed.  The minutes were corrected and are posted on VDOE website but this version of minutes were never posted on the portal.

JB made a motion to revise the 3/7/2020 annual meeting minutes to reflect that Article #10 failed.  KK seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

PD reported that the Auditor recommended language to address financial handling of the mistake and after discussions amongst the board agreement made to propose the following new language for the 2021 Operations Budget Article #2:

“To see if the Village District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $564,695 for general municipal operations. This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles addressed separately. $534,695 of funding for this appropriation will be raised by taxation and $30,000 of funding for this appropriation will be raised from the general fund representing excess funds appropriated in 2020 due to an error in the 2020 annual meeting minutes regarding Article #10.”

DM to send this for review by Michelle Clark and Chris Boldt ASAP.

JB asked if the board owes anyone an apology for mis-stating the situation in earlier meetings or at the budget hearing.  KK stated that she felt we did not need to issue an apology to an entity (the DRA).  PD stated that she wanted to go on record that she had made statements at the budget hearing that were based on a misunderstanding of what had happened and that we are aware that the mistake was ours and is being rectified via the revised article for 2021.

KK asked about the funding of the first payment for the tank project approved in prior annual meeting and did anything need to be updated at this time.  JB stated that given it was a special bond approval, there are up to 4 years in which to make payment so no action required.

-JB asked about 91A request PD stated that she helped reply to the last email from ALeiser on outstanding request.  JB reported that he will send ALeiser information from TurboCourt on his new 91A request. 

-JB explained issue with Turbo Court filing in Small Claims Court with a rejection email sent from Conway District Court, which went to spam email file, and he did not see it.  He has re-filed and will pay filing fee today.

-PD noted new 91-A from Mark Graffam and JB will look at and assist.

JB made a motion to approve the accounts payable manifest of 15 checks for $37,393.92. KK seconded.    Motion passed 3-0.


JB made a motion to notify Jones & Beach of a change order to use the propane heater that we have in storage instead of an electric heater for the new pump house.  KK seconded. Motion approved 3-0.  

JB to notify Brad Jones.

-JB asked about water bills with end of month deadline approaching.

-KK noted that she’ll be working with DM on DRA portal this week to input drafted budget and warrant articles.

-KK noted that she had called Nick Skegell at Fluet Engineering to make inquiries discussed last week about modeling.   He has not returned her call.

-JB noted that he spoke to Nick Skegell this week about the Asset Management project and will ask them to bid on it given their experience and knowledge about the district’s assets.  He also discussed a possible solution to the Upper Lakeview project and JB will ask him for a proposal on this too.  JB also advised that there is a water committee meeting tomorrow at 9AM, which was posted early this morning.

-PD distributed current and proposed signage for beaches based on current ordinances.  Will contact sign companies this week to determine costs and bring back to board next week.

-PD noted that having spent time in office, it’s important that security be noted and reinforced in regards to online passwords for things like email and other online accounts. PD to work with DM to update passwords.

-PD proposed that we need a authorized project manager amongst the board to handle day-to-day issues on asset management and Reinach related water projects to ensure consistent communication with vendors and to keep projects moving towards completion.

PD made a motion to designate and authorize JB as project manager for the Reinach related and asset management projects.  KK seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.


-PD asked about email from DP regarding need for Commissioners to send out an explanation for Articles 12 & 13 (road re-classification) prior to voting.  PD explained that voting is done on these articles during meeting after presentation from Commissioners.  


DP mentioned that if the board decided to propose a replacement property for the lodge, he would be willing to help.  KK noted DP’s help with insurance information last year and thanked him.


JB makes a motion at 11:00 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (b).  PD seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

JB makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (b) and return to Public meeting at 12:00 PM.  PD seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

PD to verbally make offer to candidate and follow-up with offer letter.


JB makes a motion to adjourn the Public Meeting at 12:01 PM.  PD seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Doyle, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday May 27, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00 am on Thursday May 27, 2021.

In attendance for the full public meeting were Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM) ,Dinah Reiss Treasurer (by phone) and Larry Sardono (by phone) The meeting was recorded (audio).                            

