2021 Documents

all 2021 posted documents

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday Dec 16th, 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Mike Smith (MS), Donna MacKinnon (DM)- Administrator, Diana Reiss (DR)-Treasurer, Gloria Aspinall (GA), Mark Graffam (MG) attends after 10:45,  Meeting videotaped by Madison TV

Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order at 9:01am

JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes from 11/10/2021, KK 2nds, Passes 2-0-1

JB makes a motion to approve the non-public from 11/10/2021, KK 2nds passes 2-0-1

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes from 11/18/2021, MS 2nds, MS makes a motion to amend the minutes toDelete crept on to flooded across. After Mike Smith states we own the DamDeleteand we can do what we want” add “notify Fish and Game that we need to remove a board due to recent rain”. Add in comment from Shauna’s email “and high water on Big Pea”. Delete the “remove” from motion to contact owners. Add “JB threatens to remove D Wondolowsky from the meeting” passes 2-0-1

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes from 12/2/2021, MS  2nds, MS makes a motion to amend discussion on Appenvalregarding cornerlots   change the word “can to could” Passes 2-0-1. Bottom of 2nd page add “MS suggests getting a price to complete GPS of CSV’s”. Bottom of page 3 last sentence, Strike out “this idea did not get much support”.  4th page Gravel JB and MS confirm that ultimately the cost will be taken from retainage. Passes 2-0-1

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes from 12/6/2021, KK 2nds, Passes 3-0


KR Discussion on Driveway application for 70 Appenval, property owner wants to use Thusis for access. KR states this would actually be better for the District roads. This could be an issue with house numbering for 911. JB makes a motion to approve the Driveway application if abutting lot is owned by VDOE. (this way they could change legal address to Thusis). KK 2nds. Discussion on how much work is required on the Class VI Rd by property owner. Permit conditional on installation of road culvert and a Class VI road waiver. Passes 3-0

Discussion on paving of Eidelweiss Dr, may be better to repave sooner rather than waiting for compete road reclaim. Discussion on roadside clearing,

KR has quotes coming from GW Brooks as they purchased a new roadside mower that Tony could run.

JB makes a motion to encumber the funds from 2021  Warrant Article #5 in amount of $7000 for roadside brush and tree cutting, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to encumber the funds from 2021 Warrant Article #6 in amount of $6000 for revisions to Lodge property lines MS 2nds, passes 3-0

KR will contact Beaver Trapper in the spring as animals are hibernating

JB makes a motion to approve the manifest in the amount of $7366.06 MS 2nds, passes 3-0

MS makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest in the amount of $5684.83, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Audit draft received yesterday (12/15/2021) at 6:30 pm

Habitat for Humanity has a request for a driveway permit using a letter of credit for guarantee. This is acceptable according to the ordinance.

DM will move forward with the Driveway Permit application process.

DES comments on the OMR for the DAM

 KR confirms with Madison that abutting lots on Thusis are VDOE owned – new address will be 13 Thusis.

JB makes a motion to pull a board in Dam, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to have KR cut the10” board into 2-5” boards, MS 2nd, passes 3-0

Official Reinach Grant extension thru Dec 2022 received from DES

MS makes a motion reimburse Doug Prescott for $43.68 for Water Committee expenses, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Granite State Analytical report – all tests passed

91A request for all emails between office and commissioners, DM to ask for a date range.

Discussion on meeting schedule, next meeting Jan 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, and the 28th   Budget hearing

JB makes a motion to approve a Meeting Policy.

“To have any currently elected commissioner(s) not physically present at a public meeting held by the board of commissioners to be contacted immediately after the meeting is called to order which allows them to participate remotely per RSA 91A:III.” MS 2nds, KK states that absent commissioner should notify office 24hous prior to the meeting that they are available to participate”.  Final language

                                                               Meeting Policy

To have any currently elected commissioner(s) not physically present at a public meeting held by the board of commissioners to be contacted immediately after the meeting is called to order, if that commissioner has given 24 hour notice of availability, which allows them to participate remotely per RSA 91A:III.  

Passes 3-0

MS asks that the Jan 6th meeting with Horizon Engineering be cancelled, JB will contact.

MS makes a motion to enter non-public at 10:23 91A:3 II (c) JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Reconvene Public meeting at 10:32 Minutes of non-public are sealed

MS leaves the meeting

Discussion on Jones&Beach invoice of $1295, was for meeting with Ian and tour of the pump house

JB makes a motion to approve the J&B invoice, KK 2nds This is for Contract #6 passes 2-0

Discussion on transfer switch for pump house –

Wright & Pierce invoice for Dam breach analysis for $2000

Nick Skeggell needs usage at Chocorua and Summit to assist with Upper Lakeview PRV

Mark Graffam questions valve that was originally designed to be at Lugano. JB states that once the area was evaluated it was determined by Ian Hayes that a change in location would achieve a better result.

Mark Graffam questions the budget reports, KK explains that the office is taking the full P&L and creating 2 separate budget reports (operations and water) and we are now creating a 3rd report to capture the Warrant Article expenses to take them off the operating budget.

DR clarifies that the Treasurer is not responsible for the budgets.

Discussion on water hook-up fees and the new process for separating the water funds from the operating funds.

DR asks if Simply Water invoice for work on Asset management project can be filled to the project. JB states that yes it can

JB discusses voting booths for annual meeting

Discussion of District entering into a 3-year contract with 3rd party energy co-op. DM will reach out to DRA

JB makes a motion to have Tricky Tree clear brush from around the lodge not to exceed $2500, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on 2022 Warrant Articles, Tank Pumping, Insurance, Hwy Equipment, Equipment Repair

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:48, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

DECEMBER 2ND, 2021-Draft

In attendance were commissioners, Mike Smith, (MS) and Jay Buckley (JB). Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille, (KR) Doug Prescott, (DP) John Conolly, Carol from Madison TV was the videographer. Ian Hayes, (Water Operator) Cathy Conway and Josh Davis from Horizons Engineering appeared at 9:30 am for a monthly status update.

The meeting was call to order by Chairman Jay Buckley at 9:01am.

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to approve the agenda, 2ND MS; MOTION PASSED

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to call commissioner Kathy Koziell who is traveling out of state to participate in the meeting by phone. NO 2nd by MS.     MOTION FAILED

When asked by chairperson JB as to why he would not allow Kathy Koziell to participate in our weekly meeting MS refused to provide an answer.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 11/18/21, MS 2nd’s.

