Commissioners Meeting
January 15, 2019
Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith
and Ron Sandstrom. Also present were
Kelly Robitaille (hwy), Ian Hayes (water operator). and residents
Adam Leiser and Kathy Koziell. The
meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.
At 8:00 am
the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.
1. Agenda
Ron Sandstrom makes a
motion to approve the agenda. Mike Smith
seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
action list is reviewed and discussed.
2. Highway Department
Robitaille reports that the Terra Star is going in for repairs. This is not a warranty repair.
Kelly Robitaille
reports that chains are needed for the 7400; rear chains are $461 and front
chains are $440. Mike Smith makes a
motion to approve up to $925 for chains.
Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion
passed 2-0.
chains are also needed. Cost is $800 for
a rear set. Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $825 for chains for the
grader. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Discussion on the use of the grader during
storms and need for chains. Kelly
Robitaille reports that chains have been used on the grader since it was
purchased. This is the first
replacement. Discussion on winging back
and pushing back snow for additional room for storms. Motion
passed 2-0.
F-550 is discussed. The drive shaft has
broken. Initial review shows that the
truck may have additional repairs needed.
Truck may not be available this weekend.
Terra Star will be available as that is the more critical truck for
plowing. Last week the F-550 broke a
rear spring. Kelly Robitaille reports
that the F-550 is approaching end of useful life.
additional load of salt has been ordered under the existing PO.
time employee Tony Eldridge will be used during this weekend’s predicted
Sandstrom thanks Kelly Robitaille for the improvements in snow plowing over the
last few years.
3. Water
Hayes joins the meeting. The well pump
at DPW has been changed. DPW well is up
and running. Emergency plan will be
updated to reflect D.L. Maher as the company for DPW well repairs. Water outage did occur because Muddy Beach
could not keep up with demand over the Holiday weekend. Outage occurred while the DPW well pump was
being replaced, so outage was able to be minimized. Discussion continues on Muddy Beach capacity
and ability. Improvements in available
information due to SCADA improvements are discussed. Discussion continues on protection for the
DPW well and the need to upgrade that protection for the functioning of the water
system. Putting the well pump on a
10-year replacement plan is discussed. Adding
an additional source of water is recommended by Ian Hayes. Having the well pump on hand saved the
District a long-term outage. On peak
usage, Muddy Beach should be considered a 4-day supply.
levels are discussed. Last lab reading
is 6.8. Ian Hayes outlines that a pH
meter in line from the DPW well site would be beneficial. The repairs and cleaning of the chemical
injection system will be done today. Mike Smith makes a motion to have Ian Hayes
attend the Annual Meeting. Ron Sandstrom
seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Hayes outlines the violations that DES can place on the District for low
pressure in the Reinach zone. Creating
this pressure zone is primary importance for the water system.
Sandstrom questions the water rate at Rockhouse Mountain; Ian Hayes believes it
is close to $1,100 annually. Discussion
ensues on cost of running the water system, VDOE historically has been below
the average rate in NH.
4. Administration
Smith will hold a safety meeting today.
report for balances of all accounts is needed for the Annual Meeting. Mike
Smith makes a motion to have Nancy Cole put the material together. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Management meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 24 at 1 pm.
Mike Smith makes a
motion to approve payroll in the amount of $7,881.11. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Report and time cards are reviewed and
discussed. Motion passed 2-0.
Warrant is reviewed. Updates to the
wording on articles is reviewed and discussed.
The order of the warrant is discussed.
Moving the ballot questions to the beginning of the warrant is
discussed. Mike Smith makes a motion to move Articles 12, 13 and 14 to 4-5-and 6. Articles 2 and 3 will be swapped. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
Ron Sandstrom makes a
motion to post the warrant on the website.
Mike Smith seconds. Motion passed
is held on the update to the budgets, separating out the bonus line. Total increase for the proposed 2019 budgets
is 4.24% increase.
for the budget hearing for Friday night is reviewed. Kathy Koziell questions the format,
questions/comments will be allowed. Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to use the
presentation Friday night. Mike Smith
seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
5. Accounts Payable
6. Minutes
Mike Smith makes a
motion to approve the minutes of 12-28.
Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion
passed 2-0.
Mike Smith non-pub
12-28. Ron Sandstrom 2-0.
Mike Smith makes a
motion to approve the minutes of 1-8.
Ron Sandstrom seconds. 2-0.
7. Commissioners
8. Signature Items
Mike Smith makes a
motion to sign the request for insurance status information for the 2018
audit. Ron Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed 2-0.
9. Correspondence
Leiser has sent a request for discussion of the Little Loop project. Mike Smith states no easements have been
received. Ralph Lutjen is handling the
pricing. Once easements are completed,
pricing will be updated. Mr. Leiser
interrupts the meeting with questions and comments regarding this project.
Leiser has requested the back up documentation for the cost of the Muddy Beach
tank replacement project under 91-A.
Information has been sent.
Municipal Association has sent two Legislative Bulletins.
10. Scheduled
11. Other Business
DES water rate survey is reviewed. Most
recent survey found on the DES website is from 2015 and shows the average water
rate in NH as $473.60.
At 9:35 am Mike Smith makes
a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ron
Sandstrom seconds. Motion passed
E. Cole