2019 Documents

Asset Management Committee Meeting
January 24th, 2019
The Asset Management Committee met at 1:00 pm exactly on Thursday, January 24th, 2019.
In attendance were Committee members Nancy Cole, Tommy Gunn, Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen. Committee member Dinah Reiss was not present at the meeting. Mr. Jay Buckley was in attendance as a guest. The meeting was filmed.
At 1:02 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairwomen Nancy Cole.
Chairwomen Nancy Cole passed out documents to include the Agenda and warrant project sheets to be reviewed and updated at today’s meeting.
Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the agenda as presented, Tommy Gunn seconds and all vote yes.
Mike Smith notes, as reflected in the agenda, to hold all public comment from any guests present at today’s Asset Management meeting until the planned content of the meeting is completed.
Mike Smith makes a motion to accept the minutes from December18th, 2018 as presented, Nancy Cole seconds, all members voted yes for approval.
Warrant project sheet review:
Note a summary of the edits and updates will be captured here but final content detail will be posted on the VDOE website once approved by the commissioners targeted for Tuesday January 29th 2019.

  1. Engineering upgrading Grandval and Burgdorf to Class V standards - Updated language to include existing staff limitations on engineering design, include road width required and existing and include current conditions (large bolder needing removal)
  2. Thesis culvert replacement - add language to include work performed by in-house DPW staff.
  3. Asphalt road shimming - Minor language change and include exact description of where work is to be performed.
  4. Gravel road repairs - Minor language updates to include these undertakings have been identified as specific projects and outside the scope of the normal road maintenance and budget.
  5. Front runner rake - No change but note added language of product specifics.
  6. F-550 replacement - Add language to include recent concerns from DPW staff on safety of
    the vehicle as well as lead time for replacement and up-fitting.
  7. Upper Lake View / Rigi Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) pit - No edits needed
  8. Muddy beach 5,000 gallons tank replacement - see note at end of document of resident question. Edits to include language of the recent outage and how the Muddy Beach tank supported the village district over high use period and its critical importance to overall strategy
    to provide continuous service to residents as displayed recently.
  9. Chocorua Pump house overhaul - Minor edits to include adding balance of previously approved warrant article budget.
  10. Summit pump house electrical updates - Minor edits to include adding balance of previously approved warrant article budget.
  11. Reinach 90,000 gallon cast in place concrete tank - Adjust first year payment and interest rate numbers and insert bid sheet cost summary.
  12. DPW Electrical - Minor edits to include adding balance of previously approved warrant article budget and include the offset of savings which will be generated with the installation of the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).
    General note all warrant article tax/water rate impact will be provided on a separate sheet to be included in package so residents will know the impact of each proposed warrant article.
    At the conclusion of the agenda content Chairperson Nancy Cole engages Mr. Jay Buckley as the guest in attendance and asks if he has any comments or questions. Mr. Buckley comments most of his questions were addressed during todays meeting but had one additional question.
    Q1 - “Did the warrant project sheet cost estimate include MassTanks cost estimate include the recent pricing increase in steel?” Nancy responded no it did not as the increase would be included in the contingency funding line item.
    A comment from the recent budget meeting was brought up at this time where a resident asked if the Commissioners had considered having the existing non-tank modified with he addition of a inspection port, Nancy responded given the age, non-tank was installed in 1970, age prevented this from being considered.
    At 1:47 pm Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nancy Cole seconds.
    Motion passed unanimously with all members voting yes.
    The next meetings will be held on Tuesday February 12th, 2019 @ 1:00 PM.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Tommy Gunn
    Committee Member


Commissioners Meeting             

February 12, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, February 12, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen.  Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy) and water operator Ian Hayes.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                        

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.     

1. Agenda

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Kelly Robitaille reports that a truck at Conway was looked at; this truck has a flatbed instead of a dump body.  This may be an option to reduce the cost of a new truck.  Conway has also outfitted one truck without any additional body, further reducing costs and increasing ability to carry a larger sander.  Kelly Robitaille adds that he is looking to make sure the crew has the equipment needed to properly handle snow fighting. 

A leak was noted under the F-550 this morning.  Kelly Robitaille will look at this prior to the storm. 

The road grader and the F-550 are the intended equipment for tonight’s storm.  Discussion on the road grader and miles per gallon while in operation.   