MS claims that a lot of changes are needed. JB states he went through the entire video to accurately capture and correct the minutes. JB asks MS to review the video, find the discrepancies, and record the times. MS refused to do that or to provide any detail. MOTION FAILED


KR reports that he has 3 driveway applications for review.
MOTION: MS makes a motion to approve the driveway application for #12 Klausen Drive, JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: MS makes a motion to approve the driveway application for #9 Blinden Drive, JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

KR discusses a driveway application for #70 Appenval Way. Owner wants driveway entrance to come from Thusis Drive class VI. KR points out that there is a steep access to lot from Appenval. KR states that a road culvert will be required beneath Thusis if access is from Thusis. MS states that people who own corner lots can choose what street they are registered on. E-911 requires that driveway access be from the legal street residence of record. JB/KR discuss having a dual driveway or circular to comply with E-911 and suffice the property owners desire for access of Thusis Drive. DM is told to contact the property owner to have the issue resolved with E-911 through town hall. This property owner also has a water hook-up application in with $8k check. DM states she wants have applicant hold off on application and check until spring as no installation will be done till then. JB states that the $8K is used to evaluate a water main and pressure and that should be done now in case it is denied a hook-up. Also; the cost of the hook-up application currently is $8K and could go higher as was discussed at the August 14th public hearing on the water system ordinance. The voters will decide on ordinance changes. MOTION: JB makes a motion to process the water application for #70 Appenval Way. MS does not 2nd. MS states that the driveway application always comes first. JB asks MS to provide that evidence in writing. MS says “NO.” MOTION FAILED

John Conolly is present to discuss his driveway access to his lot located at #5 Bristenstock. This is a corner lot and has presence on Reinach Place. Mr. Conolly would prefer having access from Reinach Place as it is less steep. KR agrees that this would also be better for the District. JB and KR reviewed the site. JB spoke with Madison town hall over the issue of E-911 and how to possibly renumber this address for E-911. In this instance with this lot, it is possible to give this property a new address of either 1 or 3 Reinach Place as those addresses do not exist due to a previous lot merger next to this property.
MOTION: MS makes a motion to accept the driveway application for the property owned by Mr. John Conolly and that is be changed to Reinach Place. JB2nds. MOTION PASSED.
MOTION: MS makes a motion to sign out of session once Mr. Conolly receives a number from the town of Madison on Reinach Place. JB 2nds, PASSED.

Ian Hayes (water Operator) joins the meeting at 9:38am. MS speaks to Ian on the repair status of curb stop valves and asks why no work has been done on that issue. Ian explains that he has spent time with Horizons Engineering on the Asset Management Project and that when scheduling time to work with KR, that both parties have often had other priorities. JB discusses understanding first the scope of the work by identifying those valves that are damaged, prioritizing the list and then obtaining a cost before just jumping into an unknown.

Ian provides some cost estimates with using the DPW to excavate these valves. MOTION: JB makes a motion to spend up to $5,000 for Ian and Kelly to repair known damaged CSV’s weather permitting. MS 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

Cathy Furtek-Conway and Josh Davis from Horizons Engineering are in to discuss the status of the Asset Management Project.

JB discusses activity to date. Cathy discusses the priority of spending time/money on GPS surveying of every asset that we have. Cathy describes that the priority is the Hydro-model for the District.

Discussion ensues and MS tries to find other monies to get the CSV’s that have been re-identified by volunteers done this season. It is noted that there is already snow on the ground and that the valves are being covered. As more snow falls it will be harder to find costing even more money/time. Only 70 additional valves remain to be GPS’d but there still remains approximately 350 CSV’s that would still need to be surveyed. Ian, Cathy and JB try to explain to MS that obtaining an additional 70 out of 350 surveyed CSV’s makes no sense at this point in the project. Much time is spent explaining the project so that MS is up to speed.

The priority will be to have Horizons Engineering focus on getting the Hydro Map completed with the critical infrastructure items on the map. JB explains that we have sufficient data on the CSV data sheets and they will be linked to the map until accurate GPS surveying can be done.

It is agreed that we will refocus away from GPS-ing the CSV’s and focus on the infrastructure and Hydro-model. Critical Gate Valves, Pump Houses, etc.

Cathy explains that the plan should be to create a new priority (Master Plan) for what needs to be done next so that taxpayers can anticipate a well-balanced plan of improvements with a stable water fee to fund these improvements in order to achieve the desired level of service.
MS continued to ask that the 70 out of ~350 CSV’s get GPS’d. The idea did not get much support from those in the room.
JB recommends a meeting with the public in the Jan-Feb time frame for AM updates and education.

JB asks Cathy if the VDOE Can delay payments until 2022 calendar year. Cathy states “Yes.” DM states this will be cleaner for our bookkeeping.
There is one invoice that has been received from Horizons as they bill monthly. DM advises that the $20k was never pulled/requested form the CRF for the water system back in the spring when the commissioners approved to do so and hopes that the trustees can release the monies this month. Ian reports that there are some 2021 expenses due soon for Pumps and equipment. DM asks Ian to submit all remaining water connection costs before years end.

Question as to turning off water to 24 Huttwil Drive. The septic system is confirmed as being replaced. Ian still feels there is a risk. Water bill is 2 years overdue. Certified mail keeps coming back as undeliverable. JB states that he will take a bill to the homeowner so that they can pay the bill before having their water turned off.

DM shows a list of homes in Eidelweiss that are not on the water billing list and are not part of the list of 18 well owners in the District. These homes may never had been charged for water.
Ian/JB to investigate list of homes.

Ian is OK with work done on Reinach Tank/Pump house project. Says that wiring should be “cleaned up” in Pump Station and should be addressed by the engineer.
JB reports transfer switch for generator and grass seed are not yet done.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to approve $26,297.71 for the operating budget. MS 2nds, MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to approve $4877.80 for the payroll budget. MS 2nds, MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to approve $4994.95 from the Water Project Budget for the purchase of road gravel to restore roads to their original condition. MS 2nds, MOTION PASSED.
Much discussion on where money should come from. MS feels it should come from retainage.
DM to get total bill for gravel and labor from DPW.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to transfer $8000 from Operating budget to Water Line Ext CRF. MS 2nds, MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to reimburse Doug Prescott for $45 for his paid application to the NH DES Asset Management workshop in December. MS 2nds. MOTION PASSED.