At 9:00 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order.  JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JM makes a motion to approve the minutes of 5/20/2021, KK amends the 5/20 meeting minutes stating that the discussion about the Reinach  water main being 14’ past the curb stop valve should be 14’ past the property line, when asked about the grant the number stated was $250K not $200K, during discussion about the IT evaluation KK asked if it the purpose was (not wasn’t). amendment passes 2-0, Amended minutes passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the 5/22/2021 annual meeting minutes, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

KK makes a motion to approve the Mailchimp email that recaps the annual meeting, JB 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the 5/25/2021 minutes, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the non-public minutes of 5/20/2021, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on the need to verify the installation and depth of the connection to 9 Reinach Place. Dawson to excavate the confirm depth at the point that the service link connects to the 4” main, and where the service link connects to the Curb Stop Valve as well as to excavate the complete service line from the CSV to the 9 Reinach property. JB to convey this to Ian Hayes and Jake Dawson.

Discussion regarding the service line break at 44 Eidelweiss Drive, the property owner did have the entire service line replaced.

JB discusses Bryant Paving returning to repair some of the asphalt and the bottom of Aspen Dr. from last falls paving.  Bryant ended up re-paving all of Aspen and the Bristenstock intersection at no cost.

JB discussed the 8 Eidelweiss driveway culvert that the contractor installed but was installed lower than the existing culvert that crosses Bern Dr. Kelly R. (DPW) will be corresponding with the contractor.

DM posted notice for Outhouse cleaner, KK spoke to Denise Noel and asked her to submit a proposal as we have no one interested. KK will check all outhouses for toilet paper, JB will clean trash and cobwebs.

S. Stoddard asked for a waiver of late fees for his water bill as he had not been using the property. Commissioners agree that no waiver was warranted.

Discussion on 46 Huttwil water bill and late fees, property owner past away in March of 2021, KK makes a motion to waive 2021 late fees but not 2020. JB 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the manifest in the amount of $15,748.27 of which $8000 is a water hook up fee being transferred to the Water Line Ext Fund and a manifest for $687.50 from the Reinach project account. KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB discusses the Chocorua View paving contract for $37,100 that was approved at the annual meeting, JB makes a motion to sign the Bryant Paving contract with a start date of late August. KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to sign a Fill Request for 10 Porridge Shore Drive, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB to submit to the NH DWSRF an application for possible funding of shovel ready water projects. 3 projects were submitted, 4” Water Main on Upper LakeView, 6” Water Main on Middle Shore and, 6” Water Main on Big Loop.

Dinah asked if  offsetting funds required, JB stated that the contingency funds from Reinach would be used toward the projects

KK suggests that Paula Doyle be considered for the part-time position to help with office administration.

Larry Sardono questions the need to lift the gag order in order for Nancy Cole to potentially work in the office.

JB has discussion on the IT policy drafted for the District and the need for an IT Manager to be familiar with physical layers and security authentication, and the more frequent changing of passwords.

KK asks if LastPass for password updating was considered OK – JB stated yes.

Correspondence from several property owners on Big Pea regarding the water levels, KK to work with DM to create reply where needed and to respond this week.

DR asked for copies of annual meeting minutes and stated that she would like to have a Deputy Treasurer to assist her and suggests Nancy Cole.

JB would like clarity on how the position is created and approved.

JB states that the Reinach Pressure is live and functioning according to plan.

JB states that per conversation with Nick Sceggell of Dubois and King that in order to determine the pressure for 19 E. Bergamo that Loggers get place on 15 E. Bergamo. DM to reach out to Ian to get this accomplished.

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 10:21am KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Tuesday May 25, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met by phone at 9:00 am on Tuesday May 25, 2021.

In attendance for the full public meeting were Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM) and newly elected Commissioner Mike Smith (MS),  The meeting was recorded (audio).                            

At 9:00 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order.   No agenda was created as Mike Smith called for the meeting

MS was sworn in as the new Commissioner by Clerk Donna MacKinnon

Donna MacKinnon was sworn in as the new Clerk by Commissioner JB – Chairman

KK makes a motion to elect JB Chairman for this upcoming year, JB 2nds, MS disagrees and states that he has more experience but agrees for now. Motion passes 3-0

Discussion on the Wright-Pierce (WP) Engineering proposal for the Dam Emergency Plan by JB

JB makes a motion to contact WP to begin the process. MS 2nds. MS make an amendment to see a schedule of payments/costs.  JB 2nds, amendment passes 3-0

Motion passes 3-0

Discussion of water service line break at 44 Eidelweiss Drive is discussed.  Property owner Raul Morales askes that the Board grant an exception to the ordinance that requires full replacement of the service line before water can be turned back on. The property owners are having difficulty just finding someone to repair the service line leak and the property will be occupied for the next 4 months. They will replace the entire service line in the fall.