Tony Eldridge is on call if needed for tonight. 

Additional sand is expected today.  Salt has been received. 

The tax-payer sandpile is discussed.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that the crew turns the pile as often as they can; but the pile does freeze overnight.  Building a cover for the sand pile can be done this summer. 

Placing a fence from the front of the garage across to the birch tree will be looked into to protect the VDOE sand and salt supplies. 

3. Water

Discussion with Ian Hayes on the status of the water system.  Leaks in homes were detected on Upper Lakeview and Lakeview.  This building also froze.  Ian Hayes discusses properly burying the water line to this building to keep the building from freezing.  Ian Hayes estimates this would cost in the vicinity of $1,000.  This could be coordinated with the proposed electrical upgrades to this building.  Discussion with a resident on Jungfrau has occurred regarding pH levels.  The pH level at the Jungfrau tank has been around 7.  The residents were informed that the recommendation is to bring a sample to the lab for more accurate testing.  Discussion ensues regarding having a lab test the pH at the house.  The residents will send any results they receive prior to making any adjustment to the chemical injection system.

Question is raised on replacing the spare pump for the DPW well as the spare is now in service.  Ian Hayes recommends having a spare on hand to reduce any possible down time for this well.  Having the spare on hand reduced the outage to a few hours when it could have been a few days.       

4. Administration

A safety meeting was held last week.

Discussion is held on the option of sending an additional communication prior to the Annual Meeting.  This is an option. 

An Asset Management meeting is scheduled today at 1 pm. 

The presentation for the Annual Meeting is reviewed.  Moderator Bob Ingram will be asked to supply the rules for the meeting; these will be added to slide 2. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve payroll for $7,707.61.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed.  Motion passed 2-0. 

5.  Accounts Payable

6.  Minutes

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of February 5.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.    

7. Commissioners Reports

Ralph Lutjen discusses a conversation with estimator Kevin Hayes and Engineer Paul Fluet.  Mr. Hayes will have a dialogue with Paul Fluet prior to finalizing the requested quote for the Reinach cast in place tank.  Estimate is expected next week. 

Mike Smith outlines that the Madison Police have responded to the signage that was illegally placed on District policy by persons running for Commissioner.   

8. Signature Items  

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 278 in the amount of $5,000 for sand.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 279 in the amount of $4,000 for salt.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 280 in the amount of $1,100 for grader repairs.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the updated Driveway Ordinance.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the updated Water System Ordinance.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

9. Correspondence

Mark Graffam has sent information on RSA 91-A response dates. 

Paychex has sent a bulletin highlighting benefits as a major tool for today’s employment market.

Jay Buckley has sent a request to turn the frozen taxpayer sandpile. 

NH Municipal Association has sent the weekly Legislative Bulletin. 

10. Scheduled Appearances    

11.  Other Business   

At 8:25 am Mike Smith makes a motion to take a break for arrival of Ian Hayes.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

At 8:30 am Mike Smith makes a motion reconvene the meeting.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.     

At 8:44 am Mike Smith makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, II (a) employment matters.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion via roll call vote Mike Smith yea, Ralph Lutjen yea.  Motion passed 2-0. 

At 9:41 am Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and adjourn the meeting.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



Commissioners Meeting             

February 5, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, February 5, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen.  Also present were Kelly Robitaille, residents Gloria Aspinall and Paula Doyle.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                      

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.     

1. Agenda

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

The crew is sanding at this time due to the rain last night. 

A $5,000 purchase order has been authorized for sand. 

Kelly Robitaille reports cost for valve needed on the road grader is $575.  Chadwick Ba-Ross was in last week to review.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve $600 for repair for the road grader.  Mike Smith seconds.  Discussion on labor.  Ralph Lutjen amends motion to up to $1,100.  Mike Smith seconds amendment.  Motion passed as amended 2-0.

The budget for 2019 expenses to date are reviewed.  Ralph Lutjen discusses the repair line item for Highway Equipment, line item has 50% amended at this time. 

The check engine light is on the F-550 as is the ABS light.  Scheduling the repair is weather dependent without the Terra Star. 

Kelly Robitaille reports additional sand will be delivered this week. 

Salt order has been received. 