DM brings up correspondence from Habitat for Humanity asking the VODE to accept a $4000 line of credit/passbook instead of a BOND for their driveway application.
MS states they should secure a bond like everyone else. JB states they have the cash that will be held by the bank in the VDOE name. It is the same thing and has been done with the VDOE before.
MS refuses to accept request and cannot remember when they did it before. JB asks DM to pull records for 5 Burgdorf (Habitat property) to see how it was handled before. If done before, JB has no problem with doing it this way.

DM has application to transfer $20,000 from Water System CRF for

MOTION: JB makes a motion to transfer $20,000 from the Water System CRF in accordance with the Feb 25, 2021 minutes. MS 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: JB makes a motion to amend a previous motion made on November 18th to create a new fund named; “WATER FUND” to rename it “WATER ASSESSMENT FUND”. MS 2nds. MOTION PASSED.


JB apologizes to Dorothy Wondolowski for the tone he used in addressing her in the previous week’s meeting. JB wants this apology to be recorded in these minutes.

JB states that the driveway grate has been installed at #47 Eidelweiss Drive and he should inspect it for “Driveway for Operation” permit. Kelly to inspect and issue Permit for operation.

MOTION: MS makes a motion to ask Paula Doyle to vet the candidates for the Administrator position. JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: MS makes a motion to send Doug Prescott a thank you letter for clearing debris from the dam but not to do it again. JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED.
MS questions the operating budget draw down amount and how that gets calculated. DM explains. DM states that there is approximately $101,774.89 under spent.

JB states that claims were made by people in the audience and MS that the operating budget was overspent. JB explains that the Kathy Koziell had the answers, but MS does not want her to participate in the meetings electronically.
MS claims that KK and JB are “acting as a team throughout this whole thing.” MS defends his choice in not calling Kathy Koziell to participate in the meetings.

MS states that he is ending the meeting and gathers his articles and begins to walk out.
DM asks how to respond to a homeowner on Reinach Place as to possible land sales in the future. DM is told the VDOE is not in the real estate business.
MS starts to walk out and JB asks for a motion to adjourn. MS refuses to make the motion and leaves the building.
JB thanks folks for watching and attending and ends the meeting as there is no longer a quorum.

Respectfully submitted,

Jay Buckley


Commissioners Meeting

NOVEMBER 18TH, 2021-Draft

In attendance were commissioners, Mike Smith, and Jay Buckley. Also in attendance were Kelly Robitaille, Gloria Aspinall (who left the meeting early after dropping off a letter to be read), Dorothy Wondolowski, Dinah Reiss, and Ralph Lutjen. Carol from Madison TV was the videographer.

The meeting was call to order by Chairman Jay Buckley at 9:00am.

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to approve the agenda, 2ND MS; MOTION PASSED

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to call commissioner Kathy Koziell who is traveling out of state to participate in the meeting by phone. NO 2nd by MS. MOTION FAILED

Chairman JB asks DM to text KK and inform her that she is not being allowed to participate due to a lack of a 2nd to the MOTION and not to wait by the phone for the commissioners to call.

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to approve the minutes of the 11/10/2021 commissioners meeting. MS 2nd but abstains from voting as he was absent from that entire meeting. MOTION FAILED

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to approve the minutes of the Non-Public commissioners meeting of 11/10/2021. MS 2nd but abstains from voting as he was absent from the entire meeting. MOTION FAILED MS states that the minutes can be held off until KK returns to a meeting in person.


Kelly states that the DPW crew is out cleaning ditches with the leaf blower. The trucks are being outfitted for winter with plows and sanders. 8 Eidelweiss Driveway entrance at Bern Drive is being finalized by DPW.

While KR is present JB reads a letter from Gloria Aspinall regarding the DAM operations.

Discussion ensues as to debris that has been photographed around DAM/Spillway. Large cut logs, branches and leaves are visible. DPW reports they tried to move one large log with backhoe but were unsuccessful.

MS states that the new policy pushed through one month earlier by JB and KK has failed. MS states that the water is the highest he has seen it other than one time when it crept up on Eidelweiss Drive. MS wants to have fall draw down and pull a board today.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to remove a board. NO 2nd ; MOTION FAILED.

JB reminds the audience of the Fish & Game regulation regarding draw down of water bodies must be done prior to October 15th.
MS states we own the DAM, and we can do whatever we want. MS states he wants to lower the water in the spring to accommodate the Loons. JB informs everyone that a fall draw down was discussed but the water level was just above the red line (4-inches below to top of the concrete) indicating the lowest level for proper operation of the dry hydrants.

KR is asked to comment on the process of removing the boards at the DAM. DW wants to emphasize that there is a safety issue when removing boards from the DAM. JB interjects stating that KR has the floor and can address that aspect. KR states that it is unlikely that anyone would be swept away during the process, but it can be difficult, and an operator is likely to get wet.

Another email is read from Shauna Kondrat regarding the buildup of a Beaver Dam at the foot of Big Pea Porridge Pond.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to have KR seek a beaver trapper to remove the beavers from the pond as the previously used trapper is no longer available. JB 2nd. MOTION PASSED.

MS discusses the two vehicles left in the Huttwil Parking lot.
MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to remove contact the owners of the vehicles to have them moved out of the lot for winter plowing. JB 2nds. MOTION PASSED. It is mentioned that one of the vehicles is owned by a former commissioner.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to have the vehicles towed at owners’ expense after 24 hours of notifying the owners if they are not moved. MOTION 2nd by JB. MOTION PASSED.

MS states that he wants to change the parking policy.


DM explains that she had a meeting with Treasurer Dinah Reiss, consultant Catherine Deyoe, and Scott Egan to go over the new process of separating the water budget from the operating budget. The 85%-15% split of expenses (ops-water) will be tabulated and expensed at the end of each month.

DM reports that corrections were made to MS434 and uploaded to the DRA portal.

DR brings up the need to change the name of the “water usage fund,” to “WATER FUND.”

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to rename the water usage fund to “Water Fund” for clarification of our bookkeeping and auditing. MS 2nd. MOTION PASSED

DR makes a statement that the District has overspent its operating budget but has underspent the Water Budget.
Discussion ensues with no clear answer as KK would have been able to provide full clarity but was prohibited from participating in the meeting as MS would not second the MOTION made by JB to include her.

MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to hire Tricky Tree for $2500 to clear the trees that surround the LODGE at the top Oak Hill. MS 2nd. MOTION FAILED due to perceived lack of funds.