JB makes a motion to grant the hardship exception with the condition that the entire line be replace by Sept 30th ,2021. KK 2nds, MS states the water operator must see the open trench for inspection. Passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to open Article #7 (from 2021 Annual Meeting) and allow the DPW to spend up to $6000 for a leaf blower, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to open Article #6 (from 2021 Annual Meeting) and to spend up to $6000 on the boundary line adjustments and survey of the Lodge lot. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to open Article #4 (from 2021 Annual Meeting) and to spend up to $37,100 for the paving of Chocorua View Drive, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to open Article #5 (from 2021 Annual Meeting) and allow the DPW to spend up to $7,000 for Brush Cutting the roadsides, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

JB discusses moving funds to the CRF for Hwy Repairs

DM askes about the reclassification for the roads from Articles #12 and #13 as well as similar article from 2018 Annual Meeting. BOC askes Donna to send minutes of meetings to the Town of Madison so their records reflect the classification changes.

MS makes a motion to remove the “gag order” placed on Nancy Cole as part of her separation agreement. KK 2nds, JB discussed legal implication and askes the office to reach out to Doug Mansfield to amend the agreement.

Amendment Passes 3-0. MS asks DM to let Nancy Cole know that this is in process.

MS says the Loon Nest as an egg.

MS makes a motion to give hm control of the monitoring the Dam for the Loons, no 2nd. JB explains the concerns about the water levels and the impact on fire suppression. KK states that the nesting Loons, Property Owners concerns and fire suppression needs all need to be taken into consideration. JB states that the current Dam Management policy needs to be reviewed/ revised and presented at a public hearing prior to making any changes.

MS states that he will present a Warrant Article next year giving him control of the water levels during Loon nesting season.

Discussion on MS needing to set-up his email and creating a new code for office security. Ron Sandstrom will assist MS.

KK makes a motion to allow DM as the Administrator to have access to the bank accounts. JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on employment issues and how to make the District run better, MS advocates for a full time and a part time person. MS askes that discussion be postponed until June 3rd as he will not be present on May 27th.

JB makes a motion the adjourn at 9:59, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Friday May 21, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met in person at 5:00 pm on Friday May 21, 2021 at the Madison Elementary School Gymnasium.

In attendance were Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK) and Paula Doyle (PD) and Jay Buckley (JB), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM) and Moderator Bob Ingram (BI).  The meeting was not recorded.

At 5:12 PM, PD called the meeting to order. 

The purpose of the meeting was to set up the gym for the voting and annual district meeting that will take place on Saturday, May 22.   Everyone arranged chairs and tables.   Discussion on attendance, rules and process. 

At 5:56, JB made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  PD seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Doyle, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday May 20, 2021-Ammended

The Board of Commissioners met by phone at 9:00 am on Thursday May 20, 2021.

In attendance for the full public meeting were Commissioners Jay Buckley (JB), Kathy Koziell (KK) and Paula Doyle (PD), Administrator Donna MacKinnon (DM), Kelly Robitaille (KR) and Treasurer Dinah Reiss (DR).  In attendance for part of the meeting were Brad Jones, Peter Knudsen, Paul Kuleszka, and Adam Leiser.  The public meeting was recorded (audio).                              

At 9:00 am Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order


JB makes a motion at 9:00 AM to go into Non-Public for RSA 91-A:3, II (l).  KK seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

JB makes a motion to come out of Non-Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3, II (l) and return to Public meeting at 9:26 AM.  KK seconded.  Motion Passed 3-0.

During the non-public meeting, the following motion was made and approved.

JB made a motion to require the property owner at 9 Reinach Place to replace the 1” water main that was installed with a 4” water main from the pump house to the proximity of the existing curb stop valve and further, to have both the new water main and the service line from the curb stop valve to his home inspected by Ian Hayes with a Commissioner present.

PD seconded the motion.  Motion passed 2-1.

Office notified Dinah Reiss that public meeting was starting and she joined the meeting.

JB made a motion to approve the agenda.  KK seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

PD read back the motion that was made and passed (2-1) in the non-public meeting. 