The Town of Madison is working on a spare truck to allow VDOE to use if needed for sanding. 

Mike Smith discusses knocking down snow piles at intersections.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that the snow will need to be removed with the backhoe.  Intersections at heavy traffic areas will be worked first. 

3. Water

Ian Hayes will be in next week. 

4. Administration

A safety meeting will be held after this meeting. 

The Asset Management Committee will meet Feb 12 at 1 pm. 

The 2019 Warrant is reviewed.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to sign the Warrant as amended.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

The 2019 MS 636 is reviewed.  Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the Mike Smith 636 as amended.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

The 2019 operating budget is reviewed.  Highway repair is a concern as are sand and salt.  Budgets will be reviewed again prior to the Annual Meeting for any needed amendments.  Highway overtime and part time line items will also be looked at.  

5.  Accounts Payable

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 20 checks for a total of $21,207.14.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Checks and invoices are reviewed and discussed.  Motion passed 2-0. 

6.  Minutes

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing January 18.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of January 22.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of January 29.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Non-Public session minutes for January 29 are reviewed.  Mike Smith Ralph Lutjen 2-0.   

7. Commissioners Reports

Ralph Lutjen discusses establishing a work session for the Annual Meeting.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to ask Ron Sandstrom for his availability for a work session to prepare the handout for the Annual Meeting.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

8. Signature Items  

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the 2019 Warrant.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign the 2019 MS 636.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

9. Correspondence

Resident Adam Leiser has sent a comment regarding the cost of the engineering for Grandval and Burgdorf proposed on the warrant.  The G.W. Brooks estimate is lower but does not contain road surveying or production of a bid specification.    

Resident Adam Leiser has questioned the cost of having the engineer attend the Annual Meeting.    

Resident Adam Leiser has sent questions on the design of the proposed Reinach cast in place concrete tank.  Discussion on the evolution over many years of this design.      

Resident Jay Buckley has sent a comment on the frozen status of the tax-payer sand pile, recommending the pile be covered.  Crew works the pile as often as possible.   

NH Municipal Association has sent the weekly Legislative Bulletin. 

NH Municipal Association has sent the bi-weekly News Link. 

10. Scheduled Appearances    

11.  Other Business   

Ralph Lutjen has discussed the storm-water management project with UNH T2.  Focus is on the Geneva Beach area.  NH DES has classified a stream in the area that will need a permit prior to altering.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to inform UNH to focus on Geneva.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  

At 8:33 am Mike Smith makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II, (e) legal matters.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion via roll call vote Mike Smith yea, Ralph Lutjen yea.  Motion passed 2-0. 

At 8:50 am Mike Smith makes a motion to exit Non-Public Session and adjourn the meeting.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion via roll call vote Mike Smith yea, Ralph Lutjen yea.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



Commissioners Meeting             

January 29, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, January 29, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen.  Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy) and resident Paula Doyle.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                      

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.     

1. Agenda

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Mike Smith seconds.  Ralph Lutjen add non-pub for legal matters.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Kelly Robitaille highlights recent ice storms and need for sand.  Mike Smith makes a motion to approve up to $5,000 for sand.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Salt supplies are good for now.  Placing order is discussed.  Mike Smith makes a motion to allow up to $4,000 for salt.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

The road grader has a steering issue; articulation is not working.  Chadwick Ba-Ross has been contacted for diagnosis.  Chadwick Ba-Ross representative is expected to be here tomorrow.  Grader is still being used, it is just difficult to maneuver. 

Snow is being pushed back along all roads. 

Plan for tonight’s predicted storm will be to use the 550 and the road grader for plowing.  Discussion is being held with Madison to have a sander available for the District to use if needed. 

Once storm is over, the F-550 will need to be sent to the shop as the check engine light has come on. 

Kelly Robitaille thanks the Board for quick action on the fire and stated concern for employee Jeff DeMartino.  The insurance company will be picking up the Terra Star to be brought for salvage.  Mike Smith makes a motion to have Nancy Cole obtain an estimate of the truck’s value with the 12,000 miles.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Ralph Lutjen discusses replacement value of the truck being covered under insurance.  International no longer produces the Terra Star line.  Replacement of the truck is discussed.  Motion passed 2-0.  Mike Smith makes a motion to obtain a replacement cost from International.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Kelly Robitaille discusses quotes being obtained for a replacement truck.  Ability to support a wing and larger sander were the benefits.  Jackson and Bartlett have both moved to the Dodge 5500 line with good results.  Kelly Robitaille has received a verbal statement that outfitting can be done in two weeks once all supplies are received.  Fire Inspector was here yesterday to view the damage.  No determination was made.    