JB discusses the status of the Reinach project. The Punch list items are still open. Deliverables from Jones and Beach Engineering are not yet received.

MOTION: MS asks JB to sit with J&B Eng. To hash out what is still missing from contract and then to engage with Dawson Excavation to finish punch list items. NO SECOND. MOTION FAILED
JB has repeatedly asked for missing work items and is now calling on the BOC to decide how to fulfill contract requirements. MS claims he has not been a part of this project and knows little about it.

JB calls on Ralph Lutjen for input.
RL states to review the contract and if breached then engage legal counsel to help resolve.
JB discussed an email from Dubois & King on the status of the Upper Lakeview/Rigi Pressure Zone design solution. It is delayed due to staffing issues.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to have the office contact D&K an email asking for status and a date for completion of the new design. JB 2nd. MOTION PASSED.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to release Non-Public minutes involving employment negotiations with the most recent candidate. JB 2nd. MOTION PASSED.


Dorothy Wondolowski reads a letter with her concerns regarding the proliferation of fire pits in Madison.

Ralph Lutjen asks for clarification on the perceived over expenditure of the operating budget with the Bond expenditures related to the Reinach project.
JB explains that KK has all the details but she was not allowed to participate.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to have the office reach out to KK for clarification on Reinach Bond issues. JB2nd. MOTION PASSED.

MS discusses not hiring the full time Administrator until the Employee Handbook mistakes are corrected. JB objects stating that Donna has her hands full and needs help now.

MOTION: MS makes a MOTION to go into non-public under 91A: II, B to discuss employee hiring. JB 2nd. MOTION PASSED.
MOTION: JB makes a MOTION to adjourn at 11:10am MS 2nd. MOTION PASSED.


Jay Buckley, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Wednesday November 10th, 2021-Draft

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Wednesday November 11th, 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Donna MacKinnon (DM)- Administrator, Diana Reiss (DR)-Treasurer, Meeting videotaped by Madison TV

Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order at 9:01am

KK asks if MS is attending, DM states that MS was in the office yesterday and will try and make it

JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes from 11/4/2021, KK 2nds, JB wants to add “that Ian confirmed the possibility that the X-Country water main may be partially on private property”. KK 2nds amendment, passes 2-0, amended minutes passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the non-public from 11/4/2021, KK 2nds passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the manifest in amount of $10,437.31, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

DM contacted Sharon Monroe regarding books overflowing the Little Library

DM contracted Bob Boyd and he stated that the Class VI waiver stayed with the property and therefore the property owner does not need to file additional waiver when property changes hands.

DM states that at 23 Huttwil there was a new septic in 2020. Ian, at last week meeting, stated he had made a site visit and is concerned that there may still be a problem. Bob Boyd stated that DES should be contacted regarding septic issues. KK makes a motion to contact DES regarding condition of septic at 23 Huttwil, JB 2nds, will provide contact info to the office. Passes 2-0 DM confirmed that theDistrict will get past due water bill paid from the closing of 46 Huttwil. Discussion on the Dam OMR completed form is due12/31/21, Pond Level Policy Plan, and action item of clearing away brush from the DAM needs to be documented. JB will reach out to Tricky Tree to do clearing around the Dam.

Discussion on Eastern Analytical quote, JB will compare to Granite State’s pricing.

Discussion on Annual Meeting being held in the morning or the evening, Moderator Bob Ingraham stated the evening gets a better turn out. JB makes a motion to schedule the 2022 Annual meeting for March 5th, polls open 4pm-6pm and deliberative session 6pm-10pm. KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Discussion on the Reinach Project, just received correspondence from Dubois & King and they have yet to begin working on the pressure issues on Upper Lakeview for the installation of additional PRV pits. District submitted the contract 8 weeks ago. R Skarinka is back assisting DES and contacted the office for an update on the Reinach Project. JB let him know the contents of the communication that was sent to Jones & Beach regarding punch list items and lack of deliverables and lack of action by Dawsons.

KK suggests we select a day for the Budget Hearing and add public hearing on ordinance changes to that date. Discussion that proposed Driveway ordinance amendment should be sent to attorney for review. KK will draft correspondence for the office. JB makes a motion to schedule the Budget Hearing on January 28th at 7pm, KK 2nds passes 2-0, JB reached out to Ron Briggs regarding status of work at the Lodge.

Surveyors from Horizon Engineering will be in the District on Nov 16th to begin GPS of the primary valves, PRVs and CSVs etc. Office will send an email blast that this will be taking place.

KK asks to schedule a budget work session, December 15th is selected, time TBD.

JB makes a motion to have Ian purchase 2 new dataloggers for the water system for up to $800 for 2. KK 2nds, passes 2-0.

Discussion on email from Ralph Lutjen, his concern is that a culvert is directing water on to a lot (26 St Moritz) that he is trying to sell, this makes it difficult to site a septic system. KK asks how long that culvert has been there, JB states it was part of the original layout of District roads and the water is an active stream. Discussion that this in not the Districts responsibility, JB will draft an email for the office.

Discussion on 32 Bristenstock, driveway being “flooded”, this is due to a culvert that was damaged by Dawson during water main installation, they believed it was non-functioning. Reply that we are aware of the problem scheduled for repair in the Spring.

KK discusses that she had Andrew Harteveldt at the office for 2 hours, he updated the SCADA interface with our internet phone to assist in calling out alarms, configured the new printer to have FAX capability, reviewed the NEST security camera recordings for proper settings, updated JAVA Script for access to Carroll Registry of Deeds. KK worked with Dave from Simply water and identified 33 CSV. Approximately 130 have been done.

Dr. Davit on Grachen Road Ext was concerned that the brush cutting for the X-County water main crossed on his property which was recently survey, his true concern was where the actual water main was located. JB walked the property with owner and stated Granite State Rural will be asked to identify the actual location of this water main.

There were 3 91-A requests this past week for a total of 30 mins of admin time.

Discussion with Dinah Reiss regarding the process of having the second check book for the water related bills and how to do the splits between operating and water budgets. DM states that she is having a conference call with the Auditor and Cats Booking Service to discuss the details of separating the funds.

DM states that she would like to be involved, DM will contact her.