JB made a motion to require the property owner at 9 Reinach Place to replace the 1” water main that was installed with a 4” water main from the pumphouse to the proximity of the existing curb stop valve and to have both the new water main and the service line from the curb stop valve to his home inspected by Ian Hayes with a Commissioner present.


DPW-KR discussed driveway permits.  16 Grison was already approved in past but work was delayed due to covid so applicant updated bond coverage and requested that the application be renewed or extended for 1 year with the same conditions as stated on the original application.

JB made a motion to extend the driveway application for 16 Grison for 1 year.  KK seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

KR also discussed a possible driveway application for 6 Upper Lakeview that has an existing driveway but wants to move it to a new location.  DM to notify property owner that they will need to fill out a new application and pay fee.

-DM states that she found a 2004 Driveway Procedure for applications and wants to post it on the website.  KK will confirm that it conforms with the current ordinance for meeting next Thursday.

-JB states that he sent a note to Madison Code Enforcement officer asking him to make sure that new homes have completed our driveway application process and received a certificate of completion before he issues a certificate of occupancy.

-KR asked about the current dam level and asked if he should put in a board now that water is lower.  There was concern expressed that the loons may have built a nest and raising the water level by putting a board in dam may swamp the nest which is against the law.  PD to follow-up with someone at the Loon Preservation Committee to confirm.

-Peter Knudsen (PK) has joined the meeting and JB calls for public comment from him at this time.  PK owns the property at 9 Reinach Place and wants clarification on when he can get water turned on.  He states that Dawson Excavation who is his contractor and the district’s contractor told him that everything is ready to go.  JB states that PK’s property will be running off the new pressurized zone and that controls will be finished between 5/24 and 5/26 and we are hoping to go live by the end of next week.  However, JB states that PK will need to have Dawson replace the water main from the pump house to the proximity of the curb stop valve with a 4” main and that he will need to have the new main and the service line to his home inspected.  PK states that Dawson told him they ran the main 14’ past the curb stop property line.  PK is going to contact Dawson and determine when they can come in and open up the road to locate the lines, replace as required and have inspection. Office to be notified to arrange for Ian Hayes and a Commissioner to be present.

JB recognized Brad Jones (BJ) who has joined the meeting.  BJ asks if he is needed for anything at the meeting or if there are any questions.  He states that they are working on the manual and hope to have it by next week.  KK asks about the timeline for Upper Lakeview.  BJ states that he needs to understand more about it on his end because his understanding is that Chris Albert was going to contract with another firm to do a study on it.  JB states that Dubois & King which has our hydraulic modeling will be looking at it.  BJ will touch base with Chris to follow-up.

BJ left the meeting.

-DM states that the person she contacted about cleaning the outhouses is not available

JB makes a motion to post the position on the bulletin boards and website.  KK seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.

-DM states that Noreen Downs at Madison TV has confirmed that they are all set to videotape the annual meeting.

-Discussion on setup of gym for Friday afternoon.  Activity scheduled until 5PM so meeting scheduled for 5PM at Madison School gym.  DM to post meeting notice and notify Bob Ingram with time.   KK asked about having KR attend the annual meeting as discussed at meeting earlier in week.    KR asked to attend and he confirms he will be able to attend on Saturday.


JB makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest for $6,500.40.  KK seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.

JB makes a motion to approve a special manifest for 3 checks totaling $825.00 for the checklist personnel who will be handling the annual voting.  KK seconded the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.


-JB asks DM if she has contacted the EPOA with decisions on road signs made at an earlier meeting  DM has not gotten to it yet.

-KK reports that she spoke to Nick Sceggell at Dubois & King about the results of the hydraulic testing for water pressure.  29 Oak Ridge and 8 Grandval Way were determined to have enough pressure.  19 East Bergamo is marginal and Nick has requested updated information on the new tank elevation which may impact the results.  DM to forward Nick’s email to Ian Hayes and ask him to contact Nick to follow up with additional information required.  JB states that we will need to understand impacts on pressure throughout system once the new tank is online.  JB to draft language and provide to DM so that she can reach out and inform owner at 19 East Bergamo as to status.

JB makes a motion to approve the water hookup applications for 8 Grandval Way and 29 Oak Ridge.  KK seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.

JB states the psi for the applications – 77 psi at 8 Grandval and 53 psi at 29 Oak Ridge.