Quality Fire will be contacted for replacing the fire extinguishers used. 

3. Water

Ian will be in Feb 12th

Ralph Lutjen discusses conversation with Paul Fluet regarding the engineering estimate for the Reinach Tank replacement.  Paul recommended verification of the number by an independent contract estimator.  Obtaining this estimate will cost $3,200.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the hiring of Kevin Hayes for creation of an estimate at $3,200 with funding from Water System CRF.  Mike Smith seconds.  Mike Smith discusses covering all alternatives and completing due diligence for the best result of the project.  Motion passed 2-0.  Paul Fluet will be notified.  

4. Administration

A safety meeting will be held today after this meeting. 

Motion log is reviewed and discussed. 

Cash flow report will be done in February as there will be

Mike Smith makes a motion to shut down the non-pay customers for water billing.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Ralph Lutjen has completed the monthly communication email blast.  He will submit to the office today.  Once reviewed, newsletter will be sent. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to submit the 2018 Annual report to Madison.  Ralph Lutjen seconds   Motion passed 2-0. 

Project sheets for all proposed warrant articles are reviewed.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to post the updated sheets.   Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Next Asset Management meeting will be Feb 14. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve payroll in the amount of $7,673.43.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Report and time cards are reviewed and discussed.  Motion passed 2-0.  

The Warrant is discussed and reviewed.  Mike Smith makes a motion that the Board recommends articles 1 – 19.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Discussion on obtaining votes for articles from Ron Sandstrom.  Mike Smith withdraws the motion.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve articles 1-19 with a request to Ron Sandstrom on participating in vote.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Mike Smith makes a motion that the Board does not recommend articles 20- 27.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the DRA MS 636.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Proposal for third party electric are reviewed.  Mike Smith makes a motion to approve seven months at a rate of $0.08175.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

5.  Accounts Payable

6.  Minutes

7. Commissioners Reports

Ralph Lutjen discusses the water rate projection.  The bank rate for the 20-year proposed loan for Reinach tank replacement and creation of pressure zone is a very favorable 3.13%.  Projected rate for 2019 is $616.37.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to post on the website.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to contact Bob Boyd, Madison Code Enforcement, to have the District copied in on all information from 23 Huttwil DES Administrative order.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Mike Smith discusses office closing for inclement weather as needed.   

8. Signature Items  

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the time off request for Nancy Cole.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  

9. Correspondence

Coleman Tower rent check for November and December 2018 has been received. 

Third party electricity supplier report has been received; a loss of $231.

Notice from the owner of the X-finity truck that was in the Huttwil parking lot was received; truck had broken down.  Truck has been removed. 

NH Municipal Association has sent the weekly Legislative Bulletin. 

Habitat for Humanity has sent a request for a $4,000 refund of the water hook up fee for 5 Burgdorf siting additional expenses incurred as a result of down time and installation of the curb stop valve.  Mike Smith discusses input from Ian Hayes to determine if any refund is due to the customer.  Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to have the office contact Ian Hayes for response.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  Discussion on the size of the water line installed is discussed.  Increasing the size of the line would not benefit the property owner.     

10. Scheduled Appearances    

11.  Other Business   

At 8:50 am Mike Smith makes a motion to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II, (e) legal matters.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion via roll call vote Mike Smith yea, Ralph Lutjen yea.  Motion passed 2-0. 

At 9:40 am Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to exit Non-Public session and adjourn the meeting.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



Commissioners Meeting             

January 22, 2019

The Board of Commissioners met at 8:00 am on Tuesday, January 22, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith and Ralph Lutjen.  Also present were Kelly Robitaille (hwy) and resident Kathy Koziell.  The meeting was filmed for Madison TV by Tim Hughes.                      

At 8:00 am the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.     

1. Agenda

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to approve the agenda.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   

The action list is reviewed and discussed. 

2. Highway Department Report 

Crew will be pushing back snow today. 