JB makes a motion at 10:30am to enter non-public per RSA 91-A:3,II (b) – employee hiring, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Re-enter Public session at 11:01am,

Discussion on update of the employee handbook, KK will draft language

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:05am, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday November 4th, 2021-Amended

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday November 4th, 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioner Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS) joins at 9:35, Donna MacKinnon (DM)- Administrator, Kelly Robitaille (KR),DPW, Diana Reiss (DR)-Treasurer,  Meeting videotaped by Madison TV

Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order at 9:04am

JM makes a motion to approve the agenda, KK 2nds, passes 2-0


KR DPW finished restoring the gravel roads that were involved in the Reinach Tank Project. 8 Eidelweiss Drive driveway was completed by contractor according to engineered plan. KK makes a motion to issue a Driveway Permit for Operation for 8 Eidelweiss Dr (located on Bern Dr). JB 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to accept the water hook-up application for 5 Grandval Way, KK 2nds, to be scheduled for spring of 2022, passes 2-0

KR states that Little Library has expanded into the District bus stop building, JB makes a motion to have DM contact Sharon Monroe to have material removed from inside bus stop, KK 2nds passes 2-0, Motion passed 3-0. KR has the blue bike that was in the woods behind the mailboxes.

KR states that there is a leak in the new DPW toilet, KK will contact the contractor.

JB read draft letter to Jones & Beach regarding outstanding items in contract and deadlines. JB discusses the survey that began early in project but was not completed due to weather. KK makes a motion to send the letter to J&B, KK 2nds, passes 2-0,

JB makes a motion to a approve the minutes of 10/28, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to a approve the non-public minutes of 10/28, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest of $5385.30, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Conference call with Auditor Scott Eagan, Discussion on why the delay, had to separate all the water expenses and calculate beginning and ending balances for the water fund account, discussion on setting up a separate checking account for water expenses and a process to reimburse water expenses from the operating budget, like payroll. KK asks about preparing 2021 for audit to minimize additional hours for the audit, they will assist. Discussion on 30K warrant that was reported as passed when it had failed, discussion on accounting of the 1st years payment for Reinach and it is carry over to the 2021 budget. MS joins at 9:35 KK asks about the incremental cost for the Audit and Scott says we are looking at approx. $4,000.00 over contract price. KK asks about 2021 audit for 2022 budget and he will let us know. Draft audit has $313K in unassigned fund.

DM states that 56 Huttwil sale is pending and that we should get the $980 past due water bill payment.

Water hook up request for 3 Grimsel, prior owner had inquired in 2019 and there is no water main in front of that property, they do have a 2007 driveway permit for construction w/Class VI road waiver. DM asks is waiver stays with the property or with the owner, DM will ask Bob Boyd-Madison Building Inspector. Response to owner regarding water hook up that the main is on Klausen and that property owner is responsible for contracting the work with oversight by our water operator.

DM states that she accounted for the all the costs related to the 6 water hook-ups for reimbursement from the Water Line Extension Fund

JB makes a motion to transfer $13,349.76 from Water Line Ext Fund to Operating Budget for water hook up costs. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Signatures needed for Pond Water Level Policy, KK had signed, JB signs, MS will not sign,

JB makes a motion to have the annual meeting on March 5th, KK 2nds, discussion on time of day, 8am-10am voting and deliberative session at 10am-noon or 4pm-6pm voting, 6pm-10pm deliberative. Table until next week.

Discussion on Emergency Action Plan for the Dam, draft is being worked on and will be sent to DES for review before additional work to be done, MS wants a copy of what is being sent to DES to review. Tricky Tree cleared Reinach and Rigi water main paths, JB will ask for a price to clear around the Lodge for 2022. $2,500.

MS asked for clarification of the J&B bills and the payments made. KK explains the spread sheets.

Discussion on the X-Country water main potentially being on private property, no as-builts of the Cross Country Main from Jungfrau. MS is concerned that JB made comments that the surveyor and the engineered plans were not accurate, JB states the original plan is not in question but that there may have been field changes during installation. Ian joins the meeting and confirms hearing that the location of the X-Country water main may be partially on private property. Granite State Water may be able to locate these water mains, Ian will contact them.

MS makes a motion to reach out to Dubois & King for details on the Cross Country water main, Jungfrau-Reinach, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Ian: 3 new water hook-ups to be done this coming week. Plans to turn on bleeders and do some maintenance  where needed, $30-$50 for each bleeder worst case.

Ian knows of 10 or so CSV that need replacing, MS asks that we get as may done as possible. Discussion on Huttwil water shut-off, Ian would like Madison Health Officer to confirm that septic work had been done in the past few years to correct septic failure before shutting off the water. Ian is concerned about the possibility of contamination. JB will draft correspondence.

Ian will be meeting the Tom from EII to update any SCADA issues. JB will be avail for Fri am meeting w/ Horizons Engineering for Asset Management. Discussion on 5 Reinach water hookup. Discussion on water usage report, hard to determine what exactly occurs but seems to be tracking normally.

MS asks about the cost for a spare pump for the DPW well, $6800 not including freight. Ian discussed possibly having tanks drained and cleaned every 5 years. Chocorua tank is exposed but not a real concern – more cosmetic. MS makes a motion to purchase the $6800 well pump as a spare, KK 2nds, JB asks how long-ago the current pump was installed, Ian states end Dec 2018 so 3 years ago. JB asks about issue of warranty and leaving the pump on the shelf for years. Passes 3-0

Discussion on Oak Station, one of the pumps has failed as air gets inside causing damage. New pump approx. $3800, could try repair for $1500 but no guarantee that it will work. MS makes a motion to purchase a new pump for Oak Station, JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Ian is transferring water testing for his other customers to Eastern Analytical for chemical testing for “substantial savings.” Ian will send us the cost differences. Still use current vendor for bacteria. MS talks about the shutoff and isolation valves that he and Ian located back in 2015.

KK discusses the problem with the Employee handbook and the way vacation time is calculated. This was a know problem, the applicant for the Admin position inquired about it. Lengthy discussion on what the intent was and how to clarify.

JB makes a motion to adopt the new language regarding vacation time. “after 90 days, the employee will accrue .5 day per calendar month for the remainder of that calendar year with no personal days. On January 1st after the 90days, the employee receives:

1st year 1 week and 1 personal day,

2nd year 1 week and 2 personal days,

3rd year 2 weeks and 3 personal days,

4th year 2 weeks and 4 personal days,

5th year 2 weeks and 5 personal days,

6th year 3 weeks and 6 personal days,

There is an accumulation of an additional personal day per year of service to a maximum of 10 personal days.

KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion at 12:45pm to enter non-public per RSA 91-A:3,II (b) – employee hiring, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Re-enter Public session at 1:18pm, JB makes a motion to adjourn at 1:20pm, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday October 28th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday October 28th, 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Donna Mackinnon (DM)- Administrator, Kelly Robitaille (KR) DPW, Diana Reiss (DR)-Treasurer, Mark Graffam (MG), Dorothy Wondolowski (DW), Meeting videotaped by Madison TV

Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order at 9:01am

JM makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0


Driveway Permit for Construction submitted for 32 Upper Lakeview, JB states he would like to have been able to walk the property first, as well as review the septic placement.  MS states that we are only to approve the driveway permit and not the building issues, JB states that he is signing the permit and that the plan submitted should be reviewed. JB makes a motion to approve the Driveway permit for construction for 32 Upper Lakeview with conditions listed by KR, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Driveway permit for construction submitted for 5 Grandval Way, noted the proximity to the wetlands, JB makes a motion to approve the Driveway Permit for Construction with conditions listed by KR, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on 8 Eidelweiss Dr, contractor has culverts at the site.

Discussion on the increase of the road salt, KK makes a motion to approve the contract for Eastern Minerals at 73.90/ton, MS 2nds, This is the municipal price, Passes 3-0, MS makes a motion to approve up to $5000 for salt purchase, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion of Rocks on Bristenstock, property owner has hired equipment to move some of them off the road.

JB makes a motion to sign the letter to 47 Eidelweiss Drive regarding the need for completion of conditions of their Driveway permit application. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on Reinach project punch list, JB will contact Brad Jones of J&B to get dates on completion of deliverables and explanation of overage on Contract #6, as well as discussion on Dawsons ability to complete punch list items by 12/1.

KR states that Sunday Paving is complete and can be paid.


JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 10/7/2021, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the non-public minutes of 10/21/2021, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the non-public minutes of 10/5/2021, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes of 10/25, KK makes a motion to amend increase the $100 to $120 for annual Google Nest subscription. JB 2nds, passes 3-0

Discussion on public hearing date of Dec 11th, MS is not available, discussion having the public hearing on the same date as the budget hearing, all agree.

Scheduled conference call the Scott Eagan of Plodznik & Sanderson (auditor), technical difficulty with phones and service in the building, postponed until next week.

DM states that the MS535 has been completed as well as the Draft of Governmental Funds,

JB makes a motion to approve the manifest for $37,678.99, MS 2nds, JB asks about the detail of the Simply Water invoice, passes 3-0

DR confirms the balance of the DN Tanks retainage account  for the check

Discussion on Dam Management Policy, KK asks MS when and why did the District start a Spring drawdown, MS states that the spring runoff could cause possible road flooding, KK states that since this is an emergency it would be covered in the proposed plan. JB makes a motion to approve the current Pond Level Management Plan, KK 2nds, Discussion by DW about suggestion to gather more information about the impact of changing water levels, MS states that we should get more data, KK asks what historical data they are looking for and that it could take years, MS states he in not against keeping the water high except for fall draw down, spring draw done and Loon nesting season. KK suggests removing point #7 which is redundant to #4, JB 2nds that amendment, passes 3-0, vote on amended policy, 2-1-0 JB makes a motion to sign policy out of session, KK 2nds, passes 2-1

JB makes a motion to sign the DN tank retainage check in the amount of $7776.99, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

KR states that there is no heat in DPW1, KK states that the propane hook-up was not done and she should have followed up. DM will contact Amerigas

Municipal Bond Bank needs current financials, Tricky Tree will start on Monday to clear the water main paths, JB marked the area.

MS asks about the total amount paid to J&B, DM will send him the spreadsheet with Contract 1,2,3,5,6 details.

Discussion on proposed ordinance updates for driveway and water hook-ups, MS states that changes should be a warrant article.

Madison Town meeting is March 12th, discussion on VDOE for March 5th, DM will reach out to school for gym availability.

JB reviews letter from Madison police chief regarding the additional antenna on the tower that is located on District property, this will assist local DPW, Fire and Police.

MS is concerned that he reads this as meaning that the District DPW will be maintaining the access to the tower. JB reads the full letter and states that it doesn’t say that. MS wants letter amended to state that VDOE will not be involved in maintenance. Chief King walks by and JB asks him to explain the letter. JB makes a motion to sign the letter as submitted, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

KK states that Ian Hayes is switching to a new water testing company that will save his customers money, DM to asks for the costs to we can compare to our current testing company.  

There will be a Water Committee meeting Monday 9AM with Horizon Engineering to start the data transfer.

Mike leaves meeting at 11:10

Discussion the how to handle funds for the DRA/Auditor going forward, cannot co-mingle funds.

JB makes a motion to enter non-public RA 91-A:3 II (b) at 11:15, roll call, 2-0

Reconvene public session at 11:47am

Non-public minutes are sealed

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:47, KK 2nds, passes 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Monday October 25th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday October 25th, 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), (DM) Donna Mackinnon- Administrator

Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order at 9:01am

JB makes a motion to enter non-public per RSA 91-A:3,II (b) – employee hiring KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Public Meeting re-convenes at 11:21AM

JM makes a motion to add the Google Nest security video subscription up to $100/annual. KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Kk discusses Audit and how she believes that the DRA wants to keep the operating funds and water funds separate – no-comingling of funds

Discussion on having a conference call with Scott Eagan regarding the audit, DM will arrange for Thursday meeting

Discussion on public hearing on December 11th, MS may not  be available but will let us know on Thursday

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:50am, KK 2nds passes 3-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner


Commissioners Meeting

Thursday October 7th, 2021

The Board of Commissioners met at 9:00am on Thursday October 7th, 2021.

In attendance for the public meeting are Commissioners Kathy Koziell (KK), Commissioner Jay Buckley (JB), Commissioner Mike Smith (MS), Administrator Carrieanne Haight (CH), Kelly Robitaille (KR), Treasurer Dinah Reiss (DR), Ralph Lutjen (RL), Gloria Aspinal (GA), John Cancelarich(JC) The meeting was recorded by Madison TV                         

Commissioner JB calls the meeting to order at 9:01am, JB makes a motion to approve the agenda, MS 2nds, passes 3-0

JB makes a motion to enter non-public per RSA 91-A:3,II (a) – employee review, KK 2nds, passes 3-0

Public Meeting re-convenes at 9:14

DPW Report

Discussion on Reinach project punch list, Dawsons agrees to 5 year warranty on 9 Reinach water hook up but 1year on all others. MS asks when the 1 year begins, JB states that new hook-ups became operational in June of 2021. Dawsons was non-committal on what to do with the roads. JB to reach out to Dawsons thru Jones & Beach to get a decision by Tuesday October 13th on how we are going to get the roads back to preconstruction condition as well as completion date for other punch list items. DR asked about other items on punch list and JB states that these were addressed. Jake Dawson will dress up the area, get rid of silt fence. Clean up debris etc.