-PD states that she has not yet received bids for new beach signs.


-Andrew Harteveldt has informed the office that the hardware is fine at the office but there is an issue with Callcentric that has been causing the phone problems and is suggesting a change. 

-JB reports on the technology meeting last Friday with Ron Sandstrom and Andrew Harteveldt.  Andrew will be providing a sample technology policy and a plan will be put together.   JB stated that they also agreed that we need a user policy that includes 2 factor authentication.

KK asks if the purpose wasn’t  was to evaluate the hardware.  JB stated that they had difficulty even getting on the equipment that suggested that it should probably be updated as has been discussed before. JB is also going to look at some other town policies and that a plan would be put together.

-Discussion on 10 Porridge Shore and email from homeowner Paul Kuleszka asking for a call.  Agreement to call now.  Paul Kuleszka at 10 Porridge Shore joins the meeting via phone.  He states that his plow guy moved a rock last year and that he did some work to fix up driveway last year but that the culvert was not replaced.  He spoke to previous owner about the issue but doesn’t know what is going on with the property above/behind them.  KR states that district offered last year to take the rock out and replace the culvert and that can still be done although bigger problem requires that he should run a ditch down the left side of his driveway.  KR states that the district will install the culvert if the property owner pays for it.   The property owner agrees that he would like to do this and asks when it can be done.  KR states probably in a couple weeks. 

JB makes a motion to install a new 15” HDPE culvert at 10 Porridge Shore with the homeowner to pay for the culvert and the district to install it.  KK seconds the motion.  Motion passes 3-0.

Paul Kuleszka also asks about getting fill which he has done in the past.  DM to send him application .  Paul K. leaves the meeting.

KR reports that he has been informed that pavement work will be done on Aspen on Tuesday morning.

Discussion on doing a walk through for the Reinach Project.  KR suggests that this will be a repeat of prior walk through and that it might be better for Dawson to do the outstanding work previously identified and then to do the walk through at the end.  JB agrees that this makes sense and will communicate this request.

DR is recognized for public comment.  She asks about the asset management project and if a firm has been selected.  JB states that we don’t have final confirmation on the grant yet and that we have only been approved for final consideration and are about 90% sure we will get it but not completely certain.  DR thought that we can’t do Upper Lakeview PRV project without asset management information and therefore how can all of this be done this year.  KK states that we don’t actually need all of the asset management information to move ahead with the PRV project.   DR suggests to JB that he might remember that in the original master plan there was a solution to the upper lakeview PRV and it might be useful.

-JB states that the annual meeting will be held this Saturday with voting from 8-10 am and the meeting starting at 11 am.

-Adam Leiser (AL) has joined the meeting and is recognized for public comment.  JB states that it is 10:45 AM and that the meeting is scheduled to end at 11 AM so he has 15 minutes.  AL objects that his time is limited and accuses the Commissioners of being like an old board and restricting his public comment.   AL asks how much of the $295,000 grant has been spent so far.  KK responds that approximately $200,000 $250,000 has been received.  AL asks if the plan is to use the full grant.  KK responds yes.

-AL asks how many hours were used to fill his 38 91-A requests made in October. JB states he put in about 8 hours on it.  PD and DM state that they believe it was about 30 hours.  AL states that the only reason he made these requests is because the board refused to tell him why he was being billed for gravel on his driveway.   AL states that in his 91A requests he obtained a voicemail from the property owner at 49 Eidelweiss Driveway and they were very angry.  He asks the Commissioners why they were angry.  The Commissioners state that they are not sure what he is referring to.  PD states that it seems that AL probably has a theory as to why they were mad so why doesn’t he state it instead of asking the board.    AL asks the board to tell the public what the policy is for the district for billing property owners for work.  The commissioners state that there is no process for doing work on private property because the district doesn’t work on private property.  AL states that property owners are billed for culverts.  After much back and forth, PD states that work is done and then a bill is sent.   Discussion back and forth between AL and Commissioners.  AL states that commissioners should tell the public about how the 5 days are calculated for filling 91-A requests.  PD states that the process is straightforward with count starting 1 day after the request is received and that the office can only receive and fill requests when it is open.  JB states that the meeting needs to end as announced earlier.  AL objects to his time being cut off and accuses the Commissioners of trying to hide something. 

At 11:05 AM, JB makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.   PD seconded.  Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Doyle, Commissioner