The plow on the F-550 is not working.  Electronic issue.  Repair estimated at $350 plus labor.  The road grader has an articulation issue, the back end will not turn to the left.  Diesel Works will be contacted. 

Blower has failed in the backhoe, heat is not working.  Diesel Works will be asked to look at this also.  Cost estimate for repair will be sent when received. 

Punch outs will be done for the predicted rain. 

Ralph Lutjen discusses the public hearing last Friday.  Concern was raised over the purchase of the new truck.  Kelly Robitaille highlights that if the truck is kept and goes down, snow plow operations would be significantly impacted.  Repair history on the F-550 will be put together.  Down time for the truck will also be compiled.  Kelly Robitaille will obtain a written assessment of the truck to illustrate the risk associated with keeping the F-550.  Reliability of snow plow operations should not be put at risk.  Mike Smith highlights the need to maintain public safety. 

Mike Smith highlights that the engineering article for Grandval and Burgdorf was also contested.  Kelly Robitaille outlines that the highway budget cannot support the work needed on this road. 

Kelly Robitaille outlines work to be done within the budget does not support reconstruction of any road. 

Kelly Robitaille highlights the one complaint received was related to a driveway. 

Discussion on calls received with a request for a call back.  Kelly Robitaille questions if he is required to return calls.  Ralph Lutjen recommends that any calls be made after the storm is over. 

3. Water

No report.

4. Administration

Monthly safety meeting will be scheduled. 

Cash flow report is reviewed and discussed.  Receipt of the tax check in December is outlined, this has a significant impact on cash flow.  Treasurer Dinah Reiss will continue working on the Treasurer’s report for the Commissioners. 

Ralph Lutjen will handle the Annual Report for the Town of Madison. 

Water usage reports for December are reviewed and discussed.  Ralph Lutjen outlines that the VDOE water system was able to supply water during the down time of the DPW well due to the capital improvements at Muddy Beach station. 

Pump House electric report is reviewed and discussed.  The proposed improvements to the DPW electrical will provide additional savings on the electric usage at this site.

The 2019 Warrant is reviewed for any changes that may be wanted by the Board prior to signing the documents.  No changes outlined.  Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the warrant for signing as is.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.  

Project sheets will be updated to reflect significant impacts to the water system that are proposed.  Risk evaluation has been done and these projects are high priority for the water system.  Continuing to defer capital improvements is not in the best interest of the water system.  

5.  Accounts Payable

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve 18 checks for a total of $23,361.35.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Checks and invoices reviewed and discussed.  Motion passed 2-0.

6.  Minutes

Mike Smith makes a motion to approve the minutes of 1-15.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.   Ron Sandstrom has sent his approval of the minutes.   

7. Commissioners Reports

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to request the Attorney begin enacting the sideline easements for 4 and 6 Little Loop.  Mike Smith seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Mike Smith highlights the Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, Feb 23, 2019. 

8. Signature Items  

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 274 in the amount of $3,000 for salt.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 275 in the amount of $5,000 for sand.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 276 in the amount of $925 for chains for the 7400.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to sign PO 277 in the amount of $825 for chains for the grader.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

9. Correspondence

Granite State Analytical has sent the January bacteria testing results for the water system, results are clean.

Granite State Analytical has sent the January pH readings, readings are in target range.

A statement of low pH at a home on Jungfrau has been received. 

NH Department of Environmental Services has issued an administrative order regarding the septic failure at 23 Huttwil. 

A water leak was located in the house at 48 Oak Ridge Road.  Curb stop valve was shut down, property owner has been notified. 

Resident Adam Leiser has sent a 91-A request regarding employee bonuses.  91-A does not require answering questions.  Though not specifically requested, the document with the information was released. 

NH Municipal Association has sent the Legislative Bulletin.

NH Municipal Association has sent the bi-weekly News Link.  The office has enrolled in the webinar on 91-A scheduled March 13. 

The Trustees of the Trust Funds have notified the office that the next meeting will be February 14, 2019. 

10. Scheduled Appearances    

11.  Other Business   

The auditors will be in next week. 

Mike Smith makes a motion to formally close the office during the audit process.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0

At 8:46 am Mike Smith makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 2-0. 