Discussion on 9 Jungfrau Driveway permit for construction application, negative grade to road, KR has no issue with it.

JB makes a motion to approve application for Driveway permit for construction, KK 2nds, MS asks if for construction JB states yes, passes

Discussion on 8 Eidelweiss Drive, received the revised driveway permit for construction application, there is an estimate of $1080 for our DPW to upgrade Bern Dr to facilitate the work on their driveway and the district is gaining a better road. Cost to be agreed by and paid by contractor, Mr. Nyman.

KK makes a motion to approve the 8 Eidelweiss Dr revised driveway application for construction (driveway on Bern Dr),  MS 2nds passes 3-0

KR concerned about project getting completed this year.

KK discussion on kayak removal from racks, email asking for veterans Nov 13th so update website for Nov 15th

Discussion on amount required for 3 bids, KK thought $35K down to 25K, JB thought it went from $10 to $25. CH states that in 2017 it was $35K adopted on Jan 30th. JB states that Madison is $20K or $25K. MS asks what this is about. JB explains that projects over a certain amount need to be put out to bid. DR asks that it be put on the website. JB asks that the voicemail with former admin Nancy voice be changed. KR asks what happens when you can’t get multiple bids. KK suggests that we at least document the 3 contractors that were contacted.

Email asking about a wedding ceremony 5/28/2022 (Sunday) on at Summit Overlook outdoors, asking for an additional picnic table, KK states not our responsibility, party can provide their own table. MS makes a motion to allow for Wedding on 5/22/2022 JB 2nds, passes 3-0

JB asks KR if he saw video of individual relieving himself on a private driveway. Can we provide identification – no one could.

Discussion on Rocks on Bristenstock. Letter just received from Officer Hayford. Officer Hayford is still trying to reach Mr. Sanborn. Sanborn has admitted that they are his responsibility. Discussion on town roads vs VDOE roads that are actually deeded to VDOE. KK asks if there is a hazard if they are they left over the winter, KR states no impact on plowing.

MS states that if we don’t do something we are setting the table to let others do whatever they want. KK asks MS what his solution is, if no response by Wednesday, then we start by removing the rocks, KK asks who would be doing this, KR states that DPW should not get involved, JB estimated that 7 truckloads could cost $10,000. Then we have to store and protect Sanborn property. MS states we can recoup cost by billing him. MS believes this is GE Browns responsibility as he dumped the rocks there and should have known not to. KK asks MS if he wants to call GE Brown, MS states this is a Police issue, MS makes a motion to contact police asking for an answer from Sanborn by October 13th so we can act. JB 2nds passes 3-0 KR suggests that we add that the VDOE road is actually District property.

Email from resident thanking the District for the good job on paving of Chocorua View Dr.

Residents asked the office about the status of the Audit, email from Scott Eagan stating that the MS 535 is still not completed, expecting sometime today. JB states that Madison is still waiting on their audit as well. MS can’t recall the audit ever being this late, MS makes a motion to contact Plodzik and Sanderson to find out the status of the audit and what’s going on. KK states that Donna has emailed and called which is part of the job and we don’t need a motion for that. Suggestion that one of the Commissioners call the Audit Firm and complain. KK asks MS if he would like to do that, he is too busy. JB states he will call. DR states that without the audit how do we know what the unassigned fund is, would be nice to know before creating warrant articles and that we cannot apply for a TAN loan without the 2020 audit

JB asks about process for payment to Horizons Engineering for the asset management water mapping project. KK states that we can’t take the money from the CRF prior to getting billed, we submit the invoices with approval minutes to the Trustees of Trust Funds for release of funds. We could pay the bills from the operating budget then reimburse with CRF, JB expresses concern that our cash flow is getting low. RL asks what the open items are from the audit and that we should ask them for the competed audit. DR asks when the audit was supposed to be completed, JB thinks it was June, KK states anticipated in June. MS asks about the cost of the audit and that the cheapest isn’t always the best. JB states that there are very few firms that do municipalities and that the firm Madison uses hasn’t gotten their audit done either. KK states that we hired a new auditor as we had been using the same firm for several years and need to have a new set of eyes on the finances

JB states that DRA portal still has uncorrected minutes from the May 2021 annual meeting (warrant article 13 to reclassify a section of Adelboden had lot number transposed). CH will take care of that.

JB makes a motion to approve the minutes from 9/20/2021 KK 2nds passes 3-0

Discussion on Dam Management Policy, MS states that JB should recuse himself as he is on Volunteer Fire dept and that the policy should not include any reference to fire hydrants. MS has a copy of a 91A request from the Fire Chief of Madison that MS states requires 12” of water over the hydrant intake where we have 18”-24”. JB asks for the document and reads that “in general 12” is adequate but that at Boulder Beach 3’-6’ is recommended”. MS questions why that amount, JB states that the amount was on the PBN (permit by notification) submitted to DES. MS asks about that drawing and JB states should be at office. KK asks why we would not want to keep the water high to insure the functioning of the hydrant for the protection of properties. MS states that even if the rating code went from a 9 to 10 you could still get insurance.

GA asks when all the board are in what is the height of the water to (inaudible) JB states that all boards are in now, and from the Mark to the pipe is 18” and from the Mark to the top of the concrete is 4” so a total of 22” above the pipe. JC discussed the issue with ice over the water and possible impact. JB states that a few years ago that as a result of a fire a on Middle Shore and the use of the dry hydrant created an obvious depression that was left in the ice.MS asks if the residents on Big Pea were more interested in water clarity. JC explains that at a meeting of the Triple Pea group whose concern is the runoff going into the ponds. KK states that this is getting off track and lets move back to the meeting.