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole



Public Hearing on the Budget

January 18, 2019

The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on the 2019 budget at 7:00 pm on Friday, January 18, 2019.  In attendance were Commissioners Mike Smith, Ralph Lutjen and Ron Sandstrom. 

At 7:00 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Smith.   

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to open the public hearing.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 2-0.

Mike Smith outlines the rules for the meeting.  All comments and questions are to be related to the article discussed.

Commissioners overview of the 2019 Warrant is highlighted by Ralph Lutjen. 

At 7:07 pm Ron Sandstrom makes a motion to open the bond hearing on the proposed bond for a new truck.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 3-0. 

Review of need for new truck.  F-550 at end of useful life. 

Question on outfitting of new truck.  Included in quote.

Question on repairing the truck instead of replacing. 

Question on warranty for new truck – 3 years. 

Discussion on increase in ability with purchase of heavier duty truck. 

Concern stated for cost of truck. 

Discussion on running equipment into the ground prior to replacing is held.  Need for reliable equipment during a snow storm is outlined.

Wear and tear on the truck is outlined. 

Number of days out of service are questioned – will be looked into. 

At 7:31 pm Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to close the hearing on truck bond for Article 2.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.

At 7:31 pm Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to open the bond hearing on the proposed bond for replacing the Reinach tanks.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.

Review of need for replacing two 30,000-gallon tanks at Reinach; both tanks failed inspection in 2018 and are not candidates for lining.    

Highlight and review of replacement plan with one 90,000-gallon concrete tank.  Storage needs outlined.  Inclusion of Reinach Pressure Zone with this project is outlined. 

Discussion on cost is held. 

Highlight of lack of approval of funding as an impact on bid process. 

Question on Board having faith in Fluet Engineering.  Outline that financing was major hold up for contractors. 

Outline that Paul Fluet will be at Annual Meeting. 

Discussion on engineering for the District and possible use of other engineers going forward. 

Question on access to Reinach Place during construction.  Will be open.  Steel tanks will be removed after construction of the new tank.   

Discussion on re-opening bid process prior to proposing project is held. 

At 7:56 pm Mike Smith makes a motion to close the hearing on water bond for Article 3.  Ralph Lutjen seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.

Article 4 – DPW electrical upgrades

Review of need for upgrading electrical system at DPW and correct code violations. 

Discussion on code violations.

Discussion on need for upgrades. 

Highlight of importance of DPW well reliability for proper functioning of the water system. 

Review of electrical upgrades including lightening protection, meters, VFD addition and code corrections including proper grounding and surge protection.   

Question on funding.  Discussion on use of approved bond funds from last year.

Article 5 – Summit pump house electrical upgrades

Review of need for upgrading electrical system at Summit Pump House. 

Discussion on code violations. 

Discussion on need for upgrades. 

Highlight of impact to the water system users should this pump house go down for electrical issues. 

Question on funding.  Discussion on use of approved bond funds from last year. 

Article 6 – Chocorua Pump House upgrades

Review of need for project to be completed. 

Discussion on code violations. 

Discussion on need for upgrades. 

Highlight of impact to the water system users should this pump house be out of service.

Question on funding.  Discussion on use of approved bond funds from last year. 

Article 7 – Highway/Operation budget reviewed and discussed.  Operational budget for the water system is also reviewed. 

Line items reviewed and discussed. 

Ralph Lutjen outlines self-insurance of deductible/full exposure is budgeted. 

Discussion on impact of bonds on the budget. 

Question on self-insuring the deductible and savings it has created.

Questions reviewed. 

Discussion on capital reserve fund expenditures. 

Article 8 – York Rake Replacement

Review of article. 

Current rake is not operational.  Rake is used regularly during spring and summer by the DPW to smooth roads.  Rake is also used after road grading to remove rocks brought to surface during grading. 

Article 9 – Asphalt road repairs

Review of need to keep roads in travelable condition until rebuilt.

Specific work to be done through this article includes Aspen, Klausen, Chocorua View and Eidelweiss Drive from entrance to DPW II. 

Discussion on putting these articles into the budget is held

Article 10 – Gravel road repairs

Review of need to keep roads in travelable condition. 

Specific work to be done through this article includes Klausen, Upper Lakeview and Aspen.

Article 11 – Thusis culvert replacement

Review of work to be completed, project to maintain 100% on VDOE property.

Discussion on amendment to proposed project at 2018 Annual Meeting.  Project was not able to be completed as amended.  Engineering required to review the amendment and then to amend the project.   

Comment on project cost versus engineering costs is made.

Reduced construction cost with DPW doing the work is outlined.  

Article 12 – Grandval and Burgdorf engineering

Review of article and engineering needed to update the roads to Class V standards. 

Discussion on Class V standard for VDOE.  Document is available on the website. 

Recommendation for removal of this article is made.

Article 13 – Water Budget

Line items reviewed and discussed. 

Article 14 – Muddy Beach Tank Replacement

Article reviewed. 

Replacement of 5,000-gallon tank for water storage.

Comment that concrete 5,000-gallon tank available for $10,000 less than this quote is made.

Article 15 – Upper Lakeview/Rigi 

Article reviewed. 

Question on if this project was included in proposed updates under Article 2 – this will be checked. 

Article 16 – Water tank CRF deposit

Statement on funding CRF. 

Comment on use of fund for Article 14

Article 17 – Water System Pipe CRF deposit

Statement on funding CRF

Article 18 – Water System CRF withdrawal

Replacing the $42,000 withdrawn during the 2017 audit process. 

Commissioners intent to re-deposit the funds in 2018 was denied by the NH Department of Revenue (DRA) as voter approval is required for deposits to a CRF. 

Received petition articles are reviewed. 

Petition to appropriate $6 for executive salaries.  This is a budget line item and should be addressed during the operational budget discussion.

Petition to have employees pay 10% of health insurance premiums in 2019 and 20% in all subsequent years.  Petition is advisory as employee matters are under control of the Commissioners; not the Legislative Body. 

Petition to transfer unspent $141,695.14 from 2018 Article #2 to the water system CRF. Petition will require a 2/3 majority to pass.  

Petition to limit number of Commissioners as voting members of any committee to not greater than 1/3 of committee.  Petition is advisory as committee size and members are determined by the Commissioners, not the Legislative Body.

Petition to name voters as agents to expend on all CRF except Water Line Extension Fund.

Petition to place $42,000 in the Water System CRF from Unassigned Fund Balance.  Petition is a duplicate of Article 18. 

Petition to have draft minutes posted within 5 days of a meeting and approved minutes posted within 24 hours.  Petition is advisory as no requirement exists to post minutes.

Petition to place $250,000 in the Water System CRF with funds to be raised by taxation.  Outline that this petition will add more than $2.50 per thousand valuation to the tax rate is made; the 2018 tax rate would have been over $8.60 per thousand with this petition.      

Ralph Lutjen makes a motion to close the public hearing and adjourn the meeting.  Ron Sandstrom seconds.  Motion passed 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Cole


Engineering for upgrading Grandval and Burgdorf to Class V standards                                 01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

Engineering to design needed upgrades to Grandval Way and Burgdorf Drive from Grandval to Konstanz to bring the newly adopted roads to Class V standards.  Area currently does not have proper drainage, is only 10-feet wide in places vs the VDOE 18-foot standard and has boulders in the travel surface. 

The DPW crew is not able to design a full road upgrade; engineering is required for protection of the District. 

Cost Detail


Figure from estimate of cost by Dubois & King Engineering. 

Thusis culvert replacement                                                             01/25/19

Project Description and Cost Detail        

Scope Described

Project incorporates new engineered design.  Project revised so project is 100% on VDOE property.  Project consists of the total replacement of malfunctioning culvert under Eidelweiss Drive and directs the water flow onto VDOE property at Thusis Beach.  Construction cost of project is reduced as the result of all work being done by the VDOE DPW.  

Cost Detail

24-inch Culvert                                 $614.00

Culvert header                                  $800.00

2 18-inch culverts for outlet        $500.00

Gravel and erosion stone              $500.00

Excavator rental                                $540.00 per day

                Total costs                                                          $2,854.00

                Contingency                                                       $571.00

                Total                                                                      $3,425.00

Remaining balance 2018 article*             -$2,010.00

Total to be raised                                             $1,415.00           

*Of the $7,000 approved at 2018 Annual Meeting, $4,990 was spent in 2018 on updating the engineering.

All figures based on current prices and equipment rental price from the supplier