MS states that JB should recuse himself from voting on the Dam Mngt policy as he is a Volunteer firefighter and that he does get paid. MS states that the policy is more geared to the fire dept. JB asks where you would put that policy of keeping the water at a level to insure hydrant operation. MS states again that JB should recuse himself. KK suggests reaching out to NHMA for clarification, JB did print off info from NHMA website regarding conflict of interest and reads the interpretation. Lengthy discussion between JB and MS on conflict of interest, and who possibly benefits from Dam policy. RL asks about the spring draw down which impacts the loon nesting,

and there is no data on the effects of a spring draw down, RL believes that if the loons leave it would be a major detriment to the community. Suggest that we obtain sufficient information which we don’t currently have, should have a specialist create a report on the impact and we should not change the policy until we have that information. GA states that the loons are nesting from 4/15 to 7/1. JB states that with the Dam yardstick we can monitor effects of rain and drought on the ponds and that this will be part of the Emergency Action Plan for the Dam that is being created. KR asks who is going to be monitoring the levels that regularly. JB states not the DPW maybe a volunteer or hire someone. GA states that DES wants water flowing to minimize mosquitos. RL suggests we reconsider spring draw down and to not make a decision without all the data. KK states biologist at the public hearing was credible. JC states biologist had grown up here and isn’t looking at a point in time. RL states that boards are not being taken in out numerous times MS agrees. KR mentions the Big Loop Hydrant and is it even working, JB says yes, it’s functioning. Discussion on fall drawdowns throughout the state.

Discussion on Eben Farm property (1/2 acre Adelboden/Eidelweiss lot merged with 105 acre Madison Lot). Town Madison has allocated 10% of the tax value to Edelweiss.

MS asks how that can be if we don’t own 10% of the property, KK and JB explain that the Eidelweiss lot has a higher value per acre than the Madison property. MS is concerned that owner could potentially put a 6” water main up Adelboden and sell water to 50 homes on that property. KK and JB explain that property outside of Eidelweiss has no right to connect to our water system. RL states that maybe for clarification that we amend the water ordinance to “no water hook-ups outside of Eidelweiss Zone”.

JC asks about the Adelboden lot becoming an access point to numerous properties. JB states that Driveway Ordinance is for a driveway not a road. JC questions accepting the taxes from 49 Adelboden and if that creates a problem. DR states that JB should recuse himself from decision on this as he owns property across from 49 Adelboden JB states not across and not abutting but near. KK asks MS to get clarification on the letter regarding the “10%”. MS states that we should have the lawyer involved, KK states that there is nothing to present to the lawyer other than hypotheticals. MS states we should be protecting the District. KR asks about the reason for the lot merger back in 2009 must have had a plan to access thru Eidelweiss, KR is concerned about the roads. JB recalls that D Marks (prior owner) wanted to use Eidelweiss as access for logging and was denied so when he saw the Adelboden lot available he purchased. JC states concern about shared driveway. MS again states that attorney should be involved to protect the district. MS states that JB was involved in the merger as he was on the planning board back in 2009, JB explains that the Chairman of the Planning board approves the merger and other members of the planning board have no say.

MS asks if we have a water engineer of record, JB states we don’t, Dubois &King had been on record. MS makes a motion to start exploring the avenue for an engineer of record, JB 2nds. Let’s wait and see how Horizon performs their work, MS suggests we get 4-5 names and see which fits our needs. And then hire one. KK states that we have D&K does water and we should have the right to choose who we want based on the project. Does DES require an engineer of record? JB states that they don’t.

JB states next Thursday is kick-off meeting for Asset Management at noon at Library, CH to send email blast and update website. MS doesn’t want to withdraw motion, KK states that motion needs “someone to get 4-5 names” who is going to do that. MS agrees to present options for District engineer of record. MS states that everything should go thru the office. KK asks if the Reinach project punch list walkthrough should have been done with office staff, MS agrees that should have been a commissioner which is our point that there are numerous times that information goes thru the office but Commissioners need to execute.

MS asks about the new computers that were appropriated several months ago, JB explains that there is very little available for what we decided on and are on backorder, chips are scarce causing the backlog. JB will check with Dell. MS asks if we should get on a list. JB states we might get it piecemeal, we should wait for newest technology. Andrew H is keeping his eyes open as he wants us to get the best products.

MS asks about the sheriff tower and that JB asked for the Contract. MS asks why, and there was an inquiry by T-Mobile requesting access. JB states that was for the Cell tower owned by Coleman. MS says no room on Coleman tower. KK states nothing to do with us. JB wants language updated as to approved use and access to Sheriff tower. If T-Mobile does get access to Coleman Cell tower the District will get an increase in lease fee.

MS leaves the meeting at 11:15

JB makes a motion to approve the payroll manifest in the amount of $6895.80 KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to approve the operating manifest in the amount of $4916.9 KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB discusses kickoff meeting for Asset Management next Thursday at Library

KK states the DPWI bathroom 99% complete, Electrician to install heat in office tomorrow, desks need to be moved.

KK will take checks to Dinah for signature. KK states that we got a lot done recently for DPWI, garage doors repaired and upgraded, new heating system, accumulating water on floor taken care of, computer, printer, and Wi-Fi.

JB reviews Madison ZBA request for variance for Donga, Jay states he knew him 20 years ago, discussion on wetlands and septic tank. No reason to oppose

12 Bern asking for set-back variance from wetlands, no reason to oppose. JB discussed power line ROW easements which are directly over their house.

JB makes a motion to sign a thank-you letter to Yuri C for cleaning up graffiti on playground. KK 2nds, passes 2-0

JB makes a motion to sign a thank-you letter to Andrew H for assisting with the computer proposal. KK 2nds, passes 2-0

91A request for the 2020 voter check list, took them ½ hour for resident to scan.

JB asked for the new water hookups, some of the newer ones were not in the binder. Need to get info from Ian. JB states we need all this for Asset Management.

New hook-ups that needed dataloggers, meters did work and need calibration/repair.

KK states that having JB reach out to NHMA regarding his conflict of interest would be a conflict of interest and that she would take care of it.

KK asks about driveway permit application for 49 Adelboden Rd. JB believes that there is no active permit application. JB describes the condition of Eben Farm Rd. being unpassable. ROW thru Aspen onto upper part of Eben Farm Rd much easier access. ROW declared as a 25’ access, not a road and access for property owner only.

Water usage report looks good, makes sense based on number of people in district, no evidence of leaks.

JB makes a motion to adjourn at 11:45, KK 2nds passed 2-0

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Koziell, Commissioner